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S44 Abstracts

116 European RCT with eradication rates of 174/218 (80%; 95% CI=74%-85%)
with 10d OBTM and 123/222 (55%; 95% CI=49%-62%) with 7d OAC.
Gastric Polyps: Where Do We Stand? There were no predictors of treatment failure in OBTM arms in univariate
Anibal Ferreira, MD, João Soares, MD, Ana Caetano, MD, Carla Rolanda, MD, or multivariate analysis including H. pylori metronidazole resistant strains
PhD, Artur Machado, MD, Raquel Gonçalves, MD. Gastroenterology, Hospital (81% versus 86%, p=0.23). OAC was less successful in patients without
São Marcos, Braga, Portugal. PUD vs. those with PUD (eradication rate 60% vs. 77% respectively;
Purpose: 1-4% of patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy have gastric p=0.003), in those taking 7d vs. 10d of therapy (80% vs. 55%; p<0.0001)
polyps. These lesions may be true epithelial polyps, heterotopias, lymphoid tis- and in clarithromycin resistant strains (12% vs. 78%, p<0.0001). These
sue, or stromal lesions. Hyperplastic polyps are the most frequently encoun- factors remained significant in a logistic regression model adjusting for all
tered and occur in both sexes, being more common in the seventh decade of factors outlined above. In a logistic regression model combining OBTM
life. The objective was to describe the endoscopic and histopathological char- and OAC groups adjusting for all factors plus an interaction term for clar-
acteristics of gastric polyps and establish connections with demographic crite- ithromycin resistance and treatment regimen, clarithromycin resistance
ria of our population. (p=0.004) was an independent predictor of treatment failure whereas
Methods: Retrospective analysis of a total of 106 polyps removed with therapy with OBTM was an independent predictor of treatment success
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polypectomy snare in the years 2008 and 2009, using endoscopy reports (p=0.003).
and histopathology results of the lesions. Epidemiologic data was obtained Conclusion: OBTM appears less susceptible to influence of H. pylori resistance
from patient files and was statistically processed with Excel 2007® and SPSS to antibiotics and other factors in determining efficacy and overall may be a
(v16.0)®. better first line choice in the treatment of H. pylori infection.
Results: 80.2% were hyperplastic, 9.4% true adenomas, and 5.7% were fun- Disclosure: Dr Moayyedi, Advisory Board Member, Axcan Pharma; Dr Bazzolo,
Advisory Board Member, Axcan Pharma; Prof Megraud, Advisory Board Mem-
dic glands. Hyperplastic polyps average size was 11.5 mm with preferential
ber and Dr Giguere, Employee, Axcan Pharma.
location in the antrum (52.9%). Most adenomas were sessile (80%) and were This research was supported by an industry grant from Axcan Pharma.
located preferentially in the body (50%), with an average size of 8.9 mm (60% of
those showed high-grade dysplasia). The majority of individuals were infected
with Helicobacter pylori and less than a third was medicated with a PPI at the
time of polypectomy. There were no major differences between sexes and age
distribution. The authors also present the results of univariate and multivariate
analysis of epidemiological associations. 118
Conclusion: Most polyps were hyperplastic, confirming the association with
areas of high prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection.2 The small number Effect of Yoga (Shankh Prakshalana) on Liquid Gastric Emptying Pattern
of adenomas limits statistical results, but clearly a large portion of them had Measured By Real Time Ultrasound
high grade dysplasia in relation with other epidemiological aspects of our Vijaypal Arya, MD,1 Ashok Valluri, MD, MS, MPH,1 Jitin Patel, MS,1 Jeffery
population. Fischbein, MD,2 Larissa Davidowa, RDMS2. 1. Vijaypal Arya MD PC, Middle
Village, NY; 2. Wyckoff Heights Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY.
Purpose: Originated in India, more than 2500 years ago, Yoga is now in wide-
spread practice throughout the United States. Shankh Prakshalana is a Yogic
