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Social Studies

Iqaluit Community
Grade 2

Bristie Scharnatta
Unit Overview
This Grade 2 Unit on the Iqaluit Community incorporates a virtual travel adventure to Iqaluit to increase student engagement

and get them excited about learning. To begin the unit, students will discuss what a community is uncovering background knowledge

from students before building passports and learning about safe travel. This unit will use textbooks from the grade 2 curriculum, story

books and traditional games to encompass the culture in the Inuit community. We will then tour around the town of Iqaluit using

google street view, watch videos and discuss similarities and differences in the communities. Students will write down their learning

in a travel journal and complete worksheets and activities throughout. To close the unit, students will create a presentation to display

their learning and tap into their creative abilities. By the end of the unit students will understand the culture, traditions, similarities and

differences between the Inuit community and our community.

Unit Rationale
This unit will be approximately 5 weeks depending on student engagement and timing of the lessons. The unit is centered

around the Alberta Program of Studies Grade 2 Social Studies Topic B General Outcomes 2.1 - Canada’s Dynamic Communities and

2.2 - A community in the Past while also encompassing cross-curricular material from the subjects of ELA and Art. I feel that it is

important to include multiple subject areas as students will be reading, writing and using creativity throughout this unit. The big

guiding question throughout this unit that students will be able to answer is What makes Iqaluit a community? This unit gives
students an opportunity to explore another area of Canada during a time that travel is restricted. Students will answer questions about

the geographics of Iqaluit, the climate, what makes Iqaluit unique in shaping its identity, and explore the culture, and traditions of the


I feel that it is important to learn about other cultures and communities as it helps students learn diversity and brings more

awareness to differences. At the beginning of this unit we will refresh our memory of what a community is and what characteristics

make a community. Students will record their travels by answering questions and documenting their learning in a travel journal. We

will also start by getting a general idea of what Iqaluit is like and what we may need to be aware of in our virtual travel. We will be

reading books and textbooks and having discussions to retrieve background information. Differentiation will be provided to ensure all

students are able to get their learning needs met including, art/drawing, writing, verbal discussions, as well as movement. It is

important that all students feel comfortable in the learning environment and are able to do their work in a way that is preferable to

each student so they can explore their interests, and enjoy the learning process. Partner and group work will be encouraged as well as

individual work time to allow for diverse learning. Once we have explored background information, we will explore Iqaluit through

videos online, books and movement. Students will gain a new perspective of communities and see the diversity throughout canada. To

finish the unit, students will be able to use their creativity to show their learning to others in the class as well as their families.

To evaluate student learning I will pose key questions that students will be able to answer by the end of the unit. I will observe

and listen to student interactions, provide feedback, have conversations with individuals and the class as a whole, use checklists for

student achievements, have students self-evaluate, use writing prompts and exit notes to check for understanding, analyze written
work of the students to identify any misconceptions. Finally there is a rubric for student presentations with objectives that they will

need to meet as well as a All about Iqaluit questions sheet to answer.

Teaching Quality Standard

TQS How it will be met

#1 - Fostering Effective Relationships -Show respect for each individual through group and individual
interactions by understanding and accepting differences in
opinions, values and beliefs.
-Have and encourage positive attitudes
-Teach with enthusiasm
-Student feedback
-Showing an interest in their lives outside of school such as their
hobbies and travels
-Respect the diversity of each student

#2 - Engaging in Career-Long Learning -I always want to bring fun into the classroom by creating a
connection to the world outside the classroom to show that
learning does not only happen within a classroom but in all areas
of our lives.
-It is important to not only celebrate the successes but also areas
of improvement and hard work as nothing is ever perfect and
will not always go according to plan.
-Self reflect often in travel journals
-Include interests of students in learning activities
-Hands on learning

#3 - Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge -I will use the knowledge of my students and research to
differentiate lessons and activities to ensure that the needs of the
student are being met for each individual.
-Lessons connect to learning outcomes and will be able to
understand and apply the things they are learning
-Assessments clearly show the students learning.
-Use alberta Program of Studies
-Research ideas from the internet and other professionals

#4 - Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments -I will use strategies to incorporate student choice and different
learning styles.
-Incorporate my teaching philosophy into my community unit
-I will identify students with learning challenges and
differentiate and/or modify activities for students

#5 - Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, -This unit is all about the Inuit community and we will be
Metis and Inuit identifying how they were established, their culture and
traditions and what makes them unique and important to
Canada’s communities.

