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Intelligent Vehicle

Business Plan

November 1997

Intelligent Transportation Systems

Joint Program Office

U.S. Department of Transportation


Table of Contents
l-Executive Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l

2-Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...3

3-The Vision and Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

4 - Background. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5 - V a l u es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 7

6-Goals and Strategic Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

7-Strategy/Initiative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

8-Program Funding and Delivery . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 8

l-Executive Summary

he personal, social, and economic the U.S. Department of Transportation
costs of motor vehicle crashes include (U.S. DOT) is embarking on a new program
pain and suffering, direct costs called the Intelligent Vehicle Initiative (IVI).
sustained by injured persons and their The U.S. DOT intends to jointly define the
insurers, and, for many crash victims, a lower program plan and conduct the IVI in coopera-
standard of living or quality of life. The tion with the motor vehicle, trucking, and bus
taxpayer and society are burdened by unnec- industries, State and local governments, and
essary health care and public assistance other stakeholders to facilitate the research,
costs, lost productivity, and associated loss of development, testing, evaluation, and deploy-
tax revenues. During the past two decades, ment of safety- and mobility-enhancing
motor vehicle collisions accounted for over systems. Sensing, processing, communica-
90 percent of all transportation fatalities and an tions, actuation, and control technologies will
even larger percentage of transportation acci- be integrated, installed, and evaluated in
dents and injuries. Over 40,000 people die vehicles and on roadways. These integrated
each year in motor vehicle crashes, and the technologies will be linked to in-vehicle driver
total economic loss to U.S. society is estimated displays that adhere to well-founded human
at over $150 billion annually. Driver error is factors requirements.
cited as the primary cause in about 90 percent
of all police-reported crashes involving Goals:
passenger vehicles, trucks, and buses, The primary goal of the IVI is-jointly with the
motor vehicle and trucking industries, State
Ongoing and recently completed research and local DOTs, and other stakeholders- to
and development indicate that collision avoid- accelerate the development, introduction, and
ance systems offer the potential for signifi- commercialization of driver assistance products
cantly reducing motor vehicle crashes. to reduce motor vehicle crashes and incidents,
Preliminary estimates by the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) show
The IVI will support the goal of providing a
that rear-end, lane change, and roadway
safer transportation system by reducing the
departure crash avoidance systems have the
number and severity of vehicle collisions. The
potential, collectively to reduce motor vehicle
IVI also will support other key transportation
crashes by one-sixth, or about 1.2 million
goals, including those to increase mobility,
crashes annually. Such systems may take the
improve energy efficiency and environmental
form of warning drivers, recommending
quality improve the productivity of the national
control actions, and introducing temporary or
transportation system, and strengthen the
partial automated control of vehicles in
competitiveness of the U.S. transportation
hazardous situations.
industry in the international marketplace.
Recognizing that these and other driver assis-
tance systems potentially offer major benefits,

Focus: Program Objectives:

The IVI will emphasize the development of
industry-wide architectures and standards, Accelerate the introduction of driving
integrated system prototyping, and field test information, driver assistance, and
evaluations so that the Government and control systems that will improve
industry participants can assess benefits, signitlcantly the safety of motor opera-
define the performance requirements, and tions.
accelerate the deployment of incremental Develop and validate performance
driver-assistance products. specifications and design guidelines
for IVI systems that will be deployed in
Although the vast majority of crashes occur in motor vehicles in the next 10 years.
the passenger car fleet, the IVI program will Recognize the complexity of the
not focus solely in this area because it may be driving task and issues such as risk
beneficial to first evaluate some systems in the compensation and workload, demon-
transit, commercial, and specialty vehicle strate IVI systems and evaluate their
fleets. Certain application in these fleets may impact on driving safety
have less financial, institutional and technical Reach agreement on the basic func-
barriers to early implementation. These activi- tional requirements for driver assis-
ties are expected to deliver benefits that can tance features, and target those
be leveraged by all platform types. For functionalities for which industry
example, the Federal Transit Administration investment has developed the basis
(FTA) estimates that deaths and injuries from for working prototypes.
bus crashes account for $800 million in annual Recognize the need for balance
insurance claims. Over the past 5 years there between public benefit and private
have been 30,000 annual bus crashes resulting incentive, ensure that reasonably
in 11,000 deaths and injuries. Unlike the achievable safety benefits are
passenger car industry technology innovation identified.
in transit is dnven by the Federal Government Identify refined and more detailed
through guidance and financial incentives, and estimates of benefits in order to assess
the transit properties through their own vehicle which infrastructure deployment
specifications. Additional advantages of the investments can be justified and to
transit community are the increased vehicle stimulate new safety products.
costs, increased driver training required, and Identify and conduct the research and
limited operational areas. In this environment it development required to achieve
may be easier to evaluate the use of longitu- increased levels of IVI system
dinal and lateral vehicle control for driver capability.
assistance on transit buses than on the
passenger cars.


