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Emergence of Psychology


Emergence of Psychology 2020

What is Psychological thought in some major

Eastern Systems: Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism,
Sufism and Integral Yoga ?

The Psychological thought in some major Eastern Systems:

Bhagavad Gita, Buddhism, Sufism and Integral Yoga

The Bhagavad Gita is the best philosophical confluence of karma,

bhakti and gyan yoga as Krishna‟s solution to Arjuna‟s problem is
comprehensive, involving the behavioral (karma yoga), the
emotional (bhakti yoga) and the intellectual (gyan yoga).The
religious and philosophical importance of the Gita is well known. It is
not only a well organized form of Indian life but also is considered a
humanistic religion of the world.

Its universal importance is established by its translation in all

recognized languages of the world. Some scholars consider it as
greatest ideal of dharmashastra, some of ethics and of philosophy.
A depth study of the Gita affirms that it embodies all the above
mentioned aspects. Therefore, all these opinions of the scholars are
complementary to each other. The philosophical approach does
establish its importance but it has another approach that is

Psychological depiction is not confined to any race, time or space.

It is perennial source of inspiration for all humans in all times. Gita
darshan has been stabilized on the ground of psychology.
Therefore, it is a unique achievement in the field of psychology.

After entering the war field, Arjuna‟s hesitation for performing his
duties in place of showing enthusiasm for war, is obviously a
Emergence of Psychology 2020

depiction of psychological situation. All individuals are caught into

social and religious bondages. These bondages become part of life
as these are inborn and cannot be easily broken. It is easily
understood one‟s feeling of violence towards his elders, teachers
and brothers as a momentary excitement but it cannot be given a
definite form of violence.

The driving force in a human being is not his body and senses but
his soul. Similarly, Arjuna could not attain that self confidence with
which he can experience emptiness of his aspirations and desires.
The Bhagavad Gita‟s depiction of how one can control one‟s
impulses emotions, desires and other bodily activities is a pure
psychology. Now, we need to focus on the situation how does
Arjuna, the great warrior embrace cowardice?

Why and how does he adopt renunciation (tyagavriti) of

Brahamana- dharma after deserting kshatriya swabhava? The
psychological answer to this question is given in 27th chapter of
Udhyoga Parva of Mahabharata.

It is a psychological fact the nothing happens without a reason and

its background. Sanjay had already prepared the background of
Arjuna‟s cowardice. Before commencement of war, Sanjay, as a
messenger of Dhritrastra requests Yudhisthra not to wage war.
Arjuna who is present there during the conversation attentively
listens to him. Sanjay Says:

He says that human life is momentary, full of sorrow and fickleness.

Therefore, Yudhisthra should not wage the war; it is not according
to his fame. Here, Sanjay tries to dishearten „Dharmprana‟ Arjuna
making him consider war as sin.

It implies that the desires hindering right conduct (dharmacharna)

draw an individual towards themselves. Therefore, an intelligent
person first destroys these desires and thereafter attains fame and
admiration. Here Sanjay clearly points out that desire for kingdom is


Emergence of Psychology 2020

an obstacle to right conduct (dharmacharana). If this desire is

deserted, there will be no war. Moreover, Sanjay‟s next sentence
makes Arjuna feel weak and confused.

It means the one who considers right conduct (dharma) as prime

ideal among all three ideals- dharma, artha, and kama and leads his
life accordingly, he gets fame and shines like sun. But the one who
is devoid of dharma and whose intellect is associated with sin, he,
despite owning the whole earth, suffers continuously. The next
sentence of Sanjay again weakens Arjuna‟s heart as:

In this way, the war appeared before Arjuna as a form of a sin. His
thought like „a desire for kingdom‟, „sacrifice for others‟ and
„Kaurava must kill me‟ etc. are symbols of inferiority caused by
Sanjay‟s statements. Generally, attachment is considered as the
greatest enemy of human being but the psychological perspective
states that the greatest enemy is that power which induces the
feeling of inferiority in the human being.

Here we find Sanjay in a role which weakens Pandavas side and

strengthens Kaurava side with his politics. If we look at Arjuna‟s
character, he was not a coward, due to his inferiority complex, he
started to feel disheartened.

