Chapter 9 - The Making of The National Movement - 1870s To 1947

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Chapter 9: The Making of the National Movement

1870’s to 1947
1. What is the country of India, and for whom is it meant?
2. Name the political associations that were formed after 1850.
3. What is the literal meaning of ‘sarvajanik’?
4. Define sovereign.
5. Name the acts that were passed between the 1870’s and 1880’s.
6. What did the Vernacular Press Act allow the government to do?
7. What was the Ilbert Bill, when was it introduced?
8. The Indian National Congress was established when 72 delegates from all over
the country met at Bombay in ___________________
9. Name 4 early leaders of the Indian National Congress.
10. A retired British official, _________________ played a part in bringing
Indians from the various regions together.
11. Name the 3 leaders who started exploring more radical objectives and methods
to fight for freedom.
12. What did the radicals criticize the moderates for, and what did they emphasize
and argue about?
13. In which year was Bengal partitioned?
14. Who partitioned Bengal?
15. What were the main British motives for partitioning Bengal?
16. The struggle that unfolded after the partition of Bengal came to be known as
___________________________, strongest in Bengal, but with echoes elsewhere
too – in deltaic Andhra of instance, it was known as the _____________________.
17. A group of ___________________________ and __________________
formed The All India Muslim league at _____________ in 1906.
18. The Congress split in _____________, but reunited in ____________.
19. What kind of people did the movement against the British involve?
20. Gandhi, aged 46, arrived in India in _________, from South Africa.
21. What was the Rowlatt Act?
22. Gandhi asked the people to observe ___________________. ________ as a
day of non-violent opposition to the Rowlatt Act.
23. The Jallianwala Bagh was inflicted by __________________ in Amritsar on
________________ day.
24. What were the reactions world-wide to the Khilafat issue?
25. Who were Mahants?
26. What were the two important developments of the mid - 1920’s?
27. Independence Day was previously celebrated on _______________,
28. Bhagat Singh was executed with 2 others on ____________________,
29. From where to where did Gandhi and his followers march, to break the salt
30. Name one woman freedom fighter.
31. In ____________, ________ after 2 years of Congress rule in the provinces,
the Second World War broke out.
32. Which rebellion bought the British to its knees?
33. The Muslim League announced ____________________, _________ as
‘Direct Action Day’.
34. What were ‘General’ constituencies?
35. Bhagat Singh, Chandrasekhar Azad, Sukhdev and others formed the
_____________________________________________ in 1928 at Ferozshah
Kotla in Delhi.

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