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svs0r20%8 ‘peo! function in MySQL. sand (tparayoveton compote php 7892) ostec typeof function in MySQL I pttnatypeottuneson insite Que otal sesays ‘Thecypeotfurcon eumsa sing that inate the datatype of the npesion al’ "neg, ea "oF ob seecteypeof(eae) fren employee iewiretun type fol, whichis "tex" nourcase Iruysa. nave tpeofincon sowe en gttyeofcolunn fn, thinhicharethe aerate uncon nS orp Fale Question (psarayoverfaw comed- question phpnd-302) Miu Dabhi htp:farrayovertiow compre. php?d=87) ‘answered Jan 9°18 20:17 is ys nave typetfunction 7 Ne MySQL dont have such function whichreturn alm dita ype Buty Query wecanachiveit sy folowing ae SELECT DATATWE FROM Snfornationschens ."COUUNS” MERE TABLE SCHEN'ap database AND TABLE NAMG=ndppostmeta? and COLUM AME Information schema database whichstoe mtadeta about thal databases ‘information seroma has COLMA bie whch nave senor etre so atcoumn table wenceo iter our clumn by ts database able» clus COLUMNS table nae clu he TABLE, SCHEMA ihe atabase ame TABLE NAME whcbhave Ublerame ‘COLUMN, NAME which nau surname sowecanurtefiterauery in wheelie this td COLLMNS have colar DATATYPE which have dye of ht colar seourneeded Queyis hplarrayovertiow.cornquestiontypeat-tuncton-in-mysal902 12 svs0r20%8 ‘peo! function in MySQL. Intormstionschemal database) >> COLUMNS fabs) ave 9 cola eh orl charac of esr tls slams one "TABLE. CATALOG 2 TABLE SCHEMA “COLUMN NAME ‘5 ORDINAL_POSITION 5 COLUMN. DEFAULT 2 DATATYPE. 9 CHARACTER MAXIMUM_LENGTH 1) MUMERIC_PRECISION 12 NUMERIC. SCALE 19 CHARACTER SET NAME 15 COLUNN_TYPE ‘is Cou KEY 7 EXTRA 19 COLUM. COMMENT sit Anse hp /arayvefon comet answer php'd35) ested Quesions how to run wo ysl Queryin oe function with nee in Expres Framework ht:aayoverlow comyueston/howZoun-wo-nysq query n-onefunconwthnodesin coreasrameerlts| record whlch one da belore rom now MySQL? ht atayoveion com/qustin tng recor-wnehonedayeoreton-nowmysg4A) Unknown character set utmbe fe frayoverfon com/qustin/urknowr-

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