Women, Work, and Family (Scott&Tilly)

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Lauise A. Tilly and Joan W. Scott

Taylor & Francis Group
New York London

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New York, NY 10017
Published in Great Britain by
2 Park Square, Milton Park
Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN
© 1978 Holt, R i n e h a r t a n d Winston; 1987 Louise A. Tilly a n d J o a n W. Scott
First edition published in 1978 by Holt, R i n e h a r t a n d Winston

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Library of C o n g r e s s Cataloging-in-Publication D a t a
Tilly, Louise.
Women, work, a n d family.
Originally published: New York: Holt, R i n e h a r t a n d
Winston, 1978.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. Women—Employment—Great Britain—History.
2. Women—Employment—France—History. 3. Work a n d
family—Great Britain—History. 4. Work a n d family—
France—History. I. Scott, J o a n Wallach. II. Title.
HD6135.T54 1987 305.4'3'00941 87-11103
ISBN 0-415-90262-2
B r i t i s h L i b r a r y C a t a l o g u i n g inP u b l i c a t i o n D a t a
Tilly, Louise A.
Women, work a n d family.
1. Women—England—Economic
conditions 2. Women—France
Economic conditions
I. Title II. Scott, J o a n W.
330.942'008804 HQ1381
ISBN 0-415-90262-2
The popular impression seems to be
that women today are taking a larger
share of the world's work than they
have ever done before—that this is a
new departure, the outcome of the
factory system. As a matter of fact the
share taken by women in the work of
the world has not altered in amount,
nor even in intensity, only in

Ada Heather-Bigg, 1894


Introduction to the N e w Edition 1

Part I. T h e F a m i l y E c o n o m y in Pre-Industrial England

and France 10
1. Economy and Demography 11
2. Single Women in the Family Economy 31
3. Married Women in the Family Economy 43

Part II. Industrialization and the Family Wage E c o n o m y 61

4. Industrialization 63
5. Demographic Change 89
6. Women in the Family Wage Economy 104

Part III. Toward the Family Consumer E c o n o m y 147

7. Occupational and Demographic Change 149
8. Women in the Family Consumer Economy 176
9. Changes in Women's Work Since World War II 214

Conclusion 227

Notes 233
Bibliography 259
Index 269


The following is a guide to books and articles readily available in university

libraries. It is by no means comprehensive, and it contains many more refer-
ences to books in English than in French. The list is meant primarily for. under-
graduates beginning a research paper. Students wishing a more extensive
bibliography should consult the notes for each chapter. Those notes contain
complete references to many of the primary and secondary sources the authors
consulted. A complete bibliography of works consulted may be obtained from
the authors.

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