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Who Does the Playing?

-Once upon a time there was a father mouse and a mother mouse and
their two children. They lived inside a piano, where life was very quiet
until one day; their whole world was suddenly filled with music.
-When the music stopped, Father Mouse said, "Wasn't that beautiful? Only
God can make music like that." Mother Mouse and the two children agreed.
They said, "Who else but God can make such beautiful music?"
-Then one day, daughter mouse came back from exploring the
piano. She said, "God doesn't make the beautiful music. Wires do. They are
the secret. When they tremble and vibrate, they make music."
-Because she was very smart, the others believed her. They no longer
believed that God made the beautiful music. They believed that the wires
-Then one day, son came back from exploring the piano. Even though he
was not as smart as his sister, he was no dummy.
-"Guess what!" he told the family. "Wires don't make the music. Piano
hammers do. When they dance on the wires, they make the music."
-"Well," Mother Mouse said, "then we'd better change what we
believe." And that's what they did. They no longer believed that the
wires made the music. They believed that the piano hammers did.
-Then one day, Father Mouse came back from exploring the piano.
"Guess what!" he said. "Guess who makes all the music! Not the wires.
Not the piano hammers. It's the woman who lives in this house!
-I saw her hitting the outside of the piano with her two hands, and suddenly
I heard beautiful music."
-So once again, the mice changed what they believed. It was not God
who made the music. It was not the wires. It was not the piano
hammers. No, it was the woman who lived in the house.
-That evening after the music had stopped, daughter mouse suddenly
asked, "If the woman makes the piano hammers go and if the piano
hammers make the wires go, I wonder what makes the woman go?"
-That was a very good question. The mouse family talked about it
for hours. Finally, Mother Mouse said, "I think God does. I think God
moves the woman to hit the outside of the piano so that beautiful music
fills our world."
-"You are right," the others said. And from then on the family of
mice once again thanked God for all the beautiful music they heard.

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