There is a need of a teacher who is superior, restrained and knows

yoga to uplift Arjuna and the need was fulfilled by Sri Krishna. He
came to know the inferiority of Arjuna after listening to his
statements in no time. He tries to convince him as follows:

It is necessary to remind person‟s bravery, duties etc. in order to

erase thoughts of inferiority and steers him to work patiently. He
tells Arjuna that his enemies are afraid of him, they tremble with
fear, they get disheartened after seeing his bravery, they are almost
dead and he is just an instrumental cause. Krishna, also, clarifies
the form of soul as eternal entity- to kill or to be killed.


Emergence of Psychology 2020

The attachment to body is not right because it is not eternal. The

eternal soul never dies. Therefore he would not acquire sin of killing
Kauravas and their people. But, if he deserts his Swadharma and
will not involve in war then he will acquire sin. In chapter second, his
preaching about ‘Isthitpragyata’ prepared the background to
stabilize Arjuna‟s state of mind. At this Arjuna says:
चचचचचच चच चचच चच चचच चचचचचचच चचचचचचचचचचच

चचचचचचच चचचचचचच चचचचच चचचचचचच चचचचचचचचचचचच

It is very difficult to subdue mind which is restless, turbulent, and

obstinate even more difficult than controlling the wind. But at the
same time, Sri Krishna elevates. Arjuna‟s spirit after motivating him.
He says:


Buddhi yoga (purpose of the Gita) is another worthy concept to look


Buddhi (intellect) is an ability to learn. A person has three abilities

namely adjustment, learning and abstract thinking which are
complementary to each other.

In the Gita Sri Krishna identifies himself with his intellect and he has
defined an ideal person as 'Isthirbhuddhi'. If it is necessary to have
trained and enlightened reason for spirituality, the loss of reason
and logic causes downfall and the loss of reason lead to destruction
of the person. Sri Krishna imparts Buddhiyoga to Arjuna
enlightening him with the light of his knowledge.

Arjuna gets illumined and accepts humbly that his illusion has now
gone and he has regained memory.

He is now firm and free from doubt and is prepared to act according
to His instructions.


Emergence of Psychology MCQs

292. A limitation of selective c. oral, anal, phallic

breeding studies is that they d. primary, secondary, tertiary
a. tell us anything about the role Answer: D
of genes
b. be used to study human 296. The idea that you can assess
beings someone’s personality by
c. provide information relevant studying their face is called:
to the nature/nurture debate a. phrenology
d. tell us anything about the b. physiology
role of the environment c. somatology
d. physiognomy
Answer: B
Answer: A
293. Which neo-Freudian challenged
his ideas about penis envy? 297. The ________ complex is to girls
a. Adler as the ________ complex is to
b. Fromm boys.
c. Jung a. Electra, Oedipus
d. Horney b. Oedipus, Electra
c. oral, phallic
Answer: D d. phallic, oral

294. Someone who feels as though Answer: C

they are not living up to
expectations would be 298. The discovery that the
described by Adler as having: heritability of the Big Five
a. low self-realization personality traits is around 40%
b. an Adlerian complex – 50% suggests that:
c. an inferiority complex a. the environment plays no role
d. low actualization in personality
b. genes play no role in
Answer: A personality
c. the environment plays an
295. According to Freud, the mind’s important role in personality
three components are: d. the Big Five traits account for
a. ego, id, superego about half of our personality
b. unconscious, moral, immoral

Emergence of Psychology MCQs

Answer: B Answer: C

299. Humanistic psychologists 303. Which of the following is NOT

embraced the idea of: one of the Big Five traits?
a. repression a. sense of humour
b. free will b. openness to experience
c. unconscious drives c. conscientiousness
d. the id d. extraversion

