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Sustainable Production Systems:

Efficient Wholesale Nursery Layout
Dewayne L. Ingram and Sarah J. Vanek, Department of Horticulture

Introduction production beds, allowing for storage,

reuse, and remediation as needed.
not directly increase the customer’s value
of the product. With some ingenuity,
The nursery industry produces land- Many commercial nurseries begin even those once-necessary activities can
scape plants for transplanting in residen- as small operations with little thought sometimes be reduced or eliminated
tial, commercial, and natural landscapes. given to initial or future layout design. without compromising product quality.
Typically, plants are either grown and Facilities, beds, and fields are added on an Time and motion studies in manu-
marketed in containers or grown in as-needed basis and their design is often facturing have been conducted since the
field soils and sold as bare root or balled directed by the availability of space rather late 1800s, and there are many books on
and burlapped (B&B) stock. Kentucky’s than long-term layout considerations. the subject. The principles are simple but
nursery and greenhouse industry is Although optimization of layout and their application is more difficult. Pub-
an important contributor to the state’s design is best achieved when planning a lished examples of time and motion stud-
economy and has experienced rapid new nursery, modifications of an existing ies in nursery crop production are rare.
growth for several decades. However, nursery can also be a good investment. However, every nursery manager tackles
the industry has faced some decline in This publication provides the frame- the subject as he/she examines the opera-
the rate of growth coinciding with the work for planning and implementing effi- tions in efforts to increase efficiency. It is
recent economic downturn and reduced cient wholesale nursery layout. Concepts easier to look at an existing system and
housing construction. A slower growth and ideas presented here are applicable determine the time it takes for individual
of the market has resulted in increased to new construction or the modification activities, but is more difficult to predict
competition and decreased profit mar- of an existing nursery. A basic approach time and motion requirements when
gins, which among other things, force toward creating efficient systems will be designing a new nursery. Observing and
nursery managers to increase production discussed as well as common nursery examining other nurseries while plan-
efficiency and marketing effectiveness. activities that may require consideration ning a nursery can be very valuable. In
Controlling production costs is critical during the planning stages. Functional the context of this publication, time and
to the sustainability of individual enter- areas will be defined, and a framework for motion efficiencies will focus on the loca-
prises. A sustainable enterprise is one understanding the relationships between tion of activities in relation to each other
that yields an acceptable return on invest- these functional areas will be presented. in order to reduce wasted motion.
ment for the owners as well as conserves
natural resources and contributes in Planning for Labor Efficiency Activities
various ways to the community.
Labor is an expensive but necessary A nursery operation encompasses
Sustainability can be approached
component of any nursery operation. many different production phases and
through a multitude of efforts. One ob-
Employees complete numerous es- activities. Proper timing of operations
jective that produces meaningful results
sential activities such as mixing media, is essential, and efficient use of land and
is the optimization of the nursery layout
transplanting, pruning plants, loading resources is important. Required ac-
and operational design. A well-planned
shipments, or helping customers. How- tivities vary with the type of nursery and
layout and design can greatly increase
ever, the time employees spend walking, specific production scheme employed.
efficiency by reducing unproductive
searching for an item, or waiting on For example, a nursery may produce
movement of people and materials. In
someone else to complete a task also small plants or liners that only require
most nurseries, labor is the single largest
contributes significantly to labor costs greenhouse space. Other nurseries may
(about 25 percent to 35 percent) pro-
but does not increase product value. purchase liners and not propagate plants
duction cost, and movement of plants
Activities or resources that add costs themselves. Container-grown trees and
and materials utilizes a majority of that
but do not add value to the product are shrubs typically require a smooth, well-
labor. In addition to increased efficien-
considered “waste” and should be lim- formed bed and protective overwintering
cies, nursery layout and design can also
ited as much as possible through proper structure, whereas field-grown plants are
address the potential for minimizing the
planning and continual improvement planted directly in the ground and are
environmental impact of operations. For
of operating processes. A hard look at exposed to the natural elements (Figure
example, a container nursery could be
the operating processes will reveal that 1). Pot-in-Pot production systems share
designed to contain water runoff from
many seemingly necessary activities do some of the characteristics of field and