otor vehicle crashes create a signifi- The U.S. DOT is launching the IVI to increase
cant burden in our society in terms the understanding of the abilities of these tech-
of fatalities, injuries, and economic nologies to solve highway safety problems.
costs for resulting emergency and health care,
property damage, and highway congestion, Within the ITS Program, the U.S. DOT has
with more than 40,000 motor vehicle fatalities established research and development
and related costs exceeding $150 billion per efforts to improve driving safety and efficiency
year. If highway safety is to be improved signif- These include the Driver Vehicle Interface,
icantly and this costly toll reduced, the number Collision Avoidance, and Automated Highway
of highway crashes must be reduced. System Programs, The IVI will take advantage
of these maturing U.S. DOT programs and the
Driver error is the predominant cause of synergism inherent in their close coordination.
highway crashes. One way of reducing driver The IVI will unite these programs into a
error is to help drivers avoid crashes. New common framework leading to possible
technologies are becoming available that can multifunctional integration of proven compo-
help drivers operate their vehicles more safely nent systems with a strong emphasis on
and efficiently These technologies can provide human-centered considerations. Longer term
collision avoidance capabilities as well as research and development will be linked to
motorist-information and driving assistance. near-term deployability.
3-The Vision and Mission
3. l-The Vision Working jointly with industry and other stake-
holders, the U.S. DOT will develop perfor-
The U.S. DOT vision is a roadway system that
mance guidelines, specifications,
will enable Americans to:
architectures, and standards and will test and
1) operate in a significantly safer envi- evaluate the most promising configurations to
ronment, and facilitate their deployment, A major focus of
2) enjoy greater mobility and efficiency, the IVI is to research and evaluate the benefits
as a result of the widespread use of resulting from these systems, including the
vehicle-based autonomous and infra- integration of driver information systems.
structure-cooperative driving These activities will be accomplished through
assistance features. the combined efforts of the U.S. DOT’s modal
administrations; the motor vehicle, trucking,
3.2-The Mission and bus industries; State and local govern-
The mission of the U.S. DOT, with regard to ments; and other stakeholders, working
the IVI program, is to provide leadership, together under cooperative programs and
expertise, resources, and information to partnerships to plan for and facilitate the incre-
continually improve the quality of our Nation’s mental deployment of both vehicle-based and
roads and the vehicles which operate on them. cooperative vehicle-infrastructure-based
The U.S. DOT undertakes this mission jointly driver assistance systems,
and in cooperation with all its partners to
reduce motor vehicle crashes and the The IVI will emphasize the significant and
resulting injuries and fatalities; enhance continuing role of the driver in achieving
mobility by improving public access to activi- improved highway safety. It will cover applica-
ties, goods, and services and increase produc- tions for passenger cars, light trucks, vans,
tivity by improving travel efficiency and sport and utility vehicles, commercial trucks,
reducing travel time. transit and intercity buses, and specialized
vehicles such as emergency and enforcement
With regard to the IVI, the Department will vehicles, highway maintenance vehicles, and
fulfill its mission by facilitating the develop- snow plows, on all types of roads.
ment, evaluation, and deployment of vehicle-
related safety and mobility-enhancing
products and systems so that their market
availability may be accelerated, providing
more near-term benefits of crash reductions
and transport efficiency. Among other things,
this involves research into the areas of crash
avoidance and vehicle control to enable the
development of these products.
Planning for the Intelligent Vehicle program 4.2- The Federal Interest in
must be conducted with the full recognition of Ensuring Public Benefit
the technical and societal issues which will from Such Systems
impact the program. The motivation for Federal involvements are traced to the
Government and industrial participation will missions of respective DOT agencies for
shape the final program structure. improving safety traffic efficiencies, fuel
economy, air quality etc. The underlying
4.1-The Industrial Context proposition is that a public Intelligent Vehicle
The primary industrial context that is at issue program will accelerate the timetable upon
across the spectrum of near-term Intelligent which publicly beneficial innovations will
Vehicle functionalities concerns the automo- become commonly used and will reduce the
tive industry. Although other industrial possibility of degraded safety from noninte-
segments will contribute to the provision of grated after-market applications. Recognizing
products, the role of such companies in near- the need for balance between public benefit
term Intelligent Vehicle product development and marketability, IVI participants must ensure
is not so crucial as is that of automakers and that reasonably achievable public benefits
their suppliers, The following observations are identified.
serve to sketch the industrial context:
Issues of cooperative infrastructure
IVI Systems must be commercially Although autonomous systems (all on-board
viable. vehicles) are easy to deploy there may be
Products should be implementable in applications and services for which coopera-
the near term. tive infrastructure systems provide greater
Uniformity and standardization of benefits. To assure that this issue is adequately
interfaces and protocols will help. addressed, both autonomous and cooperative
Current Original Equipment configurations will be considered, and
Manufacturers initiatives should be selected systems will be evaluated for perfor-
embraced. mance, user acceptance, and safety benefits,
Required infrastructure components
must be available before the private Standards
sector will provide vehicle compo- The program is constructed in such a way that
nents for cooperative systems. it will provide research support for a variety of
Other ITS initiatives such as voluntary standards activities. Research that
Geographical Information Systems supports development of standards for a
applications may enhance IVI specific element of a system will be done with
functions. the realization that ultimately it is the entire
Driver acceptance must be demon- system that provides the functionality or
strated. service. For example, standards for the driver
vehicle interface will depend on the sensing

