CHA Apter R: Stru Uctur Ral D Esign Noff Ootin NGS

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Prepared by: Dr. Rafi' M.

Sulaiman Al-Ne'aimi

R 6 Civil Engineering Department – College of Engineering
Duhok University - 2014


Foootings are fo
oundation coomponents thhat transmit the load froom the superrstructure too soil or
rock. Theeir shapes ussually vary with specific requiremeents and desiign needs. For
F spread foootings,
square shhapes are commmon and usually
u most economical, but rectanggular shapes are used if space
s is
limited inn one directiion, or whenn loads are eccentric
e in one
o directionn. The typiccally desiredd case is
to select the footing g shape thatt makes thee soil pressuure as unifoorm as posssible. Furtheermore,
footings may be off uniform thhickness or may be slooped or stepped. Fig.(66.1) shows typical
configuraations of varrious types of footings.

Fig.(6.1): Typic
cal configurrations of va
arious footiings types.
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

1. The footing is assumed to be rigid (the thickness is sufficient enough) for easy calculation.
2. Actually, the soil pressure distribution under a footing is not uniform and depends upon
footing rigidity, shape, and depth. However for simplicity, the distribution of the soil
reactions is considered uniform as shown in Fig.(6.2).

∑P ∑P ∑P

t t t

Cohesive soil Cohesionless soil

(a) Actual soil Pressure (b) Assumed soil pressure

Fig.(6.2): Soil pressure distribution under rigid footings.


The ACI 318 14 code for reinforced concrete foundation requirements specifies that the
service loads should be converted to ultimate through several load combinations as:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
…….…..……..(ACI 318 14 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
where, DL, LL, WL and EL are service dead, live, wind, and earthquake loads, respectively.

From the above various combinations of the load cases, the load case control is considered as
a design load. Note that in general as a rule, actual applied load (∑ ) and actual net soil pressure
( . ) are used to find the area of footing ( ). Whereas, factored loads and soil pressure are
used to determine the steel area ( ) and footing thickness (t).

Foundatiion Engineeering C
Chapter 6: Structural
Design of Foootings

6.4 CR
Thee ACI 318 14 code designates the critical
c locattions for sheear and mom
ments dependding on
type of column
c or wall
w (e.g., concrete,
c steeel, or masoonry) as shoown in Fig..(6.3). Notice that
circular columns
c a equivalennt width for location of critical
aree treated as square coluumns with an
sections for
f shear and d moment.

a) Critical secctions for sheear in isolatedd footings.

ated column footing. Pedes
stal footing. Iso
olated colum
mn or pedesta
al footing.

Critical section S


Column with
h steel base plate.
p Mason
nry wall.

b) Critical secctions for mooment in isolaated footings..
g.(6.3): Critiical footing sections fo
or shear and moment.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


A summary of strength design principles that apply to foundation design are presented in
Table (6.1). The table is divided into two parts: (1) general design principles that apply for strength
design and (2) principles that are specifically applicable to foundation design.

Table (6.1): Summary of ACI 318 14 code requirements.

Principle Design item Code requirement

General Load Combinations Pult . = 1.4 DL 9.2

Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
DL = dead load, LL= live load, WL= wind
load, and EL = earthquake load.

Load factor, Flexure: 0.9 9.3

Shear and torsion: 0.75
Flexure in plain concrete: 0.65

Minimum flexure . . 10.3

. b.d b.d

Temperature and . 0.0020 b t ---------- for 420 MPa 7.12

shrinkage reinforcement
0.0018 b t --------- for 420 MPa

0.0018 420
b t --- for 420 MPa

Shear reinforcement and 0.16 17 11.5
minimum required steel ′

, .= 0.062 ′ 0.35 11.13

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Development length, ,
for deformed bars and
deformed wires:

(a) Tension:

Either 12.1 or 12.2.2 12.1

equations is applicable . ′
provided that 300
mm. in which the confinement term:
2.5, and
where, n is the number of bars or wires
being spliced or developed along the plane of
splitting. However, it shall be permitted to
use = 0 as a design simplification even if
transverse reinforcement is present.

No. 19 and No. 22 and

Spacing and cover
smaller bars larger bars
Clear spacing of bars or
wires being developed or 12.2.2
spliced not less than db, ′ . ′
clear cover not less than db,
and stirrups or ties
throughout not less than
the Code minimum.
Clear spacing of bars or 12.2.2
wires being developed or ′ . ′
spliced not less than 2db
and clear cover not less
than db.


Ψl = bar location factor; Ψl = 1.3 for top reinforcement, Ψl = 1.0 for other
Ψe = coating factor; Ψe = 1.5 for epoxy coated bars or wires with cover
less than 3db or clear spacing less than 6db; Ψe = 1.2 for other
epoxy coated bars or wires; Ψe = 1.0 for uncoated reinforcement;
provided that Ψl Ψe 1.7.
Ψs = bar size factor, Ψs = 0.8 for 19 mm and smaller bars and deformed
wires; and Ψs = 1.0 for 22 mm and larger bars.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

cb = spacing or cover dimension: Use the smaller of either the distance

from the center of the bar to the nearest concrete surface or one half
the center to center spacing of the bars being developed.
= transverse reinforcement index, which is equal to (1.6 /sn),
where = total cross sectional area of all transverse reinforcement
within ld that crosses the potential plane of splitting adjacent to the
reinforcement being developed, s is the maximum spacing of
transverse reinforcement within ld , center to center (mm); and n is
the number of bars or wires being developed along the plane of
λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor, λ = 1.0 for normal weight
concrete. λ = 0.75 for lightweight aggregate concrete; however, when
is specified, use λ = ′ /1.8 (in SI units).

(b) Compression: .
(0.043 ) 12.3.2

The ACI code 318 14 permits a
But not less than 200 mm.
reduction multiplier of given by:
λs = excess reinforcement factor; if
the longitudinal flexural reinforcement
is in excess of that required by
analysis except where anchorage or
development for fy is specifically
required or the reinforcement is
designed for seismic effects. The
reduction multiplier is: λs = (As
required)/(As provided), or λs1 = 0.75
for spirally enclosed reinforcement not
less than 6 mm diameter and not more
than 100 mm pitch or within No.13
ties and spaced at not more than 100
mm on center, and λs2 = fy/415 for
cases where fy > 415 MPa.