#6 - Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies -These are encompassed in all of my teaching strategies as well
as being aware and abiding by the School Act and procedures
within the school district.

Key Questions
What is a community?
What are the characteristics of a community?
Where are the Inuit, Acadian and Prairie communities located in Canada? (LPP)
How are the geographic regions different from where we live? (LPP)
What are the major geographical regions, landforms and bodies of water in each community? (LPP)
What are the main differences in climate among these communities? (LPP)
What geographic factors determined the establishment of each community (e.g., soil, water and climate)? (LPP, TCC)
How does the physical geography of each community shape its identity? (CC, I)
What is daily life like for children in Inuit, Acadian and prairie communities (e.g., recreation, school)? (CC, I, LPP)
How does the vastness of Canada affect how we connect to other Canadian communities? (C, I, LPP)
What are the cultural characteristics of the communities (e.g., special symbols, landmarks, languages spoken, shared stories or
traditions, monuments, schools, churches)? (CC, LPP, TCC)
What are the traditions and celebrations in the communities that connect the people to the past and to each other? (CC, LPP, TCC)
How are the communities strengthened by their stories, traditions and events of the past? (CC, TCC)
What are the linguistic roots and practices in the communities? (CC)
What individuals and groups contributed to the development of the communities? (CC)
How do these communities connect with one another (e.g., cultural exchanges, languages, traditions, music)? (CC)
How do the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the communities studied contribute to Canada’s identity? (CC, I)
What kinds of natural resources exist in the communities (e.g., fishing, agriculture, mining)? (ER, LPP)
What are the occupations in each of the communities? (ER)
What kinds of goods and services are available in the communities? (ER)
What impact does industry have on the communities (i.e., agriculture, manufacturing)? (ER, LPP)
What characteristics define their community? (CC, I)
What is unique about their community? (CC, I)
What are the origins of their community? (TCC)
What were the reasons for the establishment of their community (e.g., original fur trade fort, original inhabitants)? (CC, TCC)
What individuals or groups contributed to the development of their community? (CC, TCC)
In what ways has our community changed over time (e.g., changes in transportation, land use)? (CC, TCC)
What has caused changes in their community? (CC, TCC)
How has the population of their community changed over time (e.g., ethnic mix, age, occupations)? (CC, LPP, TCC)
How have the people who live in the community contributed to change in the community? (CC, LPP, TCC)
How is the presence of Aboriginal and/or Francophone origins reflected in the community today? (CC)
Resources and Materials
● Looking at places​ Book - Communities in Canada
● We Are All Connected ​Book by Cindy Hiseler and Lalia Harview Kerr
● The Inuit Thought of It: Amazing Arctic innovations​ book by Alootook Ipellie with David MacDonald
● Looking at Work ​book - communities in Canada
● Looking at you ​book - Communities in Canada
● Looking at People ​book - Communities In Canada
● Nunavut ​book - Nelson & Info Canada
● Inuit Still ​book - by Jeanne Bushey
● The Very Last Time​ book by Jan Andrews & Ian Wallace
● The polar bear son ​book by Lydia Dabcovich
● Arctic Son​ by Jean Craighead George
● Travel Journals
● Ipads
● Passport template
● Map of Canada
● Ticket to Iqaluit
● Youtube videos
● Flag of Nunuvut page
● The early days in Iqaluit Page
● Inuit Games explanation pages (movement breaks)
● Food in Iqaluit comparison page
● Natural resources, Goods and Jobs in Iqaluit page
● Cootie Catcher template
● Cootie Catcher Game instructions
● All about the Inuit page
● All about Inuit Presentation Outline
● All about the Inuit Presentation rubric
● All about the Inuit Presentation Checklist & Self assessment

