PowerPoint Martin Luther King

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Martin Luther King Jr.

led the Civil Rights Movement in the US

mid-1950s to 1968

rejected violence

thousands of speeches
What was the African-American Civil Rights

lasted mainly from 1954-1968

iconic movement

to eliminate the racial segregation

establishment of new laws

Civil Rights Act 1964

Voting Rights Act 1965
Early Life

born January 1929 in Atlanta

from a line of ministers

School: Booker T. Washington High School

entered college at the age of 15

married 1953 Correta Scott

had 4 children
How he got involved

joined Bus Boycott in 1955

was made president of the
Montgomery Improvement Association

removed racial segregation of buses 1956
His Contribution

in 1957 elected president of the SCLC

influenced by many characters as Mahatma

produced 5 books

over 2500 speeches
The Difficulties he faced:

fined large sums of money

was arrested 30 times

his house was bombed

3 assassination attempts

incorrect rumors about him

stabbed during book signing
in 1958
He had a Dream

speech on 28th August 1963

convince the society to support the Civil Rights

highlights the struggles the African-Americans

dream of an egalitarian society

His Legacy

he inspired thousands to follow the Civil Rights

his contribution played a major role

Man of the Year 1963

awarded with the Nobel Peace prize

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