Reinforcement spacing Clear distance not less than 7.6.1

diameter of bar or 1.0 inch (25

Walls and slabs: not to be spaced 7.6.5

father apart than 3 times the wall
or slab thickness or 18 in. (450

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Minimum reinforcement cover 3.0 inch (75 mm) for cast in 7.7.1
place concrete and permanently
exposed to earth.

Modulus of elasticity of concrete, .

0.043 8.5.1
for normal weight concrete.
(MPa) 4700

Footings General considerations See ACI code 15

Round columns Use equivalent square of same 15.3

area for location of critical
sections for moment, shear, and
development of reinforcement in

Maximum moment See ACI code 15.4

Minimum footing depth (a) Not less than 6 in. (152 mm) 15.7
above the bottom of
reinforcement for footing on
(b) Not less than 12 in. (305 mm)
for footing on piles.

One-way action (Wide–beam shear): . 0.17 φ 11.3

Two-way action (Punching shear): . 0.17 1 φ -------(a) 11.31

Take smaller value from a, b and c.
. 0.083 2 φ ---(b) 11.32
The units of both shear are in (MPa).
. 0.33 φ ---------------(c) 11.33

φ = 0.75,
50 cm for corner columns,
= 75 cm for edge columns,
= 100 cm for interior columns.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Bearing strength (column on footing): .

0.85 φ / -------- (a) 10.15
Take the smaller value from (a) or (b).
0.85 φ -------- (b)

φ = 0.65 and / 2.0
area of contact (or column),
projection area.

Minimum steel reinforcement A , . = 0.005 A1

for bearing strength (dowels). where, A1 = area of column.

Walls General considerations See ACI code 14

Reinforcement Vertical: A 0.0012 A of wall 14.3.2

Horizontal:A 0.002 A of wall 14.3.3
A area of reinforcement, and
A gross area of the wall.

Maximum thickness Not less than 1/25 the supported

height or length, whichever is
shorter; not less than 4 in. (102

Exterior basement walls and

foundation walls not less than 7.5
in. (191 mm).

Grade beams See ACI code 14.7

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


As shown in Fig.(6.4a), if the moments about both x and y axes are zero, then, the soil
pressure distribution under the footing is simply equal to the total vertical load divided by the
footing's area. While in case of moment or (moments), the contact pressure below the footing is
non-uniform (see Fig.6.4b).

∑ P = D.L + L.L ∑ P = D.L + L.L ∑ P = D.L + L.L

center line
center line
e e

q act. = q min . q min .
center line
q max. q max.

(a) Concentric load (b) Eccentric load

Fig.(6.4): Contact pressure distribution under footings.

In general, when the load is concentric according to footing center, the contact soil pressure is
uniform. But when the load is eccentric (i.e., there is a moment), the contact pressure below the
footing is non-uniform as shown under the following three cases:

Case (1): When e x < L / 6 , the resultant of load passes within the middle third of the footing.
Here, there is compression under the footing with maximum pressure on one side and
minimum pressure on the other side.
∑ P = D.L.+L.L.
• Moment in (L direction only) and e x < L / 6

M L B.L3 M
e x = eccentricity = ; c= ; I= ;
∑P 2 12
L/3 L/6 L/6 L/3
M.c 6M ∑P
= ; M = ∑ P..e x q act. =
I B.L2 Af
∑ P 6∑ P.e x
q max . = ± −
min . B.L
B.L2 I
∑ P ⎡ 6.e x ⎤ +
or q max . = 1± I
min . B.L ⎢⎣ L ⎥⎦
q min .
q max.
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

• Moments in (both directions) and e x < L / 6 ; e y < B / 6

My Mx My
ex = ; ey =
∑P ∑P
max . = 6∑ P.e x 6∑ P.e y
or q min . B.L ± ± ey
B.L2 B2 .L B x x

max . = ∑P ⎡ 6.e x 6.e y ⎤

or q min . ⎢1 ± ± ⎥
B.L ⎣ L B ⎦ L

Case (2): When e x = L / 6 , the resultant of load passes on edge of the middle third of the
∑ P = D.L.+L.L.
• Moment in (L direction only) and e x = L / 6 ex

∑P ⎡ 6.e x ⎤ ∑ P ⎡ L ⎤ 2 ∑ P
q max . = 1+ = 1+ =

B.L ⎣ L ⎥⎦ B.L ⎢⎣ L ⎥⎦ B.L L/3 L/6 L/6 L/3

∑P ⎡ 6.e x ⎤ ∑ P ⎡ L ⎤ q min . = 0
q min . = 1− = 1− =0

B.L ⎣ L ⎥⎦ B.L ⎢⎣ L ⎥⎦ q max.

Case (3): When e x > L / 6 , the resultant of load is outside the middle third of the footing. Here,
there is a tension under the footing.
∑P =
• Moment in (L direction only) and e x > L / 6
∑ P = q max . .L1.B ……………….…..…...(a)
e x + 1 = ……………….…………..…...(b) L/6
3 2
From Eq.(a): ……………….…..…………….(c)
⎡L ⎤
From Eq.(b): L1 = 3⎢ − e x ⎥ ….…………....(d) ex L1/3
⎣2 ⎦
Substituting Eq.(d) into Eq.(c) gives: q min . = 0
2.∑ P q max.
q max . =
⎡L ⎤
3.B⎢ − e x ⎥ L1
⎣2 ⎦

∑P =

Prepared by: Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss
Civil Engineering Department – College of Engineering
Tikrit University


6.1.1 Design Steps of Square Spread Footings

(1) Find the area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t).
Calculate of soil from allowable bearing capacities due to DL, (DL+ LL), (DL +
LL+ WL) as follows:

. ;

. ;

. ;

Then, for square footing

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate and according to control ultimate loads
calculate the ultimate soil pressure:
Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL ..…….... (ACI 318 14 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0]; (b) settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check two way action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:

. 0.17 1 φ ′ ………....…(ACI 318-14 section 11.31) ……..... (a)

. 0.083 2 φ ′ ….….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.32)……...... (b)

. 0.33 φ
…..………….……(ACI 318-14 section 11.33)……….. (c)

Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c). ∑P

where, G.S. d/2

b1 b
= or 2 , b2
b2 b1
b1 .
φ = 0.75
50 cm for corner columns, b+d
= 75 cm for edge columns, b
b2 d/2
= 100 cm for interior columns. b+d b
Punching area = (b + d)2 ;
Punching force = .

