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in ten s e l y i n t e re s t i n g L e ct ure s by a
T h ree
M as t e r in S pi ri t u al S c i e n c e an d t he fle w
T houg ht T he u s e o f v ari o us c o l o r s a s h e al in g

age n c i e s o t h e rwis e k n o wn a s Chrom ops t hy, is

al s o fu ll y d e al t wi t h This is un qu e s t i o nabl y
t he c om p l e t e s t e x p o si t i o n o f t his fas c ina t in g

su j e c t e v e r offe re d to the p u bl i c at a n om in al
p r cc b .

L ect ure 1 — e al sD wi n m n
t h F u d a e ta l St at e
m ns D n s
e t ; efi e t he H u m n Au in Co n
a ra t ra
is in i o n
d t ct t o Pe r s o n M n is m
al ag e t ; T he H u
man Au C s i
ra la s fi e d ; Ho w to D ev e lop an d
Ut l z e a g oo d an d p o w u Au
e rf l ra ; O v al
V isu T
al re at m n y u s i on
e t b S gge t u ss
; T he S c c e
fu l T i
e l e at his t ; T he P rac t c e o f M n T
e ta l e le
ph o ny ; o Th o u h s
w g t are T ns m i
ra t ted ; A h
s n M n
e t e t al H in
e al

g ; T he E x e rc e w he re b
t he Au is D— o p
ra evel e d ; T he Th p u i
e ra e t c E
fe c t s of Co o s
l r u
R e d, B l e . ! e ll ow an d V iole t .

L ect ur e a—Sp ifi In t p e t at i o ns ; T he
ec c er r
P hi l o s o phy f Co l o a d it o Si ifi a e ; T her n s n c nc
Hi g h r O t a s f Co l o ; T h h a t i e E f
e c ve o r e er en
f ect f Co l o D e fi i t l y E l u i d at d ;
s o r h S v n
n e c e e e e
P is m at i
r Hu s a d t h i o nn t i o n wi t h t h
c e n e r c ec e
S eve n V ow l s a d wh at a h V o w e l su gge s t s ;
e n e c
T he L o w e O tave s f Co l o ; T he W a in g of

r c o r e r
G mse a R as o nabl P a t i c e ; T he W l l D e
e e r c e -

v IO p e d Au a

e r .

L ect ure 3— T he Hu man Au ra as an In d i

c at o rf Heal t h a d C h a ac t e
o wi t h R e fle n r r, c
t i o ns o n t h Au a of Hab i t at i o n ; C lai v o y an
e r r ce
s u s p t i bl f Cul t iv at i o n ; Inh e n t G e nius ;
ce e o er
M at e i al is t i C h i t i ani t y ; H al t h Au a ; T h
r c r s e r e
Au a f B ui l din g s ; T h Di v in S ie n
r o f e e c ce o
Heal t h ; Ho w t P u i fy o n s Au a ; T h Physi o r e

r e c
Au a ; T he Au a f a T e l p at his t ; T h R ash
r r o e e
E xp e n di t u r o f Au i c F o e e; Th Au i c B e l t ;
r rc e r
He av e ns a d H e l l s ; Dissip at d Au a ; T he
n e r
T ue Phi lan th opis t ; Pe f c t Harmon y
r r r e .

Price 50 cen t s .



T he two distinct subj ects upon which this

essay trea ts are so closely allied in nature and
so frequently presented t ogether in modern

writings that it seems desirable to consider

them as practically inseparable Since the pub

lication of Man Visible and Invisible by that
popular T heos ophical author and lectur e r C W
, . .

Leadbeater public interest as well as curiosity

, , ,

has been gr e atly aroused to kn ow how far the

startling declarati ons made in that volume and
elsewhere may be fairly considered as correct ;
and th ough the subj ect matte r o f such a book
do es n ot readily admit o f close examinatio n ,

there are many points which can be quite sim

ply discussed regarding the two chie f themes
on which it disc ourse s — the human aura an d ,

the mean ing and use of co lor .

F r om the standpoint of clairv oyan ce a l on e

4 82 9 8
4 The H uman A ura

the general public can h ardly stand prepared

to j udge the meri ts o f any state ments because ,

few p eo ple comparatively speaking have suffi

, ,

cient experimental acquaintance with inte ri or

or gre a tly e xtend e d vision to enable th e m to

tes ti fy to the accuracy or inaccuracy o f an y

declara tio ns based on psychic p e rcepti on al on e ;
but as in the case o f the col or side o f the ques

tio n every on e is at full libe rty to t e st the e f


feets produce d by various colo rs up on human

beings ani mals and v eget a bles and also to ob
, ,

s e rve the influ enc e o f colo r in modifying

atmo sphe ric te mpe rature wha t might oth e rwise

appear to be a very abstruse and e ntirely occult

subj ect so on bec ome s a matter for w orld wide -

investigation and d emonst ration .

T he H uman A ura th ough visible only by the


aid o f clairvoyance is palpably discern ed or


felt by millions o f people who kn ow n othing of

psychic science or o f the devel opment o f nu
usual p e rceptions A n d th ough this aura

which surrounds every living organis m is ,

vaguely de scribed as magn etis m by a great

many p eople who have given s ome attenti on to

it that wo rd having a distinct technical mean
, ,

ing in other d epartments o f scientific research ,

d oe s not very prope rly de scribe exactly what we

mean by auric efiluen ce or radiati on Person al

The H uman A ura 5

Magn etism is a convenient and co mprehen sive

phras e which sums up in two w ords what c ould
only be c orrectly describ e d by using sev e ral

sentences as that title is very frequently given


to the t otal sum o f all that influences us wh e n

we are brought into co ntact with s ome impres
sive man or woman T he fa mo us Dr Grego ry
. .

o f Edinburgh did n ot h e sitate to name his b ook


A ni mal Magn etis m or Mes meris m and Its

Phenomena th ough that volume !the latest

edition o f which was published in Lond on in

Lo ndon in 1 877 ) gives a review of numerous
cases o f mental and physical he aling through
process e s now usually t e rmed Suggestive and ,

als o cites many valuable instances o f un mistak

able clairv oyance Marie Corelli in 1 886 when
, ,

the first editi on o f he r still fa mous novel

A ,

Romance o f T wo W orlds was brought to ,

public attenti on substituted the mo re dign ifi ed


title human electricity to designate the mar

v ellous s iritual o r s chic u fl w f p tential

p py ot o o o

energy fr om such transcendent characters as

H eliobas and his sister !ara Bulwer Lytt on .

l ong before had familiarized readers with the


w ord Vril which was certainly derived from


Vir the superi or man distin guished in Latin

, ,

speech from H omo an o rdinary man Virtue

, .

viri lity and all similar well knowh w ords be ,

6 The H uman A ura

ginning with Vir speak for themselve s con


cerning their origin and it is n o mystery to


the student o f Psychic Science to be told by the

Evangelists that vi rtue we nt fo rth from a Mas
ter and healed sufl

e re rs who were receptive to

its sway Virtus means properly a great deal


more than the mo dern w orld generally under

stands by virtue a te rm which has o ften been

narrowe d down almost exclusively to its nega

tive side Positive fo rce abounding energy

g o ing f o rth to bless and he al o thers as w e ll as

keeping its generator in perfect health and
vigor was the original meanin g of that great

str on g w ord which ought to be restored in

popular parlance to its pristine fulness of sig
n ifican ce . Pro fess or Van der N aillen who se ,

three romances O n the H eights o f H i malaya

, ,
“ ” “
In the Sanctuary and Bal thazar the Ma,

gus are replete with valuable teaching regard


ing the aura o f more tha n ordinarily advanced

practitioners of the healin g art has t old us that , ,

broadly defined the human aura may be classi


fi ed as ! I st that generated by the ordinary
man o r woman which extends but a very little

way beyond the exterio r personality ; z ud that—
pertainin g to people who se moral and in tellec
tual developments are d ecidedly above the com
mon place which extends much further away
The H uman A ura 7

from the physique than in ordinary circum

stances ; 3 d that which is generated by

A depts or A rhats who can pro j ect their emana

tions to any part o f this planet at their dis ere
ti on Such statements agree very fully with all

that we can gather from ancient and modern

treatises concern in g the illimitable p ossibilitie s
o f that subtle and highly p otent energy which

is clear ly an influential but o ften an un recog


n iz ed facto r in the j oint acc omplish ments o f


successful telepathy and absent mental healing .

T o that si mply devout type of mind which re

poses perfect tr ust in Deity and is willing to

abstain from al l inquiry into the method of

divine Operations dissertations concerning the

“ ”
how of spiritua l healing may appear super
fl uous and may s ometimes be unwel come ; but

the rati onalistic intellect is dete rmined to probe

the mystery scientifically i f possible and such

enquiry into ho w the blessings are received for ,

which we are devoutly thankful in n o way,

tends to di minish our appreciati on of the bl ess

ings themselves ; on the contra ry the scientific

student is o ften fo r mo re intelligently grateful

than an y individual can be who blindly and

tacitly accepts a benefact i on in c omplete ignor
ance o f the wo rkin g o f universal o rder .

The mo st clearly ration al and truly scientific

8 The H uman A ura

view of matt er is that it is only a mani fested

mode of u n iversal substance Ancient al chemy

an d mo de rn chemistry have recently drawn

n earer and nearer together so much so that

many of the most renowned among contem

p orar
y physicists are ann o uncing the mselves
converts to the ancien t theo r o f PRIMUM

M O BILE or ET H ERIA ; w ether they use h

the old Latin w ords or not to convey thei r
meanin g is a question of very s mall impo rt
an ce T here see ms to be n o stability in the

chemical atom when we learn that it is dissolu

ble into a multitude of electrons but re gardless

of what may be diss olved and caused to dis

appear the universal simple el ement —pri mal

, ,

and ulti mate o ut o f which all differentiated

compound s sprin g and into which they must


all eventually retum remains as ever the un

alterable s ource o f energy or substan ce which

is neither created when w orlds are brought
forth n or annihilated when pl anets are disim
tegrated .