Answer: B Answer: A

300. According to Eysenck, extraverts 304. Freud founded the ________

seek to ________ their arousal approach to understanding
while introverts seek to human behaviour.
________ their arousal. a. palliative
a. decrease, increase b. psychodynamic
b. hide, reveal c. patronymic
c. increase, decrease d. psychedelic
d. reveal, hide
Answer: B
Answer: C
305. The influence of parents on the
301. Allport believed that traits could personality of their children is:
be organized into three levels: a. non-existent
a. primary, secondary, tertiary b. weakest in early childhood
b. cognitive, emotional, c. strongest in early childhood
physiological d. consistent across the lifespan
c. id, ego, superego
d. cardinal, central, secondary Answer: C

Answer: D 306. What is special about

“knockout” mice?
302. The MMPI is used to measure: a. they are very attractive
a. unconscious drives b. their DNA has been modified
b. the Big Five traits c. they are easy to knock out
c. personality and psychological d. they are unusually aggressive
d. leadership potential Answer: B

Emergence of Psychology MCQs

307. The aim of behavioural genetics 310. According to Freud, children

is to learn about: pass through 4 stages of
a. the extent to which psychosexual development.
geneticists can modify people’s Which of the following shows
behaviour the stages in the correct
b. the possibility of eradicating developmental order?
behavioural problems in a. oral, anal, phallic, latency
children b. latency, oral, anal, phallic
c. the genetic and c. phallic, anal, oral, latency
environmental influences on
human behaviour
d. the ability of animals to learn d. oral, phallic, latency, anal
Answer: A
Answer: C
311. Projective tests claim to reveal
308. Monozygotic is to ________ information about:
twins as dizygotic is to ________ a. career aptitude
twins. b. intellectual attainment
a. male, female, c. unconscious processes
b. female, male d. parenting style
c. fraternal, identical
d. identical, fraternal Answer: C

Answer: D 312. Traits are defined as:

a. physical characteristics that
309. Which of the following distinguish us from other people
characteristics describe b. relatively enduring
someone who, according to characteristics that influence
Maslow, is self-actualized? our behaviour across many
a. creativity situations
b. confidence c. unconscious tendencies to act
c. spontaneity in different ways according to
d. all of the above the situation
d. permanent personality
Answer: D tendencies that determine our
behaviour in any situation

Emergence of Psychology MCQs

Answer: B a. fortune-telling
b. astrology
313. Sheldon’s theory that people c. horoscopes
with different body types have d. all the above
different personalities has been:
a. supported by research Answer: D
b. discredited
c. shown to be accurate for thin 317. ________ are the basic
people but not overweight biological units that transmit
people characteristics from one
d. shown to be accurate for generation to the next:
women but not for men a. genes
b. neurons
Answer: B c. glia
d. instincts
314. Which of the following is not a
defence mechanism? Answer: A
a. projection
b. regression 318. Which of the following would
c. ingratiation NOT be useful to a behavioural
d. sublimation geneticist?
a. family studies
Answer: C b. case studies
c. adoption studies
315. Rohan is self-disciplined, d. twin studies
focused on achievement and
keen to do his duty. He would Answer: B
expected to score highly on: 319. According to Freud, the id is to
a. neuroticism the ________ principle as the
b. agreeableness ego is to the ________ principle.
c. extraversion a. aggressive, sexual
d. conscientiousness b. sexual, aggressive
c. pleasure, reality
Answer: D d. reality, pleasure

316. The Barnum effect helps to Answer: C

explain people’s belief in:

Emergence of Psychology MCQs

320. Lana is friendly, always willing

to help others and
compassionate. We
would expect Lana to score
highly on:
a. extraversion
b. agreeableness
c. neuroticism
d. openness to experience

Answer: B


1. b

Research Methodology and


Research Methodology and Statistics 2020

What is Research: Meaning, Purpose, and

Dimensions, Research problems, Variables and
Operational Definitions, Hypothesis, Sampling,
Ethics in conducting and reporting research?