Punching face = ; and 4 ……….….. for square column

; Put . and solve for (d).

(ii) Check one-way or wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. 0.17 φ ′ …………….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)
L1 d
φ = 0.75
B− b b
L1 = − d ; Punching area =
Punching force . B
. .
d b

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

Put . and solve for (d); then take the larger

value of (d) obtained from (i) or (ii).

(5) Determine the required steel (Calculate moment at face of column):

q ult. .L22 B− b Mu Mu
Mu = where, L2 =
2 2 b
As = ; . . . .
where, . is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

. . & 0.0020 b t ------------ for 420 MPa

0.0018 b t ---------- for 420 MPa b
0.0018 420
b t ---- for 420 MPa B

Compare As with . and take the larger value for design.


(6) Spacing and steel distribution: 7.5cm

Number of bars:

Spacing (c/c) =

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:

7.5 (concrete cover)

l either ACI 318 14 code (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that l 300 mm

……………………..…… (ACI 318 14 section 12.1)

. ′

yield strength of steel reinforcement,
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor,
λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor, Steel
compressive strength of concrete, L2
cb = spacing or cover dimension,
= transverse reinforcement index, and bar diameter.
7.5 cm

Tensile Steel
3 7.5 cm
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Steel in compression:

(d) of footing
(0.043 ) ..…………………(ACI 318 14 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:


0.85 / 0.85

where, = 0.65 and / 2.0

Pult. Pult.

b b
A1 A1
2 2
d 1 1
A2 A 2 / A1 ≈ 1.0
For this case: f c( all.) = 0.85.φ.f ′c

= area of contact (or column) ; = projection area = (b + 4d)

Note: If > : (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 …………….…..….…………ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.1.2 Design Steps of Rectangular Spread Footings

(1) Find the area of footing:

Assume footing thickness (t).
Calculate of soil from allowable bearing capacities due to DL, (DL+ LL), (DL +
LL+ WL) as follows:

. ;

. ;

. ;

For rectangular footing . Then, choose B and L such that (L/B < 2.0).

For example if the required area = 6 m2, then:

B L Area L/B
1.0 6 6 6.00 > 2.0
1.5 4 6 2.67 > 2.0
2.0 3 6 1.50 < 2.0 ∴ Take L = 3.0 and B = 2.0
2.5 2.4 6 0.96 < 2.0

(2) Convert the loads into ultimate and according to control ultimate loads
calculate the ultimate soil pressure:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
..…….... (ACI 318 14 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0]; (b) settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(i) Check wide beam shear at (d) from column face:

. 0.17 φ f′ …………..…….….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

where, φ = 0.75 .

In long-direction:
. L − b1
where, L1 = −d

In short-direction: .
. B − b2
where, L 2 = −d L
Put . and solve for (d).
d L1
b2 B

(ii) Check two way action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:

. 0.17 1 φ ′ ………...…(ACI 318-14 section 11.31) ……..... (a)

. 0.083 2 φ ′ …….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.32)……...... (b)

. 0.33 φ ′ …..………………(ACI 318-14 section 11.33)……….. (c)

Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c).
where, L

b1 b b1 + d
= or 2 , φ = 0.75
b2 b1 b1 d/2
b2 + d b 2 B
50 cm for corner columns,
75 cm for edge columns,
100 cm for interior columns.
2 2

Put . and solve for (d), then take the larger (d) obtained from (i) or (ii).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

Calculate moments at column faces in both directions. Pult.
(a) Steel in Long-Direction:
M u (1−1) M u ( 2− 2)
q ult. .X12
L − b1
M u(1−1) = where, X1 =
2 2
M u(1−1) q ult.
A s(1−1) =

. . . where, ρ . is the larger of: 1.4/f or 0.25 f /f

. . & 0.0020 b t ------------- for f 420 MPa

0.0018 b t ----------- for f 420 MPa

0.0018 420
b t ----- for f 420 MPa

Compare As(1−1) with As . and take the larger value for design.

A s total ( long.dir .) = A s(1−1) .B

(b) Steel in Short-Direction:
X1 X2
q ult. .X 2
2 B − b2 2
M u ( 2 − 2) = where, X 2 = 2 b2 B
2 2
M u ( 2 − 2)
A s( 2 − 2) =
0.9.fy.0.9d 1

Compare A s ( 2−2) with A s min. and take the larger value for design.

A s total (short .dir .) = A s( 2 − 2) .L

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in long direction:
Steel in long direction (measured as that for square footing). So it shall be distributed
uniformly across entire width of footing.
. –
Number of bars: ; Spacing (c/c) =

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Steel in short direction:

In short direction a portion of total steel (more steel) must be distributed uniformly under the
column (centered on centerline of column or pedestal) within a distance (B) at S %:
S% = …..(% of steel located within B distance) and the remainder of steel is
( L / B) + 1
L − B − 15cm
distributed uniformly between ( ) each direction.
Assume total number of bars required (in short direction) = 25 bars with L = 3m and B = 2m
% of steel located within (B) = S% = = 0.8 %
( 3 / 2) + 1
Number of steel bars within (B) = 0.8 (25 bars) = 20 bars.
L − B − 15cm 300 − 200 − 15
25 – 20 = 5 bars; use 6 bars divided between ( )= = 42.5 cm each
2 2
3 bars 20 bars 3 bars
7.5cm L−B L−B
B = 2.0m
2 2

Column 2.0m

3.0m 7.5cm

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:
7.5 (concrete cover)
7.5 (concrete cover)
either ACI Code 318 14 (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that l 300 mm.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

……………………..…… (ACI 318 14 section 12.1)

. ′

where, Compression
X1 Steel
yield strength of steel reinforcement,
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor,
λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor, Ld
compressive strength of concrete,

7.5 cm
cb = spacing or cover dimension,
= transverse reinforcement index, and bar diameter.
Tensile Steel
7.5 cm

Note: If < is unsafe ; use Hooks.

