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Catholic social theory on Homeboy industries

Introduction of Catholic social theory:

Ethical and moral theories are necessary for humans to survive in a society, ethical theories and

principles describe what is good and rigsht and what is bad and wrong in human relations, it

relays on human behavior that how humans behave with each other. Ethical theories provide

knowledge to human beings on how to make choices and act morally.[CITATION Don \l 1033 ]

Catholic social theory states that the life of humans is pleased in community and family, human

beings find peace in helping and working for family and community. But the issue society faces

is humans are not concerned about society anymore. This theory of the Catholic Church argues

with the concept of individualism and believes that’s human beings have the responsibility to

contribute to society or community for helping the needy and helpless. This theory reflects

different principles and themes. This theory states or represents that human life is a precious gift

from God, and how human beings are connected morally. Catholic social theory addresses the

issues related to social justice and individualism, this theory defines life and self-esteem of

human beings, claim of family, friends and community, rights and duty of humans, choices for

poor and weak, solidarity, the self-esteem of work and the Rights of Workers, and Attention for

God's Creation. Respecting and appreciating others' values and thoughts is included in ethical

and moral principles, but this is the main issue society is facing nowadays. Humans are not

aware of ethical dilemmas they treat others based on power, wealth, and popularity which is

against the catholic social theory. This theory argues with this issue that everyone has equal

rights and people are dependent.[ CITATION Cha14 \l 1033 ]

The case of homeboy industries reflects or shows some of the themes of catholic social theory.
Framework of the case:

The background of the case study of homeboy industries states that Los Angeles was considered

to be the gang capital of the world. There were more than 450 gangs at that time, it was very

difficult to have employment and work, and people were facing high crime rates including

robbery, rape, and suicides. Fr. Greg Boyle understood and realized that the ones who want to

leave gangs and start a new life were facing many complications and hurdles as finding work

was impossible. He realized that there were no opportunities for the children and students other

than joining gangs and ruining their lives, he wanted to help them with employments and was

trying for it. He was assigned work in a poor and needy area at the Dolores Mission Church, they

created a tattoo removal clinic for the children so that they can attend their school as one of the

major issues at that time was gang members were fully tattooed and because of this, they were

unable to attend their school. After that Fr. Greg Boyle bought an old bakery and called this a

homeboy bakery. To this date, Homeboy Industries now includes Cafe and Catering, Diner,

Farmers Markets, Grocery, and Homeboy Silk Screening and Embroidery. He stated that he

didn’t build homeboy bakery for their profit but to make others make a profit from their bakery,

they didn’t hire people to bake bread but they bake bread for hiring people. After the success of

homeboy industries, other communities all around the world have asked how to build a homeboy

model of their own, but for other communities, it is necessary to understand and evaluate their

situation or condition.[CITATION Hom07 \l 1033 ]

Themes of catholic Social Teaching in the case of Homeboy Industries

Theme one in the case:

In the case of homeboy industries Fr. Greg Boyle works with the Dolores Mission Church which

was the poorest in the distinct of Los Angeles. Fr. Greg Boyle recognized the situation that

community was facing due to gangs of Los Angeles. With the production of clinic Fr. Greg

Boyle also aimed for an employment services division that includes programs related to mental

health and domestic violence for the members of former gangs and children. This represents the

theme of Rights and responsibilities; social justice of catholic social theory as this theory states

that everyone owes some rights and responsibilities for the society, human beings have

responsibilities towards each other and to the larger society.[ CITATION Cha14 \l 1033 ] Same

as when Fr. Greg Boyle realized his responsibility towards the society and worked without profit

for the poor, needy, and helpless members of the society. He believed that someone must have to

help them escape this alarming phase. These rights and responsibilities should be applied in a

moral and ethical context.[ CITATION Hom07 \l 1033 ]

Theme two in the case:

Another theme that is being reflected in the case is solidarity which means recognizing other

members of society as your family and working for their good, it is a commitment to support or

encourage society and community. All human beings of the world belong to one family, they are

separated by distance and discriminated based on their culture, color, race, and language. But we

all are the same so we should work the good of each other regardless of any reward. This theme

is reflected in the cases when Fr. Greg Boyle worked for every member of the society regardless

of their race, gender, and color even he worked for the good and betterment of the former

members of the gangs. He didn’t care about their past and worked for their present, he bought an

old closed bakery with the help of others and named the business as homeboy industries. His

mission and goal were not to earn money or profit but to provide helpless with a job and earning
so that they could have experienced. That’s exactly what solidarity teaches us to take care of

other members of society as our own family and to work for their improvement and benefit. To

stand against injustice with our partners as equals, and to support them by fundraising and by

participating for their good.[ CITATION Hom07 \l 1033 ]


Abel, C. F. (2014). Toward a Theory of Social Justice for Public Administration.

Bersoff, D. N. (2011). The Relation Between Ethical Codes and Moral Principles.

HomeboyIndustries. (2007). Homeboy Industries: An Incubator of Hope and Businesses.

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