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Anticonvulsants (Antiseizure Drugs) — Classification and

Side Effects although some seizures, such as the myoclonic type, may be so
Definitions and Classification of Seizures
brief that impairment of consciousness cannot be assessed.
Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders characterized by  Generalized tonic-clonic seizures, aka grand mal or
the recurrence of seizures. A seizure is a brief surge of  Absence seizures, aka petit mal seizures
 Tonic seizures
uncontrolled, abnormal electrical activity in the brain which  Atonic seizures
may produce a physical convulsion in some individuals or  Clonic seizures
 Myoclonic seizures
minor physical signs in others. Yet other people may suffer  Infantile spasms

thought disturbances or a combination of symptoms. Many The meanings of some of the terms involved are as follows:
 Simple: no loss of consciousness
structures and processes are involved in the development of a  Complex: accompanied by loss of consciousness
 Partial: a part of the body is involved
seizure, including neurons, ion channels, receptors, glia, and
 Complete: the whole body is involved, e.g., status
inhibitory and excitatory synapses. epilepticus
 Absence: no epileptic movements, but there is
Epilepsy is defined by any of the following: impaired consciousness
1. At least two unprovoked (or reflex) seizures Relevant Pathophysiology of Seizure Types
occurring greater than 24 hours apart
2. One unprovoked (or reflex) seizure and a probability Focal
of further seizures similar to the general recurrence  Decreased inhibition—defective activation of
risk (at least 60 %) after two unprovoked seizures, GABA neurons, defective GABA-A/ -B inhibition,  a
occurring over the next 10 years defect in intracellular calcium regulation
3. Diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome  Increased excitation—increased activation of
glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NDMA) receptors,
Anti-seizure or antiepileptic drugs, therefore, are targeted to increased synchrony or activation of neurons
inhibit neurotransmission. This can be achieved via blocking Generalized
 Altered thalamocortical rhythms (regulated by the
sodium or calcium excitatory channels/currents, enhancing the T-type calcium channels/currents)
Antiseizure Drugs (Anticonvulsants)
inhibitory activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), or

by blocking glutamate receptors. As already mentioned, the main effect of antiseizure drugs is

Seizures can be primary (idiopathic) or secondary to a specific to suppress the abnormal electrical activity at the epileptic

cause such as trauma or a tumor. Most antiseizure drugs foci in the brain. This is achieved by many different

require dose adjustment in patients with liver and/or kidney mechanisms.

failure, and some have considerable drug-drug interactions.

Seizures are clinically classified as partial or generalized:

Partial seizures
 Simple partial seizures, in which consciousness is not
 Complex partial seizures, in which consciousness is
 Both types of partial seizures can spread, resulting
in secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures.

Generalized seizures

Generalized seizures are those in which the first clinical

changes indicate that both hemispheres are initially involved.

Consciousness usually is impaired during generalized seizures,


Sodiu um channel blockade: inhibition of the T-type

m channel blockade: phenytoin and phenobarbital and Ca+ currents, especially in thalamic neurons, and decreased

valproic acid at high doses Ca+ influx in presynaptic vesicles. E.g., ethosuximide and

The block of voltage-gated sodium channels in neuronal valproic acid.

membranes prevents Na+ influx, which results in General pharmacokinetics

 Good absorption from the gut, with a bioavailability
decreased axonal conductance by increasing the refractory of 80–100%
 They usually do not have high plasma protein binding
period of the neuron. (exceptions: valproic acid, phenytoin, and tiagabine).
Promotion of GABA-related inhibition:  Mainly metabolized by the liver
 Increase the frequency of chloride ion channel  Some are excreted unchanged in the urine, and these
opening—benzodiazepines have minimal drug-drug interaction.
 Increase the duration of chloride ion channel  Usually, medium-to-long acting because of relatively
opening—barbiturates, such as phenobarbital low plasma clearance; longer half-lives
 Phenytoin and gabapentin can exhibit nonlinear