117 process intended to clean the bowel using lukewarm saline water and specific
sets of yoga postures (Asanas). Using this Yogic method to clean the colon, we
Quadruple Therapy Using a 3-in-1 Capsule of Bismuth Subcitrate Potas- reported the efficacy similar to Polyethylene glycol based colon prep with an
sium, Metronidazole, and Tetracycline with Omeprazole Compared to average prep time of 101 minutes. We postulate that Yoga postures in Shankh
Triple Therapy for the Eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Prakshalana, modify the gastric configuration and gastric emptying leading to
2010 Presidential Poster faster gastric emptying and faster colon lavage.
Paul Moayyedi, MB, ChB,1 Franco Bazzoli, MD,2 Francis Megraud, MD,3 Methods: After six hours of fasting, gastric emptying pattern analysis
Monique Giguere, PhD4. 1. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada; was done in 10 (5 males, 5 females) healthy volunteers. The protocol was
2. Universita di Bologna, Bologna, Italy; 3. Universite Victor Segalen Bordeaux
approved by IRB at WHMC. All ultrasound measurements were done by a
2, Bordeaux, France; 4. Axcan Pharma, Inc., Mont-Sant-Hilaire, QC, Canada.
well trained technician. The volunteers drank 480 mL of lukewarm saline
Purpose: Although proton pump inhibitor triple therapy is recommended in a bolus form (1-2 minutes). Gastric antral ultrasounds were done - Base-
as first line treatment of H. pylori, eradication rates <80% have been recently line, immediately after intake and at 10, 20 and 30 minutes interval. On a
reported. Bismuth containing quadruple therapy is an alternative. The efficacy different day, the process was repeated with Asanas performed in between
of these 2 approaches was evaluated by re-analyzing 2 randomized controlled intervals. Return to the baseline surface area and/or appearance of gas
trials (RCTs). shadow in the antrum were used as a secondary guideline for complete
Methods: One N. American RCT comparing omeprazole plus a 3-in-1 emptying. The results were expressed as percentage change in the surface
capsule of bismuth subcitrate potassium, metronidazole, and tetracy- area of gastric antrum from antral surface area measured at immediately
cline (OBTM) vs. omeprazole, amoxicillin and clarithromycin (OAC) after intake.
each given for 10 days was combined with a European RCT compar- Results: The percentage decrease in the surface area of gastric antrum at 10, 20
ing OBTM (10 days) vs. OAC (7 days). Both RCTs evaluated therapy in and 30 minutes from immediately after intake were - (minus) 1.44, 32.83, 51.14
patients with upper GI symptoms, positive 13C urea breath test (UBT), without Asanas and 23.47, 42.26, 58.69 with Asanas. The major difference in
a rapid urease test with at least 1 positive test from histology and cul- gastric antral surface area was evident at first 10 minutes - increased in non
ture. H. pylori eradication was confirmed by 2 negative UBTs 6 and Yoga group as compared to decrease in the Yoga group. Gastric emptying pat-
10 weeks post therapy. The impact of sex, age, race, presence of pep- terns in males was faster than females. One patient showed paradoxical effect
tic ulcer disease (PUD), duration of OAC therapy, and pretreatment and is not included in this analysis.
H. pylori clarithromycin and metronidazole resistance was evaluated on Conclusion: The Yoga allowed normal saline to pass gastric antrum
efficacy in univariate and multivariate analyses. All data were analyzed without accumulation, leading to faster emptying. Bolus intake of normal
on an intention to treat basis. saline itself makes the gastric emptying process faster (first order kinet-
Results: 299 patients were enrolled in the N. American RCT with eradica- ics) and it was further enhanced by these Asanas. This may explain the
tion rates in OBMT arm of 126/147 (86%; 95% CI=79%-91%) and 122/152 faster colon preparation in bolus lukewarm saline Yogic method of colon
(80%; 95% CI=73%-86%) in OAC arm. 440 patients were enrolled in the cleaning.

