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MANE 4™ EDITION The Official Bulletin of Leo Club of Nawala Metro MLN TOGETHER FOB TODORBOW Y 080 C208 OF eee aun masho Leo Rahul Attanayaka Screed PYAR LLC) LEADING NEWSLETTER OF SRI LANKA’S LEO COMMUNITY LEO CLUB OF NAWALA METRO Dechectee fects CMC ese Cece xe CSE aru GENC Ente Cree ase EAN eo Project Diaries Baers Sathkara III eer An International Twinning For Environment The Mind Splash Economics & Development reel Covid-19 Impact on Sri Lanka's Toursim Industry Business >... Content Marketing Science & Technology ood Molecular Tests Antigen Tests Life Inspirations ofa Convert Your Overthinking Into Positivity Sports ICC World Cup Winners Turn perret Artistic Zone niazmizona sFieas Game Zone Editorial Note eos see | ae PROJECT DIARIES SATHKARA Ill Every senior citizen in the community are deserved to be respected, well treated and stayed happily. Senior cit- izens are the parents who have sacri- fised a lot to bring us to a great place and to make us happy. Sometimes their love & care on us are not visible but unknowingly we're feeling it and we haven't ever been abandoned but protected with love by them. oF For this time, we, Leos continued to or- ganize the project ‘SATHKARA® phase Ill again and visited ‘Mawplya Upaha- ra Elders Home’, smile on their face as well as tt It was an adorable evening’ Syely spent with senior citizens who téally need love and affection. — y= > soul. Unfortunately, many of senior citizens are forgotten and abandoned by our community. It's people’s fairness & greatest responsibility to take care of them giving smile on their face but not to leave them. Therefore, we, Leo Club of Nawala Metro started to organize a continuous project greatly named ‘SATHKARA' to treat senior citizens. We, Leos and our senior citizens shared great & valuable ideas among us to feel much more better , complement them with foods & beverages to make this day better & enjoyable, presented some gifts to senior citizens and we entertained them by singing and dancing with them to make them happy in deep. We also engaged in planting activities to make this moment memorable. That adorable evening was very pleasent & hearffelt and the project was suc- cessfully completed with the participation of club members. As a Leo Club, the best reward that we gain is the people's smiles & frue happiness. Apart from that, this type of projects should be promoted for empathy in the community to treat and know the real value of senior citizens well. It was one of our hidden objective behind this project. .] eR TS J NWALA METRO M AN INTERNATIONAL TWINNING FOR ENVIRONMENT An International Twinning for Environment was tree planting and donation project that was successfully conducted in Sti Lanka, Bangladesh, India Brazil & Nepal based on few objectives to support environment and serve people in need in the community. The project was organized by Leo Club of Chattogram Cambrian, District 315-B4 Bangladesh and for that, several of Leo clubs from these countries were jointly participated to this project. The main objective of this project was to support reduction of global warm- ing by planting trees in different places and helping low income fami- lies to act as food source. Leo Club of Chattogram Cambrian, District 315-B4 Bangladesh jointly or- ganized the project with Leo Club of Nawala Metro & Leo Club of Pannipiti- ya Metro Titans. Both of Leo clubs rep- resented Sri Lanka to successfully suc- ceed the project giving a great ser- vice to the community in Sri Lanka. In Sti Lanka, the Leo Club of Nawala Metro & Leo Club of Pannipitiya Metro Titans conducted the project around Pepililyana area planting and donat- ing banana trees fo families & tem- ples, There were nearly 20 families and few temples that can obtain ben- efits from this project. This project Is really initiative because the result that can be obtained from this task, will be useful to environment & people. We're planning to innitiate more environmental projects in the future to benefit people and support environment. The project made an additional op- portunity to strengthen the bond be- tween both of Sri Lankan Leo clubs with the participation of both Leo club members and also the international relation with Chattogram Cambrian, District 315-B4 Bangladesh were built. Commonly, the most of tree planting projects were organized locally so far and this time the Leo program could to beyond boundaries expanding the greatest environmental project con- cepts all around the world with the support of many Leo clubs from differ- ent countries. The global warming is increasingly going high giving dangerous impact on every lives on the earth and if it doesn't stop, itll be a huge disaster to everyone. The cheapest & easiest way to reduce the global warming