Agriculture and Natural Resources • Family and Consumer Sciences • 4-H Youth Development • Community and Economic Development
container production but have unique
elements as well.
The goal of any activity in the nursery
is to add value to the product while mini-
mizing cost. Before designing a nursery
layout, it is essential to understand the
details of each activity, how they relate
to the system as a whole, and their im- Figure 1. Three production systems: Plants are grown above-ground in containers on a
pacts on production costs. The following container bed; plants are grown in containers placed in below-ground socket pots (pot-in-
list provides examples of activities that pot); or plants are grown directly in the field and harvested balled and burlapped or bare
require some consideration when plan- root.
ning or improving the nursery layout and
overall efficiency. • Mow turf areas. area, production area, media preparation
Business and marketing • Store, maintain, and repair equipment. and storage area, receiving area, shipping
• Store equipment and irrigation parts area, service area for equipment storage
• Attract and welcome targeted custom-
required for timely repairs. and maintenance, employee facilities, etc.
ers to the nursery.
• Use organic waste handling (discarded Below are descriptions of some common
• Present available products to custom-
plants, pruned material). functional areas.
ers in a comfortable environment.
• Use material recycling (collection,
• Maintain financial records.
packing and shipping). Entrance
• Receive customer orders. The organization and appearance of a
• Schedule shipments. Chemical-handling nursery gives visitors and customers an
• Maintain electronic marketing tools • Store pesticides and other chemicals. impression of the operation, which di-
(website, e-newsletters, etc.). • Mix pesticides. rectly influences sales, even for wholesale
• Organize mailings for marketing • Apply pesticides. nurseries. The nursery entrance provides
purposes. • Clean spray equipment. the first and most important opportunity
• Order supplies. • Properly store and dispose of pesticide to present a good image. The entrance(s)
• Maintain plant inventory. waste. should provide easy access to the nurs-
Human resources • Store and apply fertilizers. ery office and shipping areas, with clear
• Maintain pesticide records. signage for each. Often the office, service
• Provide safe access to and within the
• Use container recycling. and shipping areas are close to the main
nursery for employees and customers.
road for easy access and to reduce the
• Provide rest rooms, break rooms, and
personal storage areas for employees.
Functional Areas for installation cost of utilities. However, the
• Provide employee support and main- Defined Activities lay of the land, adjacent property use pat-
terns and the shape of the property may
tain personnel records. Certain activities are naturally dictate locating the office and other ser-
grouped into distinct functional spaces
Plant-handling such as an office, greenhouse, or shipping
vice areas some distance from the main
public road. Signage becomes even more
• Prepare and plant cuttings or seeds. area. Grouping activities into functional critical in such situations. Drivers of in-
• Transplant plants in containers or field. areas is more intuitive for some activi- coming trucks should be able to find the
• Prune, stake or train plants. ties than others, but efficiencies can be loading areas without delay. Customer
• Grow plants to desired size and quality. gained by reviewing the activities that parking must be provided near the office,
• Harvest products and pull customer will be conducted within each defined and the nursery entrance should be land-
orders. space. The first step in defining necessary scaped with an attractive, uncluttered
• Ship products. functional spaces involves determining arrangement of plants, including those
which of the listed activities use com-
Environmental manipulation mon equipment or resources. If these
sold by the nursery. The entrance plant-
and equipment management activities are done by the same person or
ing could also contain any special plant
materials that need to be introduced or
• Prepare and maintain container beds. group, then designing multi-functional emphasized for marketing purposes.
• Receive and store ready-to-use media. space makes sense. Otherwise, consider
• Store media components and mix the spaces needed for individual activi- Office
them for specific uses. ties and determine how those activities Design of the office area should con-
• Install and maintain irrigation and relate to each other. Through studying sider the activities that will be conducted
mist systems. the required activities during the design in the building and the people involved.
• Provide proper ventilation and tem- process, their functional relationships Workspaces should be arranged to
perature control in growing structures. should become more obvious. Func- streamline activities requiring continual
• Prepare field for transplanting. tional areas may include the entrance, interaction between employees or repeat-
nursery office, sales area, propagation

