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In life, best on my understanding you will think rational or accurate. When you are in youthful
time, is the time that you will think how to prosper in your life. When you are an infant (yaro
karami), if you make mistake you can have a remedy, but once you make mistake at your
youthful age it will affect your entire generation and no remedy for that, when you are old, even
problem will make you disown your life as your thinking start diminishing, the law of
diminishing return will take place. So in life, never allow mistake to corrupt your future that will
make you come and regret yourself later.

10 Mistakes

1) Young people spend money on trivial (unnecessary) things (passage; Isaiah 55:2): This is
one of the most tempting mistake made by young people. Most young people want to
have fun, want to enjoy life and feel among themselves: the look at others and want to be
like them and live the way they do then regret later in life.
2) Young people blame their parents for their misfortune. I am sorry to say this but your
parent owns you nothing, they invited you into this world: yes but they probable have
done the best if you think their best. Isn’t good enough, well you can go and fix it
yourself; Bilgate once said if you are born into poverty is not your fault but it become
your fault when you die in poverty. Your family background doesn’t define you.
3) Following someone else’s dream: Do yourself a favor and stop living for other people’s
dreams. Live your own life. It’s your life after all, isn’t it?
4) Young people tend to give up so easily: Young people most times form the habit of
quitting too easily. Quitters aren’t champions. Consistency is paramount. No one become
wealthy overnight, they were involved in some sort of building process before they
became who they are today.

Mtc3560 | [SCHOOL]
Social and Spiritual growth
5) Young people think love alone is enough to sustain a relationship: A long-lasting
relationship is not just about love, your partner must show significant value of your
purpose, goals, dreams and aspirations else you won’t last together.
6) Young people think schooling is enough to get rich: This is true but some people find it
hard to believe, it may be it’s their not fault actually; maybe we should blame the
educational system in Nigeria. Schooling can never give you the wealth you so desire.
7) Young people want instant gratification (passage: proverb 23:4-5): Fast money they are
under great pressure, going to one place to another seeking to make money easy or very
fast, at the end later regret.
8) Young people try to please everyone: there is nothing bad about pleasing others but when
it became an obsession then it will become sinful. People usually take advantage of the
yes-guy. The guy who if asked for a favor will always say yes out of fear of displeasing
someone. Sometimes you have to speak your mind instead of what someone wants to
hear. In life, try to learn how to say no if not you will later regret in life. People-pleasing
is why we have greedy false teachers in Christianity rather than telling people the truth,
they want to make people happy and tell them false things they want to hear and later
regret in life.
9) Young people invest without research: Sometimes young people going into things they
have no clue about, they do this because they see that their mates and peers are excelling
in life, they fail to invest time and understand what they are about to go into, why do you
want this? Why do you want that? If these questions are answered correctly and
sincerely, most issues in your life would be settled.
10) Pretending to be someone while you are not: Society expects us to act and do things in
certain ways. Don’t live your whole life pretending to be someone you are not just to fit
into the society, be yourself. The most admirable and inspiring people in this world are
their true selves, when you are yourselves, you are comfortable, you attract like minds
people who love you for who you are and who will help you live the most fulfilling life
you can.

Mtc3560 | [SCHOOL]
Social and Spiritual growth

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