Abstracts S45

Disclosure: Dr Vijaypal Arya - President, Vikalp Inc.; Ashok Valluri - Employee, 120
Vijaypal Arya MD PC. Jiten Patel - Employee, Vijaypal Arya MD PC.
Altered Postprandial Gastric and Autonomic Functions in Obese Subjects
2010 Presidential Poster
Dennis Chen, BS,2 Xiaohong Xu, MS,1 Jiande Chen, PhD3. 1. Veterans Research
and Education Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK; 2. University of Texas Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX; 3. University of Texas Medical Branch,
Galveston, TX.
Purpose: Obesity is an eating disorder but it is unclear whether the responses
of gastric and autonomic functions to food ingestion are altered in obese. The
aims of this study were to investigate gastric myoelectrical activity (GMA) and
autonomic functions in obese subjects and to compare their responses to dif-
ferent meals with lean subjects.
Methods: The study was performed in 12 healthy lean and 12 healthy obese
subjects. GMA was measured using electrogastrography and autonomic func-
tions were assessed using spectral analysis of heart rate variability derived from
the electrocardiogram. The recordings were made in two sessions each com-
posed of a 30-min fasting period and a 30-min period after a fatty soup or
protein soup (160cal from fat or protein).
Results: 1) The obese showed enhanced responses to both soups. The percent-
age of normal slow waves was reduced with the fatty soup in lean (73.9±5.3%
vs. 59.7±6.0%, P<0.02) but not in obese (68.9±5.1% vs. 67.7±4.8%, P>0.3); The
119 power of gastric slow waves was not altered with the protein soup in the lean
but increased in the obese (34.3±2.9 dB vs. 30.8±2.5 dB, P<0.05). 2) Auto-
Excitatory Effects of Mirtazapine on Gastric and Colonic Motility nomic functions were altered in obese subjects in both fasting and fed states.
Jiande Chen, PhD,1 Jieyun Yin, MD,1 Jun Song, PhD,1 Xiaohong Xu, MS2. The obese showed a reduced vagal activity (0.45±0.05 vs. 0.58±0.03, P<0.04),
1. University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX; 2. Veterans Research and and increased sympathetic activity (0.55±0.05 vs. 0.42±0.03, P<0.04) and sym-
Education Foundation, Oklahoma City, OK. pathovagal balance (1.59±0.27 vs. 0.78±0.10) in the fasting state, and a com-
Purpose: Mirtazapine (Mirt.) is an antidepressant commonly used in plete absence of normal postprandial autonomic responses to the test meal.
the clinical practice for irritable bowel syndrome. Our previous studies Conclusion: The findings on gastric slow waves demonstrate that obese sub-
reported that mirt. reduced visceral hypersensitivity in rodent model of jects are more receptive to fatty meals and more responsive to protein meals.
colonic sensitization. However, the effect of mirt. on gastrointestinal motil- Obese subjects have impaired autonomic functions in both fasting and fed
ity is unknown. The aims of this study were to investigate the effects of mirt. states. The alterations in gastric and autonomic functions may contribute to
on gastrointestinal motility including solid gastric emptying, antral con- eating disorders in obese subjects.
tractions, small intestinal contractions, small intestinal transit and colonic
transit in dogs.
Methods: Eleven dogs were used in this study, 6 of the dogs were chroni-
cally implanted with two cannulas, one was located at the duodenum and 121
the other at the ascending colon; 5 of the dogs were implanted with one Dual Therapy: Nitazoxanide and Sucralfate for the Treatment of
gastric cannula for measuring antral contractions. Each of the motility tests Helicobacter pylori
was performed in 2 randomized sessions (control, mirtazapine 45 mg/kg). William Stuppy, MD. Private Practice, Los Angeles, CA.
Two additional sessions were included for the gastric emptying experi-
ment: rectal distention (RD) and mirt. plus RD. RD was accomplished with Purpose: In the United States the incidence of Helicobacter pylori (HP) infec-
120 ml balloon distension during 60 min to 90 min after a test meal, mirt. tion has been estimated to be as high as 40% of the general population. While
was administered 90 minutes before the study. The solid gastric emptying most infections may be deemed sub-clinical, HP is classified as a type 1
was assessed by collecting the gastric chyme every 15 or 30 min from the carcinogen by the WHO and is the primary cause for gastric cancer, peptic
duodenal cannula for 3 hours after feeding 375 g solid food; the phenol ulcers, and gastritis. Most treatment regimens incorporate 3 or 4 drugs with
red solution was injected through the duodenal cannula immediately after at least two antibiotics and an anti-secretory agent. However, these regimens
the food ingestion, small intestinal transit was assessed by the first appear- can be cumbersome and difficult to tolerate. Furthermore, in clinical practice
ance of phenol red collected from the colonic cannula. The antral and small few routinely achieve eradication rates exceeding 90%. Nitazoxanide is a thia-
intestinal contractions were measured by manometry. Colonic transit was zolide antibiotic that has previously been shown to be effective in a variety of
assessed by counting the numbers of radiopaque markers from abdominal HP combination regimens. Sucralfate is a cytoprotective agent that has dem-
X-ray films at different time points (2, 4, 6 hours after inserting the markers onstrated activity against HP and has been reported to enhance the effects
via the colon cannula). of other antibiotics. The purpose of this paper is to update an earlier report
Results: 1) Mirt. accelerated gastric emptying during the entire 3 hours (AJG 2009;104(S3):S55) of the efficacy of a simple, novel HP regimen utilizing
in normal dogs, the gastric emptying was increased from 25.6±6.5% to nitazoxanide and sucralfate.
43.0±5.5% at 60 min (P < 0.01), 53.1±5.8% to 73.4±5.7% at 120 min (P=0.02) Methods: Patients with a positive salivary antibody test for HP (Diag-
and 68.9±6.3% to 81.1±6.1% (P=0.03) at 180 min. Moreover, mirt. acceler- nos-Techs, Inc., Kent, WA) were eligible for treatment. Eligible patients
ated delayed gastric emptying induced by RD from 45 min to 180 min after were apprised of various treatment options and consented to the regimen.
the meal (P < 0.04). 2) Mirt. enhanced antral contractions from 12.5±1.9 to All patients were treated with nitazoxanide 1 g twice daily and sucralfate
22.5±4.6 (P=0.06). 3) No significant changes were noted on the small intesti- 1 g twice daily for 14 days. The use of gastric acid suppressants was not
nal contractions and transit with mirt. (P > 0.1). 4). Mirt. accelerated colonic allowed. Follow-up testing for the continued presence of salivary HP anti-
transit at 2 and 4 hours but not 6 hours. The geometric center was increased bodies was made one to six months after the end of therapy. Previous stud-
from 1.9±0.6 to 3.0±0.5, 3.9±0.5 to 4.7±0.1 at 2 and 4 hours respectively ies have compared the utility of salivary testing versus stool antigen (AJG
(P=0,04 vs. corresponding control). 2009;104(S3):S59).
Conclusion: Mirt. improves gastric and colonic motility and may have a thera- Results: The study enrolled 50 patients, 11 of which had failed already on
peutic potential for gastrointestinal motility disorders. a standard initial regimen; mean age 45 years, 30/20 males/females and a

© 2010 by the American College of Gastroenterology The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY

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