Research: Meaning, Purpose, and Dimensions, Research

problems, Variables and Operational Definitions, Hypothesis,
Sampling ,Ethics in conducting and reporting research
The Research Meaning of Psychology

Psychologists try to answer these questions, develop the principles

to explain them, and use those principles to solve various problems.
The range of application of psychology is very wide. A cognitive
psychologist may like to know the causes of
forgetting. An organisational psychologist may try to find out nature
of resistance among the employees to introduction of new
performance appraisal system. A health psychologist may like to
examine the relationship between smoking behaviour and coronary
heart disease.
While evaluating major areas of psychological researches, a
psychologist uses the principles and practices of scientific methods.
This unit attempts to acquaint you with nature and relevance of
psychological research. This is followed by the process of
psychological research within the context of discovery and context
of justification as well as distinctive goal of psychological


Research Methodology and Statistics 2020

After reading this unit, you will be able to: Describe the research
process in terms of how to conduct sound research and

 how to evaluate critically the research of others; Understand why

people behave as they do;

 Discuss how to maintain objectivity and minimize the research

bias in psychology

 research; Tell others the role of theory, hypothesis and paradigm

in psychological research;

 Discuss the primary objectives and goals of psychological


 Identify some of the problems one encounters in trying to do

reliable and valid
Importance and relevance of psychological research is well recogni
sed almost in every sphere of human life. Notable progress has
been reported in the field of organisational behaviour, applied
aspects of human being, medical sciences and education, through
application of psychological research findings. Empirical and
theoretical researches in psychology are taking place in various
fields, such as learning, motivation, perception, concept learning
and memory and so on.
In the quest of psychological facts, laws and theories, psychologists
have found research studies very helpful in gauging human and
animal behaviour. Psychological research attempts to understand
why people and animals behave as they do. Psychologists usually
define behaviour as overt activities, such as eating, recalling stories,
and so on. What about covert psychological processes, such as
Research Methodology and Statistics 2020

thinking and feeling? Although thoughts and feelings are not directly
observable, they influence such aspects of behaviour as reaction
time and blood pressure, which are often used to measure these
covert processes.
Practical gains of psychological research are many, yet include
discoveries such as improved methods of treating psychologically
disordered people, better designs of vehicles to make them easier
and safe to use, and new ways of enhancing the performance and
happiness of workers. Before we examine what researchers have
found in the major areas of psychology, we need to identify the
ways psychologists gather data about behaviour and mental
You may be a daily consumer of mass media reports on research
findings. Some of these are valuable, some are worthless, and
others are confusing and misleading. You will become a wiser
consumer of research-based conclusions as you develop your
understanding of how psychological research is conducted and why
the scientific view of knowledge dictates such methods. Let us turn
now how psychologists know what they know.
Recall that psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and
mental functioning of individuals. It is scientific because it uses the
principles and practices of the scientific method.
Role of Theories, Hypotheses and Paradigms in Psychological
Psychological research focuses on four sets of concerns:
i) the stimulus events that cause a particular response to start,
stop, or change in quality of quantity;


Research Methodology and Statistics 2020

ii) the structure of behaviour that links certain actions in predictable,

orderly ways to other actions;
iii) the relationships between internal psychological processes or
psychological mechanisms and observable behaviour patterns; and
iv) the consequences that behaviour has on the individual’s social
and physical environment. Researchers begin with the assumption
of determinism, the idea that all events (physical, mental and
behavioural) result from specific causal factors.
Researchers also assume that behaviour and mental processes
follow set patterns of relationships that can be discovered and
revealed through research. Psychological theories, in general,
attempt to understand how brain, mind, behaviour, and environment
function and how they may be related.
Any particular theory focuses on a more specific aspect of this
broad conception, using a body of interrelated principles to explain
or predict some psychological phenomenon. The value of a theory
is often measured in terms of the new ideas, or hypotheses, that
can be derived from it and tested.
A hypothesis is a tentative and testable explanation of the
relationship between two or more events or variables. A variable is
any factor that changes, or varies, in size or quality. To illustrate this
mood may be a variable, since people’s moods may vary from one
situation to another. Test performance is another variable, since a
person’s score may vary from one test to the next.
A hypothesis is a testable explanation of the relationship between
variables, it is a tentative proposition based on observations, or it
could be a hunch about how ideas go together. An instructor, for
example, may have a hypothesis about how varying teaching