is planting trees. Environ- ment can be saved not only by planting trees but also by protecting existing nat- ural resources. It's just not only the responsibility of government, environmental organizations & social volunteering organizations but it's everyone's responsibility to protect the environment and grow it more. THE MIND SPLASH COS UC a So. Let's talk about your past journey in Leoism? Well, | joined the movement in the year 2013 as a member of Leo Club of Kottawa Central Golden City. | have been an Assistant Secretary, treasurer and became Se Meu eRe Rel ee Cel Aamo RL etm olre cel eliole Re la em CCR UCR Coli AR ee le Le One PO PAU el tere aC eee URL Coa Co also been in the Leo Multiple District Council since the Leoistic Year 2018/19. Who's Rahul as a character?, TRUS ALC ER Ce Sun Not Se RR RC aL believes impossible is nothing. He is a person who would do his best to bring out Pee eee District President The place where youjre today, is — " excellent and) the) long) way, COUTTS ELT TTT LE retina encase Sos how did/you) overcome the ob- staclesjin)Leoism?) Tae RT Cee Rae Tea eet ae Raed asa Ca Rehan nits Be ERR Rec ate ame Ue esa a eu aay myself, | organise and plan in Cea NaCl s How) deos) yourexperience help) Youre Ses? TSR Mel tee OM Me CoN ATs SE e enc nae rd Sore oe sice Mca uranic my eae Rn el eon ket eae MANE | 4™ Eprrion How do you view the ‘leadershi Leadership is about giving opportunities and understanding the uniqueness in every individual at the same time understanding their differences. Leadership is Bee ee eae ah eae eh eet eae eset: et et Sere tive and negative environments. Commonly the most of Leos are critically facing a challenge of bal- ancing their personal life & Leoism. We all know that you're doing great. So, how do you balance your personal life & Leoism? I repeat it's all about believing yourself. On daily basis i make a priority list in my head as a checklist. But still | am still learning and practicing. | will do better with Rat sue What are the opportunities in Leo program that can aid youngsters to improve themselves?, Se NAR RMR NR eu eR eet Cite Beet hate Cc Mn ee Iain ek cen cnr ee ia os Finally, what/do you) think aboutithe Leo) Elubjof|Nawala Metro? Feel SMR Cohtre BVeoTSS-Cou Pee ee a ems Dees es Ree ee ect ment. | wish them all the very best to c tinue all their good work. MANE | 4™ Eprrion YEARS TOGETHER FOR TOMORROW Leo Club of Nawala Metro District 306 C2 Sri Lanka "Sometimes, the beauty of a journey is not measured by the destination, but by the very landmarks of it which make it memorable. My name is Leo Club of Nawala Metro, and today I turn the 7th page of my journey...” "Throughout this voyage, | must say that | have been extremely fortunate fo meet some really kind hearts who were more than willing to do good fo the society. From children to adults, fauna and flora, | have been able fo extend my helping hand and generosity fo make this world a beautiful one. | now look back and my mind fills with nostalgia. | pledge fo continue these works of philanthropy in future as well” "My Journey of 7 years is filled with wonderful memories which | cherish even today. All the good work done, the songs sang and the laughs shared bring tears of happiness fo my eyes_.. _Voyaging in various paths, | discovered many areas, but more importantly | discovered myself.” “Iraise my glass of nectar to all the people who made my journey, worthwhile ! Thank you !" “We are all stories. Let's make them beautiful" PAnitypiekSteength Vivo dice 5 Fema Se eiciartiom Viknihi ditigs aap te Ata) af ECONOMICS « DEVELOPMENT COVID-19 IMPACT ON SRI LANKA'S TOURISM INDUSTRY Tourism Is one of the important foreign exchange generating industries in Sri Lanka. In 2019 Interna- tional arrivals amounted fo 1.9 m generating USS 3.6 billion revenues, contributing about 5% to the coun- try's GDP. More importantly tourism provides a range of much needed employment to people, with num= bers estimated to be more than 500,000 both in the direct and indirect sector. COVID-19 pandemic impact on all industries around the world but it com- pletely devastated the tourism industry worldwide. The impact on tourism industry is lasting since the beginning of 2020. Due to the second wave of pan- demic, there's no hope that tourism would bounce | back towards soon. The number of international tourist arrivals in Sti Lanka declined in March 2020 by 70.8% in compari- son to a year ago as the tourism industry has been hit hard by the coronavirus outbreak. Suspended alll of passenger flights and ships to contain the spread of the highly contagious viral disease. “With these developments earnings from tourism were provision- ally estimated to have declined to $135 million in March 2020 in comparison to $461 million in March 2019,” the central bank said. The