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Personal Philosophy Statement Assignment

Dietetics as a Profession – FN 101

Fall 2017

Name: _Benjamin Roetttjer___

Professional Philosophy and Personal Goals

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The purpose of a philosophy is to help you better understand what you do and why you
do it, along with what has influenced you in thinking this way. Save this assignment for
your portfolio which you will do your senior year of dietetics.

My path to dietetics started when:

I was diagnosed with type one diabetes in ninth grade. I wanted to learn more
about food and nutrition and the role that they have in our lives. As I became more
interested in food I decided that I wanted to pursue a career involved with food and

My Professional Philosophy about Dietetics and the profession is:

I believe that the world would be a much healthier and happy place if more people
knew how to be healthier through their diet and activity level. As a dietitian I hope that
one day I’ll be able to educate people on how to have a healthy diet, and how to enjoy
getting the proper amount of exercise to be as happy and healthy as they can be.

My Vision / Mission about my future in the profession is:

My mission is to help educate, support, and inspire kids with diabetes to live life
to the fullest. I would like to help them understand their disease, and learn how to
healthfully manage it.

My Values are based on _____my beliefs_and consist of_ healthy living, and
working hard___________________:
 Integrity
 Honesty
 Effort
 Selflessness
 Caring
 Compassionate

My Personal Goals are:

Personal Philosophy Statement Assignment
Dietetics as a Profession – FN 101
Fall 2017

During My University Education:

To maintain a 3.25 or higher G.P.A., to work in the special diet pantry for
the University Dining Center, to become involved in the Stout Student Dietetic
Association, and intramural sports, and to utilize my university gym membership by
working out at least four times a week.

Upon Graduation and after:

To get accepted into Stout’s graduate program for dietetics in order to
obtain a Masters in Dietetics, to find an internship that I’m passionate about, to become a
Registered Dietitian, to get my Certificate of Diabetes Education, and to find a job as a
Diabetes Educator working with newly diagnosed kids, however if that doesn’t work out
I’d also like to do any other dietetic work in the medical field, or in sports nutrition.

Please attach rubric to assignment.

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