Music 7 - 3rd Quarter

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Music 7

Unit III

Unit III

Music of Mindanao

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
The learner demonstrates understanding of salient features of music and art of the
Philippines and the world, through appreciation, analysis, and performance, for self-
development, the celebration of Filipino cultural identity and diversity, and the expansion
of one’s world vision


The learner demonstrates basic understanding of the fundamental processes in music
and the arts through performing, creating, listening and observing, and responding
towards appreciation of the cultural richness of the different provinces in the Philippines.

The learner demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics of representative
music from Mindanao

The learner performs music of Mindanao with appropriate expression and style

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III

The lessons in this unit are about the music from Mindanao. Throughthe lessons, one
will discover the socio-cultural influences and distinctreligious beliefs of the people
of Mindanao. A group performance inspired byexamples of music from Mindanao will
culminate the educational experience.
The learner performs examples of Philippine music from Mindanao,alone and with
others, in appropriate tone, pitch, rhythm, expression, andstyle.

Describe the musical characteristics of representative music selections from
Mindanao after listening
Identifies the musical instruments and other sound sources of representative music
selections from Mindanao
Analyzes examples of Philippine music from Mindanao and describes how the
musical elements are used
Improvises simple rhythmic / harmonic accompaniments to selected Philippine music
from Mindanao
Performs on available instruments from Mindanao alone and / or with others
Evaluates music and music performances applying knowledge of musical elements
and style

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
Can you find some major ethnic groups in Mindanao?
Name at least three ethno-linguistic groups.

1. _______________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________

Music of Mindanao
Indigenous Philippine folklore is characterized by sacred rituals and practices, and
made more fervent and vibrant by the music that accompanies them.
In Mindanao, the sounds of the agum and guimbao signal the assembly of the
participants in the performance of sacrifices by indigenous groups. The miminsad, a
dance song, is also chanted as they walk before the altar.
Mindanao folk music includes the ancient Muslim folk song and dance called estijaro,
and a Mindanao folk song called uruyan. These are usually accompanied by drums,
gongs, or other percussion instruments like the subing, a gong.


The vocal music of Mindanao strongly reflects the natural and spiritual life of the
cultural communities in the area: Lumad, Christian, and Muslim Filipinos. Its various
forms reveal the creativity of Filipinos as they vividly express their emotions respond
to events and reveal their world view.

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
Kulintang ensemble
It is a gong-based ensemble
used by the Maguindanao
and Maranao of Western
Mindanao, the Tausug, the
Yakan, and the Sama-
Bajaoof the Sulu
archipelago. They have
varied functions but are
mostly used for
celebrations / rituals and
are mainly divided into
three parts:

Bamboo Ensemble
According to Philippine legends, the first man and woman are born out of bamboo.
Bamboo is also considered among early Filipinos as a spiritual connection from our
physical world to the spiritual. Many bamboo instruments are made for these
purposes, but some are made for entertainment and musical expression
 Gabbang
A native xylophone in Sulu, a
bamboo keyboard on top,
constructed out of wood.
Ordinarily, its main body is
shaped like a coffin; keys are
struck with 2 mallets, each
with a strip of rubber fastened
to its underside.

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
 Seronggagandi
A guitar like made of bamboo.
Two chords are slit loose side
from the outer skin fibers of
the bamboo itself and these are
given tension by means of
bridges. A hole is cut into the
bamboo under the 2 chords
that serves as resounding

Solo Instruments
These are instruments that can be played alone or in a solo performance.
 Kudyapi
It is a 2 string plucked lute instrument made of wood which resembles an
elongated guitarusuallyhaving2strings.Itvariesinsizes, but normally it is about
one and a half meter long. It is held in the performer’s lap like a guitar, the left
hand slides back and forth between the frets; the middle finger of the right
plucks both the melody and strings with a rattan plectrum or kubit.
 Suling (Maguindanao and Yakan’s)
It is made mainly of “tamiang” bamboo, a long, thin walled bamboo tube. Its
mouth piece is circled with a thin band made of rattan near as mall hole.

Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
Activity 1
Name: ____________________________________________________Score: _________________
Year and Section: ________________________________________ Rating: ________________
List some other instruments found in Mindanao. Also write a small description about those

Instrument Name Description







Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III
Activity 2
Name: ____________________________________________________Score: _________________
Year and Section: ________________________________________ Rating: ________________
Look and listen to some folk music in Mindanao. Identify the song title, its location
where it is mostly played and its meaning. Write your answer in the table below.
SONG TITTLE Location Meaning or the message of the song






Music of Mindanao
Music 7
Unit III

Music of Mindanao

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