Research Methodology and Statistics MCQs 2020

variance and error variance. b. η2 is the square of α and can

Each has the same number of tell us whether a particular p-
degrees of freedom. value is significant.
d. In one-way ANOVA the total c. η2 is a measure of effect size
sum of squares comprises that can tell us whether a
three main sources of particular F-value is
variance: within-groups significant.
variance, between-groups d. η2 is a measure of effect size
variance and information that can tell us whether a
variance. Each has the same particular p-value is
number of degrees of significant.
freedom. e. η2 is a measure of effect size
e. In one-way ANOVA the total that can tell us how much
sum of squares comprises variance a particular effect
three main sources of accounts for.
variance: within-groups Answer: E
variance, between-groups
variance and information 309. A researcher, Isobel, conducts
variance. Each has its own one-way analysis of variance in
number of degrees of which she compares the final marks
freedom. of students who have studied
Answer: B psychology at one of five different
institutions, A, B, C, D and E. The
308. What is the point of calculating study looks at the marks of 100
the value of η2 in relation to students, 20 from each institution.
particular F- and p-values? [TY10.2] On the basis of a given theory, the
a. η2 is a hypothesis-testing researcher plans to make four
measure that can tell us comparisons: between A and B, A
whether a particular F-value is and C, C and D, and C and E. Three
significant. other researchers make the
following observations:


Research Methodology and Statistics MCQs 2020

X: ‘If Isobel used an experimentwise are as follows: equal symmetrical

alpha level of .01, a Bonferroni (M = 132 ms), unequal symmetrical
adjustment would mean that each of (M = 148 ms), unequal asymmetrical
these tests had an alpha level of (M = 142 ms), unequal asymmetrical
.0025.’ (M = 182 ms). Which of the following
Y: ‘If Isobel used an experimentwise is true? [TY10.5]
alpha level of .05, a Bonferroni a. A line graph in which these
adjustment would mean that each of data are plotted suggests that
these tests had an alpha level there might only be a main
of.0025.’ effect for size.
Z: ‘If Isobel used an experimentwise b. A line graph in which these
alpha level of .05, a Bonferroni data are plotted suggests that
adjustment would mean that each of there might only be a main
these tests had an alpha level of effect for symmetry.
.0125.’ c. A line graph in which these
Who is correct? [TY10.4] data are plotted suggests that
a. Only X. there might only be a main
b. Only Y. effect for size and an
c. Only Z. interaction between size and
d. X and Y. symmetry.
e. X and Z. d. A line graph in which these
Answer: E data are plotted suggests that
there might only be a main
310. An experimental psychologist effect for symmetry and an
conducts a study examining whether interaction between size and
the speed with which two shapes symmetry.
can be identified as similar or e. A line graph in which these
different depends on whether the data are plotted suggests that
stimuli are (a) of equal or unequal there might be main effects
size and (b) symmetrical or for size and symmetry and an
asymmetrical. The mean reaction interaction between size and
times for the four cells of the design symmetry.


Research Methodology and Statistics MCQs 2020

Answer: E
312. A researcher conducts a study
311. Which of the following examining the impact of social
statements is false? [TY10.6] support on depression in which he
a. One difference between studies how four independent
ANOVA and t-tests is that groups that each receive a different
ANOVA allows researchers to type of social support (financial,
compare responses of more emotional, intellectual, none) react
than two groups. to a stressful experience. There are
b. One difference between 20 people in each group. Which of
ANOVA and t-tests is that the following statements is true?
ANOVA does not make [TY10.7]
assumptions about a. There are 4 degrees of
homogeneity, normality and freedom for the between-cells
independence. variance.
c. One difference between b. There are 78 degrees of
ANOVA and t-tests is that freedom for the within-cells
ANOVA can be used to variance.
examine simultaneously the c. If ANOVA yielded a between-
impact of more than one groups F-value of −2.18 this
variable. would be significant with
d. One difference between alpha set at .05.
ANOVA and t-tests is that d. If ANOVA yielded a between-
ANOVA is based on analysis of groups F-value of 0.98 this
the ratios of variances. would be significant with
e. One difference between alpha set at .01.
ANOVA and t-tests is that e. None of the above statements
ANOVA uses two separate is true.
degrees of freedom (one for Answer: E
between-cells variance, one
for within-cells variance).
Answer: B