(b) Steel in compression:

(d) of footing
(0.043 ) ..…………………(ACI 318 14 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:


0.85 / 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and / 2.0

Pult. Pult.

b1 b2
A1 A1
2 2 2 2
d 1 1 d 1 1
A2 A2

b1+4d b2+4d
Long direction Short direction
= area of contact (or column)= . = projection area = 4 4

Note: If > : (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 …………….…..….…………ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

6.1.3 Design Steps of Wall Spread Footings

(1) Width of footing: Total load

Per meter length

∑ /
1.0 m

b L
q ult.
(2) Convert the loads into ultimate per meter length:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL ..…………….... (ACI 318 14 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL


Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(3) Check: (a) bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0]; (b) settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].
(4) Determine the thickness of footing: P . /m

Check wide beam shear at (d) from face of wall: d

. 0.17 φ ′ .....………(ACI 318 14 section 11.3)

where, φ = 0.75 .

. B−b B
where, L1 = −d

Put . and solve for (d). d L1

Minimum (d) for reinforced concrete wall = 15 cm. L
Pult. / m
(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:
(a) Steel in short direction (Main steel):

q ult. .X12 Mu
Mu =
X1 Mu
where, X1 = ………. for concrete wall.
2 q ult.
B−b b
or X1 = + …... for masonry wall. Main steel
2 4
As = (per meter length) 1

. . . (per meter length)

where, ρ . is the larger of: 1.4/f or 0.25 f /f
X1 L
. .& 0.0020 b t -------- for f 420 MPa

0.0018 b t ------ for f 420 MPa

0.0018 420
b t - for f 420 MPa
where, concrete cover

Compare with . and take the larger value for design.


Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(b) Steel in long direction:

Use A s min . = ρ min . .b.d (Per meter length)

A A . B

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

(a) Steel in short direction:

Number of bars: ; Spacing (c/c) =
(b) Steel in long direction:

Number of bars: ; Spacing (c/c) =

(7) Check the bond:

(a) Steel in tension:
7.5 (concrete cover)
l either ACI 318 14 code (12.1 or 12.2.2) Eq. is used provided that l 300 mm

……………………..…… (ACI 318 14 section 12.1)

. ′

yield strength of steel reinforcement,
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor, Steel
λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor,
compressive strength of concrete,
cb = spacing or cover dimension, Ld
7.5 cm

= transverse reinforcement index, and bar diameter.

(b) Steel in compression:

Tensile Steel
(d) of footing 7.5 cm
(0.043 ) ..…………………(ACI 318 14 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


(1) Find the area of footing:

• Assume footing width (B) and footing thickness (t).

• Calculate .

• Find e = ; where, M = Overturning moment measured at base of footing,

∑ P = D.L. + L.L. + any other vertical loads.

L ∑
• Assume e < and obtain 1 .
• Set and solve for L or B by trial and error. For square footing; L=B,
for rectangular footing; choose B and L such that (L/B ≤ 2.0), and for wall footing;
area = B 1.0m.
∑ 6
• Calculate .
1 and check that and 0.

(2) Determine the factored loads and stresses:

Pult . = 1.4 DL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 LL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.6 WL + 1.0 LL
..…….... (ACI 318 14 Section 9.2)
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.6 WL
Pult . = 1.2 DL + 1.0 EL + 1.0 LL
Pult . = 0.9 DL + 1.0 EL

. .
. . .
; . . .
∑ ∑

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0] and Settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Determine the thickness of footing:

(i) Check one-way or wide-beam shear at distance (d) from face of column:

. 0.17 φ ′ ………….…….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

where, φ = 0.75 ;

From right side: V q . L d d

. L − b1
where, q . and L1 = −d
From left side: V q L
. q2
. q1 .
. L − b1
where, q . and L 2 = −d x
q1 x
Here; = q min . + (q max . − q min . )
q2 L
L2 d d L1
b2 B
Set . and solve for (d).

(ii) Check two way action or punching shear at (d/2) from column face:

. 0.17 1 φ ′ …..…ACI 318-14 section 11.31...... (a)

. 0.083 2 φ ′ …ACI 318-14 section 11.32...... (b)
. 0.33 φ ′ …..………..ACI 318-14 section 11.33.….. (c)
d/2 d/2
Take the smaller value from (a), (b) and (c).

where, . q av.

b1 b
= or 2 , φ = 0.75 L
b2 b1

50 cm for corner columns,

b2 + b2 B
14 b1 + d
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

= 75 cm for edge columns,

= 100 cm for interior columns.

• for square column:

• for rectangular column:

• for circular column:

. .
where, .

Put . and solve for (d), then take the larger value of (d) obtained
from (i) or (ii).

(5) Determine the required steel for each direction:

• Steel in long direction:
Calculate moments at column faces from right and left sides. Then take the maximum
moment for design.
(a) Moment from right side:
M u(1−1) R = M1 + M 2
where, M u (1−1) M u ( 2− 2)

X1 X1
M ; M x x

L − b1 . M3 q2 q 1 M1
and X1 = M4 .
(b) Moment from left side:
M u(1−1) L = M 3 + M 4
where, 1 1

X2 X1
q min. .X12 X
M ; M x 2 2
2 b2 B
2 2
1 1
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

0.9 0.9

. . where, . is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

. . & 0.0020 b t --------- for 420 MPa

0.0018 b t ------- for 420 MPa

0.0018 420
b t - for 420 MPa

where, concrete cover

Compare with . and take the larger value for design.