capability human factors, and warning algo- desire to accelerate the launch of publicly
rithms of a system. As work progresses to beneficial products against national concerns
support the development of the various stan- that trace ultimately to domestic employment
dards, it is important to keep in mind that stan- and the health of a major domestic industry
dards should meet several criteria; including
being objective (i.e., containing repeatable 4.3- The Challenge Posed by
and objective test procedures); being practi- Modern Driver Assistance
cable (i.e., it must be feasible to build systems Functions
that meet the requirements of the standard); As the Intelligent Vehicle program addresses a
and meeting a public need (such as improve- broad array of driver assistance systems, we
ment of safety) in a quantitative way should be generally aware that the tack upon
which we are sailing is into truly uncharted
All IVI standards or guidelines should comple- waters. The basic question is, How hard will it
ment existing standards, For example, IVI be to get each of the various system concepts
guidelines or standards may be needed to into a truly market-worthy stage of develop-
promote uniformity of information between ment? After all, we’re designing a technology
roadside and m-vehicle systems; otherwise, to fit the perception, cognition, and behavior of
conflicting meanings could lead to driver confu- virtually the entire citizenry, in an everyday
sion, indecision, and safety compromises, safety-critical function. Despite advancements
over the past 100 years, no aspect of automo-
Matters associated with international tive technology has ever tried to accomplish
competitiveness what the human driver does with his/her eyes
Because the Federal administrative role in any in terms of assessing the immediate need for
governmental program is ultimately account- speed and path control. Rather, the remark-
able to Congress, the industrial and social able capabilities of human visual performance
impacts of the activity may well be perceived and the higher cognitive faculties by which risk-
in light of political themes. Accordingly for taking is judged and adaptation occurs surely
example, it is likely that the impact of explain a great deal about the success of the
Intelligent Vehicle participation on the interna- motor vehicle, under human control. Thus it is a
tional competitiveness of firms will be an issue bold proposition that automotive technology
of some concern, In this regard, it seems likely would complement the functional space previ-
that some foreign-based companies will be ously occupied only by human perceptions and
able to offer either more advanced technology cognitive capability The endeavor becomes
more experience in near-term driver assis- more complex when drivers are provided with
tance applications, and/or more enthusiasm additional in-vehicle information which might,
for collaboration than some domestic counter- unless carefully designed, compromise driver
parts Such a development should be antici- safety and efficiency.
pated in the setting of policy on Intelligent
Vehicle participation, thus balancing the
Equity: The improvements achieved through Collaboration: Achieving the vision requires
this program will be made available to all the joint participation of a variety of disciplines
highway users in a fair and nondiscriminatory and organizations. This value is at the heart of
manner. the IVI program, whose mission will be
achieved by the U.S. DOT in collaboration with
Decision Making: Balanced and appropriate the industry and its stakeholders.
decisions will be made to reflect the issues
and concerns of those impacted and to Leadership: The U.S. DOT intends to lead
consider system performance, user accep- the initiation of the IVI program.
tance, and cost and safety benefits, Decision
making will be shared by the modal adminis-
trations of the U.S. DOT in coordination with
the ITS Joint Program Office. The guidance
provided by stakeholders will be considered
in this process.

