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桃園創新學報 第三十三期


As mentioned above, the proposed method is suited to decision-making in fuzzy

environments. The proposed model expressed the dimensions of FSCA presented by
Braunscheidel and Suresh [2009] with five-dimensions, including internal integration
agility, external integration agility with suppliers, external integration agility with
customers, volume flexibility, and mix flexibility. Furthermore, the extent of each agility
dimension of FSCA can be assessed by three agility metrics: alertness, responsiveness, and
quickness. The each flexibility dimension of FSCA can be assessed by four flexibility
metrics: efficiency, responsiveness, versatility, and robustness. For convenience, internal
integration agility is represented as X1, external integration agility with suppliers as X2,
external integration agility with customers as X3. Their metrics are represented as X i11 , X i1 2 ,
and X i1 3 accordingly. Likewise, volume flexibility is represented as X4, and mix flexibility as
X5. Their metrics are represented as X i2 1 , X i2 2 , X i2 3 , and X i2 4 accordingly. The evaluation

hierarchy of FSCA is shown as Fig. 1.

X1. Internal integration
agility X i11 . Alertness

X2. External integration X i1 2 . Responsiveness

agility with suppliers

X i1 3 . Quickness
X3. External integration
agility with customers

Firm’s supply chain

X i2 1 . Efficiency
X4. Volume
flexibility X i2 2 . Responsiveness

X5. Mix X i2 3 . Versatility


X i2 4 . Robustness

Fig. 1. The evaluation hierarchy of firm’s supply chain agility


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