• Steel in short direction:

q av. .X 22 qmax. qmin. B − b2

M u ( 2− 2) = ; where, q . , X2 =
2 2

0.9 0.9
Compare with . and take the larger value for design.

(6) Spacing and steel distribution:

• Steel in long direction:
For square or rectangular footings, steel reinforcement in long direction is measured as:

Number of bars:

Spacing (c/c) =

• Steel in short direction:

For square footing: Use same steel as that for long direction (same steel in both directions).

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

For rectangular footing: % of must be located within B distance at

2 L − B − 15cm
S% = and the remainder of steel is distributed uniformly between ( )
( L / B) + 1 2

each direction.
(7) Check the bond:
(a) Steel in tension:
X 7.5 (concrete cover)
X 7.5 (concrete cover)

……………………..…… (ACI 318 14 section 12.1)

. ′

provided that 300 mm.

yield strength of steel reinforcement, X1
= bar location factor, = coating factor, = bar size factor,
λ = lightweight aggregate concrete factor,
compressive strength of concrete, 7.5 cm Ld
cb = spacing or cover dimension,
= transverse reinforcement index, and bar diameter.
Tensile Steel
(b) Steel in compression: 7.5 cm

(d) of footing
(0.043 ) ..…………………(ACI 318 14 section 12.3.2)

provided that 200 mm.

(8) Check contact pressure between the column and footing:


Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

0.85 / 0.85 ; where, = 0.65 and / 2.0

Pult. Pult.

b1 b2
A1 A1
2 2 2 2
d 1 1 d 1 1
A2 A2

b1+4d b2+4d
Long direction Short direction
= area of contact (or column) = . = projection area = 4 4

Note: If > : (1) Increase the section of column, or (2) Design dowels
for excess load.

(9) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 …………….…..….…………ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(10) Draw sketches (plan and cross sections) showing all details required for

Prepared by: Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss
Civil Engineering Department – College of Engineering
Tikrit University


Combined footings are of three types: (a) Rectangular combined footings, (b) Trapezoidal
combined footings, and (c) Strap combined footings.

6.11.1 Design of Rectangular Combined Footings

This type of footings is used when it is possible to make the resultant of loads passes through
the centroid of the footing (i.e., the foundation can be extended beyond the property line such that
two or more columns can be supported on a single rectangular footing).

Pu1 Pu2 Pu3

Steps of Design:
Property line

D s1 s2
(1) Convert the loads into ultimate:
Allowable load: ∑ P = P1 + P2 + P3 ;
ultimate load: ∑ P ult. = Pu 1 + Pu 2 + Pu 3 ; L/2

∑ Pult. Resultant = ∑ Pult.

ultimate.ratio.(ru ) =
Ultimate applied pressure (q u ) or : q u = q a ..(ru )

(2) Area and soil pressure distribution per linear meter of the footing:
The (L) dimension is calculated so that the soil pressure is uniform. Therefore, the resultant
is at L/2 as shown below:
Take moment at column (1):
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

∑ M col ..( 1) = 0 Pu1 Pu2 Pu3

Pu 2 .s1 + Pu 3 .( s1 + s 2 ) = ∑ Pult . ..( x )

Solve for x = ?
Length of footing: L = 2( D + x )
q uL /meter length

∑ .
Ultimate soil pressure per meter

Width of footing:

Note: If any column is subjected to bending moment, the effect of moment should be taken
into account as shown below. Then, try to make the centroid of footing coincide with the line of
action of the resultant (i.e., choose (L) such that e = 0).

Pu1 Pu3
Pu 2 .e 2 + Pu 3 .e 3 + M − Pu1.e1 Pu2
e= D e1 e2
∑ Pult. M
Property line

e e3
L = 2( D + e1 − e)
∑ Pult. of footing

However, if the resultant of loads does not pass through the centroid of footing; the soil
pressure will be non-uniform and determined from:

∑ P ⎡ 6.e ⎤ L
q max .
min . = ⎢1 ± ⎥ ….……..… for e ≤
B.L ⎣ L⎦ 6
2∑ P L
or q max . = …………….… for e >
L 6
3( − e)

(3) Check: (a) Bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0] and (b) Settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(4) Draw shear and moment diagrams in L direction:

V = area of load = ∫ q.dx Pu1 Pu2 Pu3

M = area of shear = ∫ V.dx
q uL /meter length



• For negative moment use steel on top.

• For positive moment use steel on bottom.

Then proceeds with other design steps as before:

(5) Determine the thickness of footing.

(6) Determine steel reinforcement in each direction.
(7) Check the bond in short direction.
(8) Check the bearing pressure between the columns and footing.
(9) Design the dowels.
(10) Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

6.11.2 Design of Trapezoidal Combined Footings

This type of footing is used in two cases:-

(1) If the column which has too limited space
carries the maximum load. In this case, the Pu1
resultant of the column loads (including Pu2
moments) will be closer to the larger column
load; and doubling the centroid distance as
done for the rectangular footing will not c. g.
provide sufficient length to reach the interior b a
column as shown in the figure beside. b1 b2
(2) If < x′ < ; this limitation is derived from b
3 2 2( x + 1 ) < S
x′ 2

Property line
the property of a trapezoid as follows: Rectangular footing is
too short to reach col.(2)
Area = A = ( ).L Resultant
L 2a + b L
Centroid = x ′ = ( )
3 a+b
It is seen that the solution for (a = 0) is a triangle and for (a = b) is a rectangle, therefore, a
trapezoid solution exists only for < x′ < .
3 2
In most cases, trapezoidal footing is used with only two columns, however, it can be used for
more than two columns. But, due to variable reinforcing steel required for variable footing width
and variable soil pressure, the strap footing is preferred in comparison with trapezoidal one.