6-Goals and Strategic Objectives

The goals of the IVI program mirror those of the U.S. DOT, as follows:

Primary Goal SAFETY

Reduce highway crashes and resulting injuries and fatalities.

Secondary Goals MOBILITY

Improve public access to activities, goods, and services.

Improve the utilization of the existing highway system and reduce
travel time.

Improve the economic efficiency of the Nation’s highway transportation
system and reduce operating costs.

Reduce motor vehicle fuel consumption and emissions.

6.2-Strategic Objectives d) Reach agreement on the basic func-

tional requirements for driver assis-
The IVI program goals can be achieved by
tance features, and target those
doing the following:
functionalities for which industry
investment has developed or is inter-
Increasing the percentage of new
ested in developing the basis for
vehicles sold or equipped with human-
working prototypes.
centered Intelligent Vehicle systems.
Recognizing the need for balance
Increasing the percentage of the
between public-benefit and private
Nation’s roads equipped with the
incentive, ensure that reasonably
necessary Intelligent Vehicle infra-
achievable safety benefit goals are
Identify and apply refined and more
6.3-Program Outcome Goals
detailed estimates of benefits in order
As a direct result of the activities of the to assess which deployment invest-
U.S. DOT, our industry and its stakeholder ments can be justified and to stimulate
partners, the following outcomes will be new safety products.
achieved: g) Identify and conduct the research and
development required to achieve
a) Accelerate the commercial availability increased levels of IVI system
of integrated driving information, capability.
driver assistance, and control systems
that will improve significantly the
safety of light vehicles (including
passenger cars), transit buses,
commercial truck and intercity buses,
and specialty vehicles, such as emer-
gency and road utility vehicles.
b) Develop and validate performance
specifications and design guidelines
for IVI systems that will be deployed in
motor vehicles in the next 10 years.
c) Evaluate the impact of IVI systems on
driving safety in recognition of the
complexity of the driving task and
issues such as risk compensation and