ed use of certain equipment. Employees regarding the number of specific plants tion areas may be included in the layout
who interact regularly should have offices to be produced. The size and design of of the propagation area. A protective
near one another. Similarly, an employee the propagation area are determined by structure allows for cutting preparation
who must use the photocopier or fax production type, number of plants and during inclement weather and benefits
machine regularly should have direct ac- species produced, and markets. the nursery producing large numbers
cess to those items. Processes that involve The propagation area may contain of plant species propagated during the
the continual movement, photocopying, greenhouse structures of various designs. winter. A nursery producing primarily
faxing, or filing of documents should Steel frame, gutter-connected, and ridge- broadleaf evergreens, propagated during
be reflected in the arrangement of the and-furrow greenhouses are typically the summer, may choose to exclude a
people and equipment involved. larger than greenhouses with conduit cutting preparation area from the layout
Some working spaces should be open, and PVC frames. Conduit and PVC and require that cuttings be prepared for
such as the desk of a receptionist who will greenhouses cost considerably less but sticking as they are harvested.
greet customers or other visitors. Open have a shorter life than steel frame and
working spaces can also be preferable ridge-and-furrow greenhouses. Smaller Media Preparation and
when they require continual interaction greenhouses may be used to segregate Storage and Potting
between two or more individuals. Closed plant species that require different root- Proper formulation and storage of
offices are useful for minimizing un- ing environments. However, several small growing media for specific production
wanted noise and other distractions, but greenhouses require more land than one systems are critical for successful crop pro-
they can impede workflow by creating or two larger houses of equivalent square duction. Media mixing and potting may
unintentional barriers between cowork- footage, and this should be considered if be accomplished at one central location
ers. Closed offices are also more costly less than ample land is available for the where potting media or media compo-
to construct and are less flexible when propagation area and facilities. nents are stored in bulk quantities. Potting
changes in the number and relationship Certain plant species, such as junipers, media or components are stored either
of workspaces are desired. may be propagated outdoors in small in loose piles or in open bins often con-
When planning the size of the office containers or raised ground beds and structed of concrete. Media components
building, consider the need for filing do not require special propagation struc- are usually mixed by commercially avail-
cabinets, desks, a photocopier, and other tures, except for possible overwintering able soil mixers or by manure spreaders
necessary large items. Company growth requirements. Because of repeated mist or front-end loaders that scoop and dump
can lead to additional employees requir- cycles or frequent watering, outdoor the media several times on a concrete
ing offices, so this should be considered as propagation areas must be located on slab. The scoop and dump process may
well. Depending on the needs of the busi- land not normally subjected to surface not adequately mix media components.
ness, the office building may also include water drainage issues and with well- Some nurseries purchase one component
a waiting area for visitors or a conference drained soil. Predominant wind direc- of the mix that already contains more pre-
room for meetings or employee training. tion and speed should be considered cisely incorporated amendments such as
Employee parking and customer/visitor when locating outdoor mist systems so micro-nutrients. The selected approach to
parking should be located adjacent to the adequate wind breaks can be provided. purchasing, mixing and storage of growing
building if possible. Seeds may also be germinated in outdoor media largely determines the required size
beds, although structures built to accom- and arrangement of the media preparation
Sales Area modate tiers or racks of seed-germinating and storage area.
Locating a sales area close to the office flats use space more efficiently. Disadvan- Produc t ion s ystems requ i r i ng
with a display of representative salable tages of outdoor propagation include a long-term storage of media or media
plant materials enables customers to view lack of protection from heavy rainfall components should plan for moisture
plant material without traveling through and animals such as deer and squirrels. management and minimization of wind-
the nursery. This saves time for customers Heavy rains may pack the rooting media, blown weed seed. Media must remain
and sales personnel and prevents expo- destroying aeration and contribute to moist, either through the use of irriga-
sure of customers to hazards. soil-borne diseases. tion or exposure to natural precipitation.
The amount of land available for However, excess moisture can cause
Propagation Area propagation may determine if plant leaching of incorporated fertilizer. Walls
Unless all transplants are purchased stock blocks are maintained to supply and permeable coverings such as shade
from other sources, the propagation area cuttings. For some plants, it is recom- cloth help minimize wind-blown weed
is the heart of nursery operations and mended to have stock blocks from which seed while allowing rain to reach the
should be located in an area accessible to take cuttings. For other plants, taking media. Special care in monitoring and
to the production and potting areas. A cuttings from the production plants managing storage of media with incor-
propagation area located close to the of- is acceptable and may coincide with porated fertilizer is a must. A reinforced,
fice helps in communication between the pruning operations. Limited land avail- raised concrete slab, 4 inches thick and 3
office staff and the propagation managers ability may require taking cuttings from x 5 yards accommodates approximately
who must make long-range decisions salable nursery plants. Cutting prepara- 3 cubic yards of media. The raised con-