Important Antiseizure Drugs


Ir Image: “2D structure of anticonvulsive drug phenytoin” by

reversible inactivation of GABA amino Harbin – Own work. License: Public Domain
transaminase (which terminates the activity of  Most widely used antiepileptic drug
GABA)—vigabatrin and at high doses valproic  Fosphenytoin is a water-soluble prodrug; it can be
acid used parenterally (intravenous and intramuscular).
 Inhibition of a GABA transporter (GAT-1), thereby  Highly bound to plasma proteins
prolonging GABA action—tiagabine
Mechanism of action: sodium channel blockade
 Structural analog of GABA—gabapentin
Glutamate NMDA receptor blockade: decreased glutamic
 Status epilepticus
acid excitability—felbamate  GTC seizures (primary or secondary)
 Focal seizures
Notable adverse effects: Notable adverse effects: hyponatremia (partly due to
 Nystagmus and ataxia (because of cerebellar
depression), gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism, increased responsiveness of collecting tubules in the kidney to
diplopia, folic acid deficiency (manifested as
depression, apathy, psychomotor retardation, and ADH), dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea.
cognitive decline) Important points:
 Long-term use mild peripheral  It induces its own metabolism.
neuropathy, osteomalacia (due to vitamin D
 Inducer of CYP1A2, CYP2C, CYP3A, and UDP
metabolism abnormalities)
 Fosphenytoin’s adverse effects (not found with
 Severe, even fatal, dermatological reactions may
phenytoin) include perineal paresthesias and
rarely occur—toxic epidermal
rash/itching, and these are concentration-dependent.
necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.
 Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal
 Contraindicated in pregnancy due to the risk of fetal
necrolysis may occur.
carbamazepine syndrome
Important points:  Contraindicated in patients with a history of bone
 Zero order (non-linear) marrow suppression and administration of
 Requires dose adjustment in patients with renal monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors in the past 14
failure. days.
 Slow-/extended-release formulation available, which Oxcarbazepine
can be administered once daily.
 Calcium and vitamin D supplements required in This is a prodrug and converted to active monohydroxy
long-term use to prevent osteomalacia.
derivative (MHD) metabolite. It shows fewer drug
Drug-drug interactions of phenytoin:
interactions than carbamazepine because it is a less potent
Drug Effect
inducer of CYP3A and UDP glucuronosyltransferase.
Lamotrigine Increased metabolism of lamotrigine (glucuronidation
Hyponatremia is a significant adverse effect (probably higher
than that in carbamazepine).
Oxcarbazepine Possible phenytoin toxicity with higher doses of
oxcarbazepine Valproic acid

Tiagabine Increased tiagabine metabolism (CYP3A4)

Topiramate Possible phenytoin toxicity with higher doses of


Valproic acid Increased valproic acid metabolism à increased the

formation of a toxic metabolite. Thus, decreased
efficiency and increased toxicity Image: “2D structure of anticonvulsant valproic acid
(Depakote)” by Harbin – Own work. License: Public
Zonisamide Decreased zonisamide metabolism (CYP3A4)
 Highly bound to plasma proteins

Mechanism of action: sodium channel and calcium T-type

current blockade
Mechanism of action: sodium channel blockade
Inhibits GABA transaminase
 Focal seizures
 Complex partial seizures as monotherapy and/or
 GTC seizures
 Trigeminal neuralgia
 Simple and complex absence seizures
 Bipolar disorder
 Myoclonic seizures
 Not in absence seizures (may increase them)
 Migraine prophylaxis
 Bipolar mania.
high syndro Stev
Notable adverse effects: weight gain, pancreatitis, volt me, ens-
age- bipola John
depe r son
tremor, thrombocytopenia, nden disord synd
t er rom
calci e
headache, azoospermia, hirsutism, hair color change um
Important points: bloc
 Being a teratogenic drug it can cause spina bifida if kade

given during pregnancy.