Research Methodology and Statistics MCQs 2020

313. Which of the following b. With an alpha level of .01,

statements about the F-distribution ANOVA reveals a significant
is false? [TY10.8] effect for Instruction.
a. The distribution is c. As groups are randomly
asymmetrical. assigned, we need to compute
b. The distribution is one-tailed. a z-score in order to gauge the
c. Higher values of F are size of these effects relative to
associated with a higher chance.
probability value. d. Both (a) and (b).
d. The distribution is positively Answer: B
e. If the amount of between-cells 315. The SPSS ANOVA output below
variance is equal to the is from a study in which participants
amount of within-subjects were randomly assigned to one of
variance, the value of F will be four conditions in which they were
1.00. given different instructions to
Answer: C encourage them to continue. Which
of the following statements is true?
314. The SPSS ANOVA output below
is from a study in which participants a. ANOVA shows that there was
were randomly assigned to one of no effect for Instruction.
four conditions in which they were b. With an alpha level of .05,
given different instructions to ANOVA reveals a significant
encourage them to continue. Which effect for the Instruction.
of the following statements is true? c. With an alpha level of .01,
There is no possibility at all that the ANOVA reveals a significant
results are due to chance. effect for Instruction.
a. It would be useful to d. With an alpha level of .05,
supplement the p-value with a ANOVA reveals a significant
measure of effect size. effect for Intercept.


Research Methodology and Statistics MCQs 2020

e. With an alpha level of .01,

ANOVA reveals a significant
effect for Intercept.
Answer: B

316. “A hypothetical model in which

mean responses differ across the
conditions of an experimental
design. This represents an
alternative to the null hypothesis
that the mean response is the same
in all conditions.” What is this a
glossary definition of?
a. Hypothetical model.
b. Hypothetical difference
c. Difference model.
d. Effects model.
e. Experimental model.
Answer: D


UNIT-3 Psychological testing


UNIT-3 Psychological testing 2020

What is Types of tests Test construction: Item

writing, item analysis?
Types of tests Test construction: Item writing, item analysis

TesPsychological testing — also called psychological assessment

— is the foundation of how psychologists better understand a
person and their behavior. It is a process of problem solving for
many professionals — to try and determine the core components of
a person’s psychological or mental health problems, personality, IQ,
or some other component. It is also a process that helps identifies
not just weaknesses of a person, but also their strengths.
Psychological testing measures an individual’s performance at a
specific point in time — right now. Psychologists talk about a
person’s “present functioning” in terms of their test data. Therefore
psychological tests can’t predict future or innate potential.
Psychological testing is not a single test or even a single type of
test. It encompasses a whole body of dozens of research-backed
tests and procedures of assessing specific aspects of a person’s
psychological makeup. Some tests are used to determine IQ, others
are used for personality, and still others for something else. Since
so many different tests are available, it’s important to note that not
all of them share the same research evidence for their use — some
tests have a strong evidence base while others do not.
Psychological assessment is something that’s typically done in a
formal manner only by a licensed psychologist (the actual testing
may sometimes be administered by a psychology intern or trainee
studying to become a psychologist). Depending upon what kind of
UNIT-3 Psychological testing 2020

testing is being done, it can last anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to a full
day. Testing is usually done in a psychologist’s office and consists
largely of paper-and-pencil tests (nowadays often administered on a
computer for ease-of-use).
Psychological testing is divided into four primary types:
 Clinical Interview
 Assessment of Intellectual Functioning (IQ)
 Personality Assessment
 Behavioral Assessment
In addition to these primary types of psychological assessment,
other kinds of psychological tests are available for specific areas,
such as aptitude or achievement in school, career or work
counseling, management skills, and career planning.
Within the field of test development, the tasks and/or questions that
are used to construct tests and examinations are referred to as
‘items’, and the range techniques involved in preparing those items
are collectively referred to as ‘item writing’. Is item writing an art or a
The best item development techniques combine elements of both
these intellectual activities. On the one hand, there is a fair amount
of experimental method, which we might recognize as scientific,
incorporated within the whole set of procedures for developing a
good item, or the sets of such things we call ‘tests’. However, as this
document will make clear, writing a good item is also a highly
creative act. By the end of the process something new, powerful,
and useful has emerged – a test instrument which has used words,
symbols or other materials from a curriculum or a syllabus in a new