Steps of Design:
(1) Convert the loads into ultimate:
Allowable loads: ∑ P = ( DL + LL).col.1 + ( DL + LL).col.2
Pu1 = 1.2.DL + 1.6.LL
Pu 2 = 1.2.DL + 1.6.LL

Ultimate loads: ∑ P ult. = Pu 1 + Pu 2

∑ Pult.
Ultimate.ratio.(ru ) =
Ultimate applied pressure (q ult. ) or : q u = q a ..(ru )

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(2) Area and dimensions of the footing:

• Locate the center of footing:
Taking moment about column (1); gives x = ? :
Pu 2 .S = (Pu 1 . + Pu 2 ).x ; x=?
b1 L 2a + b
x′ = x + …………………..………………..... (i) b 1 x′ = ( ) 2 a
2 3 a+b b2
But, from moment of areas about the big end: b1

L 2a + b
x′ = ( ) ……………………………….... (ii)
3 a+b
Equating (i) and (ii) gives:
b 1 L 2a + b
x+ = ( ) …………………..……….. (iii) a 1 2 b
2 3 a+b b2
• Determine the area of footing:

∑ Pult. a+b Note: If large end dimension = a

A= =( ) L ……...………………… (iv) and small end = b; then
q ult. 2
L 2b + a
x′ = ( )
3 a+b
By solving Eqs. (iii) and (iv), determine a and b.

(3) Check: (a) Bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0] and (b) Settlement [S ≤ .S allowable].

(4) Draw shear and moment diagrams and determine soil pressure at sectional
points below the footing: Pu1
Soil pressure at big end = q ult. (b) …..(kN/m)
Soil pressure at small end = q ult. (a ) …..(kN/m) a

Shear: V = area of load = ∫ q.dx L
Soil pressure Soil pressure
x at big end at small end
Moment: M = area of shear = V.dx ∫ (kN/m) (kN/m)
Shear diagram
for +ve. moment put steel on bottom. V (kN)

for -ve. moment put steel on top.

Moment diagram
M (kN-m)

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Determine the thickness of footing.

(a) Check wide beam shear at (d) from columns faces: Pu2

. 0.17 φ f′ where, φ = 0.75

B small end
B big end
d d a
• Wide beam shear from small end: L
V = V(small end); the shear value at (d) from column (2).

q (small end)
q (big end)

B = B(small end); the width at (d) from column (2).

• Wide beam shear from big end:

Shear diagram
V = V(big end); the shear value at (d) from column (1).

V (kN)

V small end
B = B(big end); the width at (d) from column (1).

V big end
(b) Check punching shear at (d/2) from columns faces:
. 0.33 φ f′ where, φ = 0.75 ; . Pu2

• Punching shear col.(1): . .

. d/2
b d/2 a
• Punching shear col.(2): . . d/2 d/2

(6) Determine steel reinforcement in each direction:

x Mu(1-1) As A s min. B
b2 +0.75d
L - Direction
e b1 b2
take b a
B - Direction 2 2
use As(min.)

Then proceeds with other design steps as before: Bavg. = (a + b) / 2

(7) Check bond in short direction.
(8) Check bearing pressure between the columns and footing.
(9) Design the dowels.
(10) Sketch the footing showing all details required for construction.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


This type of combined footings is used in the following cases:
(a) To transmit the moment caused from eccentricity of eccentric loaded column footing to the
interior column footing so that a uniform soil pressure will be obtained beneath both footings,
(b) If the distance between the columns is large so that the case of rectangular combined footing
becomes very narrow with high bending moment, and
(c) If the location of the resultant of loads x < .
Strap footing is found to be more economic than other types of combined footings, however,
first try to use rectangular footing, but if not satisfied try to use the trapezoidal one and again if this
also not satisfied use strap footing. Limitations of Strap Combined Footings

1. q 1 = q 2 , B 1 ≈ B 2 in order to prevent or reduce the differential settlement,
2. Soil pressure below the strap is zero; (i.e., strap footing should not be in contact with soil),
3. ( I strap / I footing ) ≥ 2 . This rigidity is necessary to prevent the rotation of the exterior footing,
4. It is common to neglect strap weight in the design, and
5. Check clear span between footing edges to depth ratio; to see whether it is a deep beam or
not (for deep beams, clear span depth ratio 4) see ACI Code 318 14 (Art. 10.7).

Pu1 Pu 2
Property line

(a) without strap footing

q min . q2
q max .
Pu1 Pu 2
Property line

(b) with strap footing d strap

d footing

q1 q2
e S1
2 R1 R2

Fig.(6.6): Layout of strap footing.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings Design Steps of Strap Combined Footings

(1) Convert the loads into ultimate:

Allowable loads: ∑ P = ( DL + LL)col.1 + ( DL + LL)col. 2
Ultimate loads: 1.2 1.6 ; 1.2 1.6
∑ P ult . = Pu 1 + Pu 2

∑ Pult.
Ultimate.ratio.(ru ) =
Ultimate applied pressure (q ult. ) or q all..(factored) : q ult . = q a ..( ru )

(2) Find footings dimensions:

Referring to Fig.(6.6), assume (e) by trial and error, then find footings reactions as follows:
Take ∑ M about R 2 = 0 gives R 1 = ? : Pu1 .S = R 1 .S1 ; R1 = ?

Take ∑ M about R 1 = 0 gives R 2 = ? : − Pu1 .(e). + Pu 2 .S1 − R 2 .S1 = 0 ; R2 = ?

Check by ∑ Fv = 0 : R 2 = Pu1 + Pu 2 − R 1
b1 A
Footing dimensions for column (1): L 1 = 2( e + ); ; B1 = 1
A1 =
q ult . L1
Footing dimensions for column (2); use square footing: A 2 = 2 ; B2 = A 2
q ult.
R1 R2
Check soil pressure below footings: q 1 = ≤ q ult. ; q 2 = ≤ q ult .
B1 .L 1 B 2 .L 2

(3) Check: Bearing capacity [S.F. ≥ 3.0] and Settlement [S ≤ .S allowable ].

(4) Draw shear and moment diagrams:

Soil pressure below column footing (1) = B )…..(kN/m)

Soil pressure below column footing (2) = B …..(kN/m)

Shear: V = area of load = .

Moment: M = area of shear = .

For +ve. moment put steel on bottom; for ve. moment put steel on top.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(5) Determine the thickness of footings.