remittances from Sri Lankan expatriates, a major income earner to the country, had also declined by 13.9% in March year on year amounting to $492 million. The net outflow of foreign investments worth $261 million was recorded in March. In the tiny stock market, a net outflow of $6 million was also noted. The trading floor was shut from mid-March to mid-May due to the lockdown, the bank said. The central bank said that the Sri Lankan rupee had also depreciated significantly with the outbreak of the pandemic “during the latter part of March up to mid April, reaching a peak of tupees 199.75 per US dollar on April 9. MANE | 4™ Eprrion Content marketing is a form of mar- keting that involves creating, publish- ing, and sharing content such as videos, blogs & social media posts for a targeted audience online to pro- mote products or services. Today with the globalization, your content should be unique and it should make your audience to feel natural to buy your products & ser- vices. To obtain maximum results, cre- ating a story is more important, be- cause it can touch your people's heart. In doing so, your content will feel more authentic, engaging, & tai- lored to your audience. Content does more than just filling up your web pages, it builds confidence amongst your current & your soon to be clients too. Because a content can change someone's prospectives. It helps you fo create great brand awareness and drives traffic to your website where your products or ser- vices are listed. RE Importance 1) Build brand awareness. Pere UCR sa 4) Build relationships between your ree aes 6)Show your customers how your products & services give solutions. Ne Mg around your brand. Ale RO Ue Cults) Dee eC React] Pe pee ee eu et) ken cu) eee eeu] OW ee econ eet] OR Cke eum cu) Content Marketing Strategies 1) Set SMART goals. Pe rR lg ee eee Ce CUR Oe CET ROR Reais Nee nek si rere ous DU eee haere es MOLECULAR TESTS This COVID-19 test detects genetic material of the virus using a lab tech- nique called polymerase chain reac- tion (PCR). A fluid sample Is collected by inserting a long nasal swab (naso- pharyngeal swab) into your nostril and taking fluid from the back of your nose or by using a shorter nasal swab (mid-turbinate swab) to get a sample. In some cases, a long swab Is inserted into the back of your throat (oropha- tyngeal swab), or you may spit into a tube to produce a saliva sample. Re- sults may be available in minutes if analyzed onsite or a few days — or longer in locations with test process- ing delays — if sent to an outside lab. PCR tests are very accurate when properly performed by a health care professional. but the rapid test can miss some cases. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY Some point-of-care molecular tests (particularly Abbott ID NOW) are less sensitive than reference lab tests. Mo- lecular tests do produce false nega- tives, but not very often. False nega- tives are unlikely when a person has the most virus, which is usually in the first five days of symptoms. If a molecular test said you were neg- ative for the virus in the first five days you showed symptoms, you are prob- ably not infected. Further along in the illness, it may be more difficult to de- termine. (Ea il ANTIGEN TESTS This COVID-19 test detects certain proteins in the virus. Using a long nasal swab to get a fluid sample, some anti- gen tests can produce results in min- utes. Others may be sent to a lab for analysis. A positive antigen test result is considered accurate when instruc- tions are carefully followed, but there's an increased chance of false-nega- tive results — meaning it's possible to be infected with the virus but have a negative result. Depending on the sit- vation, the doctor may recommend a PCR test to confirm a negative antigen test result. These rapid tests, which detect certain proteins on the surface of the virus, are inexpensive, efficient, and fast. Four of these tests have been FDA approved for emergency use. They can be used to make a clinical diagnosis in symp- tomatic patients in the first five days of symptoms. However, they aren't cur- rently recommended for screening asymptomatic populations. False positive results are fairly unlikely with these tests when used as de- scribed above, but if you have symp- foms and receive a negative antigen fest result, you may still have COVID-19 and may need a molecular fest for confirmation. Antigen tests would be very good screening tests for symptomatic pa- tients early in illness—particularly in settings where access to a molecular tests is poor or where it takes a very long time to get results. Screening of symptomatic pediatric patients who commonly get respiratory viruses may also be a good reason to use them. COVID-19 C @e — A LIFE INSPIRATIONS CONVERT YOUR OVERTHINKING ON MR: CS Cen