T he simp le force or en er gy of l ife the pu


spirit of humanity is Vril and this it is which

, ,

buil d s and heal s and can exhibit p ower to com

mand all c ombinations o f va ryin g elements to
appear and disappear .

Natural Magic is a topic which will yet be

The H uman A ura 9

compr eh ended by the more thoughtful in the

West as it has long bee n u n d erstood by ex

perts in the East T he O riental w onder work


er whose feats bewilder an English sp ectat or

, ,

is simply a man who has gained greater control

than o rdinary over Pram or the vital e nergy

which he has l earned to c onserve and dir ect

v olitionally but which the ordinary man all ows

to become dissipated through lack of sel f con -

trol or dominion over fe elings and app etite s .

T o devel op and utiliz e a good and p ow e rful

aura certain regular exercises are ne cessary
, ,

and at the he ad o f these stand th ose primary

directio ns c oncernin g ryhthmic or harmonic
breathing which are n ow beginning to attract

s omething like general attentio n in America

and in Europ e T he mysteri ous Yogis o f India

are a ve ry much higher class of people than the

fantasti c fakirs who meet the eye o f general
travellers ; for while the latter are public per
for me rs ready to exhibit their abilities at any

ti me for a monetary consideration the truly ,

advanced ma gicians are secluded entirely from

th at vulgar publicity which n ev e r a ffords op
p o rtu n ity for the acc om plish ment o f genu ine
g oo d to hu m anity T h e p owerful
. ani mal aura
o f the external man which o ften appears to a

clairv oyant as bright red in c ol or is o f great

10 The H uman A um

use in the productio n o f the most external f eats

o f magic as w ell as in aiding th o se physical

manifestati ons in which Spiritualists t ook such

great interest in the days o f D D H ome and . .

other marv ell ous mediums

the r e cord o f
whose experiences r eads someti me s like the
wildest l ege nds o f fairy l ore The rehabili

tated gh o st said to haunt many an ancient


castle is an actual fact in some instances and

, ,

the weird phenomena which startle many and

inte rest without terrifying a few modern in
ve stigators o f psychic myst e ri e s are lar gel y

assiste d by the A K A SA or vital effl uen ce o f

certain mediumistic pe ople with out wh o se pres

ence psychic phenomena of an external char
acte r but very rarely occur .

A n exteri or and rath e r coarse g rad e o f aur a

is empl oyed oft en beneficially by magn etic
, ,

heale rs and oth e rs who reso rt to manipulati on

with a view to c onveying strength to d ebilitated
bodies and this grad e o f fo rc e is als o e mploy e d

to a great degree by hypn o tists who dep end ,

largely upon s ome measure o f physical con

tact or at least upon clos e physical proximity

T his ani mal magnetis m

to their subj ects . ,

which is by n o means confin e d to human beings ,

is gene rated copi ously by strong healthy ani ,

mals who practis e hypn otism in s ome o f its

The H uman A ura u

phase s in stinctively if n ot deliberately T his

, .

g rade o f aura th
, ough c opi o us and us e ful o n a
sup erficial plane o f action is n ot capable of

b e in g ext ensiv ely emplo y e d in mental teleg

raph y o r in distant h e aling,
and becaus e this is
so it is n o unc ommon exp e rienc e to me et pe opl e

who successfully practise the most extern al

phas es o f Sugg estion o ral and v isual treat

ment — who fail to p erceive that sugge sti on can


als o prove th oroughly effective wh en all o ut

ward agents are abs ent or withdrawn The .

more dependent a man o r w oman is on personal

appearance and tricks o f v oice and manner the ,

more superficial is apt to be that individual s ’

wo rk and though endowed with a large share



pers on al magn etism he o r she is very
lik e ly to be for gotten r eadily even by en thusi

astic admirers aft e r th ey have re moved to a


considerable physical dist ance fr om the attra e

tive op erat or T he succ ess ful telepathist who

can soon learn to give absent trea tments for

health and general welfar e successfully is o ften,

s ome on e who s e inte ll ectual attract iv en e ss far

outweighs all pers onal charm and who capti

vates the minds rather than allures the physical

senses o f tho se who are impre ssible T he aura

o f a highly int e llectu al man o r w oman viewed,

clai rvoyantly is ofte n distinctively yell ow in

12 The H uman A ura

hue sometimes o f a rich golden col or ; the


e ffe ct o f such an aura is to stimulate the mental

faculties o f all who may prov e suscep tible to ,

calm the physical emotio ns and to r egulate the


nerv e s .

T he practice o f me n tal teleph ony is easily

compr e hended by anal ogy now that Marconi s

simple system o f wireless t elegraphy is prov

ing abundantly demonstrable Ether is a com.

preh ensive w ord and it will serve very w ell


for o ur present purpo se as we s eek to convey

s omethin g like a definite picture of ho w
thou ghts !or their e ffects ) are trans mitt e d from
place to place and fr om intellect to int e llect .

T H O UG H T S A R E F O R CE S is a widely
accept e d sayin g and on e which e mbo dies a

mighty truth o f the high e st ethical i mp ort for , ,

i f we b eli e ve this or anything like it we shall ,

certainly be led to be far mo re cautio us in the

thought r eal m than is usual Tho ughts are .

results o f brain action but intelligence moves


upon a brain and sets it in d efinite motion A .

materialist is w ont to say that brain secretes

thought as liver secretes bile ; but even if thi s
statement be measure ably true and we are ,

scarcely profit ed by pron ouncing it entirely

false the query remain s H ow d oes liver secrete
, ,

bile ! It is on ly through the agencyof a livin g

The H uman A ura 13

liver that bile is secrete d and it is only through


the me dium o f a living brain that th oughts are

pr oduc e d I ns trumen ts of thin kin g the various

sections of the brain decidedly may be in the ,

sens e in which we speak o f musical instru

ments through the agency o f which musicians


rende r music ; but the men and w omen in stru ,

mentalists are they who r e ally produce the


s ounds we love to hear for not o nly do in stru


ments require players o r th ey would be value

l ss they must have fashioners and tun ers als o

or they could n ot exist and be kept in readi n ess

for use Between human individuality an d per


son ality there is almost as much difference as

be tween a com etist and a c om et Leadbeater s .

definiti on of person fro m pers on a meaning ,

s omething through which s ound proceeds is ,

und oubte dly accurate and if such a discrimiy


n ation b etw e en diffe rent terms which are often


bewilderingly confounde d w er e kept clearly in


vi ew controversy w ould s oon wax l es s fierce


and langua ge w ould become mo re genera lly

intelligible .

T he several bodies of man en umerated by ,

The osophists as each within the oth e r and vari

o usly made manifest in di f fering sta ges o f hu
man evo lution a ffo rd a pro foundly interestin g

theme for continu ous research T he the ory is .

I4 The H uman A ura ,

at least/plausible, and when cl airvoyant testi
mony is brought fo rward to sustain it it be ,

c omes still more pressing a question for all who

co ncern themselves with psychical research .

T he casual b ody which is the innermost o f all


our bo dies is d e scribed by penetrative seers as


well developed only in the case o f adepts an d ,

by well d ev elop e d is meant t hat it really shi n e s

through or that its radiations pierce the several

o uter vehicles o r sh e aths o f the true ego which ,

are called respectively our mental astral an d ,

physical bodies .

In the development of the averag e man or

w oman whom we meet in fairly refined an d
rather well educated so cie ties there is a lway s
s ome trace of the emanati ons o f the mental
body in the appreciable aura ; thus it does n ot
seem incr e dible to such people that trans ference
o f th ought even to great distances may be ac

co mplishable th ough it is but rarely that an y


very strikin g cas es o f telepathy manifestly c c

cur T o explain the voluntary an d als o the

involunta ry transmissi on o f thought from min d

to mind and from place to place it is n eces
, ,

sary to consider how certain me ntal states af

feet the aura of the sender and al so o f the re
ce iver o f a mental dispatch ; and we must not

o v erl ook the c l o sely kindre d e f

f ect whi ch ou r
16 The H uman A ura

readily succumb to the influence of their sur

roundin gs .

Environment and circumstance when these ,

w ords are used purely in th eir singular sign ifi

cance refer entirely to individual aura th ough
, ,

in thei r plural form o f circumstances and en

v ironmen ts they may pr operly be us e d to de sig

nat e the sum o f thos e ext e rnal conditio ns whic h

more remotely environ us T he orderly classi

fi catio n — m —
ind bo dy and e state exactly con
, , ,

veys the process whereby the aura is g enerat e d

and thr own off T he first act is ge nerative the

sec ond act is propulsiv e when we co nsid er


how aura is co nstituted and then how it is util !

iz gdf Po ets and paint e rs have evidently draw n

very largely up on the re sults of seership in giv
ing to the world repr e s entati ons o f ni mbus ,

aureole and gl ory enci rcling the head and radi


ating from the entire pe rson o f so me unusually

ele vated individual in the psychic scale T he .

min or saints as pictured in Christian art have

, ,

only a l ittle rin g o f light surr oundin g their

heads but greater saints have much more o f


this halo ; then when the Master is portrayed

as walkin g up on the water the wh ole surface

o f the lake is sh own illu minated by his radia

tions A diligent comparis on o f the various


Sacred B ook s of the Ea st with the J ewish and

The H uman A ura 17

Christian Scriptures and also with Classic


Myt ho logy foll owed by a study of lat er sym


bolie art w ould bring forward an immense


array o f co ncurrent t estimony to the fact that

all ov e r the earth the kn owle dge o f the human
aura has at s ome time spread T h en when we .

read acc oun ts by Baron von R e ichenbach o f

his experi ments demonstrating o dylic fo rce or
odyle we s hall se e that r ec ent Eur op ean ex per

imen talists reache d a c onclusi on n ot widely dif

feren t fr om anci ent Egyptians and H indus .

h N ot only have hu man b e ings be en cr e dite d with

gene rating a he alt h aura which thev o ften fre e

ly disp e nse to th o se w eak e r than th emselv e s ,

but all co ns ecrated t emples have b ee n charged

with this effusio n which in the fi rst i n stanc e
, , ,

must hav e pr oce eded fr om some hu man beings ,

th ough frequ e ntly sacre d pl ac es w er e s aid to

p ossess it to such a degre e that h ealing has
o ft en been acc omplished in a t emporarily de

se t ted t emple .

