Collection Concept

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Collection Framework- It is a group of object

It is used to sort, filter, manipulate- Insert/Update/Delete

3 Important Interfaces-

1. List- It allows duplication of data

A] Array List- DDL: Select/Get/Read/Fetch/Retrive
B] Linked List- DML: Insert/Update/Delete

2. Set- Uniqueness
A] Hash Set- Does not maintain order
B] Tree Set- Follows order

3. Map- K, V pair In map never allows duplicate key, but it allows duplicate values
A] Hash Map- Does not maintain order
It allows one null key and multiple null values
B] Tree Map- Follows order
No null key and it allows multiple null values

How Hashmap internally works?

1 Bucket-> 16 Block
Hashing Principle | Linked List Structure

1. equals 2. hashcode 3 collision

Diff. Comparable and Comparator

Comparable Comparator
1. .lang .util
2. compareTo() equals(), compare()
3. It is used to single sequence sorting It is used to multiple sequence sorting

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