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Week 9 This week was spent editing

How did you find the editing process? I found the editing process good for my music video I focused on
this so that I had no other distractions. I manged to get all my
editing done and uploaded to my website I had done all the
filming a couple weeks before hand, so I was fully prepared for
the editing process. I didn’t have to look for any music as it is a
music video, so the song choices are pretty straight forward.

Have you encountered any problems At one point during editing, I thought I may not have enough
whilst editing? How did you overcome clips to put together to ensure that the video aspect ran out the
them? whole of the song. But I managed to come up with an idea in
which my two characters would be in an office environment and
the song would come on the radio. This filled the gap in which I
had in the middle where I needed some more clips. The next
challenge would be how I would create a radio sound effect on
the section of the video that the song was playing. I managed to
find a YouTube tutorial where I learnt how to properly distort the
song slightly to sound like it was coming out of a radio. I also
added some crop bars on the top and bottom of my production to
make it more cinematic. I also added a rolling title on the end,
which is something that I have newly learnt, and I believe will
make my production more professional looking due to most of
my research on professional productions having rolling titles.
Due to the bad weather during filming I had a couple attempts at
colour grading my clips to make them looking slight brighter and
warmer than the rain and wind that took place on the day of

Are you happy with the outcome of your I think my short film came out well considering that I didn’t use
productions? Why? proper actors and that I only had one day to film. I believe I used
lighting in a way that made my production more intense for the
audience and helped to tell the story in more detail with the warm
and cold colours. I also used the reverse effect which I wasn’t
sure how that would play out, but it actually worked well making
the audience wait and feel on edge to understand how my
character ended up in the interrogation room.

My music video could have been better, and I didn’t originally

plan for it just to be narrative based music video. I had little time
to plan due to not having a narrative that could work well with
my song. The weather was against me during filming with the
fact that it rained, and it was souper windy. I think my music
video looks ok considering not having a great amount of time due
to coronavirus restrictions. I also feel as though the actions
portrayed on screen work well with the song. I also used my
family (parents and sister) which meant that I didn’t have to rely
on anybody else and we are in a bubble to it meant I could get
close to them without breaking coronavirus restrictions.

How did your productions meet your With my short film I chose to do a genre (Crime Drama) as it is
target audience? something that is extremely popular at the moment with my
demographic age group. I also did lots of research on my target
audience which meant that I knew what they like watching where
they watch most of their television and so on. I used a range of
research techniques primary and secondary. I used focus groups
and surveys and even asked my teacher who is in my target
audience range for suggestions and for clarification on my ideas.
I used articles written by Dr’s and university lecturers. And asked
my parents for advice. For my music video I chose songs that
would have come out when my demographic audience would
have been teens. When choosing three song I was hoping that
they might bring back good memories for my audience of when
they were young. In my surveys I asked my respondents whether
they liked my ideas and what they think I could add, change or
even improve to really make sure that they were going to get
what they wanted.

What aspects of your productions could In my short film It would have been good to use characters who
have been better targeted to your where a similar age to my audience so that they could relate with
audience? the characters we see on screen. I Wished I had played around
more with the colours of the lighting in my short film especially
in the home scenes maybe to display happiness and anger. With
the lighting colours it could have helped my audience understand
the story in more detail.

How effectively have you matched the I have found out a lot of things by looking at more professional
codes and conventions you researched productions it has helped me look beyond just the camera and the
earlier in the unit? editing. These professional productions have helped me to focus
on the lighting aspect but also how I position my character in the
frame to add small details to the story. It has also helped me to
understand how much music plays a big part in stories to portray
certain characters emotions. When looking at the codes and
conventions I also looked at many theory’s that were created in
the past and how they impact the story’s we see in films today.
We looked at Todorov’s theory of the equilibrium narrative
which helped me to understand if my story was linear or non-
linear which also helped me to identify certain details in how I
would put my story together. We looked at Props character
theory which helped me to create characters and to help me
understand the general stereotypes and personality of characters
in a story. By doing all of this research it really helped me to
really focus myself on what certain things I should be adding in a
crime drama short film, what will help my audience to feel
specifically on edge when watching my production. This all
applies to the music video as well how I would tell a story
through the music but also the visuals too.

How do you feel your work compares to I think it’s good but obviously there are definitely things I can
existing professional productions? improve on. Like some of the camera work was slightly out of
focus and maybe slightly challenging shots, I could have also had
a bigger budget which will have stepped up my production more.
There were things in my music video that didn’t go particularly
to plan due to the circumstances I was faced with. Making sure I
had a bigger crew to help me would be a good thing, but I was
limited to how many people I could use due to coronavirus.

Are there any areas where your I think some of the camera work could have been better and I
production falls short? How would you didn’t have much lighting equipment so I would definitely make
improve it next time? sure I had some of this equipment to make my production to
more of a high standard. Some of my planning was poor when it
came to planning my music video as I left it sort of to the last
minute due to changes in plans which is something that I will
make sure that I have a back production plan for my final major
project to make sure that I don’t fall into this position again.

What have you learnt about yourself to I think just generally coming up with a good idea that will
take into the Final Major Project? What showcase my improvements and some of the things that I do well
do you personally need to improve on? is something I would like to focus on. I think I could get creative
with the way I edit too. It terms of making my production slightly
more professional. Looking.

Are you on track with all of your work? I have completed all my editing and have dedicated week 10
which was for my pitch, but it is now going to be for any
improvements that I need to do to get the top grades.

What work needs to be completed I have to do some final improvements on my target Audience
outside of lessons? page and my LO1 page once these are done, I have finished this

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