T he mod e rn suggesti onist who follows Lie

bault and B ernheim almost exclusiv ely has a
tendency to unduly ign o re and s ometimes even

to s toutly repudiat e the acti on o f a fo rce which


M es me rists and magnetists are apt to overe sti

mate A wise middle c ourse needs to be found

and to be steadily pur sue d betw ee n the extr eme

18 The H uman Aura

of mental suggestionism and an v rratin g of

o e

W y h s ic al ex uda tio n sJ T h e Bible in,

b o th T esta

men ts giv e s many instances of bo th aspects


of this i mmense subj ect . We read in so me

places o f an ener gy actually goin g fo rth f rom a
healer to a patient and of this energy bein g

transmitte d in a d e cidedly corp oreal manner ;

we als o find numerous re cords o f what w ould

n ow be called

absent menta l healing N oth .

ing is lost to any rati onal metaphysical system

by granting to ani mal magnetism a certain
s ub ordinate po sition as a transmissive agent ;
inde ed it s e ems absurd to deny if metaphysical

premises have been accepted that it can possi


bly be oth erwise than that our mental condi

ti on should most ext ensiv ely afi ect our phy
sique and all its emanati ons I f eve ry practi

tion e r o f massage and o f oste opathy as well as ,

every ann ounced magn etic heal er understo od ,

something d efinitely c once rnin g aura and how

it is generated purifi e d and vitiat d initially
, ,
e — ,

in a ll cas e s by mental activities a very great


addition w ould quickly be made to the benefits

accruing as r e s ults of the practice of th es e vari
ous sch ools o f mechanical or medical practi

tion ers K n ow l edge o f how s omethin g is done


does not always accompany one s do ing o f that’

so m ethin g b,ut kn o wl e d g e is c ertain l y n eces

The H uman A ura 19

sary if we wish to be able to do our best work v

in the most intelligent manner Very go od re .

sults o fte n f oll ow from the mental and mag

n etic treatments giv en by uniformed perso ns ,

because i f people live in good will to their -

neighbors and are at peace withi n themselv e s ,

they unconsci ously ge n e rate a good h e althy ,

aura which h elps de licate sensitive sufferers

, ,

who are br ought into co ntact with it .

T he health aura is clairvoyantly described as

r ose pink in color and from this o riginal visi on
, ,

whic h date s to remote antiquity we have be ,

come familiar wi th rose colo red as a t e rm

“ -

implying che e rful and Optimistic Ros e colo red .


glasses do literally conduce to c he er fuln ess in ,

accordance with the readily asce rtained law of

c orrespondential suggestion T hus it is that

from within to without and fr om witho ut to

within is a perpetually alternating or refl ex

natural process leading to the continuance o f


inductive and deductive sch ools alike of phil os

ophy and medicine .Plato and A ristotle sim
ply viewed the same ph en omena from exactly
o ppo site standp oints and th e ir re sp e ctiv e dis

ciples do precisely the sa me to day T he Pla


ton ist is a th or ough metaphysician w hile the ,

A ristotelian is a physicist but they can w ork


harmoniously together in a single college wh en

20 The H uman A ura

both have grown to see that the on e begins with

caus e s and w orks outw a rd to e ffects while the ,

o ther begins with effect s and w orks inward to

cau sati on

r Th e starting po int o f the auric radiati on .

call it by w hatever name we may is always far ,

belo w !more correctly behind or within ) the

surface o f our existence So ve ry common a

word as p e rspiratio n is o f dignified origin com ,

ing from per which means through and spi

, ,

rare , to breathe T o perspire is literally to


breath e through a ve hicle and certainly the


nature of the outbreathing must be determined

by that which is at w ork within T his idea o f .

breathing through a mask so to speak has al

, ,

ways served to convey with great cle arness

an d essen tial d octrine —c ommon alike to all

Gno stics T heo s ophists Spiritualists and O c

, , ,

cultists that the real man is i mmeasur ably

mo re than his physical habili ments th ough un ,

like s ome schools o f met aphysicians no ne of ,

thos e groups o f students o f psychic pr oblems

whom we have just enumerated v e rbally or
technically deny the existence o f the physical
body or the wo rld of gross matter which is ,

si mply the final or most ext ern al vehicl e

thr ough which the ego or entity reveals itself
in expres sion Astrol ogy chirol ogy an d all
, ,
The H uman A ura 21

o ther reputedly O ccult Scien ces can be inter

rete d aright only thr ough familiarity with the
human aura because the !
, W k
termines our susceptibility or non susceptibility -

in the presenc e of all conceivable elements an d

vibrant influencesJN othin g can well be more
e vident than the undeniable fact that many per

s ons constantly exposed to the rudest play of

th e elements and also to highly co n tagious

c onditions and diseases nurses do ctors an d
, ,

pri e sts are three n otable classes o f exposed in

div iduals — are remarkably immune fr om con

tagion . T his immunity can be scientifical ly

acc ounted for in on e way on ly viz by discover
, .

ing that the gen eral mental and physical con

dition s of such perso ns mo re nearly than o rdi
n aril
y appr oxi mate t oward an ideally as epti c

state The aura of the priest of the physician

, ,

and o f the trained nurse is generally speaking

, ,

stronge r than that of the average friend or rela

tive of a sick pers on who feels armed with no

special knowl e dge or auth ority and c on sequent


ly is much mo re liable to infecti on T he aura .

o f the y oung d oct or is n ormally b right red in

col or and stron g th ough n ot partic ularly t e


fin ed ; that o f the maturer and well balanced -

physician n ormally pr esents a purple tint as , ,

with addition to ere strength an d s l f confi
e -
22 The H uman A ura

dence we det ect benevol ence of a riper sort and


greater susceptibility to hi gher than physical

influ enc e s T he gentl en e ss co upl ed with fi rm

ness whic h very often characteriz e s the train ed


nurse and the sister o f charity bet okens a ma ,

turity o f th ought and feeling which gives rise

to a rich purplish vi olet aura whic h exerts a ,

s oothing and also a bracing effect upon sensi

tive receptive patients
, .

The great exercise whereby the aura is

develope d most of all is re gular rhythmic
breathing the impo rtance o f which can scarce

ly be overestimated T o breathe righteo usly is


to use the entire l ung c apacity for inhaling and

exhaling air an d in c on necti on with the in hal

ing and exhaling o f pure outer atmosphere it is

highly desirable to dw e ll upon pran a the life ,

force which pervades the atmosphere and apart ,

from which n o living organism can be either

produced o r sustained T he real nature of this

n a is elemental force an d to the extent that

p ra ,

it is rendered subj ect to human will in the hu

man body is any man or w oman enabled to con
trol the elements external to humanity which ,

are in n o essential respect different from the

constituen ts of the hu man organism itsel f .

T he somewhat intricate directions given for

harmonic breathing to Weste rn disciples by
24 The H uman Aura

me nd l ike brightness all i maginable tints and


hues o f col or radiating from a perfect centre .

n o other mental sugge sti on in the fi el d o f co lor

symbolism can equal it in beauty or inclusive

ness But as our mo st deeply felt necessitie s

are o ften distinctly particular and relative and ,

pe rfect whiteness d en otes the abs olute we do ,

well to distinguis h thoughtfully betwe en col or

values and map out fo r our special edification
precis e ly that shade o f color which sign ifies
the man if e st expr e ssion o f exactly that me ntal
quality which we desire most o f all immediately
to expr e ss . Chromopathy as taught and prac,

tise d by Dr E D Babbitt is an elabo rate yet

. . .

simple syste m based on extensive kn owledge


o f c ol or values and this syste m can be really


mastered in a comparatively sh ort ti me by seri

o us students o f av e rage ability T he specia l .

the rapeutic e ffe cts o f colo r are more c ompl etely

set forth in the writings o f Dr Babbitt than by .

any oth e r autho r with wh ose publications we

are fa miliar F rom the teachings of Dr Bab
. .

bitt we deduce the foll owing general conclu

sion s !
RED is always a stimulant tending to arou se ,

every faculty which is subjected to its influence

consequently light admitted through red glas s

or e v e n red furnitur e cl othing fl o

, wers paint , ,
The H uman A ura 25

or wall paper is recommended for all pers ons

whose tendencies are sluggish or despondent .

Red in all its vari ous de grees ran ging from

, ,

pale pink to vivid scarlet can be use d with ad


va n tage as a stimulant Pink is especially con


ducive to awakenin g h ope and is co nsequently


an e ffective anti do te for melanch olia ; while all

pronoun ce d shades o f red due to more power

ful etheric vibrati ons stimulate both mind and


body to the utmost activity .

BLUE is particularly beneficial in all case s

where excitement has been too inten se ; it is
there fore to be employed in all feverish situa

tion s Blue gla ss was never a craze but its
, ,

efficacy being necessarily l imited it c ould not ,

po ssibly prove a cure al l o r universal panacea


When sunlight is n ot obtainable elec t ric light ,

affords an e ffective substitute in every mo de rn

h ome it ought to be easy to practise chromo
pathy to s ome ex tent Re d and blue are the

co l ors which are most f requently required as ,

they are perfect opposites red being the uni


v e rsal sti mulant and blue the universal s e dative ,

but YELL O W must n ot be ign ored and though ,

its influence is not quite so generally recogniz ed

as th at o f blue or red from palest pri mrose to

b righte st amber yellow has a large field in

which to w ork espe cially as an aid to in tellec
26 The H uman A ura

tual devel opment Paralysis and all other ner


vous dis orders are amenable to yello w light

treatment .

VI O LE T which is the most spiritual of the


seven prismatics is also an antid ot e fo r man y


nervous p e rturbations becaus e its tendency is


to lead our th oughts away f rom the petty cares

and trivial anxieti es of the external w orld and ,

di rect our att ention toward the abiding r ealitie s

o f the c elestial real m .