n order to fulfill the program requirements, The U.S. DOT developed a road map of how
the IVI must identify and conduct the the IVI program would proceed. A diagram of
necessary research to ensure that the the road map is shown on the following page.
driver warning, driver assistance, driver inter-
vention, and travel information systems work This road map represents an attempt to illus-
effectively and reliably in both independent trate the broad IVI program elements and the
and integrated modes that they operate in a sequence in which these program elements
consistent and efficient manner; that they are would be accomplished. The duration of the
easily understood by drivers; and that drivers IVI program runs from left to right; it is not
accept and use the systems. drawn to scale. The major boxes in the road
map include the following:
Ongoing and recently completed work on
crash avoidance, in-vehicle information 1. Crosscutting activities represent
systems, automated highway systems, and groups of actions that influence and
motor carrier issues will provide a strong foun- guide all the major program elements.
dation for IVI research. Research will continue They include such topics as: architec-
throughout the IVI program. This research will ture and standards development;
address areas such as human factors, sensor research, development, and testing in
performance, conditions where warnings are human factors, communications, and
needed and conditions where warnings would technology; acquisition, expansion,
be a nuisance, modeling, evaluation methods, and validation of evaluation tools such
and other in-vehlcle and highway-based tech- as simulation models; development
nologies. The IVI will include assessment of and execution of an outreach plan to
driver acceptance. A mix of analytic, test track, ensure joint participation of industry
and on-road research and testing is antici- and other stakeholders; development
pated. Following testing in an experimental and implementation of field operation
environment, fleets of equipped vehicles will evaluation plans; program planning
be evaluated in on-road operational settings at and administration covering IVI
various stages of the program. program definition and oversight; and
any other crosscutting functions and
The U.S. DOT will aggressively pursue part- responsibilities not covered else-
nerships and other cooperative arrangements where. The technical issues for many
with the motor vehicle, trucking, and bus individual services are expected to be
industries and their suppliers, States and other independent of the vehicle platforms,
Government organizations, academic institu- and when this occurs, such issues
tions, and other interested parties to fulfill the would be studied together.
program requirements.

2. Development of services would cover 6. Product deployment refers to the

the research, development, testing, actions by motor vehicle manufac-
and evaluation of individual crash turers and their suppliers to make and
avoidance and efficiency-enhancing offer IVI systems to highway users in
systems, such as those listed under the production motor vehicles. It is antici-
caption “Candidate Services” in this pated that the IVI systems, after opera-
document. tional tests demonstrate the benefits of
3. Selection of services for integration their integrated services, would be
represents the activities necessary to adopted by manufacturers as part of
select specific IVI services (and their standard product lines. Product
systems to fulfill those services) and development also includes actions by
the mix of services that should be State, regional, and local governments
included in integrated packages of to install infrastructure-based IVI
multiple IVI services. Selection system components on their highway
involves extensive work on estimating systems. This activity is indicated as
the benefits and costs, as well as antic- the final step and the ultimate objec-
ipated user acceptance of integrated tive of the IVI program.
systems that provide a combination of
services. Candidate Services
4. The integrated system design and The U.S. DOT has concluded that the services
development step covers the research, described on the following pages are prime
development, and prototype testing candidates for improvement through applica-
necessary to fulfill the requirements tion of advanced in-vehicle or cooperative
for fully describing IVI capabilities, as technology, It is expected that during the
well as system and subsystem specifi- course of the IVI program, the mix of indi-
cations for the construction of the vidual IVI services selected for integration may
vehicles and the infrastructure modifi- vary among passenger vehicles, trucks, and
cations necessary for field operational buses. Please note that these services include
tests of integrated systems. some existing or slightly modified ITS user
5. The operational tests and evaluations services. The following categories of
activity, as expected, implements the advanced technologies are identified as candi-
plans for field tests in real-world date IVI services because they: (1) improve
settings on actual highways, executes a safety; (2) may impact safety; (3) provide
complete evaluation of the integrated platform-specific functions; or (4) provide
IVI services subjected to the opera- supporting capabilities for other future
tional tests, develops deployment plans, services.
establishes performance thresholds
based on objective test performance,
and develops recommendations.