crete slab prevents incorporation of field grown plants can be produced above The location of ditches, grassed water-
soil into the media during mixing and ground on beds or can be produced in ways, and holding ponds must be estab-
eliminates contamination by pathogens socket pots buried below the soil surface lished in relation to the topography of the
and weed seed transported by surface (Pot-in-Pot) (Figure 1). The choice of pro- site. With some hilly sites and depending
water. Slabs should be sloped to allow duction system should be driven primar- upon the nature of the entire watershed,
adequate drainage. ily by the targeted market. Each system multiple containment facilities may
Potting machines and motorized has its advantages and disadvantages and be necessary. Contained water may be
media mixing and transporting systems each has significantly different land and used for irrigation or released follow-
should be covered by a structure that facility requirements. Some nurseries ing treatment. Treatment could include
houses a permanent potting area for the have two or more types of production such approaches as vegetated waterways,
nursery. If commercial soil mixers and systems but beginning nurseries usually settlement ponds, constructed wetlands,
potting machines are not used, the pot- focus on one system. etc. The design of surface water drainage
ting area may or may not be sheltered. and containment systems is critical and
Nurseries that do not use a potting Roads and Waterways should be performed by a professional.
machine usually erect a permanent Efficient movement of plants, equip- More information on handling and treat-
V-shaped hopper from which media ment, and employees throughout the ing runoff is available at the Clemson
falls onto a potting bench. Advantages nursery requires a well-designed road University website listed at the end of this
and disadvantages of potting machines system. Number and size of roads and publication.
depend on the particular operation; walkways vary depending upon equip-
however, most nursery operators agree ment used and type of production sys- Container Production
that potting machines pace the workers tem. When farm tractors and wagons When plants are grown in contain-
for increased output. are used, the perimeter roads should be ers, the production areas are most often
In some cases, plants are only potted about 30 feet wide to allow turns from adjacent to the potting area to facilitate
up once then moved to the growing area narrower roads between plant beds or the orderly movement of plants into the
and later sold. In other scenarios, plants rows. Roads should be crowned or sloped production area. This is not always pos-
may be sequenced to increasingly larger to one side and surfaced with gravel or sible due to topography, shape of the land
containers before being sold. In situa- other hard materials to support equip- and other physical limitations. Beds that
tions that require additional transplant- ment during wet periods. Firm road are orderly arranged close to each other
ing, potting areas located in or near the surfaces also prevent splashing of mud utilize the land space more efficiently and
growing areas are especially beneficial for and debris onto plants. Associating allow more efficient operations such as
reducing unnecessary movement of plant waterways with roads often results in spraying, picking plants for shipment, etc.
material during each transplanting pro- optimal land use efficiency. Container beds should be shaped
cess. This can be achieved by establishing Drainage ditches, spillways, grassed to eliminate standing water potential
two or more potting areas throughout waterway and water runoff containment (Figure 2). Beds are most often crowned
the nursery or using a portable potting areas must also be designed to handle to allow water to move from the center
station. Even if plants are potted only heavy rainfall and any irrigation runoff. to either side where the water can move
once, nurseries may use multiple media The amount of water and the rate of through some type of waterway to a
preparation and potting areas to reduce water movement expected from normal containment pond. However, the topog-
the distance traveled when placing newly rainfall and irrigation determine the raphy may favor a three or four percent
potted plants in the field. necessary specification of these features slope from one side of the bed to another,
Mobile transplanting systems still to minimize erosion and other impacts. directing all the water from that bed to
require motion to replenish media and Most container bed surfaces are mini- a single waterway. This single waterway
containers at the transplanting site. In mally absorbent of surface water which would have to carry twice the amount
other words, either the potted plants increases the amount and speed of of water as those used for a crowned
or the media and containers must be runoff. Fast moving surface water can container bed. Use of a single waterway
transported. The most efficient approach result in significant erosion, to a point only on one side of the bed allows easier
depends on several factors, including the that limits access. Although not currently access to the bed from the other side.
shape of the land, the possibility of remote required by regulation in most states, sur- Some nursery beds are sloped downward
potting and storage facilities, and ease of face water drainage systems in container from the edges toward the middle of the
transporting potted plant material. production should contain all surface bed, directing runoff water down the cen-
water on the nursery site in ponds, lakes ter of the bed to a waterway. This design
Production Areas and/or wetlands. At times this is not requires that a portion of the potential
Production or plant-growing areas possible due to the rate and amount of production space be allocated to water
occupy the largest percentage of nursery rainfall, but at least normal rain events movement and is typically not the most
land. The size and characteristics of these should be contained as well as any usual efficient design option. In any case, beds
areas vary greatly between field and con- runoff from irrigation. Regulations in must be designed with attention given to
tainer production systems. Container- some states require that the first inch of the potential of severe erosion of roads
rainfall be captured on nursery property. and waterways, especially on hilly sites.

The dimension of beds for container example, there is an optimum distance driven on these materials may cause
plant production can impact the efficien- for air-blast sprayers and a feasible length tears. Despite precautions, black plastic
cy of motion. The goal is to minimize the of boom sprayers. Therefore, the optimal usually does not last more than two years
distance plants have to be carried. A few bed width is a compromise between in Kentucky. Landscape fabrics typically
large nurseries use conveyer belts or other effective land utilization, equipment last longer and allow some infiltration of
such equipment, but these are seldom specifications and efficiency of moving water, but having a well-drained, stable
employed in small to medium-sized nurs- plants onto and from the bed. base for the fabric is critical to its longev-
eries. However, plant bed dimensions and The desired spacing of plants for ity. Landscape fabrics provide better long-
the arrangement of containers on those optimum growth and quality varies term weed control than gravel surfaces.
beds can greatly impact the distance with plant species and size of container. Gravel covered with landscape fabric is
plants must be carried by employees. However, each square foot of bed has a an excellent, but expensive, bed surface.
Narrow beds with roadways between cost, and the arrangement of plants in The percentage shade required is
each bed are the most efficient design in that space impacts spacing efficiency highly plant species dependent but must
terms of movement of product. However, (Figure 3). Consider an example where be considered in planning the nursery.
it is the least efficient in terms of land the optimum spacing for a particular Quonset structures are most often used
space utilization. The effective bed width block of plants on a 26 x 100 feet bed is to support shade cloth of the required
can also be impacted by equipment. For 2 feet on-center. If plants are arranged density and they can double as overwin-
in a square fashion, a total of 325 plants tering structures as well. Shade required
fit on that bed. If plants are placed in a for production of some plants can be pro-
triangular pattern, two more rows of vided by natural stands of trees. However,
plants and a total of 375 plants will fit on shade is most often provided by shade
that bed. There are many factors, such structures. Thinning of native woods to
as plant size and shape and the need for allow space for container production can
equipment access, to consider in spac- often weaken trees, and the long-term
ing and the pattern of placement, but impact of crop irrigation on the health
growing fifteen percent more plants in a of nearby trees should also be consid-
production space can impact the bottom ered. Roads and drainage ditches for
line without impacting plant quality from production areas where shade houses are
inadequate spacing. constructed are usually similar to those
Production areas are commonly sur- of non-shaded areas. Ditches and road-
faced with gravel, porous polypropylene way construction may not be possible in
ground fabric, or black plastic. Gravel natural shade areas. Such areas cannot
consisting of a particle mixture of 0.25 to be graded because of possible damage to
0.75 inches makes an excellent surface on existing tree roots, so care must be taken
which to place plants. However, 100 tons to select areas with a one to two percent
of gravel only covers about one-half acre, slope. Areas subject to flooding must be
making it an expensive option for large avoided. Accommodation of tall pieces of
areas. Smaller gravels wash away easily, equipment and adequate turning space
and 1-gallon containers do not set level should be taken into account when shade
on larger gravel. If polypropylene or black structure dimensions are determined.
plastic is used, it must be secured around Irrigation systems are required for
the edges to prevent wind displacement container production of nursery stock.
and have a firm base under it. Equipment Irrigation system design must consider

