Performance Management

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Performance Management at ORG Guidelines


ORG acknowledges that all employees benefit from on-going communication with their
supervisors on goals, expectations, skills and performance. Therefore ORG endeavors to
ensure that a formal process occurs in addition to informal feedback during the year. The more
formal process, entitled Performance Management, is designed to achieve the following goals:

• To link the work of the employee to the work of the group, the department, and the
• To set objectives so that expectations are clear
• To review the objectives mid-year for updates, assistance, and recognition (ORG
management encourages supervisors to document mid-year/six monthly reviews with their
staff, HRD will be reminding supervisors about this responsibility mid of every year)
• To reinforce positive work habits and ethics
• To offer the employee information and opportunities for professional development
For complete performance management policy please refer to Chapter 16 of the HR Manual.

The Performance Management Cycle at ORG


and Selection

New Staff

Performance Planning
• Set Expectations
• Review JD
• Make APO
• Assess Competencies

Performance Review Performance

• 90 day appraisal Monitoring
• Six months appraisal • Observe Performance
• Annual appraisal • Provide Feedback
• Peer review • Conduct Coaching

• Assess Competencies
Staff Development
• Identify current and
future development
• Write a plan
• Assess Competencies
The performance management process starts from the time the manager develops a job
description mentioning the required qualifications, skills and competencies. In recruitment and
selection, the manager does short-listing, interviews and evaluates candidates against the
required qualifications, skills and competencies. Once the employee is on board, the manager
plans new employee orientation process so that the employee understands the job, working
relationships, organization and the expectations. HR facilitates in all these steps.

The primary purpose of the PM system is to support staff to enable them to make more of a
difference. It is the system by which individual performance is planned, monitored, guided,
evaluated and rewarded. It comprises of:
• Performance Planning
• Performance Monitoring and Coaching
• Employee Development
• Performance Review

Performance Planning

The manager and staff member collectively plan their performance for the year and agree on
the following:
• Clear performance expectations for the year
• Aligning individual goals with those of the department and ORG
• Objectives to be accomplished during a given performance period
• Measures indicating success for each objective/activity
• Time frame for activities and support resources required
• Competencies that must be demonstrated
• Employee’s development needs

The organization plan, department/project objectives and individual job description should be
referred to for developing annual performance objectives. APO should provide the manager and
the employee answers for the following areas:
• What does the employee need to accomplish this performance period? – Objectives
• How will the employee accomplish the objectives?- Activities
• When will the employee accomplish the objectives? – Time
• What financial, managerial, or collaborative resources does the employee require to
accomplish the objectives? – Support Requirements
• How will the employee know that s/he has succeeded in meeting the objectives?
(Results/Measure of Success)
• The Competencies that need to be demonstrated

The Annual Performance Objectives should be S.M.A.R.T.

• Specific – detail exactly what is needed and not vague
• Measurable – it should be possible to measure the objective
• Achievable – it is important not to sign up to more than is possible
• Relevant – it should fit with the objectives of the team/project/department
• Time bound – there should be a date of completion for objectives/activities, although some
objectives will be ongoing

Monitoring Coaching and Developing

Once performance planning is done, the manager needs to focus on observing the employee’s
performance, communicating with him/her regularly (once a month performance objectives
review meeting is advisable), and developing the employee. The following actions are
• There should be an ongoing communication about performance and performance
• If needed, an adjustment of organizational and unit/team priorities is made
• There should be regular exchange of information on individual priorities and progress
• Manager may share his/her observation, formal and informal feedback with the employee
• Manager may make use of informal direction, formal meetings and written documentation
• Manager and employee should find out and remove obstacles/problems
• There may be a need for revising annual performance objectives
• Manager should improve performance through coaching and providing training/learning

Performance Review

Performance of an employee is to be reviewed throughout the year by the manager. However,

there are agreed dates for conducting formal performance reviews of employees focusing on
the areas of achievement, areas for improvement, and goals for the future.

90 Days Probationary Period


Six Monthly Performance


Annual Performance Appraisal

Peer Reviews

Each employee should participate in a probationary period review (once), six monthly and
annual performance reviews every year. All employees are to have a performance review linked
to ORG’s goals and objectives. The formal annual performance review is to be completed by the
joining anniversary date of the employee as recently agreed by the senior management.

Each employee will have a supervisor who will normally responsible for evaluating the
performance of the employee(s).

Performance review forms should be discussed and signed by both the supervisor and
employee and agreed by head of department (relevant director or senior manager as the case
may be). The employee should receive a copy of the form, and the original should be submitted
to HRD.

Annual reviews will

• Assist employees to be fully aware of their responsibilities and duties and the effect which
these have on ORG’s operations
• Provide feedback to individual employees on the perceived performance of the responsibilities
• Provide a basis for further professional development of employees
• Identify employees whose continued high quality performance should be particularly
recognized and rewarded or whose performance is a cause for concern and possible remedial
• Provide an opportunity to the supervisor to take upwards feedback from their staff.

Peer Review/360 degree feedback: The evaluating authorities may consult other employees
whose judgments they believe may be helpful in completing the review report. The employee
will be encouraged to provide relevant information on their performance and take an active role
in appraisal and planning. This feedback will be treated confidential and never be quoted in the
employee's performance appraisal. However, comments may be used to highlight any strength
or weak areas of performance.

The employee must be given the opportunity to read, comment on and sign the report. The
Evaluating Officer will forward the completed report to the HRD for further action and
confidential storage.

Rewarding Employee Performance

An employee will be eligible to receive an annual incremental increase after 12 months at each
step within the limitations of the salary range for the employee’s classification level, until the top
salary step is reached. Salary increases are not automatic, but are based on individual merit.
The final decision will be made keeping in mind ORG’s annual budget. Managers and
supervisors are encouraged to recognize differences in performance levels in recommending
salary increases.

Managing Unsatisfactory Performance

ORG provides a mechanism through performance planning and review and employee
supervision to support employees whose performance is assessed as requiring improvement.
Reference may be made to the HR Manual Chapter 16. HR department may be asked to

It is recommended that the managers and staff also read the Competencies Framework
document and the power point presentation on giving feedback, writing appraisal and having
dialogue for improved performance.

For performance review forms, please contact the HR Department.

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