(a) Check wide beam shear at (d) from faces of columns:

. 0.17 φ ′ where, φ = 0.75 ……...….…….…(ACI 318-14 section 11.3)

(b) Check punching shear at (d/2) from faces of columns:

. 0.33 φ ′ where, φ = 0.75 .…..…....….……(ACI 318-14 section 11.33)


(6) Determine the thickness of strap:

(a) Check wide-beam shear: . 0.17 φ ′ ; .

(b) Check bending moment: M u = b strap .d 2 k m ; or d=
b strap .k m
(c) Check rigidity ratio: ( I strap / I footing ) ≥ 2

(7) Determine steel reinforcement in footings and strap in each direction:

(a) Steel reinforcement for footing No.(1):

Footing No. (1): B1 x L1
• Steel at top in long – direction: 1 w B = q ult . L 1

0.9 0.9 b1
• Steel at bottom in long – direction: b2 B1
2 2
w .x 2 M u (1−1) X1
M u (1−1) = L 1 ; As = X2
2 0.9.fy.0.9d

• Steel at bottom in short – direction: 1

w B .x 22 M u ( 2− 2) w L = q ult. B1
M u ( 2 − 2) = ; As =
2 0.9.fy.0.9d

. . . ; where, ρ . is the larger of: 1.4/f or 0.25 f /f

. . & 0.0020 b t

Compare with . and take the larger value for design.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

• Spacing and steel distribution:

Number of bars:

Spacing (c/c) =

(a) Steel reinforcement for footing No.(2): Footing No. (2)

Square footing: B2 = L2

• Steel at top in long – direction: 1 wB = wL


0.9 0.9 b1
• Steel at bottom in long – direction: b1 B2
2 2
w L .x 12 M u (1−1)
M u (1−1) = ; As = X1 X2
2 0.9.fy.0.9d

• Steel at bottom in short – direction: 1

w B .x 22 M u ( 2− 2) w L = q ult. B 2
M u ( 2− 2) = ; As =
2 0.9.fy.0.9d

Compare with . and take the larger value for design.

Or due to footing No.(2) is square , use the same steel at bottom in long – direction.

• Spacing and steel distribution:

Number of bars:

Spacing (c/c) =

(c) Steel reinforcement in strap:

• Steel at top in long – direction:

. .

• Steel at bottom in short – direction: Use .

• Spacing and steel distribution:

Number of bars: at Spacing (c/c) =

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(9) Check bond in short direction for each column footing

(a) Column footing No.(1):

• Steel in tension:
X 7.5 (concrete cover)

. ′ x1

provided that 300 mm.


7.5 cm
where, all notation above are as defined previously.
Tensile Steel
• Steel in compression:
7.5 cm
(d) of footing
(0.043 )

provided that 200 mm.

(b) Column footing No.(2):

• Steel in tension:
X 7.5 (concrete cover)
. ′ x2

provided that 300 mm.

7.5 cm

• Steel in compression:
(d) of footing Tensile Steel

7.5 cm
(0.043 )

provided that 200 mm.

(9) Check bearing pressure between the columns and footing:

(a) Column (1): /
(b) Column (2): /

0.85 / 0.85 where, = 0.65 and / 2.0

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(10) Design the dowels:

Minimum number of dowels = 4 for square or rectangular columns.
Minimum number of dowels = 6 for circular columns.
Minimum of dowels = 0.005 A1 …………….…..….…………ACI 318-14 sec.(
where, A1 = area of column.

(1) Draw sketches showing all details required for construction.

These types of footings consist of large concrete slabs of (0.75m to 2m) thick and
continuous two way reinforcing at top and bottom that support several lines of columns or walls.
Mat foundation may be supported by piles in situations such as high groundwater table to control
buoyancy or where the base soil is susceptible to large settlements. In general, the critical point to
design a mat foundation is the total settlement but not the bearing capacity failure. Hence, as a rule
for rafts, the maximum permissible total settlement is about (2.0 inches) and the maximum
permissible differential settlement is about (1.5 inches).


(a) When the base soil has a low bearing capacity,
(b) The column loads are so large such that the use of conventional spread footings covers more
than 50% of the total area,
(c) When the soil strata are erratic or there is a soft layers of soil within the subsoil profile,
(d) When there is a large differential settlements expected to occur, and
(e) If there is a basement and groundwater table problems and there is a need to eliminate
water infiltration into basement-type installations.


(1) Flat plate: this type is most common, less labor effort, easy to construct, more economical,
and has a constant thickness for all the raft; see Fig.(6.7a).
(2) Plate thickened under the columns: this is to increase the punching shear capacity,
without increasing the thickness for the entire mat; see Fig.(6.7b).
(3) Waffle plate: this type is designed as a grid of beams and slabs in one or two directions to
provide rigidity with a minimum concrete thickness; see Fig.(6.7c).
(4) Wall plate: this type consists of slab-wall interaction resulting in a stiffer mat foundation;
in this case, check wide-beam shear of walls in each direction; see Fig.(6.7d).
(5) Plate with pedestals: this type consists of pedestals as part of mat; to connect steel
columns with the mat slab; see Fig.(6.7e).
(6) Basement walls as part of mat; see Fig.(6.7f).
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings



(a) Flat-plate (b) Plate thickened under columns (c) Waffle-plate



(d) Wall plate (e) Plate with pedestals (f) Basement walls as part of mat

Fig.(6.7): Common types of mat foundations.

Possible fiber spacer boards

Note: Depending on local costs, and noting that a mat between spread footings
foundation requires both positive and negative
reinforcing steel, it may be more economical to
col. col. col.
use spread footings even if the entire area is
covered. This avoids the use of negative
reinforcing steel and can be accomplished as
shown in the Fig.(6.8) beside by pouring
alternate footings, to avoid formwork, then using
Water stop
fiber spacer boards to separate the footings
Fig.(6.8): Mat foundations consisting of
poured later.
a series of spread footings.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


6.13.1 The Conventional Rigid Method

This method is used for one of the following cases:
1. If the mat is very thick,
2. The variation in column loads and spacing is < 20%,

k s .B
3. If the column spacing < 1.75 / λ , where λ = 4 ; k s = modulus of subgrade reaction,
4 .E s .I
B.d 3
E s = modulus of elasticity of soil, I = , and d = effective depth from punching shear.
In this method, the mat is designed as continuous beams or combined footings with multiple
column loads. This is done by dividing the mat into strips in each direction loaded by a line of
columns and resisted by a uniform or linearly varied soil pressure with the assumption that the mat
is rigid.