Figure 2. Container beds are sloped to

eliminate standing water potential. Beds
are sloped toward a single drainage
pathway on one side (top); beds are
crowned with drainage pathways on each
side (middle); and beds are sloped toward
a single drainage pathway in the center of
the bed (bottom). Slopes are exaggerated Figure 3. Space is used more efficiently when containers are placed in a triangular pattern
for illustrative purposes. rather than a square pattern.

the layout and dimensions of the produc-
tion beds as well as the potential surface
water drainage and road system. The
most efficient choice in irrigation systems
is also influenced by container size and
the length of the production cycle. Gener-
ally, smaller containers are irrigated by a
stationary overhead system with nozzles
raised on stand pipes. However, overhead
irrigation is not very efficient because
much of the water falls outside of the
container. On the other hand, most low-
volume systems, which use water more
efficiently, require significant daily main-
tenance of emitters. Strong consideration
for low-volume systems with emitters in
individual containers should be given to
containers as small as five-gallon, even
smaller under certain situations. This de- Figure 4. Poly-covered Quonset-type greenhouses are used for winter protection of
cision is impacted partly by how long the container-grown plants.
plants will be in that location, if the block
would be moved during the production
cycle, the quality, quantity and cost of tilation during warm, sunny days in the tile system and socket containers. The
available water and labor availability. winter and early spring normally charac- characteristics of PNP systems are ex-
Regardless of the type of irrigation terized by fluctuating temperatures. The plained in detail in materials on the UK
system used, there must be buried pipe of poly covering is usually only one layer Horticulture website listed at the end of
the proper size to carry water throughout thick and opaque in color to reduce heat this publication.
the container nursery. The system must buildup during bright winter days.
Overwintering houses can be closely Field Production
be designed with efficient means of Optimal layout and operational design
draining pipes between irrigation events spaced to conserve land area. This works
well when plants are removed for sales for field production is significantly differ-
in the winter to avoid the freezing and ent than for container production. Field
breaking of pipe and nozzles. Some sup- directly from the tight plant-spacing
typically used during overwintering. production generally requires signifi-
ply lines may be buried below the freeze cantly more land per finished plant than
line and do not require draining for the However, if plants are to be grown for an
additional season, they must be reposi- container production. The exception to
winter. An irrigation system is among the that general rule would be field nurser-
most important elements of container tioned for optimum spacing before the
growing season. Some nurseries plan ies that produce transplants. The land is
production and is best designed by ir- much more limiting for field production.
rigation professionals with experience additional surface area between houses
to which the plants from each house can Planning for field production of trees and
in nursery crops. The irrigation design shrubs requires attention to soil charac-
of your nursery should be filed for future be moved to an appropriate production
spacing after the greenhouse covering is teristics. The soil must be well-drained
reference when irrigation system repairs and the land must not be subject to flood-
are necessary. removed in the spring (Figure 5). Gener-
ally speaking, plants transitioned from ing. If plants are harvested as balled and
Provisions for protection of overwin- burlapped (B&B), the soil texture must be
tered crops must be considered when overwintering to production spacing re-
quire almost twice the space. Therefore, suitable for balling and free of large rocks.
designing container production areas. The depth of topsoil is also important
Winter protection in Kentucky is best ac- planning for production space between
houses equal to the width of the house is and some common soil classifications in
complished with poly-covered Quonset Kentucky are not suitable to support field
greenhouses or similar structures (Figure customary.
Pot-in-Pot (PNP) production systems production. Generally speaking, soils in
4). The required size of overwintering Kentucky that are free of large rocks also
houses is determined by the number have many of the same requirements as
above-ground container systems, ex- have suitable soil texture.
and size, especially height, of plants to Row spacing and plant spacing within
be housed. Overwintering houses in cept winter protection is not necessary
for production of hardy plants (Figure rows differ with plant species and the
Kentucky are usually 18 to 28 feet wide, planned size of plants at harvest. For
64 to 96 feet in length and 7 to 10 feet tall 1). The root-systems of PNP plants are
maintained at temperatures similar to example, trees expected to be harvested
in the center. These dimensions, as well as 2-inch caliper may be spaced 6 to 8
as appropriately designed doors and side the surrounding soil. PNP production
requires a semi-permanent modification feet on-center in rows spaced 8 to 12 feet
curtains that roll up, allow adequate ven- apart. Row spacing should allow access to
of the land by installation of a drainage