Dr Babbitt r elat e s intens ely int ere sting cases


o f the cure o f lunacy thro ugh the aid o f pr oper

ly adj ust ed co l or We all know that mental


aberrati ons are o f many vari e ti e s and that in ,

sanity ranges all the way from stupid solid ,

melancholy to the mo st vi ol ent and dangerous

excitability M o rbid tacitu rnity which is a n ot

uncommon phas e o f mania must be treat ed ,

with red and it is repo rt e d that an emin ent


Italian specialist Dr Ponga di rect or o f the


Lunatic A sylum at A lexandria has placed pa ,

tien ts in r ooms properly c ol or e d to suit their

special necessities with such good e ffect that
morbid taciturnity has within a few hours , ,

given place to healthy che e rfuln ess A n other .

maniac who could tak e n o foo d whatev e r else


wher e developed a natural appetite in the same


red chambe r B l ue chambers are equa lly bene

The H um an A ura 27

ficial, but they are required for the occupancy

o f vi ol ent maniacs who are oft en very quickly

quiet ed by the so othing tranquillizing effect Of


blue Violet has been known to cure a patie n t


in a single night acco rding to the same testi


mony .

This shows that color fo rc e s act both by day

and by night th ough when the light is most

intense the efi ect is apt to be mo st quickly pro

duce d especially when arousing ra ther than

when qui eting influenc e s are need ed T he .

wh ole scheme o f Col or T herapeutics is ex

tremely fascinatin g and it o pens a most de

lightful as well as fruit ful fi eld for all who

pre fer to Operate with the fin er than with the
crud e r grades o f the force Of nature T he ele

ment O f sugge sti on can never be eli minated

from any variety Of healing practice ; therefor e
it is n ot feasible to end eavor to decide exactly
to what ext ent co l o r has d on e a w ork apart
from mental influences acting independe ntly Of
physical acc esso ries But this admissi on far

from weakening the efficacy o f colo r treat ment ,

tends d ecidedly to increas e and strength en it ,

because it Opens up an en o rmo us fi eld for in

v e stigation in the purely psychic d omain which ,

we Often t erm a distinctly superj ective r ealm .

W e are not always so situated es pecia lly i f we

28 The H uman A ura

trav el ext ensively that we can arrange our


exteri or envir onments exactly to our taste o r

ple asure and it is when we canno t do so that

we fin d the exclusively psychic aspects o f this

subj ect particula rly impo rtant T he occul t

metho d of practising chromopathy is to clo se

the e xternal eyes and make a distinct mental
picture Of a belt or ring of color around the
entire pers on Make your auric efiluen ce Oh

j ectiv e on the plane o f m ental visi o n See y o ur


self enveloped in the sheen of light which must

be pict ur ed forth to you in the symbolic lan

guage o f c orrespon denc e exactly in the con


diti on you wish it to manifest G O to sle ep or


pass to a s uperio r co nditi on resembling e cstasy ,

while dwel ling up on that visi on which you hav e

su gge st ed to yours el f v oluntarily and you will ,

s oon find that what ever your ext ernal sur


roundings may be o u have gain e d r ep o s e and

y ,

re ached a state o f equilibriu m o therwis e pr ae


tically unattainable with out definite out side as

sistan c e
. A littl e st eady practic e o f the art o f
visualizing will s oon sufl ic e to demonstrate ho w
v ery much mo re p ower we r e ally have over our
psychic and sl eeping conditions than we have
hitherto suppo s ed Every one s aura is und e r

his cont rol i f he only d ete rmine s to regulate it

, ,

and it sta nds to reason that nothin g can be so

The H uman A ura 29

c onducive to enlarged sphere o f individual

libe rty as to get accust ome d to determine our
p sychic stat e r e gardless o f physi cal en v ir on
ments .


H aving alr eady utlined the prin c1pal fea


tures o f the philos ophy of color and its sign ifi

cance which it is n ow our province to mo re

d efinitely and pr ecisely elucidate we sha l l call ,

att ention specifically n ot only to the br oad gen

e ral principles o f the subj ect but seek a l s o t o,

e nter into pa rticular details .

F irst and last it must be re membe re d that


ther e can be n o bad col ors th ough there can be


discordant combinati ons Black which is the


v ery n egatio n o f colo r is only a backgr ound


fo r all col ors and has exactly the use in Nature


to which the blackboard is put in a classr oom .

With white chalk we make d emonstrati on s on

a black surface T he extre me of co ntrast is

her e displayed but there is n o evil s ugg est ed by


black in this connection ; on the c ontrary it ,

serves a useful purp ose by brin ging white let

t ering into high r elie f Black and white

sketches are ano ther but entirely di fferent

phase of the sa me c ontrast when an artist makes
black markings On a white surface thereby ,
32 The H uman A ura

mancy which originally meant death dealing


White magic is synonymous with leuco man cy ,

which sign ifies light dispe nsing -


We will n ow e ndeav or to explain the range

o f Re d the first and l ow e st o f the pri maries or

p rism a t ic s when
, viewed fr om the earthly side
o f e v oluti on but th
, e highest al ike o f the thre e

and o f the seven wh en vi ewed from the spir


itual o r Osoteric plane Of inv oluti on A scent .

must ever begin where d escent ends T he .

spi ritual entity prio r to expressi on on earth

mus t drape its elf with a robe of aura or it
could n ot enter into the exte rnal w orld T he .

violet ray is its firs t c ov ering ; then in turn it , ,

wraps itsel f a ro und with purple blue green , , ,

yellow o range and red finally H aving taken


the seven pre limina ry st eps o f descen t it ap

pears on earth as A dam the man cl oth ed in red ,

garments T he Adamic o r Re d Rac e is the


e arl iest of the seven races which find expres

si on on this plan et and the universality Of re d


is to be discov ered in the fact that healthy hu

man blood is red ev erywhere and that a natural ,

redness o f skin b etokens health whil e pall or is ,

indicative of weakness .

T he darker shades Of red deno te a ffecti on

o f a primitive s elf regarding type no t pr oper

ly designated selfi shness in the distinctly un

The H uman A ura 33

p l ea sa n t usa g e o f th at te rm s e l f preser
,va but -

t ive ne ss unillumin ed by tho ught or r egard for


o thers . T his primitive e state is c ommon to in

fan cy and when n ot outgrown as age advan ce s
, ,

leads to u npleasant results in time o f matu rity .

A n au ra Of murky red s uggests un clean li

ness sy mbolizes vitiated passio n an d aecom
, ,

p a n ie s all psychic a n d m ental stat e s which tend

t oward j ealo usy hatr e d an d al l unrighteous

animosities Sensuality is pictured forth by a


very s ordid earthy red in which a suggestion


Of black is always presen t because sensual im ,

pulses are unenlightened and gravitate toward ,

shad ow rather than toward sunlight .

Pure a ffecti on is typified by clear b ri ght red ,

like to the ruddy blaze o f a cheerful fire which ,

indicates loving welcome the very embodiment ,

o f the spirit o f h ospitality Black stoves can


nev e r besto w cheer fulness upon a h ome how ,

ever much heat th ey may ra diate ; thus it hap

pens that Open fir eplaces in c old climates are
alw ays w e lcome and deservedly popular .

Bright red in the sky always augu r s win d in ,

tens e he at or s ome marked ex citement in the


atmosphere ; l urid red is an invari able pre

curser Of tempests .

A n ger is an emoti on whose cor respon din g

colo r is red but the sh ad e or quality of red
34 The H uman A ura

which anger displays varies with the nature and

s ou rce o f the emo ti on What is O ften call e d

right eous indig nati on e mits a b rilliant scarlet

flame and while it lit erally causes the cheeks


and Ofte n the entire countenance to blaze as it ,

is prompted by love o f justice and detestati on

Of un fair dea l ing an d oppression it is n ot su l,

lied by any sinister shado ws Avarice is show n


by a dull heavy perverted shade o f red n ot

, , ,

v e ry easily distinguishable from the hue o f

s ensuality with which it is al lied quite cl osely

in o ri gin and sentiment .

T he b ridge fr om Red to Yellow is O range ,

and on this bridge we find pride displayed giv ,

ing fo rth an auric radiation of red orange tint -


Pride is at its b est not an unworthy emotion

, , ,

as it is usually the harbinger o f so me higher

state of intellectual advancement Proper prid e . ,

an d r eas onable a mbitio n are the usual a ec om

p a n imen t s o f a str ong th ough unchastened in

tellect but a high e r conditi on than pride o f in


tellect is e xpress e d by the absence o f much of

the re d which prid e carries with it and the
pre s ence Of brilliant amber Amber has for .

age s b e en ass ociate d with stren gth and many ,

have been the chains o f ambe r beads which

peopl e have wo rn about th eir n ecks to antid ote
pul monary weakn esse s and to sti mulate more
The H uman A ura 35

than simply the vocal system This practice .

has b een founded upon v e ry ancient kn owledge

regarding the fo rmation O f ambe r and the ther
apeutic p otency of the o range ray in the spec

trum which a ffords nervous stimulati on and


o fte n proves of decided h elp to studen ts ,

whether administe r e d chromopathically in ac

cordan ce with Dr Babbitt s system of Light

and Col or or by mean s o f any oth e r me th od


acc e ssible or conv eni ent o f applicati on O range .

as an ingredient in the human aura always de !

n otes mental vigo r an d is found mo st fre


qu ently among peo ple who are l eaving pri mi

tive animality and searchi n g for intellectual
illumination .

Yellow the second primary deno tes the

, ,

mental realm extricate d entir ely fro m the em

brac e s O f the material ; th ere fore the brightest , ,

cleare st y ell ow betoken s the high est and purest

type o f int ellect A pale p ri mr os e col o red light

evinces a so ft gentle int ellectual disposition

, , ,

v e ry pure but n ot very vigo rous T he lighter

, .

shades of y e llo w are qui eting in the extr eme to

an overwro ught nerv ous co nditi on and pe o ple ,

who generate aura Of that hue acc omplish Often

a great deal in the directio n o f healing by their
qui et regulating pre s ence
, .