GLOs, SLOs & Strands

SOCIAL STUDIES -​Communities in Canada

GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics
and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
● Value oral history and stories as ways to learn about the land (LPP, TCC)
● Acknowledge, explore and respect historic sites and monuments (CC, LPP, TCC)
● Demonstrate care and concern for the environment (C, ER, LPP)
SLO 2.1.2​ Investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in Canada by exploring
and reflecting questions for inquiry
SLO 2.1.3​ Investigate the cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, and Acadian and a prairie community in
Canada by exploring and reflecting on questions
SLO 2.1.4​ Investigate the economic characteristics of communities in Canada by exploring and reflecting on questions

GLO 2.2​ - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how a community emerged, and of how the various
interactions and cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality of the community

SLO 2.2.1 ​appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present (C, I, TCC)
SLO 2.2.2​ appreciate how Aboriginal and Francophone peoples have influenced the development of the student’s
community (C, CC, I)
SLO 2.2.3​ appreciate the importance of collaboration and living in harmony (C, PADM)
SLO 2.2.4​ appreciate how connections to a community contribute to one’s identity (I)
SLO 2.2.5​ appreciate how cultural and linguistic exchanges connect one community to another (CC)
SLO 2.2.6​ analyze how the community being studied emerged, by exploring and reflecting on questions for inquiry
SLO 2.2.7​ examine how the community being studied has changed, by exploring and reflecting on questions

Skills and Processes

2.S.1 ​develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
● ​distinguish between a fictional and a factual account about Canadian communities
● choose and justify a course of action
● compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources, such as information collected on the
2.S.3​ develop skills of geographic thinking​:
● use a simple map to locate communities studied in Canada
● determine distance on a map, using relative terms such as near/far, here/there
● apply the concept of relative location to determine locations of people and places
● use cardinal directions to locate communities studied in relation to one’s own community
2.S.4​ demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving​:
● apply ideas and strategies to decision making and problem solving
● propose new ideas and strategies to contribute to decision making and problem solving
2.S.5​ demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building:
● demonstrate the ability to deal constructively with diversity and disagreement
● work and play in harmony with others to create a safe and caring environment
● consider the needs and ideas of others
● share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task
2.S.6​ develop age-appropriate behaviour for social involvement as responsible citizens contributing to their community,
such as:
● participate in activities that enhance their sense of belonging within their school and community
2.S.7 ​apply the research process​:
● participate in formulating research questions
● develop questions that reflect a personal information need
● follow a plan to complete an inquiry
● access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
● navigate within a document, compact disc or other software program that contains links
● organize information from more than one source
● process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
● formulate new questions as research progresses
● draw conclusions from organized information
● make predictions based on organized information
2.S.8 ​demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
● prepare and present information in their own words, using respectful language
● respond appropriately to comments and questions, using respectful language
● interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
● create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
● display data in a problem-solving context
● use technology to support a presentation
2.S.9​ develop skills of media literacy:
● identify key words from gathered information on a topic or issue
● compare information on the same topic or issue from print media, television and photographs

Iqaluit Assessments & Performance Tasks ​- One file assessments Iqaluit
● All About the Inuit Questions
Social Studies
○ SLO 2.1.1
○ SLO 2.1.2
○ SLO 2.1.3
○ 2.S.3
English Language Arts
● SLO 2.2 Respond to texts - Construct meaning from texts
● SLO 3.3 - Organize, Record and Evaluate - Record Information

● All about the Inuit in Iqaluit Presentation Self-evaluation, Rubric & Discussion Checklist
Social Studies
○ GLO 2.1
■ SLO 2.1.1
■ SLO 2.1.2
■ SLO 2.1.3
■ SLO 2.1.4
○ GLO 2.2
■ SLO 2.2.1
■ SLO 2.2.2
■ SLO 2.2.3
■ SLO 2.2.6
■ 2.S.1
■ 2.S.3
■ 2.S.4
■ 2.S.5
■ 2.S.6
■ 2.S.7
■ 2.S.8
■ 2.S.9
English Language Arts
● GLO 1
○ SLO 1.1
○ SLO 1.2
● GLO 2
○ SLO 2.1
○ SLO 2.2
● GLO 3
○ SLO 3.1
○ SLo 3.2
○ SLO 3.3
○ SLO 3.4
● GLO 4
○ SLO 4.1
○ SLO 4.3
● GLO 5
○ SLO 5.1
○ SLO 5.2
● Reflection - Assessment
● Expression - Purpose 1 - Concepts
● Expression - Purpose 2 - Concepts