Figure 5. Above-ground container-grown plants are tightly spaced for overwintering
(top). Plants generally require twice as much space during the growing season and can be
moved into the spaces between houses after the greenhouse covering is removed in the
spring (bottom). Production spaces between houses should equal the width of a house if
used in this manner.

field equipment used for mowing, spray- Irrigation is usually required for trans- may be practical if timely and affordable
ing pesticides and harvesting. Generally, plant production. In some high-value service can be assured. Nurseries that use
longer rows, up to 600 to 800 feet, are crops grown in relatively high densities this approach reduce their requirements
more efficient for equipment use than a in the field, low-volume or drip irrigation for equipment repair facilities. Storage fa-
larger number of shorter rows. Rows ori- is most economical. The water-holding cilities for large pieces of equipment, e.g.,
ented north-south have the best sunlight capacity and drainage capacity of the soil tractors, forklifts and sprayers, are often
interception during the growing season. strongly impact irrigation requirements, “pole barn” structures with an open side
Turfgrass is usually established around and soil type often varies from field to opposite the prevailing wind direction or
the production area and between rows to field. modified tobacco barns.
increase access during wet periods and Pesticide storage facilities should be
for weed control. The in-row band is best Service Area separated from other activities and have
maintained weed-free. Field roadways, Equipment storage and repair facili- secured access. Mixing is usually done
composed of established turf, are often ties, along with pesticide, petroleum, and adjacent to the pesticide storage area to
located every few planting rows (Figure fertilizer storage facilities, comprise the minimize transporting concentrated
6). Traffic during wet conditions requires nursery service area. The service area is pesticides. A water source which can
more substantial roadways throughout often located close to the nursery office deliver 20 to 50 gallons per minute to
the nursery. due to the cost efficiency of locating elec- permit rapid filling of pesticide tanks
Irrigation in field production is con- trical and sewer services close together. is preferred. This capacity may not be
sidered optional by some. However, the This may create other issues such as hav- available directly from a pressurized
ability to irrigate during first-year estab- ing work areas adjacent to more public water source but can be achieved by a
lishment and periods of drought is highly areas, etc. The service area also needs to raised storage tank from which water
recommended. This is sometime termed be accessible to supply trucks servicing flows through a 2- to 3-inch hose into the
“rescue” irrigation that is intended to keep these facilities. The type of equipment spray tank. A pesticide storage building
plants alive and healthy but not neces- and supplies needing shelter or storage must be properly designed and identi-
sarily to maintain high growth rates. determines the size and type of facilities. fied as containing poisons. Local, state,
Irrigation systems using moveable pipe Enclosed metal buildings are excellent for and federal requirements for pesticide
can accomplish this as well as traveling repair and maintenance shops and may be storage and mixing facilities should be
irrigation guns. Many nurseries are be- used for storage of small pieces of equip- determined before proceeding as those
ginning to use low-volume irrigation in ment such as hand sprayers, chain saws regulations can change frequently.
field production as a cost-effective means and lawn mowers. Equipment repairs
of reducing loss and increasing growth. by commercial mechanical businesses

Figure 6. Field plantings should allow sufficient space for equipment access. A combination of field roads (narrower, turf-covered)
and perimeter roads (wider, often gravel-covered) should be incorporated in the field design.