Green which stands in the middle of every

36 The H uman A ura

thin g and is the col or which is between the

outer and the inner or the higher and the l ower
, ,

w orlds or p lanes of co nsciousness is sign ificant


O f universal adaptability Clear bright emer


ald green is always attractive and gives a sense


o f h ome wherever on e may be travelling T his .

purely natural color is beh eld clairvoyantly in

co nnecti on with pe ople who are ardent lov ers
Of nature and who though th eir lov e Of nativ e
, ,

c ountry may be great can fin d and enj oy a ho me


a mong green hills fields and valleys every


wher e Homesickness is banished by gre en


and tir e d eyes are re sted by green spe ctacles .

Green lamp shades are particula rly r e stful and ,

this color will be found a valuable soporifi c an ,

antidote to all that induces ins omnia .

T he lighter shades o f green are indicative Of

sympathy no t the maudlin or misdirected sym
pathy which increases trouble by dwelling upo n
it but that gracio us helpful sympathy whic h
, ,

environs a sufi erer with fresh and pl easant con

dition s suggesting re lease fr om b ondage to a
pain ful environment Green o f the paler type

is very enc oura ging to sensitive pers ons who

are apt to be easily dispirit ed and it will be

found that peo ple usually are h e lped most n o t

by the co lor which already predominates in
their a ura but by a hue which is lackin g whi ch ,
The H uman A ura 37

will make s its appearance when a higher de

v elopmen t o f symmetry has be en atta ined .

T h ough gr e en is oft en figuratively ass oci ated

with dec eit and j eal ousy an d we have all h eard

“ ”
of a g reen ey ed monster whose acquaintance

w e d e sire to be rid Of as many sensitives have


e xplained it is o nly a sullied and d ebased con


dition o f gree n which d enotes tre achery Noth .

ing could be mo re ridiculous than to beli ev e

that the beauti ful color Of grass and foliage ,

which we all in stictiv ely ad mi re indicates any


thing unright eous . It is only a perverted o r

vitiated state Of aura o r conditio n of color w hich
can ever show f o rth anything abnormal .

BLUE the third an d highest o f the pri


maries is always compl imented


true blue

b eing on e of our most familiar expre ssi on s in

t ended to den ote sinc e re friendship an d gen
e ral sincerity in all r e lati o ns o f li fe Amon g .

blue st ones the sapphire is typical o f wisdom

and the tu rquois e Of fidelity When a pale blu e

aura is s ee n surrounding any pers on it pr oves ,

that the natur e which g e nerates su ch an aura

is aspirational and g entle Blue is always the


c ol or of the sky in clear weather but what we ,

gen erally term sky blue in our color scheme

is an intens e and r ath er brilliant hue This sig .

n ifie s fix it
y o f m o ral purp o se high ethical at
38 The H uman A ura

tainme n t, unusually large c onscien tiousness ,

and an appreciatio n o f high id eals quite beyond

all ordinary levels o f ideality .

In the empl oyment Of blue therapeutically ,

whether thro ugh chromopathic treatment or by

means of an altogeth e r subj ective or psychical
metho d o f visualizing the pal er blue tint s are

extremely rest ful while int ense degrees Of blue


denote and induce a rep ose ful con diti on o f

activity which is r eadily understood by all who

hav e learn ed s omething Of the blessed art o f

w orking co ntinu ously and e ffectively and at , ,

the s ame time easily

, H ard w ork has n o place

in the blu e regi on though n owhere can mo re


w ork be d one and the work done by th ose who


have reached the stat e denoted by clear bright

blue aura is of an abidin g as well as of an ex
cellen t q uality .

T he bluish grey which indicates fear and

, ,

Oft en accompanies ill regulated co nsci e nti ous


ness is the au ra o f timid natures wh o se r elig

, ,

ious impuls es may be strong but who s e ,

reli gious beliefs are largely shadowed by fear

and tinctured with mis giving T o have an .

“ ”
attack o f the blues is to be depressed in spirit ,

and whenever we catch a gli mpse of the aura

of a pers on thus a fflict e d we find it b l ui sh grey ,

never intense blue and its c ondition is always


tremen dou s .
40 The H uman Aura

gloom at any ti me but a l ways with maj esty in


spiring rev e rence and that n obl e kind Of awe


which in stinctively c ome s o ver us when we find

ourselves in the pres ence o f s omethin g gre ater

and sublimer than we are usually accustomed

to e ncounter .

T he sixth note in the scale is h owever im , ,

pe rfe ct ; th erefore only earthly or temporal do

mini on is indicated by purp l e or indi go T he .

myst erious Ap ocalypse o r B ook o f Revelation

significantly de clares that 666 is the numbe r o f
that e ntire system of external auth ority which
is in its essential nature corruptible tho ugh n ot ,

n ecessarily corrupt and which will eventually


disappear afte r having achi ev e d magnificent


exte rnal triu mphs to make way for a still


higher ord e r expressible only by the employ

ment of the nu mber 7 .

VI O LET the sev enth colo r in the rainb ow


sp ectrum den ote s the hi ghest of a l l earthly


attainments .

Jo seph s ’
c oat Of m any c ol ors menti oned in ,

Gen e sis is a very ancient allusi on to the aura


o f a s eer or proph et th ough the circumstances,

of his receiving this gar ment as a gift from his

fath e r Jacob !who s e name is changed to


Isra e l ) is slightly obscure except in the com ,

p arativel
y uni m p o rtant l e tter Of the narrative .
The H uman A ura 41

the order of spiritual development no on e



can truly giv e anything to another because
each individual must earn his r ai men t for him

self ; but it is quite reas onable to admit that a

father may p e rceive the state of his son s de ’

v elOpmen t and mak e ackn o wledgment of this


in a mann er n ot to the liking Of less devel ope d

brothers o f the proph et who are foolish enough

to feel en vy or j ealousy when superior ability

i s displayed by anoth e r and that s uperiority
meets with right ful recognition Very much

valuable in formati on conc erning aura is to be

met with in Spiritualistic literature which ,

abounds with statements to the e ffect that we

build our own psychic bo dies an d weave our
psychic raiment .
“ ” “
Radiatio n and radiant ”

are w ords from which raiment origin ally

“ ”

spran g but the latt er w ord has been gre atly de


teriorated in meaning so that it is n ow appl ied


to wearing apparel which can be purchased an d

donned fr om the outside .

Vi olet li ght is too intense the vibrations of


ether which produce it are too rapid to agr ee

with avera ge temperaments or usua l c onditions ,

but it is found to be extremely well s uited to

psychic stimulati on o f a rare order and fav ors

the producti on of psychic phenomen a o f a high

order . T elepathy and all k indred e vid en ces o f
42 The H uman Aura

spiritual interc ommunion between afl initiz in g

minds can be assisted by the violet ray an d it is

easy to d emonstrate the po tency o f this color by

introducing it on o ccasions of bereave ment and
mourning where it rightfully belon gs an d
, ,

where black is an odious impertinence In the .

ritual Of the Christi an Church from very early

times violet has been introduced on peniten tial
days as it is intended and calcul ated to lift the

th oughts o f w orshipp ers from earth to heaven .

A t memorial service s violet is al ways in place ,

and tho s e who approve the p ractice Of wearing

a spec ial dress at funerals and for s ome peri od
after the transiti on o f a f riend or relative will
do well to s ubstitute vi olet for black on all oc
casio ns .

A vi olet aura is indicative o f what is com

mouly termed a dre amy visi onary character
, ,

but we must n ot fo rget th at se e rs and dreamers

can be thoroughly robust and th ough usually

so mewh at more fin e ly and delicately organiz e d

than the b ulk of their contempora ries they can


enj oy perfect health and exhibit any amoun t o f

physical as wel l as mental endurance which the
maj o rity of their more gro ssly constituted
neighbors cannot p ossibly endure witho ut a
sp eedy break down T he more widely di fferent

on e s au ra is from that Of one s neighbor the

’ ’
The H uman A ura 43

more is abl e to move about amon g the sick

on e

and distress ed radiating h ealth giving out vir

, ,

tue but free fr om liability to unpleasant in


fectio n or c ontagi on V i olet light d e str oys


many varieties o f d e structiv e parasit e s and ,

th os e re markabl e

healers wh os e v ery pr e s
ence confe rs bl e ssing up on the af flict ed are
usually p ossess e d Of an aura in which viol et is
a largely pr e d ominating c ol or .

Connecting the s ev en pris matic hues with the

seven vo wels we ass ociat e red with A orange
, ,

with E yellowwith I green with O blue with

, , ,

U indi go with W and vi o l et with Y T h ough

, ,

five vo wels are all that are commonly ackn owl

edged by grammarians the two suppl ementary,

vo wels W and Y find their plac e in language

, , ,

just as indigo and vi ol et have th eir positi on in

the spectru m A the red not e is the b eginning
, ,

o f everything ; it is always intr oduct ory and it ,

can als o prov e a good te rminal because it de ,

n otes the commencement o f a scal e and ,

i mmediately a scale is compl eted an octave n ot e

is struck The sign ificance O f names which

were o riginally constructed and applied by

reas on of th eir occult significance has recently ,

been much discuss ed and it is a fascinating


topic be cause to the th oughtful mind it can not


be a matter of indi fferenc e whether by the ft c ,

44 The H uman A ura

qu ent pronunciatio n of a name we are su ggest ,

ing what is elevating or the reverse in its ety

mology Names which begin and end with A

are names o f dign ity and de ep significance A s .

na me s were originally title s and all meant ,

s omething definit e the o ld Latin phrase N ome n

, ,

es t omen ! A na me is an omen ) can r eadily be ,

understood A s the musical scal e b egins with


A so the inde finite article or universal pre fix


is the note o f universal ej aculati on when ,

s ounded bro adly as in co rrect singing and in the


c ommon Speech of all L atin races Broad A .

! pr on ounc e d like an English A h ) is the first

aspirate and is a full red tone which d eepens
, ,

in c olor commensurately with de pth and fulness

o f intonati on .

E the second vowel suggests at once the

, ,

quality of o ran ge desire fo r fuller expression

, ,

reaching out and up seeking for combination or ,

co operati on with an other el ement

- .

I the third v ow e l is the great d ominant in

, ,

d ividu al affirmati on o f conscious entity and ,

may be c ompared to a backbone in lan guage .