Design Clothes suited for Iqaluit
Inuit Games
Virtual Reality of Iqaluit
Google Streets around Iqaluit
Verbal Assessments through discussion
Presentation - act out a script, create a book, perform a song, slide show
Writing prompts
Scribe for students and have them copy
Sight words available
Verbal instruction
Written instructions
Verbal answers through individual conversations
Drawing and having a discussion about what they drew

Links to other areas of curriculum


GLO 1 - ​Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

SLO 1.1 ​-Express ideas and develop understanding

● Talk about how new ideas and information have changed previous understanding
● Express or represent ideas and feelings resulting from activities or experiences with oral, print and other media texts
-Experiment with Language and Forms
● Use a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts to organize and give meaning to experiences, ideas and
SLO 1.2​- Clarify and Extend
● Connect own ideas and experiences with those shared by others
-Extend Understanding
● Find more information about new ideas and topics
GLO 2​ - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print
and other media texts.

SLO 2.1​ - Use Strategies and Cues

Use Prior Knowledge
● Use knowledge of how oral and written language is used in a variety of contexts to construct and confirm meaning
● Use knowledge of organizational structures of print and stories, such as book covers, titles, pictures and typical
beginnings to construct and confirm meaning
Use phonics and structural analysis
● Apply phonic rules and generalizations to read unfamiliar words in context
● Associate sounds with some vowel combinations, consonant blends and digraphs, and letter clusters to read unfamiliar
words in context
Use references
● Use pictionaries and personal word books to confirm the spellings or locate the meanings of unfamiliar words in oral,
print and other media texts
SLO 2.2​ - Respond to Texts
Experience various texts
● Engage in a variety of shared and independent listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other
media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as legends, video programs, puppet plays, songs,
riddles and informational texts
Construct meaning from texts
● Connect situations portrayed in oral, print and other media texts to personal and classroom experiences
● Discuss, represent or write about interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
● Express thoughts or feelings related to the events and characters in oral, print and other media texts
SLO 2.3​ - Understand forms, elements and Techniques
Experiment with language
● Demonstrate interest in the sounds of words and word combinations in pattern books, poems, songs and oral and visual
GLO 3​ - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information

SLO 3.1​ - Plan and Focus

Focus attention
● Relate personal knowledge to ideas and information in oral, print and other media texts
● Ask questions to determine the main idea or oral, print and other media texts
Determine information needs
● Ask questions to focus on particular aspects of topics for own investigations
Plan to gather information
● Recall and follow directions for accessing and gathering ideas and information
SLO 3.2​ - Select and process
Use a variety of sources
● Find information on a topic, using a variety of sources, such as simple chapter books, multimedia resources, computers
and elders in the community
Evaluate sources
● Recognize when information answers the questions asked
SLO 3.3​ - Organize, record and evaluate
Organize Information
● Categorize related ideas and information, using a variety of strategies, such as finding significant details and
sequencing events in logical order
Record Information
● Record key facts and ideas in own words; identify titles and authors of sources
Evaluate information
● Examine gathered information to decide what information to share or omit
SLO 3.4​ - Share and Review
Share ideas and information
● Share, with familiar audiences, ideas and information on topics
● Clarify information by responding to questions
Review Research process
● Answer questions, such as “What did i do that worked well?” to reflect on research experiences