Lev Faci Adjun Beh Excreted
 P450 inhibitor etira litat ct for avio unchang
 High drug–drug interactions: ceta
ed in
o Competes with phenytoin for protein BA- onic, ges with
med and — minimal
binding. iated primar may drug
inhi y requ interacti
o Inhibits metabolism of carbamazepine, bitio GTC ire on
ethosuximide, phenytoin, phenobarbital, and n—
lamotrigine. oug ctio
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Other Anticonvulsants exac chan
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, ut ng acid naus may
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 Many of these drugs can cause drowsiness, sedation,
te mood/ behavior changes (particularly depression).
.  Withdrawal of antiseizure drugs should be gradual;
sudden cessation can cause increased frequency
Topi Sodi Partial Som Both and/or severity of seizures.
ram um and nole hepatic
ate chan primar nce, metaboli
nel y weig sm and Selection of antiseizure drugs
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. ), sulfonam d
seve ides or main side effects include drowsiness and sedation; tolerance
re carbonic
skin anhydras
react e may develop with longer use
ions inhibitor
s Other Epileptic Conditions

Status epilepticus

Notes: Status epilepticus is a series of epileptic episodes

Drug excreted unchanged through the kidneys requires dose (usually tonic-clonic) without recovery of consciousness

reduction in renal disease. between attacks. It is a life-threatening emergency.

Newer antiseizure drugs have somewhat fewer neurotoxic and Management of status epilepticus:
 Securing airway, breathing, and circulation
systemic side effects than the older/standard ones.  Start IV benzodiazepine (diazepam or lorazepam) for
immediate control
Other points on toxicity:
 Maintenance by phenytoin (fosphenytoin)
 Most antiseizure drugs are CNS depressants.
 If seizures continue, a loading dose of phenobarbital
Therefore, overdosage can depress the respiration
 If seizures still continue, intubate and
administer general anesthesia.
 Respiratory depression is managed using
conservative treatment.
Infantile spasms 1. A 37-year-old female with a BMI of 29.6 is diagnosed

Infantile spasms are an epileptic syndrome characterized with absence seizures. Which of the following is the most

by myoclonic jerks; however, the manifestation varies. suitable drug? 

 Reported association with A. Carbamazepine
infection, kernicterus, tuberous sclerosis, B. Valproic acid
and hypoglycemia C. Lamotrigine
 Patients usually have cognitive deficiency, and D. Felbamate
therapy may not alleviate this. E. Phenytoin

Management of infantile spasms: 2. A 17-year-old male presented to the emergency

 Intramuscular corticotropin or oral prednisolone; if
seizures recur, repeat the course. department with fever, vomiting, facial edema, and an
 Benzodiazepines—clonazepam or nitrazepam (as erythematous rash over his face, neck, chest, and back. He
effective as corticosteroids)
 Vigabatrin (sometimes considered the drug of choice) had been diagnosed with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy two
Nonepileptic Uses of Antiseizure Drugs
weeks ago and had been started on an antiepileptic drug.

Which of the following drugs could be responsible?

A. Phenytoin
B. Lamotrigine
C. Clonazepam
D. Carbamazepine
E. Ethosuximide
Image: “Trigeminal Neuralgia.” by BruceBlaus – Own work.
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 3. A 68-year-old woman was newly diagnosed with
 Phenytoin is a group 1B antiarrhythmic agent.
 Several drugs, especially carbamazepine and epilepsy. Considering the adverse effect profile, especially
lamotrigine, are useful for bipolar disorder.
in an elderly person, which of the following drugs should
 Gabapentin is useful in postherpetic neuralgia.
 Carbamazepine is the drug of choice of trigeminal be prescribed?
neuralgia. A. Carbamazepine
 Many drugs are useful in migraine, e.g., phenytoin, B. Phenytoin
gabapentin, topiramate. C. Phenobarbital
D. Valproic acid
High-yield points to remember regarding antiseizure drugs E. Lamotrigine
High drug-drug interactions Phenytoin, carbamazepine,
valproic acid

Dose adjustment/cessation required in Gabapentin, levetiracetam,

renal insufficiency/failure topiramate,vigabatrin

Preferred in the elderly Gabapentin

Increase weight Carbamazepine, valproic acid

Decrease weight felbamate, topiramate
Weight neutral Lamotrigine, levetiracetam,

Can exacerbate seizures Carbamazepine—absence,

  atonic, or myoclonic seizures
Phenytoin, vigabatrin—
generalized seizures
Gabapentin—myoclonic jerks

Review Questions

The correct answers can be found below the references.

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