Employee Facilities Nurseries selling primarily to local equipment may dictate other scales. The
landscapers who pick up plants with availability of simple and inexpensive
Employee facilities are usually located
smaller trucks and trailers often have computer-aided-drafting software has
adjacent to the office or service areas
designated pick-up locations in produc- made this process easier. Such software
but should not be close to the pesticide
tion or holding areas. Possible conflicts usually requires a large printer to gener-
storage and mixing area. Depending
between customer vehicles and produc- ate a drawing of a size that one can see
upon the season and amount and tim-
tion activities should be considered when the details, but local businesses usually
ing of customer traffic, employees with
establishing pickup locations. offer these printing services.
dirty boots, etc. in the office area could
In most cases, medium to large nurs- The goal in defining space in the nurs-
interfere with marketing activities.
eries need a loading dock for receiving ery is to maximize the amount of space
Restrooms, showers, personal lockers,
materials if for no other reason. Most dedicated to plant production while still
refrigerators and dining tables are usu-
loading docks are 4 feet high and con- providing adequate space for all other
ally provided for employees. Employee
structed of concrete. Docks should be activities, which only exist to support
parking between the service area and
large enough to accommodate tractors, production. The ratio between produc-
the employee facilities is a convenient
conveyors, plant racks and other equip- tion area and other supportive areas var-
arrangement. In large nurseries or for
ment used in the loading/unloading pro- ies greatly with the type and size of plant
nurseries with non-contiguous produc-
cess. Loading docks should be accessible product to be sold, the production system
tion areas, employee facilities may best
from the public highway and adjacent to used and the general size of the nursery.
be provided in multiple locations. This
the office due to interactions between There is a critical size of support facili-
would reduce travel time for employee
shipping and sales personnel. Shipping ties even for a small nursery, and the size
breaks and increase employee comfort.
areas within the nursery require access of the required space does not increase
Secured material and tool storage may
roads 20 to 25 feet wide with firm surface proportionally to increases in produc-
also be part of more remote employee
material and turning space to accommo- tion space. One element that is easily
support facilities.
date trucks at least 30 feet long. overlooked in the planning process is
Shipping Area the space required for a road system and
The need for shipping areas, as well
Space Required for other non-production space. Depending
as their size and location, varies greatly Functional Areas upon the characteristics of the site and
from nursery to nursery and depends the type of nursery, roads, borders, water
Once the functional areas have been ways, wetlands, etc. might occupy up to a
upon such things as the size and type of defined, it is important to determine the
the operation, proximity to production third of land space in the nursery.
space needed for each activity initially
areas, diversity of plant materials, size of
trucks, type of customers, etc. The cost
and as the nursery expands. Planning Locating Functional Areas
should be done using a scaled drawing
of a plant increases each time it is moved. to ensure that required areas or facilities Drawing rough shapes of the func-
However, it may be more cost effective are well planned and integrated so that tional areas, even in a bubble-diagram,
to gather plants in a central location for nursery activities or operations progress is an effective way to start planning their
shipment. Some nurseries load plants efficiently. All important features of the optimal locations (Figure 8). Pieces of
directly from production areas, but site should be included on the drawing. paper cut to represent the space require-
most operations have designated loading Examples include existing buildings, ments of each functional area can also
areas within the nursery where plants highways, utility lines, wet areas, rock be rearranged on the original scaled
are placed prior to shipment. Relatively out-cropping, sink holes, soil types, water drawing of the nursery to determine
large nurseries shipping primarily in sources, potential frost pockets and areas the optimal nursery design. Discovering
tractor-trailers generally require a ship- with weed problems (Figure 7). GPS potential mistakes or lost efficiencies on
ping area. Production areas are usually (global positioning systems) software and paper is much less expensive than dis-
not accessible by such trucks, and loads devices and even smart phones with ap- covering them after building the nursery
are often comprised of a wide array of propriate apps can be used to determine facilities. Discussed below are consider-
plant materials for multiple customers. the size, shape and location of site fea- ations that should be made regarding the
In such cases, plants can be collected tures. More sophisticated GPS units can relationships between functional areas.
and grouped according to shipments at a also denote changes in elevation on the Although time and motion consid-
shipping area. Placing plants in this area site. Kentucky’s soil maps are extensive erations are important for individual
before customer or freight truck arrival and should be used as a rough overlay processes, such as transplanting, pruning
reduces loading time, but irrigation, and on this scaled drawing. Appropriate and harvesting, time and motion require-
maybe even shade, must be provided. judgment of distance and arrangement ments for moving people and materials
One or more loading docks may increase of areas can be achieved when every ele- between functional areas are major con-
loading efficiency for smaller plants, and a ment is seen on the same scale. Scales siderations when designing a nursery.
covered loading dock may be desirable for of 1 inch equals 50 to 200 feet are com- Understanding common movements
loading trucks when inclement weather mon, but the dimension of the property between functional areas is necessary
is anticipated. and the available drawing supplies and before arranging the areas in the overall

Figure 7. Before designing a nursery layout, the condition of the land should be identified in a
scaled drawing. Examples of features to include are existing buildings, highways, utility lines, wet
areas, rock out-cropping, sink holes, soil types, water sources, potential frost pockets, and areas with
weed problems.