GLO 4​ - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication

SLO 4.1​ - Enhance and Improve

Revise and edit
● Check for capital letters, punctuation at the end of sentences and errors in spelling
Enhance Legibility
● Print legibly and efficiently, forming letters of consistent size and shape, and spacing words appropriately
Expand knowledge of language
● Develop categories of words associated with experiences and topics of interest
SLO 4.3​ - Present and Share
Present information
● Present ideas and information by combining illustrations and written texts
Enhance presentation
● Clarify ideas and information presented in own oral, print adn other media texts, by responding to questions and
Use effective oral and visual communication
● Speak in a clear voice with appropriate volume, at an understandable pace and with expression
Demonstrate attentive listening and viewing
● Ask relevant questions to clarify understanding and to have information explained
● Show enjoyment and appreciation during listening and viewing activities

GLO 5​ - Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others

SLO 5.1​ - Respect Others and Strengthen Community

Appreciate Diversity
● Discuss the experiences and traditions of various communities portrayed in oral, print and other media texts
● Ask for and provide clarification and elaboration of stories and ideas
Celebrate accomplishments and events
● Participate in shared language experiences to acknowledge and celebrate individual and class accomplishments
Use language to show respect
● Adjust own language use according to the context, purpose and audience
SLO 5.2 ​- Work within a Group
Cooperate with others
● Work in a variety of partnerships and group structures
● Identify ways that class members can help each other
Work in groups
● Contribute relevant information and questions to extend group understanding of topics and tasks
● Stay on topic during class and group discussions
Evaluate group process
● Recognize own and others’ contributions to group process

ART - LEVEL ONE (Grades 1 and 2)

REFLECTION - ANALYSIS​ - students will notice commonalities within classes of natural objects or forms

● Natural forms are related to the environment from which they originate
● Natural forms have different surface qualities in colour, texture and tone

ASSESSMENT ​- students will assess the use or function of objects

● Designed objects serve specific purposes
● Designed objects serve people
● Designed objects are made by people or machines
● Designed objects must function well to be valuable
DEPICTION - MAIN FORMS AND PROPORTIONS​ - students will learn the shapes of things as well as develop decorative

● All shapes can be reduced to basic shapes; i.e., circular, triangular, rectangular
● Shapes can be made using different procedures: e.g., cutting, drawing, tearing, stitching

EXPRESSION - PURPOSE 1​ - students will record or document activities, people and discoveries

● Everyday activities can be documented visually
● Special events, such as field trips, visits and festive occasions can be recorded visually
● Knowledge gained from study or experimentation can be recorded visually

EXPRESSION - PURPOSE 2​ - students will illustrate or tell a story

● A narrative can be retold or interpreted visually
● An original story can be created visually
Time Frame
Approximately 5 weeks

Unit Plan
Month at a glance

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

11 12 13 14 15 ART 16
Intro to Community Inquiry of Iqaluit Intro/journey to What is Passports
Iqaluit community?

17 18 19 20 21 22 ART 23
Flight To Nunavut Tour Of Iqaluit Flag Early Days Northern Lights

24 25 26 27 28 29 ART 30
School & Language Inuit People Traditions Sharing Inuksuk making

31 FEB 2 3 4 5 PD DAY 6
1 Natural Resources Goods cont. Jobs in Iqaluit No SCHOOL
Food & Goods ART
Cootie Catcher
making (Extra if
students get done

7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Presentation Research Making Presentations Presentations
Overview Presentation Presentation

Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts

Acadians: ​Descendants of approx. 100 French families who settled along the shores of the Baie francaise (now the bay of Fundy)
in the area now known as New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

Cultural diversity:​ Differences in groups having a variety of languages, ethnicity, nationalities, within a shared space.

Goods:​ Items that are produced and have an economic value.

Human geography:​ The branch of geography that pertains specifically to how humans adapt to their environment.
Inuit: ​A member of aboriginal peoples who live in coastal regions of the Canadian Arctic and in Greenland.