T he colo r yell ow den oting fuln ess Of intell ect


ual development p ossesses precisely this char


acter .

The fourth vowel 0 l ike the not e D and the ,

accompanying c ol or g reen indicates research, ,

The H uman A ura 45

inquiry surprise at finding oneself introduced


to unacc ust omed surr oundings We instinct .

iv ely exclai m O h

wh en we encount er s ome
thing unfamiliar an d tho u gh sometimes this is

an exclamati on o f pain it is Oftener merely a


cry of w onder .

U the fifth vowel l ike blue in the color scal e

, , ,

is the outreachin g note which seeks to give


rath er than to rece ive to distribute rather th an


to h oard ; its place in languag e as in the Eng ,

lish you !the nei ghbor ) and the F rench oui

! ) is highly significant Of its m o ral value .

W and Y represent higher stages Of attain

ment than co me within the customary range of
average exp erience T he omissi on Of W from

the F r ench language an d the place of Y in alge

bra suggest something oi the prima l value of
th e s e additi onal vowels .

Descending no w into the l ower Oct aves Of

c olor we are c onfr onted by grays bro wns and
, ,

o ther sombre and neutral tints which are bel ow

our common c ol o r register T h ough the spec


trum and the rainbow can reveal th em they are ,

sub tints and belong to th ose r egi ons in Nature


which O ccultists call el emental T he hues o f .

ro ots barks and s oil wh en detected in a hu man

, ,

aura reveal to the discriminating clairvoyant


Obs e rv e r the presence o f more subj ective than

Obj ective or supe rj ec tive devel opment .

46 The H uman A ura

Brown in the aura especially if it be a bright


golden brown indicat e s great business ability

, ,

penetrati on into mundane affairs an d indeed ,

most if n ot all Of the qualificatio ns necessary

, ,

fo r a purely comme rcial or any definitely secu

lar career .

Light gray is a very inn ocent indication and

goe s well with the Occupations of th ose who are
classified as hew e rs Of w ood and drawers o f
wate r or the mass Of unskilled wo rkers in

any department of activity O nly murky ugly .


or vitiat ed shad e s and tints are indicative o f dis

c ordant dec eitful or oth e r abn ormal tendencies


“ ’
A t the cl o se Of Leadbeater s Man Visible

and Invisible there is a very beautiful picture
of the nearest representati on of the aura o f an

A rhat which can be reproduced in such a man

ner We are n ot surprised to find that va ryin g

shades o f brown and o ther inferio r hues are

represented there all in th eir rightfully sub or

din ated relativ e po siti ons T hr ough out that in


tensely interesting v olume which w e ll repays ,

continuous perusal n o color is spoken against

, ,

but several pictures are exhibited of envy ,

miserliness and other abnormal states which

, ,

are shown forth by dark bars an d black streaks

across the aura .

Though we have undertaken to mention

The H uman A ura

to the Obn oxious effect Of exteri or environ

ments W e must n ot relax our e fforts o n be

half Of rational dress and furniture th ough we ,

do persistently teach that psychic states are

vastly mo re i mp ortant than simpl y physical
co nditi ons .

The wearin g Of gems is a beautiful and rea

s onable practice and in fin e stones we obtain

the highest expressi ons Of i mp riso n e d sun

light T h ough j ew e ls are no t necessities we

h ave a perfect right to h onestly avail ours elves

o f what Natur e has secret e d when we are in

du strious en ough to probe the planet o n w hose

surface we are existing to fin d and appropriate
the treasures which are ours just so s oon as
we hav e dilige ntly w orked to Obtain them In .

all venerat e d Scriptures j ewels are mentioned

frequently according to their correspondences ,

and in an cient r eligious and th e rap eutic rites

gems o ccupied a place Of distinguishe d promi
Aaron s breastplate was intended for

n en c e .

divinati on and eve ry student knows that to pee r


into the heart Of natural myste ries requires a

healthy mind well balanced body and abo v e
, , ,

all the purest Of intenti ons united with the

, ,

practice o f syste matic c onc entrati on and me di

tation A w ell devel op ed aura is the sine q
- ua

n on of heal th and pr os pe rity .





To the clairvoyant who can see the human

aur a distinctly whether in the dark or in the

light the vision Of it is a ve ry great aid in the


i mpo rtant w ork O f rightfu l diagn osis and prog

n osis Clairv oyance is susceptible Of cultiva

ti on though in s ome instances it is unmistak


ably a natural endowment or gift ; but when

such is the case we are by n o means justified in
decidin g that it can n ot be more perfectly un
fo lded by j udicious ex ercise .

T h e re seems much confusi on Of th ought prev

alent in the w o rld t oday regard in g n atural

gifts and their possible cultivation but the mys


tery envel opin g this subj ect will s oon disappear

if we tak e reason for our guide and pay proper
attenti on to general human exp erience T ake .

music or any other art as an example Nothing .

can be much mor e self evident than that musi


cal genius is inherent O r inbo rn ! this has been

demon strated to such an exten t with s uch bril
50 The H uman Aura

lian t exa mples as H andel M ozart and others


o f rare ability that the saying
, poets are born
, ,

n ot mad e , is as applicable in principle to musi
e i aus in general as to bards in particular But .

granting that Sarasate is a bo rn vi olinist and

l ,

Pader ewski a born pianist we have n ot any,

diffi culty in tracing the fact that th ese singul arly

g i ft e d instru m e ntalists ow e th e ir c ontinued p rb
fi cien cy as perfo r mers o n their resp e ctiv e in

strumen ts to unc e asing practice ; their e x ecu

ti on could not continu e brilliant unless they k ept

th ems e lves constantly in training or in trim .

T he cas e is n ot radically di fferent when we turn

o ur attenti on to tho se peculiarly sensitive in

div iduals wh ose field Of acti on is e specially in

the psychic real m fo r tho ugh nu mberless in

stanc e s may be cite d o f mediumistic chil

dre n whose psychic susc eptibilitie s man ifest e d

the mselv e s quit e sp ontan eously we shall s o on,

c ome to see if we pursue our i n v estigatio ns


at all ext ensiv ely that i f the fires Of inspiration


are n ot c onstantly fed with aspiration they

s oo n sink do wn and burn di mly even th ou gh ,

th ey are n eve r t otally extin gu ished .

T he extre mely d elicat e au ra which encircl es

a particularly s ensitiv e person is n o more
adapt ed for the ordinary man or woman who is
c al l e d to d o ro u gh w ork in t h e w orl d t han a
The H uman A ura 51

mus l in dress is adapted for wear outd oors in

st ormy weather Sensitives o f the most pro

n oun ced type have their c e rtain u se s and they


n eed in these days the sa me shelt e red enviro n

ment which was freely grant e d to them in the

palmy days O f ancient or classic Paganis m .

T he mate rialistic Christianity o f recent cen

tu t ies has almost banished seership from the
earth in consequence o f the crass igno ranc e
Of its pro fesso rs concerning psychic l i fe and
law but with the revive d in terest n ow nearly
, ,

everywh e r e c onspicuous in psychic phenom


ena the probability of re viving the Old temple


meth ods is becoming daily more encouragin g .

T o all students of the Mysteries of Egypt

and o f Greece who look be lo w the mer e sur face
o f ri tual and ceremo ny it is quite evide nt that

the aura Of buildings was co nsidered a matter

o f great i mp o rtance,
and in Christendom the
anci ent faith has always to an extent su rviv e d
, , ,

especially in th ose c ountri e s where churches

are h eld pa rticularly sacred T he v e ry obj ec

tio n able practice sadly in v o gue in Eur ope of

, ,

making churches v e ry largely sho w p l aces ,

t ends to emphasiz e the lamentable decline in

kn owledge which p e rvades the ecclesiastical
c onfrate rnity fo r eve ry on e who knows some

thing of the effect Of turning sanctua ries into

52 The H uman Aura

p yg rou n d s un derstan d s h ow det rimental is
the e ffect of thus vul gariz in g temples originally
set apart for spiritual uses to the exclusion o f
even honest secular asso ciations T here are

certain sec ular us e s purely educatio nal for

, ,

whi ch consecrated places may pr ofitably be

e mployed but the search for valuabl e kn owl

edge on the pa rt of sin cere an d earn est student s

bears n o relati onship to gaping cu ri osity and
idle s ightsee ing M ohammedans preserv e the

aura of their mosques far more effectually

than European Chris tian s preserve the aura o f
their churches T her e is no sin in any form

o f ha rmless recreation or inn oc ent amusement ,

an d there is n o vice in simple levity but the


atmo spher e is so a ffected by friv olity that a

place soon becomes unfavorable for purp ose s

of hig h dev oti on an d noble c ons ecration which

is giv en ove r exten sively to simple amuse ment

seeking .

T he healing efi ect s o f the temple s l eep for ,

which man y historians hav e v ouched can be ,

readily accounted for on a strictly scientific

basis directly on e considers how zeal ousl y
guarded were the sanctuaries in which th os e
won de rs o f recuperation wer e performed The .

di sagree able expression a sick ro om is quite

“ ”
, ,

accurate fo r the chambers in which in vali ds

The H uman A ura 53

are usually c onfined are anything but healthy ,

and this unwhole someness which usually char

acteriz es the m is due in large measure to the
, ,

gloomy depressing th oughts which are gener


ated within their w alls and als o carried into

th em from the outside It has become an al .

most universal practice to approach a sick
chamber with a st ealthy tread an uncanny


mann er and a stilt edly subdued voice T hes e .

bad practic e s are well meant but they are ex ,

tremely mischiev ous perfo rmin g as they do

, , ,

a tw o fo ld bad result for they n ot only se rve to


further depre ss an already unduly depressed

atmosphere but they als o render all who in

dulge in th em susc eptible to an influx of

disease wh en coming in contact with a sufferer .