nursery design. For example, media, con-

tainers and transplants must be moved
to potting areas and to production areas.
People routinely move from the employee
support area to service, office, production
and shipping areas. Equipment moves
between the storage and service areas to
the production areas.
Activities that transverse functional
areas must be identified in the design
process so areas that support these
activities can be efficiently located. For
example, the entrance is best situated
on the property bordering a county or
state road. The sales office and product
displays are usually located adjacent to
the entrance area to make visits by cus-
tomers most efficient. However, a longer
driveway to a more centrally located
office and service area may be justified
on long, narrow properties to decrease
the average distances for employees and
materials movement.
Service and employee areas may best
be centrally located among production
areas, but the location of these areas
may be limited by the shape and size
Figure 8. Drawing rough shapes of the functional areas is an effective way to start
of the property, availability and cost of planning their optimal locations. Efficient movement of people and materials as well as
electricity, water, sewer/septic system, the location of existing features such as buildings, water sources, and optimal soil must be
etc. Plants and/or media and containers considered during the initial planning stages.
are transported from the potting and

storage areas to the production area once.
Finished plants are transported from
up-front capital investments in split
facilities (service, employee, shipping/
the production area to the shipping area receiving and storage areas). The short Designing a new nursery focused on
once. However, employees move between and long-term economic trade-offs of operational efficiency or modifying or
the employee and service areas to the such decisions must be considered in expanding an existing nursery require
production areas multiple times per day. relation to available capital. advanced planning that considers the
Employees need access to restrooms, The lay of the land should be consid- principles presented here. Efficient labor
water, shade/warmth, etc. during breaks. ered when locating container production use achieved by minimizing movement of
Locating the employee area adjacent areas to ensure the capture of runoff plants, materials and people can impact
to the service area might require fewer water before it leaves the property. Ad- the economic sustainability of a nursery
restrooms and break rooms. Locating equate space must be established for con- operation. This publication presents
equipment storage near areas where tainment ponds, constructed wetlands, principles and examples to help nursery
equipment can be routinely maintained vegetative buffers, etc. The required owners evaluate individual activities
or repaired may be efficient, but that containment pond capacity must be es- and functional areas and the ways they
might impact the travel distance to and timated based on the topography, which fit in the production system as a whole.
from production areas. largely dictates the potential volume of Additionally, visiting nurseries with
Functional areas must be arranged runoff water from the identified drain- similar production systems is highly
within the constraints of land form, slope age/watershed areas. The containment recommended. Discussions with other
and natural barriers such as streams, rock capacity should also include water move- nursery managers about how they would
outcroppings and areas that temporarily ment from adjacent property that would change their production systems provide
hold water during wet periods. These have to be contained, treated, etc. If the valuable insight.
natural features can alter the shape of us- property is not located at or near the top
able production spaces as well as hinder of a larger watershed, off-site surface wa-
the movement of materials and people ter drainage onto the nursery should be • Best Management Practices: Guide for
throughout the nursery. Existing private anticipated. Water containment capacity Producing Nursery Crops. Southern
and public roads, utility easements and can include relatively deep reservoirs, Nursery Association. http://www.
access to water must also be considered. when the topography allows, that would
Production areas should be located in require a smaller footprint than shallow • Pot-in-Pot Production: UK Horti-
relation to the water source to reduce ones. The complexity of these factors culture Web site. http://www.uky.
pumping distance as well as to minimize dictates consulting a professional. edu/Ag/Horticulture/potinpot.pdf
“uphill” pumping. Ideally, the water In the process of locating the func- and
source would be at a higher elevation tional areas on the property, start with video/426/.
than the production area but this is sel- functional areas with the most restric- • U.S. Department of Agriculture.Natu-
dom possible. However, pumping water tions. In as much as possible, reserve ral Resource Conservation Service.
uphill requires more costly equipment to the best land for production purposes. Soil Survey of Kentucky. http://soils.
purchase and operate and properly sizing However, sometimes cost of running
pumps and pipes is critical. utilities, easements, zoning restrictions, state.asp?state=Kentucky&abbr=KY.
Nursery layouts for container, field or etc. require the location of particular • White, Sarah. Runoff Management
Pot-in-Pot production systems are adapt- functional areas in specific locations. Un- in the Nursery. Clemson University.
able to most land shapes, but very narrow derstanding those factors before locating
tracts can result in unavoidable inef- any functional area is highly advised. horticulture/nursery/runoff_manage-
ficiencies. These nurseries require more Following the location of functional ment.html.
time to transport employees to work sites, areas in the draft layout, the road system
and plants must be transported greater that connects them must be designed.
distances, either to and from potting Failure to allocate enough space for road All illustrations by S.J. Vanek
areas or to shipping areas. In nurseries construction with associated waterways
comprised of non-adjoining properties is not uncommon. Roads requiring dif-
inefficiencies in routine movement of ferent carrying capacity require different
materials and people can be addressed space. Understanding these require-
by detailed planning of routes and with ments at this stage will save time and
money later.

Educational programs of Kentucky Cooperative Extension serve all people regardless of race, color, age, sex, religion, disability, or national origin. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of
May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, M. Scott Smith, Director of Cooperative Extension Programs, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Lexington, and
Kentucky State University, Frankfort. Copyright © 2013 for materials developed by University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. This publication may be reproduced in portions or its entirety for educational
or nonprofit purposes only. Permitted users shall give credit to the author(s) and include this copyright notice. Publications are also available on the World Wide Web at
Issued 2-2013

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