6.13.2 The Approximate Flexible Method

It is preferred when spacing between columns > 20%, however, it can be used whatever the
spacing between columns. In this method, the mat is designed as flat slab or slabs and beams.

6.13.3 Discrete Methods

In these methods, the mat is divided into elements by gridding such as:
1. Finite Difference Method (FDM).
2. Finite Element Method (FEM).
3. Finite Grid Method (FGM).


(1) Calculate the total column loads:
∑ P = (DL + LL)col.1 + (DL + LL)col. 2 + (DL + LL)col.3 + …………..
Pu1 = [1.2D.L + 1.6L.L].col.1 ; Pu 2 = [1.2 D.L + 1.6L.L].col.2 ; Pu3 = [1.2D.L + 1.6L.L].col.3

∑ Pu lt. = Pu 1 + Pu 2 + Pu 3 + …………..

∑ Pult.
(ru ).or.(L.F.) =

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings


strip 1 strip 2 strip 3 strip 4

B1 B2 B2 B1

P9 P10 P11 P12
B3 strip 1

T ex H

ey B4
L S I x strip 2
P5 P6 P7 P8


B3 strip 3
P1 = DL+LL P2 P3 P4
Q K x′

Fig.(6.9): Conventional rigid mat foundation design.

(2) Determine the load eccentricities, e x and e y in the x and y directions using
( x ′, y ′) coordinates (see Fig.(6.9)):

(P1 + P5 + P9 ).x 1′ + (P2 + P6 + P10 ).x ′2 + (P3 + P7 + P11 ).x ′3 + ..................

x′ =
e x = x′ −
(P1 + P2 + P3 + P4 ).y1′ + (P5 + P6 + P7 + P8 ).y ′2 + (P9 + P10 + P11 + P12 ).y ′3 + ..................
y′ =
e y = y′ −

Foundation Engineering
Design of Mat Foundations
4 Dr. Farouk Majeed Muhauwiss
Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(3) Determine the soil reactions (q) below the mat at several points such as A, B, C,
D, …using:

I BL /12 = moment of inertia about the x axis,
I LB /12 = moment of inertia about the y axis,
M x = ∑ P.e y = moment of the column loads about the x axis,
M y = ∑ P.e x = moment of the column loads about the y axis,
x ,..and..y = coordinates of the selected points with respect to x and y axis.

(4) Compare the values of the soil pressures determined in step (3) with the
allowable net soil pressure to determine whether q ≤ q all( net ) .

(5) Determine the depth (d) of the mat by checking the punching shear failure at
(d/2) from faces of various columns:

. 0.33 φ ′ where, φ = 0.75 .…..…...………(ACI 318 14 section 11.33)

. . .

The term b o depends on the location of the column with respect to the plan of mat and can
be obtained as shown in the Fig.(6.10) below.

L′ Edge of mat L′
d/2 d/2 d/2
Edge of mat
Edge of mat

d/2 L ′′ d/2 d/2

L ′′ d/2 L ′′

d/2 L′ d/2

External column: Internal column:

Corner column:
b o = 2L ′ + L ′′ b o = L ′ + L ′′ b o = 2(L ′ + L ′′)

Fig.(6.10): punching area for mat foundation design.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(6) Divide the mat into several strips in x and y directions.

For example, referring to Fig.(6.9) mentioned previously, take 4 strips in y direction with
B1, B2, B2, and B1 widths, respectively, and 3 strips in x direction with B3, B4, and B3
widths, respectively.

(7) Draw shear, V, and moment, M, diagrams for each individual strip using the
modified loading (in the x and y directions).
For example, the average soil pressure of the bottom (strip JKQR) in the x direction is:

qJ + qK + qQ + qR
q avg. =
where, q J , q K , q Q , and q R are soil pressures at points J, K, Q, and R as determined from
step 3.
Total soil reaction = q avg. ( Aera ) = q avg. ( B 3 .B) .
But, the sum of the column loads on the strip ∑ Pstrip ≠ q avg. B 3 .B , because the shear
between the adjacent strips has not been taken into account. Therefore, the soil reaction and
the column loads need to be modified as follows:
q avg. B 3 .B + ∑ Pstrip
Average..load =
Load modification factor: ( F) =
∑ Pstrip
⎡ Avg..load ⎤
q avg.(mod ified ) = q avg. ⎢ ⎥
⎢⎣ (q avg..B3.B) ⎥⎦

So the modified column loads are: F.P1 ,..F.P2 ,..F.P3 , and F.P4 . This modified loading on the
strip under consideration is shown in the Fig.(6.11) below.

F.P1 F.P2 F.P3 F.P4

B 3 .q avg.(mod ified )
B unit .length

Fig.(6.11): Modified loading for strip JKQR.

NOTE: After adjustment, check if the resultant load coincides with the centroid of mat or not.
Then after, the shear and moment diagrams for the strip can be drawn. This procedure is
repeated for all strips in the x and y directions.

Foundation Engineering Chapter 6: Structural Design of Footings

(8) From the moment diagrams of all strips in one direction (x or y), obtain the
maximum positive and negative moments per unit width (i.e., M = M / B 3 ).

(9) Determine the areas of steel per unit width for positive and negative
reinforcement in x and y directions.

Mu M .( L.F.)
As = = u
0.9.fy.0.9d 0.9.fy.0.9d

. . .
where, . is the larger of: 1.4/ or 0.25 /

. . & 0.0020 b t ------------ for 420 MPa

0.0018 b t ---------- for 420 MPa

0.0018 420
b t ---- for 420 MPa

Compare As with . and take the larger value for design.

(10) Spacing and steel distribution:

Number of bars:

Spacing (c/c) =

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