T he H EA L T H AURA whether of a pers on ,

o r Of an apart ment when well develo ped is

, ,

fi rm and in a mild s ense it may even be calle d

, ,

aggressive T h e re went fo rth virtue out of

him ,
is a v e ry explicit state ment applied to
a h e aler Of un usual vigo r and efficiency Vir .

tue ! from virtus ) means strength energy , ,

force proceeding fr om Vir the superi or man

, , ,

in contradistinction from the merely animal

emanati o ns proce edin g from H omo the ordi n ,

ary man Virtue in the technical sense may

, ,

be defined as unusual copiousness of health

aura .
54 The H uman A ura

A fine suggestion is given in the eighth chap

ter of the Go sp e l according to Matthew wh ere ,

we are info rmed that a lep e r said to Je sus ,

I f th ou wilt thou canst make me clean . T he
special point in the narrativ e w ould be entirely
missed did we fail to note the imp ortant fact
that the l eper was evidently reached in the
first instance by the emanati on o f virtue from
the healer befo re the heal er undertook to turn
his attenti on to the leper Lepro sy was and

still is in many places regarded as an in

, ,

curable diseas e and the fact o f a man thus


af flicte d e xpressing his convicti on that he could

be healed goes very far to illustrate the feeling
o f o n e who co me int o palpable tho ugh un ex

p e c t e d c ontact with a m ighti e r h e aling f orc e

than an y which he had been taught to believe

existed .

T he au ra o f an A dept or M aster di ffers

greatly in degree from that Of a disciple ,

th ough the disciple s aur a may be much o f

the same qu ality as his Master s if t hat disciple

is far along the road of discipleship .

An a ura is far more frequently fel t th an

s e en because it requires a some what unusu

ally high degree of clai rvo yanc e to s ee what

is usually quite readily felt T hough we are

commonly accust omed to s peak of our five

56 The H uman A ura

ceed remarkably well where the other or othe rs

will meet with what looks like dis mal failure .

Ch ristian Scie ntists who se metho d of treat


ment rigidly conforms to an established rule ,

serve to illustrate this fact significantly and it ,

is inde ed ackn owledged sufficiently in their

standard text book Sci ence and H ealth with
, ,

K ey to the Sc riptures in whic h the autho r
, ,

Rev Ma ry Baker G Eddy distinctly says that

. .

a stage may be reache d in the career o f a healer

where only his or her presence is re quired ,

the ti me for all state d formulas whether de ,

nials or affirmatio ns having be en outlived


T h ough the aura o f a buildin g is a matter O f

so me considerable i mpo rtance we must n ot

forget t hat the building receives its con secra

ti on from some human be ings who hav e either
simply inhabite d it or performed some special
dedicatory ce remonies within its walls T he
beautiful rite of conse c rati on is found e d in
scienc e 50 is the custom Of dedicating children
, .

It is easy enough for agno stics to cry super
but supers titio n only means super

stition ,

structure if we trace the o ri gin o f the wo rd


and so it was evidently unde rst ood three hun

dred y ears ago when the autho rized versi on o f

the N e w T estament was made in the reign of

Ja me s I o f Eng
. la n d In the.sevent e ent h chap
The H uman A ura 57

ter of the A cts of the Apostles we encounter

the phrase too su perst iti ous , otherwise tran s
“ ”
lated inordinately religious
, both expres

sions clearly showin g t hat the writer O f the

o ri ginal must have made reference to a top

heavy intellectual edific e the foun dation under


which was insufficient to sustain so large a

p ile .

In the sa me b ook Of the New T estament we

’“ ”
are t old o f Peter s shadow and o f the h ope

ente rtaine d that sick pe ople might be cured if

it rested up on them and we read also o f hand

k erchiefs and aprons which had been used and

wo rn by c e rtain other apostles being empl oyed ,

and not without succ e ss in the w ork Of w hat


may be j ustly t e rm ed psychomagn etic treat

ment T he prevalent beliefs o f an un scien

tific multitude may not always agree with the

dicta Of university graduates but the common

peo ple usually base th eir beliefs on the ir ex

p e rien ce s withou t reas o ning ve ry deeply in con

n ection wit h any pro po siti on and their cur


rent beliefs in any neighborhood will usually

stan d the test Of a fair share Of quite crucial

investi gation . Elaborate theories interest col

legian s but they are Of litt le value to the rank

an d file o f humanity amon g whom fee l i ng

counts for more than doctri n e .

58 The H uman A ura

We o ft en hear it re marked that w omen are

more intuitive than men the refore in so me re ,

spects th e ir j udgment is mor e r e liable If this .

statement is true it is due to a combination of


distinct causes F irst the greater gene ral deli


cacy o f the female organis m over that Of the

male ; Seco nd the more secluded li fe whic h

the average woman liv e s compare d with the

average man T h ose fi rst impressi ons ab out

which we Often hear much in all cas es where ,

they are n ot too sup e rficially based to be

w orthy o f de ep c onsideration are due to con ,

tact with s ome one s aura on the part o f some

o n e sensitiv e eno ugh to experience a result oc

casion ed by the c ontact .

T he health aura sh ould always be well de

v elope d in minis te rs o f religi ons e sp e cially ,

th os e who tak e part in the p e rformance o f

ceremoni e s which hav e a physical as w ell as
psychical side T he h ealthy vi e ws ente rtained

by the b est typ e o f pre Christian pagans w er e


re adily acc ept ed by the mo re in telligen t and ,

therefore l ess fanatical amo ng the leaders in


the earliest Christian Church T his is clearly .

indicate d in the b eauti ful highly p ractical ,

epistle o f J a mes in which w e are told to call


upon elders o f the re ligious congre gati on in

time o f sickness ; for it was the gene ral pra e !
The H uman A ura 59

tice o f th ese good peopl e to perform the cere

mony ano inting the body with con se crated

oil as well as O ffering prayers for the recovery

flicted There are cl e rgymen at wo rk

o f the af .

today in the Established Church o f Englan d

seek ing to re establish the service o f un ct i on

for the sick and we sincerely h ope t hey will


be succ essful in doin g even more tha n reviv ing

an ancient practice w hich o u ght never to have
been permitted to fall into disuse It will be

nece ssary for those good clergymen to keep

themselves in excellent health if they are to
succ eed in demonstrating the good work in
whic h they are righteously taking active ih
terest for if they c onsecrate and apply the

chrism they will certainly communicate their


aura both to the element they vita l ize by the

cons ecrative act and to the patients who m they
anoint with the oil they have vitaliz ed by
breathing into it .

T he hid e ous facts relating to in fectious

maladies and c ontagious diseases which have
been most indust ri ously accumulated and cir
culat ed durin g the past many years must no w

be offset by n ew discoveries and demo nstra

tions in the field o f infectious health and con
tagious virtu e T he purblind atheist scientists

who practis e vivisect ion the in jection of dis

60 The H uman A ura

gusting lymph and other abominabl e iniq uities

in the vain hope of an nihilatin g disease by prop
agating it must sooner or later throu gh the
, , ,

terrible result s o f their infa mous malpractice ,

be brou ght to see the err or o f their ways The .

divine science o f health is perfectly n atural ,

and can be comprehended by children of aver

a ge intelli gence but intellects are beclouded

and bodies c orrupted by constant perversions

of ord r instigate d y so call e d commissi oner s
e b -

of he alth


We o ften hear com ain ts made among Spir

itualists and other s who are interested in the
success ful pro duction o f psychic ph en omen a
that it is very difficult to Obtain satisfacto ry
proo fs o f clairvoyance and we can no t shut our

eyes to the u gly fact that illnes s is quite com

mon among sensitive pers ons who are said to
be in unusually cl ose c ommunion with spiritual
spheres T his sad state o f a ffairs can be rem
er and w

edie d whene v herever p eople are wil l

ing to seri ously address themselves to the task
of p uri fyin g th eir a ura and to acc omplish thi s

much needed wo rk it is n ecessary fi rst of all

, ,

to attend to th o se intensely pra ct ica l que sti on s

of breathing exercise rai ment and diet which
, , ,

many presumably highly gift ed peopl e steadily

The H uman A ura 61

B ecause there are two si es

d to these qu es
tions one es oteric and the o ther exoteric quite
, ,

a l arge n umber o f mod e rn students of p sychic

pr obl ems have drifted into false positions re

garding the relation s exist ing between minds
and bodies Thoughts are the parents of w ord s

an d acti ons ; all acts and speech can be j ustly

regarded as s ome expressi on o f thought but ,

we must no t o verlook the facts o f interaction

and retroaction Mind produces body but

bo dy reacts on mind Th oughts antedat e ex


ternal conditio ns but these thei r physical ul

, ,

timates re su ggest t heir origi n at ors ; th us it


come s to pass that every truly nob l e though t

favo rably a ffects our health aura and our ,

healt h aura when well developed inclin es

, ,

th o se who feel its power to th in k as we have

th ought so as to produce it like wis e .

T he psychic aura is within the phy sical as

the psychical o r astra l b ody is als o within the
physical but the aura encircles as wel l as per

meate s a human body ; there fore it can when ,

s uffi ciently copious in extent and penetrative

in quality be felt at quite a long distance from

the body of its generator T elepathy o r feel


ing at a distance o f indefi n ite extent still pre ,

sen ts many mysteries to the average student ,

and by reason of the essenti al complexity of

The H uman Aura

t e l epathi cph enomena it may neve r be possibl e


to Offer a so litary satisfacto ry explan ati on o f

how kn ow l edge is tran s mitted fr om po int to
point Wireless t e legraphy has already thrown

so me de gr ee or light on an obscure pr o blem ,

but there are other facto rs than wave s of ether

set in moti on by desire and con centratio n Of
dete rmination which need to be take n into ac
co unt befo re a c omplete s olution o f telepath
can be given .

