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Name : Camelia Kamil

NIM : 20180210109

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Good morning, Ladies and Gentleman.

We know that it's not an open secret anymore, If someone pays so much attention to their
body shape that a positive or negative body image appears. This body image is certainly very much
influenced by the level of self-confidence of each, because it involves his appearance in front of
others. Today I’d like to tell you about Body Shaming. Body shaming is the behavior of badmouthing
and commenting on the physical appearance of others. This behavior is tantamount to bullying. The
reasons for people doing body shaming vary, from wanting to break the ice, inviting laughter, just for
fun, to wanting to insult. Why can't we do body shaming? Because it can destroy self-confidence,
hurt feelings because not everyone can accept, and being beautiful is relative

Firstly, Your comments can have an impact on the confidence of others. When you judge
someone's physical appearance, it's not necessarily that that person can respond positively. It could
be that your comment immediately changed his mood and lowered his self-confidence. “Even
though you are the type of person who loves yourself, there must be negative thoughts that sneak
into your brain when you hear bad comments from other people about your appearance. As a result,
you also doubt your own beauty and become inferior, ”said Colleen Koch Star, chairman and coach
at Rowan Coaching, New York City. Colleen continued, as a long-term impact, people who are
accustomed to accepting the act of body shaming will begin to measure themselves using the
perspective of others. In fact, he should feel proud of himself. When a person is hostile to himself, it
is not uncommon for various psychological problems to come along.

Secondly, Have you ever talked like this "You're fat, now your cheeks are really chubby, try
dieting" or "You're really skinny, if you're a little overweight, it must be cute". Now, those words may
have the meaning of joking or praising. In fact, not everyone can accept words like that. What we
think is good is not necessarily good for others. Same goes with body shaming. If they can accept
these words, I think that's fine. But how about the person who can't take these words? maybe it can
be hurt or even the thought of prolonged stress. Increasing the risk of suicide because the
depression it causes is certainly related. Depression is one of the main causes of suicide.

Thirdly, Beauty is relative and body shape is not a parameter of beauty. Women are not
goods that can be differentiated based on their type, shape and appearance. Everyone has their own
charm. Whether talent, skill, or style of speech. Then what should we do to avoid body shaming?
Actually, by accepting ourselves, being grateful and not listening to what other people say, we can
avoid body shaming. beauty is relative. Then, Each culture and era have their own standards, and
often do not correspond to one another. Recently, standards of beauty, as well as good looks, have
been influenced by the beauty industry, a big business that has taken over. Not only cosmetics, but
also plastic surgery. For example, the size of the beauty in South Korea today is wide eyes, white
skin, wide forehead, pointy chin, and nose that is sharp and small. there are other examples, for
example the Chinese people believe that lotus feet are a symbol of prosperity. This unique tradition
made it possible for Chinese women to have tiny feet like a lotus which was only practiced by the
descendants of nobility in the 10th century. This tribe, which is located in the eastern part of Burma,
has a tradition of loosening or lengthening the neck using a necklace made of brass.

In conclusion, No human being is perfect in this world, all are the same in God's eyes. With
gratitude, of course we have a positive body image too. Believe me, someone who is happy and
grateful will also get one of the real aspects of beauty, namely Inner Beauty. So, let's stop body
shaming and start being grateful, because it can destroy self-confidence, hurt feelings because not
everyone can accept, and being beautiful is relative. That's the speech I can deliver today. Thank you
Very Much.


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