Safety Services through autonomous in-vehicle systems,

These systems would monitor the lane
1. Rear-End Collision Avoidance: This
position, motion relative to the road edge,
feature would sense the presence and
and vehicle speed relative to road geometry
speed of vehicles and objects in front of the
and road conditions and would advise the
equipped vehicle and would provide
driver, through an appropriate driver-vehicle
warnings and limited control of the vehicle
interface, of imminent unintentional road
speed (coasting, downshifting, or braking)
departure. Later versions of these systems
to minimize risk of collisions with vehicles
may include cooperative communication
and objects in the vehicle’s lane of travel. It
with the highway infrastructure to automati-
is expected that the first implementation of
cally provide safe speeds for upcoming
this service would be through autonomous
road geometry and conditions. The perfor-
in-vehicle systems. These systems would
mance of these systems may be enhanced
monitor the motion and location of vehicles
through future combination with other
and other objects in front of the vehicle and
systems, such as other collision avoidance
would advise the driver, through an appro-
systems, drowsy-driver advisory systems,
priate driver-vehicle interface, of imminent
and route guidance-navigation systems with
rear-end crashes. These systems may share
enhanced map databases.
some elements of, and are expected to
complement the performance of, adaptive
3. Lane Change and Merge Collision
cruise control systems that are expected to
Avoidance: It is expected that the first
precede collision avoidance systems as a
implementation of this service would be
commercial product. Later versions of these
through in-vehicle systems which may be
systems may include automatic braking in
augmented with vehicle-to-vehicle commu-
the event of an impending crash. The
nications These systems would monitor the
performance of these systems may be
lane position and the relative speed and
enhanced through future combination with
position of vehicles, including motorcycles,
other systems, such as other collision avoid-
beside and to the rear of the vehicle. They
ance systems, route guidance-navigation
also would advise the driver during the
systems with enhanced map databases,
decision phase of a lane-change maneuver,
and cooperative communication with the
through an appropriate driver-vehicle inter-
highway infrastructure to set adaptive
face, of the potential for a collision. Later
cruise control systems at safe speeds.
versions of these systems may provide addi-
tional advice of an imminent crash to the
2. Road Departure Collision Avoidance:
driver during the action-phase of the lane
This feature would provide warning and
change or entry-exit maneuver, The perfor-
control assistance to the driver through
mance of these systems may be enhanced
lane- or road-edge tracking and by deter-
through future combination with other sys-
mining the safe speed for road geometry in
tems, such as other collision avoidance
front of the vehicle. It is expected that the
systems and roadside communication and
first implementation of this service would be
sensing systems.

4. Intersection Collision Avoidance: It is features to provide the driver with an

expected that the first implementation of this enhanced view of the road ahead. Later
service would be through in-vehicle systems versions of these systems may include
that are augmented by information from additional information from improvements
enhanced map databases or from coopera- in the highway infrastructure, such as
tive communication with the highway infra- infrared reflective lane-edge markings,
structure. These systems would monitor
position relative to intersection geometry 7. Location-Specific Alert and Warning:
monitor relative speed and position of other This feature would provide intelligent in-
vehicles in the vicinity of the intersection, vehicle warning information by integrating
and advise the driver, through an appro- vehicle speed and pertinent vehicle
priate driver-vehicle interface, of appropriate dynamics information with knowledge of
action to avoid a violation of right-of-way or road geometry (from a map database or
to avoid an impending collision. Complex- beacon input). Later versions would include
ities of providing this service include the information about environmental and road
need to sense the position and motion of surface conditions to provide the driver with
vehicles and the need to determine the warnings, such as excessive speed for
intent of these vehicles to turn, slow down curves or alerts on upcoming traffic signs
stop, or violate right-of-way A fully auto- and signalized intersections. This feature
nomous in-vehicle system would probably may include the ability, at unusually
not be capable of providing this service. complex and hazardous highway locations,
to provide in-vehicle warnings that replicate
5. Railroad Crossing Collision Avoidance: one or more types of roadside signs, These
This feature would provide in-vehicle capabilities would be integrated with other
warnings to drivers when they approach a in-vehicle navigation and route guidance
railroad crossing that is unsafe to enter due features with collision avoidance warning.
to approaching or present rail traffic. Initial
implementation of this feature is anticipated 8. Automatic Collision Notification: It is
for buses and trucks carrying hazardous expected that the first implementation of
cargo. This service, which would share this service would be through in-vehicle
many on-board vehicle components with systems that are augmented by communi-
intersection collision avoidance systems, is cation links to Public Safety Answering
dependent on communications and the Points (PSAPs), These systems would
deployment of infrastructure components. monitor the position of the vehicle and the
severity of the crash. This information
6. Vision Enhancement: It is expected that would be transmitted automatically to the
the first implementation of this service appropriate PSAP for the location of the
would be through autonomous in-vehicle crash. These systems may also be
systems. These systems would use infrared combined with manually activated systems
radiation from pedestrians and roadside for requesting roadside assistance.