Physical geography: ​The study of the physical characteristics of the environment (landforms, climate, bodies of water)

Rural: ​Relating to agriculture, or sparsely populated or people who live in the country

Services: ​physical or intellectual labour

Urban: ​Relating to cities or city life

Week 1

Date Lesson GLO’s SLO’s Assessment Key Questions related Learning Activities Instructional Resources
Title to this Lesson Strategies

Mon Introductio 2.1 2.1.1 Formative: What is a community? Riddle to uncover the word community -Think, pair, share Book- Looking at
- 11 n to 2.S.3 Group What are the -group discussion Places
Community discussion & characteristics of a Group discussion and Identifying -Individual work -whiteboard
students community? characteristics of community -whiteboard markers
answers about -Read page 4 & 5 in looking at places to -getting to know you
community introduce the children page
-cut and paste pictures of the children on -map of canada
the map in their Travel journals -travel journals
-write where each child is from -white bag/suitcase

-If students finish they can design their

suitcase (color on their bag)

Tues - Inquiry of 2.1 2.1.1 Formative: Where is Iqaluit? -Group discussion - what we can do to -group work -Ipads
12 Iqaluit 2.1.2 Group What is the distance help prepare for the trip? -class discussions -Google
2.S.3 discussion from Medicine Hat, -group comes up with inquiry questions to -student inquiry -Questions that they are
2.S.5 about Alberta to Iqaluit? research inquiring about
2.S.7 geography of What is the weather in -Write questions on the whiteboard -travel journals
2.S.9 iqaluit, Iqaluit? -Students will work in their table groups -pencils
weather, What to pack when -Designate one person to the researcher, -whiteboard
clothes, visiting Iqaluit? one person as the writer, one person as the -whiteboard markers
hobbies reporter and one person as the presenter.
-travel What is there to do in -Explain each person’s job Have students
journals Iqaluit? designate the jobs
-Exit slip on What language is -Researcher will search questions on
what they spoken in Iqaluit? google on the ipads
learned. How to get around in -everyone can help look for the answer on
Iqaluit? google
What animals can be -the writer will write down the answer to
found in Iqaluit? the question in their journal and then when
they are finished their question everyone
can copy that into their travel journal.
-When all groups are done researching the
reporter and presenter will share what they
found with the class.

Wed - Introductio 2.1 2.1., Formative: How do we travel to Have presenters and reporters share the -class discussion -Looking at places
13 n/Journey 2.1.2., Group Iqaluit? information that their group found. -independent work book
to Iqaluit 2.S.3. discussion How long does it take Have google slides up to go along when -google slides
about travel to to get there? students answer questions. -Color and label Iqaluit
iqaluit & What is the season in Map in journal
seasons & Iqaluit? Group discussion - Of the questions -
weather What would the seasons, directions
weather be like? -Google Map on how to get to Iqaluit - The
flight pattern

-Read pages 4-6 in Nunavut book to

introduce Nunavut.
-Read Polar Bear Son
-Talk about the tale

-Color Iqaluit on Map in Journal and Label

Iqaluit, Nunavut - because that is where
we will be going first!
Community Formative: What is a community? Read Community ABC’s -Read Aloud Book: What is a
Thurs ABC’s Draw or Write What is important in a -Group Discussion throughout book -Group Discussion community from A to
- 14 what is community? Talking about the different components of -Independent work Z
important to a community Travel Journal
them in their

Fri-15 Passports Art: 1,2,3,4 Formative: What is a passport? Book About the Arctic - Living in the -Video Video:
Reflection Group Why do we need a arctic by Allen Fowler -Group Discussion
-assesssm discussion passport? -Powerpoint om/watch?v=UDNDk
ent- Use about -discussion about papers that we need Instructions with Vc250Y
or passports and when we go on a plane. Passports and pictures and numbers Powerpoint
function documents tickets -Independent work Passport template
of objects Why a passport is needed -Verifies identity Passport exemplar
My passport to show
Show the Exemplar Passport that I made students
Tell students to first draw themselves Crayons
Then they will Print their name, Birthday, Sharpie
where they were born, nationality ipads
(Canadian) today’s date, and sign their

When students are done drawing and

writing they can color the world.

Then cut along the black lines

Tell students to bring their passports to me

to help fold and staple.

