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When people talk about sustainable organizations, the first companies people think about

are Coca Cola, Adidas or BMW (top 50 most Sustainable Organizations of 2016). That is
because they are big companies that had been in the business from many years. When the
word sustainable is mention, people belief that this mean economically self-sufficient. Also
in this time sustainable are linked with eco-friendly. That means that this companies should
care about the environment. Green management is now the way that how should companies
have to conduct their business although the green management is dedicate to care about the
environment, people think that is just the external environment (the nature) but also they
have to care about the internal environment, the employees.
It is true that how companies treat the external environment is important to have a good
perception of the people, the employees are the most important part of the companies, and
they are the most valuable assets they have. The employees in any type of business can
decide if the business will growth or not. They have a direct effect in the profability of the
A good internal environment can means a motivate workers. This is important because
this can affect the productivity and efficiency of the employee so can affect directly to the
company. A motivate employee is the secret of big and successful companies. People that
like their jobs is a people who will give their best effort and spread this mood to the others
coworkers. This can be reach in different ways. Giving employees different benefits that fit
to their needs.
In the other hand when we have you have an unmotivated worker, employees start
losing the enthusiasm and the illusion they had in the first day of work. They will have a
poor performance and a low quality of works so in this way company´s effectivity start to
go down and manager have to choose one of two options. Find a new way of motivate the
worker or lay off.
When people get lay off sometimes it have a negative effect in the employee or in the
environment. Layoffs are common in all the business so manager need to know how handle
it in the companies. If they do it in the wrong way it will create an environment with a
feeling of crisis, scare, tension and anguish. So they need to have a direct communication
with the person who is going to be layoff and also with the rest of the coworkers. The
layoff also can affect directly to the person in a physiologic or physical way.
Other important topic that is mentioned in this article is the work hours that are related
to the quality of life of the worker. We live in a time that everything is fast. The
communication, information, everything is in your hand. Companies try to growth in the
same fast way that means that sometimes employees need to work more time than only 8
hours per day. In some case people work 8 hours in the office and take the work to home.
This start the work-family conflict. This without mentioned the problem when people take
too much time to get back to their home because of the traffic or the transportation. All this
different stuff affect the time or employees in their home and deteriorate the quality of life
of each person.

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