9. Smart Restraints and Occupant and traveler services information, safety and
Protection Systems: This feature would advisory information, and other real-time
provide advance warning of impending updates on conditions such as congestion,
(forward or side) crashes and would pre- work zones, and environmental and road
deploy the appropriate protection systems in surface conditions. This feature would pro-
a vehicle prior to the impact to obtain vide an integrated approach to the presenta-
maximum protection for the vehicle occu- tion of information to the driver for safety
pants If reliable under all potential impact warnings and other advisories related to the
situations, this might permit slower deploy- driving task. More advanced system capabil-
ment speeds for the air bags, allow for ities would include the ability to react to
pre-tensioned or load-limited belt systems or dynamic information on environmental and
smart head protection systems, and ulti- road conditions, thereby augmenting infor-
mately provide more protection for the mation contained in the static map databases.
vehicle occupants.
12. Driver Comfort and Convenience: This
Safety-Impacting Services service is included in the IVI program to
l0. Navigation/Routing: This feature would ensure that the increasing number of comfort
provide location and route guidance input and convenience features in vehicles, such
to the driver and would support the various as cellular telephones and fax machines, do
collision avoidance capabilities with road not distract the driver or increase the com-
geometry and location data. It would also plexity of the driving task. This service would
provide the necessary capability to filter integrate these features into the driver
traffic information to select those messages vehicle interface to permit prioritization of
that are applicable to the vehicle location information sources and reduce distractions.
and route of travel. It would also offer the Real-time dispatching for fleet operations is
capability to recommend optimal routing included in this category
based on driver preferences. More
advanced versions of this service may inte- Platform Specific Services-
grate real-time traffic conditions into the Commercial Vehicle
calculations of optimal routes, For para- 13. Vehicle Stability Warning and
transit applications this would assist Assistance: An early version of this
passenger demand and record keeping. service would assist drivers in maintaining
safe speeds on curves by measuring the
11. Real Time Traffic and Traveler rollover stability properties of a typical
Information: These IVI systems would heavy vehicle as it is operated on the
have capabilities to access in-vehicle data- roadway, and by providing the driver with a
bases and receive travel-related information graphical depiction of the vehicle’s loading
from the infrastructure (roadside or wide- condition relative to its rollover propensity
area transmissions). Information categories More advanced services would employ an
would include items such as vehicle location active brake control system coupled with
and route guidance instructions, motorist electronic brake system technology and

infrastructure-provided information alerting tion, parking fee payment, transit fare

drivers to selectively apply brakes to stabi- payment, and additional commercial
lize the vehicle and, thus, reduce the inci- vehicle-related functions such as credentials
dence of rear-trailer rollover in double-and and permit verification, using such tech-
triple-trailer combination vehicles during nology as transponders and “smart cards.”
crash avoidance or other emergency
steering maneuvers. 18. Safety Event Recorder: This feature
would record selected driver and vehicle
14. Driver Condition Warning: This service parameters to support the reconstruction of
would provide a driver monitoring and conditions leading to a critical safety event.
warning capability to alert the driver to Data from this recorder could provide input
problems such as drowsiness. It is to the crash notification subsystem for
expected that the first implementation of transmission of collision data to the emer-
this service would be on commercial and gency service provider.
transit vehicles.
Platform Specific Services-
15. Vehicle Diagnostics: The vehicle diag- Transit Vehicles
nostic information service would be an 19. Obstacle/Pedestrian Detection: This
extension of current vehicle monitoring and service would warn the driver when pedes-
self-diagnostic capabilities such as oil trians, vehicles, or other obstacles are in
pressure and coolant temperature gauges. close proximity to the driver’s intended
This service would monitor vehicle safety path. This could be accomplished with on-
related functions. Examples of conditions board sensors or infrastructure-based
monitored include braking system integrity sensors communicating to vehicles.
tire pressure, sensor and actuator perfor-
mance, and the communication system. This 20. Tight Maneuver/Precision Docking:
information is intended to be useful to the This service would position the bus or
driver, as well as to assist and support fleet commercial vehicle very precisely relative
maintenance and management functions. to the curb or loading platform. The driver
would maneuver the bus into the loading
16. Cargo Identification: This service would area and then turn it over to automation.
focus on heavy-vehicle operation, especially Sensors would continually determine the
hazardous material transportation. This lateral distance to the curb, front and rear,
feature would identify and monitor key safety and the longitudinal distance to the end of
parameters of the cargo, such as tempera- the vehicle loading area. The driver would
ture, and pressure. The driver would be be able to override at any time by operating
warned if any unsafe conditions existed. brakes or steering and would be expected
to monitor the situation and take emer-
17. Automated Transactions: This feature gency action if necessary (for example, if a
would implement capabilities for electronic pedestrian steps in front of the vehicle)
transactions, such as electronic toll collec- When the vehicle is properly docked, it