Week 2
Date Lesson GLO’s SLO’s Assessment Key Questions related Learning Activities Instructional Resources
Title to this Lesson Strategies

Mon Flight to 2.1 2.1.1 Summative: What is the process of Overview of the process of an airport -Group discussion Passports
- 18 Iqaluit 2.1.2 Exit slip of the airport? -Interactive Suitcase
what Iqaluit Why is there security at Go through the steps and demonstrate at -Videos Boarding passes
looked like an airport? each Airport signs
when flying What does the city of Ask question of why there is security and Chairs
in. Iqaluit look like from why it is important Ruler (metal detector)
the air? Hand students passport and have them get Youtube videos
What does the their suitcases and line up at check in
landscape of Nunavut Students will then go through check-in and
look like? receive their boarding passes, security, put
their baggage through the xray machine
and wait at the gate
Had students grab chairs row by row to
board the plane

Asked why safety is important on the

Showed safety video
Then got ready for takeoff. (video)
And landing (video)
Had students pay attention to what Iqaluit
looked like as we landed.

Had student write an exit slip about what

they saw when we landed
Tues - Tour of 2.1 2.1.1 Formative: Why is the airport -Google Map street tour of Iqaluit -Visual Google Maps/Street
19 Iqaluit 2.1.2 Conversations important? -What season would it be in Iqaluit? -Inquiry View
with students What season is Iqaluit What are some differences that you see in -Discussion Smartboard
about the in? Iqaluit from Redcliff or Medicine Hat? Nunavut Books (4)
landscape of Why is there so much How are the roads different in Iqaluit?
Nunavut and snow? WHy do you think they have such colorful
the arctic What do the houses houses?
Table group look like? Are there any trees?
contributions Why are the houses
at the end of colourful? Students look through books at the
class about the What do the roads look landscape and things about Nunavut. Give
pictures in the like? 10 minutes to go through books together at
books What does the land table groups. Can sit on the floor to get a
look like? better look

After 10 minutes have tables share

something that they found (each table
something different) they can show the
picture or describe the picture

Wed - Iqaluit Flag 2.1 2.1., Formative: How do we travel to Have presenters and reporters share the -class discussion -Looking at places
20 2.1.2., Group Iqaluit? information that their group found. -independent work book
2.S.3. discussion How long does it take Have google slides up to go along when -google slides
about travel to to get there? students answer questions. -Color and label Iqaluit
iqaluit & What is the season in Map in journal
seasons & Iqaluit? Group discussion - Of the questions -
weather What would the seasons, directions
weather be like? -Google Map on how to get to Iqaluit - The
flight pattern
-Read pages 4-6 in Nunavut book to
introduce Nunavut.
-Read Polar Bear Son
-Talk about the tale

-Color Iqaluit on Map in Journal and Label

Iqaluit, Nunavut - because that is where
we will be going first!

Early Days Formative: What is a community? Read Community ABC’s -Read Aloud Book: What is a
Thurs Draw or Write What is important in a -Group Discussion throughout book -Group Discussion community from A to
- 21 what is community? Talking about the different components of -Independent work Z
important to a community Travel Journal
them in their

Fri-22 Northern Art: 1,2,3,4 Formative: What is a passport? Book About the Arctic - Living in the -Video Video:
Lights Reflection Group Why do we need a arctic by Allen Fowler -Group Discussion
-assesssm discussion passport? -Powerpoint om/watch?v=UDNDk
ent- Use about -discussion about papers that we need Instructions with Vc250Y
or passports and when we go on a plane. Passports and pictures and numbers Powerpoint
function documents tickets -Independent work Passport template
of objects Why a passport is needed -Verifies identity Passport exemplar
My passport to show
Show the Exemplar Passport that I made students
Tell students to first draw themselves Crayons
Then they will Print their name, Birthday, Sharpie
where they were born, nationality ipads
(Canadian) today’s date, and sign their
When students are done drawing and
writing they can color the world.

Then cut along the black lines

Tell students to bring their passports to me

to help fold and staple.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Introduction to Community Lesson Duration (60 min):


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is a community? 
● What are the characteristics of a community? 
● How are communities the same or different? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

2.1 ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and
resources shape and change Canada’s communities.