aR u Rute) CaCl POR eRe emu cr has no limits and it can bring you OUR nnn tas pected. It can stress and pressure yourself up and as the result it would be end up giving you depression. If AUR RR CeCe al ro COMER Lig OM Rn ace pCR Ru asec a CUR e Some people overthink due to real negative incidents and some over- TO aM MM Matte Meee Nasu ete an ean CoM Re tn aC you move forward to solve it and if PCM OM Ca: CZs think fo put yourself down? Overthink- Ing Is destructive and has no limits. So, why don't you convert destrcutivity ON eee eee ed en eR aan eee LR ae et Dae ML MeCN EM eM SSM Te} optimistic for the future. “an INTO POSITIVITY Ta NCA Ro Cn ea RS mela ta tience. Think and find why and how it happened to you then move forward ee eee Clean ener be experienced. Sometimes this is not ee tela Map nC) Smear) tis give you solutions? It can only put you down to the worst level from the place NMC A A ea LO Pee eee cet Cue en Cees Pee nents ra ea ieee Russ Eom Core INA stn Cue e trea Rese am Get sufficient sleep. Cee eerste Noite? et ceas Pee CN recess iTeh ete ries eerste Cer OR aE Cee Uke Stop Overthink if there is nc- Reason to- Think. Stop Overthink & Move Forwatd. for Solutions if there is Real poe sO) Te IT a aay lc SPORTS 1¢C WORLD CUP WINNERS NSP Gen ete URN | 85a qBoey eaedend Se G6MIGDS ArQde Fonts Sosse 66) Age g6 60 O85 gO Geo) o:OaQvde cOeme 26) wrO 9G Boned Qe 60S BHM Boss ot) Gan 8a8 wd Sardos Q® 80 8 a8 GO Daegu Bard go ecreao Baw) 6Oxe0 dass 525) 8@) Ogos cas mds ens BoB ddan ownge B8one GO S80 |xts qt)... Sado 0d SoSod a@ 80 8 ae &O Silva Leo Club of Nawala Metro f May this be a Tribute to All the Lost Souls in All Wars Ye, please listen to my story Of woe and melancholy Placed on an oak over yonder Where we both used to wander Written on a beautiful linen With hopes on a yellow ribbon My lover, My darling, my flower, Who yomped many miles Away from my life When I looked back and cried Leaving two children behind Bearing the pain and loss Without seeing you for yonks I cry now no more For | have no fears anymore Yodel your love I'll Send my wishes through Nile Soldier my lover A father my dear Wake me up very soon In the night of Yule Untie ye olde linen Yer yellow ribbon Leo Vihang Leo Club of Capture of Qrilliance fT Log retire tet Uy Pee a CnC RP arsey An Drawing of Krilliance Drawn by Leo Lakshitha Rajindra | Leo Club of Nawala Metro. its Nel ar ens ee GRR Re mu Tea Mm cee Rat STL oh cross word connect of this edition. All you've to do is to create words with the fol- eee ae ean ri tecie La Across 4S ee Uncen eee ware eit ears 7 Pee ne Rae 8 Un ec ee ere tard 9 Bee een eecie ce nur RN ee Re a ae ces UU What was the first thing taxed by the British Parliament. 1 eee CUM cert te Role Celie Melo U CU tel col 7”), Who wrote The Spirit of The Laws? 3 mat was ruler of England in the year 1215. SSS ea a Hy 6 MOO cchiCd tose Ciel son} IT a Py ik) OVID-19 PANDEMIC BASIC PREVENTIVE METHODS Follow these steps to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 Weara face mask Stay home when you leave home Disinfect Cover your everything cough Wash your peel meee hands offen shaking hands Keep 2m Avoid distance crowded places Be a responsible citizen of the nation and a true lover of your family by protecting yourself & others from Covid-19. Let's act honestly to eliminate this deadliest virus from the earth together! VA MANE Buttes en esr wos eRe Rau reac) EDITIONS LEOSTIC YEAR 2020 - 2021 [ON Pare | Sayed NOTE POC a Na eeu PURO a aT - =) tion, the official newsletter of Leo Club of Nawala Metro. Few changes are done with new additions on this edition for your interests. I'd like to give my vote Cee a me UN me any Beane eae I's proud to say that, we're celebrating the 7th anni- versary of our Leo club and the journey we've come. up so far have made a positive impact on communi- ty. Community facilitation and the true smile on peo- PORN cecal amr me Lo: oat ee ater Runs iene el) an aS Corals tat Nes ea (ane e crn Rag Pere Nesta ets cd Leo Isuru Bulegoda eed oer - MANE - Leo Club of Nawala Metro Keep in touch with ‘MANE’ next edition. Stay safe! As we're Leos, the best reward we can ever obtain is Te eS ue ee ey RO een ieea kel a Dee Me ORR CR ate erst RU eeeta | welfare we've done so far and creative & useful col- lection of arficles. We're proudly presenting you the ON we Ueno ERO a ae e ont CeCe RCM a mac Leela Me eRe am aOR st Coan] CCC Munem een ane Deemer ee eee ee een ee eS Clg - MANE - Leo Club of Nawala Metro Let's go farward for the glories by helping each other. SANTINO aces OM URLS Pei eri) tr aso) Leos of Sri 8 MANE Piet) na kodN The Official Bulletin of Leo Club of Nawala Metro LEGACY CONTINUES TO SERVE COMMUNITY F a ao L LEO CLUB OF Of NAWALA METRO LEOSTIC YEAR 2020 - 2021

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