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Sustainability strategies take into consideration that how a business is conducted in ethical,
social, environmental, cultural, and economic spheres. This creates a positive ripple effect which
impacts the overall economy, environment and social construct. (Fontaine, 2013).
By implementing an effective waste management program that primarily focuses on decreasing
the amount of waste generated and on recycling and reusing of the materials. It can ensure the
reduction or elimination of the waste.
Here are some doable strategies that can be implemented for effective elimination of waste
● Executing a recycling program is significant to lower down the waste disposal costs, diminishing
the degree of waste a business creates, and reusing materials that can be used again. Approaching
local recycling centers that provide recycled products like papers, cardboard, plastics, and
electronics. (Hopewell, Dvorak, & Kosior, 2009).
● Tracking and recording of the areas that are involved in waste production as it will help in
determining where cost can be cut.
● Adopting a Zero Waste Initiative which is ecofriendly. Zero waste initiatives focusses on
modifying and regulating the products that are used and replacing them with eco-friendly
products and packaging.
● Encourage employees to take alternative forms of transportation when traveling for a less
distance such as public transport to eliminate fuel consumptions.
● Initiate corporate sustainability through volunteer opportunities, partnerships with nonprofit
organizations. Collective effort with shared vison leads to positive change.
● Train the employees, Make them aware about their role and how their efforts can have a massive
effort. Lead by the example. Companies that care creates a ripple effect and it shows that your
company not just only creates profit for themselves, but also about the community.

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