UNIT-3 Psychological testing 2020

way, often to serve a variety of educational purposes. In doing so,

the item developer needs imagination and ingenuity as well as
knowledge: form, structure and balance become important, as they
are to a sculptor or a musician. Why are these building-blocks of
tests called ‘items’, anyway? Is it merely educational jargon? Why
not call them ‘questions’?
The choice of the word ‘item’, in preference to ‘question’, draws
attention to two matters. One is that items are often not in question
format – the test-taker is required to perform a specific task, or
reveal specific knowledge, which is implied in the words given on
the testpaper, rather than explicitly offered as a direct question.
The other matter concerns the independence of items in a test. Like
the items on a shopping list, they are discrete, or they should be. If
you can’t get one right, that should not stop you from having a fair
chance of obtaining success on all of the others. The term ‘item
writing’, used in the title of this document, draws attention to this
essential independence – the separate skills, abilities or pieces of
knowledge which make up human learning are considered
individually in the test. This is the prime focus.
However the discussion (and the test development process) begins
and ends with consideration of a second focus. It considers what
happens when these items achieve additional significance or
importance by having been grouped or combined with other items to
form a test instrument. We must continually remember that our
building blocks are part of a larger whole. Several times in the
paragraphs above, the word ‘development’ has been used. This is
not mere jargon either.
It draws attention to the fact that items do not spring to life ready-
made in an item writer’s brain. A thorough developmental process,


UNIT-3 Psychological testing 2020

often in a defined and specialised sequence, occurs. Like the

student knowledge to be tested, it occurs gradually – sometimes
with false starts, and often with much wastage on the way, as the
test writers clarify their initial ideas, add to them, try them out, and
finally decide what will serve their purposes best. Note also the use
of the plural ‘writers’. Item writing is best done using a team
approach at various stages of the exercise.
learning difficulties, and so on. However, the real objectives for any
test come directly from considering two things in conjunction. The
first is the actual educational context in which the results of the
testing will be used. The second is the knowledge and
understanding the test-taker will be expected (or able) to bring into
the test-room.
The objectives which are determined will therefore be local and
specific, and determining what they are is the starting point for
determining what the test and its items ought to look like. Much of
the material in this paper concerns one particular branch of item
writing which is perhaps the most difficult to master – the
development of multiple-choice items and tests. However this
emphasis should not obscure the fact that all items, from simple
short-answer formats to extended response essays, need the same
careful and methodical processes during their development if the
final tests are to be reliable and valid measures of learning
The suggestions made as to process can (and should) be applied
whether the user is a teacher in a school preparing a semester test
or an administrator setting up a large national assessment program.
One more element remains to be added to the matrix used in this
example – the formats which have been chosen for the test items


UNIT-3 Psychological testing MCQs 2020

d. All of the above c. among persons whose jobs

Answer: requiring abstract thinking skills
d. All of the above
293. A possible reason for why
291. In non-Western countries, and intelligence is predictive of job
excluding Australia and Japan, there performance is that…
is a vacuum of evidence for IQ a. intelligence relates to the
predicting job performance. What ability to handle complex
does this suggest? information and learn
a. Non-Western countries do not b. intelligence provide the
measure job performance person with a sense of
b. IQ is an idea of the Western confidence
world c. intelligent individuals get
c. Researchers do not study non- along well with their
Western countries supervisor who rates them
d. Job performance can only be favourably
measured through career d. all of the above
advancement Answer:
Answer: a. intelligence relates to the ability
b. IQ is an idea of the Western world to handle complex information and
292. In terms of occupational types,
high IQ scores are often found … 294. Which of the following
a. among persons with physical statement is true of a study of US
jobs such as labourers military personnel reported by
b. equally across all job types Gottfredson (1997)?
c. among persons whose jobs a. There were many more high
requiring abstract thinking cognitive ability scorers who
skills have trouble completing their
d. among army recruits military training compared to
Answer: low scorers