T he aura o f a powerful telepathist is cer

tain ly on e of the most influential a gents in
accomplishin g th ou ght tran s fe ren ce an d dis
t ant healing In the first case that of si mply

trans fer rin g thought forms the quantity or


p ot ency o f the aura Of the t rans mitter is almost

the only facto r with which we are greatly con
ce rned but in the sec ond case where healin g
, ,

is to be performed quality of au ra is the great


e st p o int to be considered We all kn ow that.

we can send messages by certain t elegraphic

and teleph onic means but the e ffe ct s which ,

tho se messages must produce wh erever they

are received must pertain to the quality Of the
force transmitted People who are constantly

hurried are rarely successfu l in anything they

unde rtake because th ey expend their auric

force in fool ish excitability and w hen they do ,

64 The H uman Aura

feel appre ciat e or enj oy the outfl

, owing streams

of af fecti on from the dev oted parent if sur

roun ded by a thick belt of th oroughly selfish
aura .T hi s fact may account for ve ry muc h
in gratitude on the side o f beneficiaries wh os e
cond iti on is such that they do n ot fee l and

ther efo re cannot respond to or appreciate the

kindly th oughts an d good wishes which are
directed to them Leadbeater has aptly rep

resented the thoroughly selfis h individual as

incarcerated in a ver itable p rison h ouse o f
mu rky aura encl osed as in a cage behin d
, , ,

bar s.

T hes e reflection s upon the aura when intel


ligently digeste d s uffice to explain despo n


dency an d e lation c ontent an d disconte nt suc

, ,

ces s and fai lure in all conceivable situations in

which peop l e may find themselves placed .

What menta l scientists vi gor ously affirm and

proclai m as an indisputable doctrine is lucidly
inte rpreted by students of O ccultism who ac

tually see as well as fee l the aura which sur

rounds people wh os e fi cklen ess is un account

able unti l on e t races its so urce


Lack o f a ura is the chief cau se o f predispo


s t ion to dise ase fo r if we are si mply un pro

tected in the midst of an unwh oles ome eu

vironmen t we are extremely liable to succumb .
The H uman A ura 65

M Every on e travels in his auric b el t as the

earth in its atmosphe re or a turtle in its shel l .

Heav e ns and hells and al l inter media ry con

dition s are regulated by aura and it is on the

basis o f this knowledge alo ne that we can

rec oncile the vario us co nflicting views Of the
“ ”
so ca l led
future life which is v e ry vaguely
described by s ome clairvoyants but very graph
ically by others T he e min ent lecturer and

auth or E mma H ardinge Britten who was

, , ,

during a considerable po rtion o f her public

career a distinguish e d se e ress us e d Often to de
, ,

scribe during s ome o f her thrilling discourses

, ,

the visions she had s een o f dwellers on the
th reshold meaning tho se unhappy h uman be


ings W ho are forced to surrende r their mortal

bodies unwillingly through dis ease or the e f
feets of care lessness or dissipation and who are

encircled with so dense an aura that it com

p le te ly obscures all spiritual l andscapes Blind .

in a world o f c olo r d eaf in a w orld o f s ound

, ,

l one ly in the midst o f multitudes of compan

ions these psychically shut in ones kn ow not h

ing of what is al l around them ; others are en

j oyin g scen e ry o f which they are in no degree
c ognizant and basking in the de lights o f

fri endship to which th ese impriso n e d one s are

total strangers T he very real s el f made he lls
66 The H uman A ura

revealed by clairvoyance stand the rigid test

o f the closes t scientific e ami nati on t h ough the
x ,

fables o f theology may be readily discounted

in thi s distinctly scientific age Marie Corelli

in The Soul O f Lilith has po in ted out very

clearly what a hel l actual ly is where she ,

show s that an e ntranced sensitive se rvin g as

a lucide can no t find the hells in space as Swed ,

enborg and other gifte d seers have d es c ribed

them but they can be t ruthfully portrayed as


dark b e lts surr ounding only th o se who g ene r

ate the murky aura whic h produces the m .

The re is but on e way to achieve real s uccess

an d genuin e happiness an d that is to deliber

atel y unde rtake the tas k Of self discipline and


bui ld aroun d one s se l f an impermeab l e aura


While it is perfectly true that like attracts

li ke it is also t rue that we are attracted to our

Opp osites therefore do we o ften find the sweet


e st ass ociatio ns O f a f fection grow out of a

blendin g of diametrically opposite tempera
ments But these charmin g union s are like

harmonies in music and in ev ery fi el d of art


wher e s ounds and colors c on tract and bl end

an d me l t into gl ori ous symph onies .

Love an d hate courag e and fear can neve r

, ,

blend because such e motions are con tradic


tories which destr oy each other n ot po lar op


p osi te s which m elt in to p erfect un i ty .

The H uman A ura 67

There is an other aspect of the law of attrae

tion which is far too seldom reco gn ized and ,

that is the attraction which the sin ner feels

toward the saint and the sick pers on to the
healthy A very little intelligent reflection on

such purely natural phenomena is all that is

neede d to elucidate so si mple a pr oblem We .

are attracted to whatever we ad mire an d wish

to share consequently we can reas on from the

invalid s attracti on to a ve ry robust man or

woman that the weak one is simply seekin g

stren gth an d feelin g instinctively that the
health aur a o f a strong friend furnishes ma
terial out o f which to construct o r forti fy a
weak or shattered aura M oral health is com

mun icated an d induced in precisely the same

way The true phychic healer knows s ome

thin g of the wealth and forc e of his auri c radi

ation s and deliberately sends t hem fo rth giv
, ,

ing of the very surplus or ove rfl ow o f his

ab undant vitality T here is no stint in nature ;

there is always an oversupply o f all commodi

tie s and so it is with human energy
, .

The sure way to grow str on ge r is to use

energy fre e ly and gladly but n eve r strain

fully ; those who are afraid o f losin g stren gth

by ex ertio n are always fe eble and they waste

more force by wo rry and anxiety than they

68 The H uman A ura

use in all their legitimate e mployments To .

c onserve one s aura rightfully it is necessa ry
to practise c oncentrati on O f th ou ght; atte n
ti on and action rigorously and regular ly A .

truly successful individual does everything

thor oughly and en j oys do ing whatever he does
at a ll but so wide reaching may be his auric

dispersi ons that he can practise telepathy and ,

even distant healing quite success fully whil e


engaged in ordina ry secular activities .

A ura is dissipated by taking n ot ice of t hings

which are n o part of one s business T he true


phi lanthropist actively does so much good in

the w orld by what he is that very o ften his
, ,

presence is worth far more than any a mo unt

Of sp oken or written exh ortati on could be .

T he more we study the si mple law of Echo

the more readily we shall understand on a l l
planes nature s necessitated responsiveness to

our outse n din gs Let us in the Open country


amid res ounding ro cks and reverberating

hills pron ounce the sacred talismanic w ords !


t oo ,
and because universal law is what it

the same w ords must re echo to us that
we have sent out into our surroundin gs .

The disciple on the Path Of Wisdom need

n eve r paus e to questi on how oth e r s feel to
The H uman Aura 69

w rd mhi ; his w ork is c l early to d et ermine
how he feels toward others , and according to
the fee l in g he generates , entertains an d sen ds
forth will be the c ondition o f his own aura ,

an d acc ording to that wil l be his safety in the

midst of perils his immunity from l iability to


di sease an d his certain succe ss in all life s


un dertakings . This is the open secret O f the

of Heaven, now, here and forever .

U N IV .

OCT 9 19 12
A se r ie s o f t ho roughl y
ractical l esso n s u o n
p p
t he phil o so phy an d
ractice o f ! o a, with
p g
a chapt e r dev o ted to


uirement o ersonal M a netism

q f P g
” “
The Road to Success, Prat

Hp hotism, Prat
tical Pq ebometry

Pric e 50 Ce n ts Postpaid
To all Lov ers an d He alers o f Man an d
Be ast this W ork on He alin g is Offere d

The Bro the rhood

o f He ale rs


Co n t ain i n g the i ns t ru c t i on an d e sse n t ial
p rin c ip l e s a d laws o f Spi ri t u al Ps yc hi c
M n ta l C h ris t ian an d Magn et He al in g
, .

e , .

Wha t the Heal i ng B ro t he rh ood i s ; T he G ood

G ifts of the B o t h e h oo d t o t he C hu h a d
r r rc n

t o the M e d i cal Pro f ss i o n ; L ayin g o ur F oun


da tion S tone ; W e mus t be G i v e rs n ot T ake s , r

onl y ; U n iv e rs al Proc e ss of Medi at ion ; T h is

make s for Ideal C ommunis m ; T he Po te n y c

fo r T ra n s m u ta t ion o f E n e rg y ; T he Heal in g
Han d ; T he S pi i t Wo ks Acc o rd i n g t o T m
r r e

p e ame n t ; In e v ery R e al m is it s o w n He al i n g

T he K n o w l e d g e c o m e s by E xpe i e n c e ; T hi s is

no E arthy O rgan iz at ion ; E v e ry on e Al ive in

t he S pi ri t i s a H e al e r .

In his book the aut h or oft en me n t ion s ln ,

c ide n tall y, his a s s oc i at io n w i t h a nd the h e al

in g by hi m of t he p oor and l owly suc h as ,

L o n do n dock han ds Sco t ch fi s he rm n t he

. e ,

qu arry m en of N o rt h Wal e s an d t he i o n w o rk
, r

er s a nd mi n e rs of t he N o r t h of E n gl and He .

say s t ha t h i s wo rk a s a he al er is of the ki nd
t h a t an y wh o l e an d ge n e rous man can s ure l y
de ve l o p it .

N o on e c an rea d t hi s book wi t h out fee l i n g

d rawn t o t he au t h or as t o a s i mp le an d n”oble
frien d of h um an it y .

T H E W O RD .

Pric e 50 c en t s P o s tpaid
, , .

book gives the me thods

o f de ve lo in an dst re n the n
p g g
in g t he late n t po w e rs of t he
min d an d the hidde n forc es of
the will, by a simple , sc ie n tifi c
o ssible to an e rson of
p ro c ess
p yp
o rdin ar
y in te lli e n c e
g .

I n troduc tion
Chapt er Att en tion an d I n t erest
Se lf Sugges tion

W il l D eve l opmen t
F ore thought
W ill an d Charac t er
Sugge s tion an d I n t erest
M emo ry Cul ture
T he Con s tru c t iv e F aculties
F as cin at ion
Sub li min al Self
Parac e l sus
Las t W ords

l" m

Popnls r pric e d 6 in c lo a. 1 1 9

Oc e n ts .

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