would stop and revert to manual control. In advanced configuration, would also
freight or bus terminals this service could provide control assist capabilities to assist
increase facility throughput as well as safety. the driver in regaining control of the
vehicle. Sensors on-board the vehicle
21. Transit Passenger Monitoring: This would detect when the tire-to-road surface
service would assist the driver in detecting coefficient of friction is reduced due to
any passenger activities that may affect the water, ice, or road surface condition.
safety or security of the vehicle’s operation.
25. Longitudinal Control: Longitudinal control
22. Transit Passenger Information: This would range from normal cruise control to
service would provide transit passengers applications that permit full automatic
with real-time transit network information braking. Intelligent cruise control senses the
during travel. The emphasis within the IVI presence and relative velocity of moving
program would be to reduce the nondriving vehicles ahead of the equipped vehicle and
task workload of the driver by providing adjusts the speed of travel to maintain a safe
alternative means for passengers to access separation between vehicles. Vehicle speed
location and transit service information. is adjusted either by allowing the vehicle to
coast or by transmission downshifting. More
Platform Specific Services- advanced longitudinal control systems would
Special Vehicle be capable of detecting a vehicle ahead in
23. Fully Automated Control at Certain the same lane which may be traveling at any
Facilities: This service would enhance effi- speed or may be fully stopped. A full range
ciency and productivity by providing auto- of braking capability and operating speeds
mated movement of vehicles in dedicated would be available to the equipped vehicle,
facilities. Initial applications may include including stop-and-go traffic operations. This
automated bus movement in maintenance service can be provided by autonomous in-
areas and automated container movement vehicle systems or with assistance from
within a terminal area. The transit bus appli- vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure
cation could be a preliminary use of auto- cooperation.
mation in a low-speed, controlled
environment. The automated container 26. Lateral Control: This service would sense
movement application would consist of the center of the lane and continually
using vehicle automation technologies to actuate the steering to keep the vehicle in
move containers within rail-, truck-, or ship- the center of its lane. For the service to
yards or other centralized facilities. dependably detect the lane boundaries,
some infrastructure cooperation may be
Supporting Services required, such as accurately painted lane-
marker stripes, embedded magnetic nails,
24. Low-Eviction Warning and Control
or radar-reflective stripes. The driver would
Assist: This service would initially warn
be able to assume control at any time.
the driver of reduced traction, but, in
8-Program Funding and Delivery
8.1-Program Funding
The administration’s NEXTEA proposal
requests a minimum $25 million annually to
fund the Intelligent Vehicle program from
contract authority. The Department expects
that total funding will be at or near the FY 1998
budget request of $50 million. There will be a
mix of fully funded, Government-sponsored
research, as well as collaboration with industry
and other stakeholders under cooperative
agreements. The cooperative agreements will
require a minimum cost share ranging from
20 to 50 percent.

8.2-Program Delivery
The IVI program will operate under the
guidance of a public/private-sector working
group. Within the U.S. DOT, the IVI program
will be jointly managed by FHWA, FTA, and
NHTSA, with the ITS Joint Program Office
responsible for coordination and budget over-
sight. Guidance and direction will be sought
from all stakeholders that are not represented
in the Working Group.
Publication No. FHWA-JPO-98-007

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