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636258426 in/damianeblanc

Professional Summary
I´m a programmer very passionate about my career, always learning, and eager to improve my
I consider myself as a goal-oriented individual, methodical and team worker (But definitely can work
alone too). With around five and a half years of a progressive background in programming and
developing .net applications (and PHP). Proven ability in accomplish complex challenges, and
always looking for new opportunities to improve my skills and expertise in .net technologies (and

Web Developer

Turijobs – Barcelona -Spain. September 2019 – Current.

Turijobs is a Job portal commited with tourism related emplyment.

 Improvements and new developments in Web Site.

 Loads of refactorings, improvements, and new features in c#, JQuery, Core, SP, etc.
 New indexes in ElasticSearch, apps for reindexing, also, Solr.

Web Developer
Between Tech - Edenred, Barcelona - Spain, December 2018 - June 2018.
(Edenred is a French company specialised in prepaid corporate services.).
• Developed new WebApi, (C#, WebApi).
• Added logic and methods and new services WCF.
• New modules in web MVC.
• Developed a range of stored procedures SQL.
• Implemented Google tag manager accross the web app.
• Develop a net salary simulator in Javascript.
• In this project I had the opportunity to learn more about WebApi and MVC.
Stack: Asp.NET (Webforms and MVC), SQL Server, Javascript, Jquery, SQL Server 2014,TSF,
WCF, Jquery ajax, CSS, LESS, WebApi, etc.

636258426 in/damianeblanc
Programmer analyst
T-Systems, Reus - Spain, November 2015 - November 2018.

T-Systems is a German global IT services and consulting company.

• Improvements and new developments for intra-company portal,

• Revamp application front-end and back-end. (Javascript, Jquery, CSS,MySQL,


• New modules in WPF app. (WPF).

• Improved stored procedures. (SQL Server).

• Improved queries in Linq. (Entity Framework).

• Added logs in app through interceptors. (Aspect oriented programming).

• Bugs resolution. (C#).

• During my time in this company I get deeper in WPF and MVVM, and all the libraries and
frameworks used in that environment. Also get confidence in using intereceptors, AOP and

Stack: .NET, C#, WPF, Unity, Prism, Entity Framework, MVVM, etc.

Web Developer
Mst Holding, Barcelona - Spain, June 2014 - November 2015

Global BPO Contact Center leader

• Develop an app to administrate files with sensitive information about insurance company

• Made a new module for HR, regarding to digitalize employees and prospective employees

• Coded several dinamically generated reports with updated data and statistics.

• Developed new Web Services to revamp old application in Classic ASP.

Stack: ASP.NET, MVC5, Webforms,HTML5, Razor, LInq, WCF, Ajax, SQLServer 2014, TSF, EF,
CSS, JavaScript, JQuery.

Document XXI, Barcelona - Spain, August 2013 - June 2014

A company dedicated to convert to digital patients histories (hospitals).

• UI design.

636258426 in/damianeblanc
• Stored procedures development.

• Back end code.

• Web module development

Stack: Winforms, PostgreSQL, WPF, Stored Procedures.

My main achievement in this project was to improve an application that was dull and slow, and
revamp it in order to work it right.

Amaris, Barcelona - Spain, September 2012 – August 2013

Consulting company.

• In charge to develop an API to generate Reports (dynamically generated reports in excel) for
a desktop application.

• Migrating a warnings and incidents management application for Endesa Company,

previously made in Visual Basic 6 to. NET (WPF).

• Mostly developed methods in back-end against an oracle database.

• During my participation in this project I could learn important things about Linq to XML, Xdoc,
WPF and dynamically generated reports using excel and VBA. I achieved to master dynamic
generated reports in c# using ClosedXml libraries.

Stack: .NET, Winforms, Silverlight, WPF, Linq to xml, Oracle, Entity framework.

Web developer
Candelsa, Sabadell - Spain, December 2011 - July 2012

Warehouse company (Home appliances).

• Programmed an app to add watermarks. (C#)

• Developed several web services in .NET.

• Performed maintenance (bugs solving) and improvement of corporate Intranet, coded in

classic Asp.

• In charge to develop a little website, like a company blog in

Stack: Classic ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Javascript, CSS, JQuery

I develop my knowledge in my own time mostly doing tutorials specially about Javascript
frameworks like React or Angular, but I'm really eager to learn in a commercial environment.

Technical degree in Computer science (Three years).

636258426 in/damianeblanc
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional • Mar del Plata - Argentina • 2011 • 9 GPA

DotNet, C#, Entity Framework, Database modelling, Linq, WPF, WCF, WinForms, Web forms,
Crystal Reports, Ajax. Transact SQL, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, and CSS.

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