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There are many different types of sustainable management strategies that companies can
employ to drive a sustainable culture from within their firm. When implementing a sustainable
strategy, it is important to first gather baseline data and then measure over time the progress
made to determine the success or failure of the strategy. It is also likely that more strategies will
develop to meet the needs of the company, consumers and environment in the future. Therefore,
it is imperative for companies to look towards the future and be willing to adapt to future needs.
Recycling. Using recyclable materials in packaging as well as reducing the amount of packaging
can help reduce the amount of waste produced by the company. Purchasing products that have
less packaging and items that are not disposable can also help reduce the amount of waste
produced. Encouraging employees to bring in mugs and reusable water bottles or providing
them can help reduce the amount of disposable cups being thrown into the trash (Hill, 2013).
Providing recycling bins that are accessible in multiple locations throughout the firm can
encourage individuals to use the receptacles.
The likelihood of success of using recycling bins and recycling material is high. As long as
managers are setting the example, providing the resources, and encouraging the employees to
participate in the initiative, it is likely to succeed. Obtaining recycling bins is fairly easy because
there are numerous businesses that offer services- it just takes time to find the right one that fits
the budget. It may take more effort to determine which suppliers provides items that have
recyclable material and have less packaging material. It also will take innovation to determine
how to package the product more efficiently and in a way that ensures the integrity of the
product. There may be potential resistance to the initiative of employees bringing in their own
reusable cups, however with encouragement and peer influence, I believe the initiative will be
Companies can measure their impact of recycling by monitoring their disposal costs. When
garbage companies haul and dispose of trash, they generally weigh the tonnage of waste that is
produced. Companies can monitor this tonnage and the waste reduction yields due to their
recycling efforts. They can then renegotiate with the garbage disposal companies to reduce their
disposal fees. “By preventing waste and recycling, companies use fewer raw materials, thereby
conserving natural resources, minimizing energy use, and reducing pollution” (United States
Environmental Protection Agency, 1996).
Energy. Companies can save energy by switching off electronic devices when not in use, using
LED lights, and installing motion sensing lights. They can also save energy and decrease
pollution by encouraging employees to walk, ride bikes, use public transit or carpool to work.
Additionally, the installation of renewable power sources to supply power to their buildings such
as wind turbines and/or solar panels can supply sustainable energy.
The likelihood of employees continuously switching off electronic devices when not in use is
moderate. Some employees are more conscientious than others when it comes to sustainability.
I believe that with more effort in modeling behavior, training and encouragement from
supervisors the number of individuals participating in this initiative will rise. LED lights are
beneficial and successful because they are energy efficient, eco-friendly, durable, and have a
long life (LEDLuxor™, 2012). Companies can measure their energy impact by determining
their total KWH of energy used and the amount reduced by used LED’s and/or by the installation
of solar panels or wind turbines.
Water. Companies can reduce their water consumption by installing low-flow water faucets,
motion sensing faucets, and educate employees about the importance of water conservation.
Using low-flow and motion sensing faucets can reduce total water usage throughout the

company. Companies can measure this by determining the amount of water originally used
before the installation of low-flow faucets and equipment and then measuring the percentage of
water gallon usage reduction afterwards (McCorry, 2012).
Social Responsibility
Employee Engagement. Companies can increase employee engagement through periods of stress
by providing enabling resources and a high-energy work environment (Davenport, 2015).
Enabling resources refers to well-functioning equipment, adequate supplies, and removal of
obstacles. High-energy working environment means that the work is valuable, consistent with
individual abilities, potentially gratifying and have the potential for personal and career growth
(Davenport, 2015). Companies can also increase employee sustainability by providing a living
wage and health care benefits. Companies can measure the success of their efforts by conducting
employee satisfaction surveys, monitoring their retention and turnover rates, determining the
amount of employees with living wage and health care benefits, and by recording the amount of
hours training was conducted (McCorry, 2012).
Looking to the Future
In the future I believe there will be many more innovations when it comes to water sustainability.
I have seen so many issues regarding water quality such as the Flint Water Crisis and many other
smaller incidences I have personally seen throughout my military career. I believe and hope that
companies and individuals will choose to become more sustainable with water and reduce
pollution. Upgrading filtration systems, increase biological and chemical monitoring, and fixing
degraded pipes can help fix some existing issues and prevent some from occurring.
Additionally, hopefully one day companies will decide to go with sustainable energy and
potentially create “green areas” where plant life can grow.
There are many ways that companies can create a more sustainable environment within their
firm. Sustainability is not limited to the environment but also economic compliance and social
responsibility. It is important to measure baseline data before implementing a strategy you can
determine the success of the strategy. Success in sustainability happens when it meets the needs
of the present without compromising the needs of the future.

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