UNIT-3 Psychological testing MCQs 2020

b. There were as many high Answer:

cognitive ability scorers as low a. high intelligence leads the
scorers who have trouble individual to seek further
completing their military postgraduate training which in turn
training leads to highly valued and higher
c. Most of the high cognitive paid job.
ability scorers completed their
military training compared to 296. Which of the following are
the low scorers explanations offered for why
d. Most high cognitive ability childhood IQs are negatively
scorers completed their correlated with the risk of adult
military training without coronary heart disease?
complaining a. Disease prevention
Answer: mechanism is in operation
c. Most of the high cognitive ability such that higher intelligence is
scorers completed their military associated with healthier
training compared to the low scorers lifestyle
b. Disease management
295. The reason for why IQ would be mechanism is in operation
related to income is … such that intelligent
a. high intelligence leads the individuals can self-administer
individual to seek further medication better
postgraduate training which in c. Intelligence leads individuals
turn leads to highly valued and to avoid unhealthy
higher paid job. environment and hazardous
b. knowledge equals to money jobs which may damage
c. highly intelligent people are health
more likely to make d. All of the above
themselves appear successful Answer:
d. employers are more likely to d. All of the above
employ highly respected


UNIT-3 Psychological testing MCQs 2020

297. Whilst cross-sectional studies b. low Extraversion and low

may hint that obesity leads to low Agreeableness
IQ, longitudinal studies where c. high Conscientiousness and
childhood IQ was measured before high Agreeableness
health indicators were measured d. high Conscientiousness and
later in adulthood showed that … low Agreeableness
a. obesity risks are not real Answer:
b. higher IQ increases the risk of c. high Conscientiousness and high
obesity Agreeableness
c. lower IQ increases the risk of
obesity 300. What combination of Big Five
d. IQ and obesity are not related personality characteristics is
Answer: associated with authoritarian
c. lower IQ increases the risk of tendencies?
obesity a. Low Agreeableness and high
298. The child’s increasing skill at b. Low Openness and high
using his muscles is due chiefly to: Conscientiousness
A Maturation c. High Neuroticism and low
B Learning Agreeableness
C Pushing by parents d. Low Openness and high
D An opportunity to exercise Neuroticism
Answer: Option [B] Answer:
b. Low Openness and high
299. In three-factor models of Conscientiousness
personality a ‘Constraint’ factor is
sometimes proposed. In Big Five 301. Which attachment style is
terms, ‘Constraint’ is best associated with showing anger and
understood as a combination of … upset during a discussion of a
a. low Extraversion and high relationship problem with one’s
Agreeableness partner and reduced love and
commitment toward them after it?


UNIT-3 Psychological testing MCQs 2020

a. Secure a. Categorical personality types

b. Insecure are very rare
c. Avoidant b. Type A personality is an
d. Anxious/ambivalent either-or personality type
Answer: c. Research shows that the
d. Anxious/ambivalent Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
identifies true personality
302. Which of the following types
statements best describes the d. Most personality variation
‘indigenous approach’ to examining between people is not well
cultural variations in personality described by continuous
structure? dimensions
a. It employs indigenous people Answer:
as research assistants a. Categorical personality types are
b. It translates Western very rare
personality measures into
indigenous languages 304. Conditioned response may be
c. It starts with the personality eliminated by withdrawing
concepts and trait terms of the reinforcement. This is known as:
culture of interest A Extinction
d. It addresses the personality B Discrimination
structure of colonized peoples C Spontaneous recovery
Answer: D Stimulus generalization
c. It starts with the personality Answer: Option [A]
concepts and trait terms of the
culture of interest 305. Any stimulus that follows a
behavior and increases the
303. Which of the following likelihood that the behavior will be
statements best describes the repeated is called a:
current state of research on A Cue
personality types? B Punisher
C reinforcer


UNIT-3 Psychological testing MCQs 2020

D Situational stimulus
Answer: Option [C]


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