2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
2.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
● Interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Think, pair, share
● Understand the components of communities ● Group discussion
● Contrast and compare communities ● Independent work

● Conversation: Listening to the answers students provide to discussion questions in the group conversation
● Observation: Seeing students point out and search on a map for communities

Learning Resources
Book: Communities in Canada - Looking at places

Material and Equipment

Book: Communities in Canada - Looking at Places
White board
White board markers
Map of Canada
Getting to know you Worksheet ​
Glue stick
Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(10 min.)​:

Call students to the circle.

Tell students you have some riddles and they need to guess the answers. The first letters of the correct answers will spell a
word that will be important in the next few weeks of social studies.
*Classroom Management - Reiterate to students that they need to raise their hand to answer the question. Do not want
them shouting out the answers (Write the Letters on the board to spell COMMUNITY)
C​ A word that means “boys and girls” (children)
O​ A very large, salty body of water (ocean)
M​ In this movie the ocean chooses this girl to find a stone that has powers (moana)
M​ This subject involves numbers (math)
U​ This object protects you from rain (umbrella)
N​ This word comes after eighty when counting by tens. (ninety)
I​ This is a liquid you find in a pen. (ink)
T​ A large plant with branches and leaves (tree)
Y​ The colour of the sun (yellow)

Body ​(40 min.)​:

Once students figure out the word COMMUNITY,

Have students think, pair, and share with a neighbour about what community means.

Call on students with their hands raised to see what they have come up with. Write what students say on the whiteboard
(Take a picture of it after everything is written on there)

Discuss as a class what the word means and add on to students knowledge of what a community is
● A group of people that interact or have something to do with each other on a regular basis
● Live in the same place, have the same interests, share attitudes, interests and goals

Does a community only include people?

Discuss the characteristics of communities:
● Physical
○ What is in a place that was NOT added by people?
■ Land, climate, natural resources, natural hazards (the natural features of the environment)
● Human
○ How have people changed the land?
■ Homes, buildings, roads, farms, parks, trains, bridges (feature of the environment that has been
added by people)
● Cultural
○ What makes the people of a place unique?
■ Celebrations, clothing, traditions, food, customs, language (a common behavior or belief shared
by a group of people)

Discuss where communities are found: family, friends, school, town, city, work,
Explain rural and urban -
● Rural - countryside
● Urban - Related to the city

Movement Break - Have students do 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 brain break

● Students will stand up and you instruct them to do
○ 5 jumping jacks
○ Spin around 4 times
○ Hop on one foot 3 times
○ 2 push ups
○ 1 elbow five to a neighbour

Explain that all grade 2 students in Alberta will learn about 3 different communities, you may have started to learn a little
bit about Meteghan at the start of the year. But we will come back to that one later on this year. We are going to start with
Iqaluit Nunavut, and then Meteghan, Nova Scotia and then Redcliff.

What would be the best way to learn about these communities?

● Wanting someone to say travel there

Well that is a great idea! But we cannot travel right now and that would be a very expensive trip for all of us! How about
we got on a virtual adventure to these places?
There are a few people that I would like to introduce to you that will be along on our adventure.

Students will sit in front of you as you read page 4 and 5 of ​Looking at Places​ that introduces 3 children from different
communities in Canada. (Iqaluit, Meteghan, & Saskatoon/Prairies)

Show students a map of Canada on the computer and choose a student to show approximately where we live, then have
the students look for Iqualuit, Redcliff, and Meteghan. Then choose 3 students to point out where those places are on the

Explain that they each will have travel journals that they will be using throughout our travels so that they can remember
what all we have done and learnt along the way. And a suitcase to carry our journals and momentos

Show students the Get to Know You Page, and each of their maps and explain that they will glue the map into their travel
journal, cut the circle with the children in and glue them on their map in the place that they live. Then they will write full
sentences saying where each child lives in their Travel Journal

** if students finish they can decorate their suitcase

Closure ​(10 min)

Countdown from 5 to gain students attention.

Instruct students to put their pencils, and crayons away and put their page in their social duotang and put it back in the bin.

Line up at the door for Gym Class.

Use the beginning of next class to allow students to finish their passport.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Inquiry of Iqaluit Lesson Duration: (30 min)

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 

Lesson Guiding Questions 

● Where is Iqaluit? 
● What is the distance from Medicine Hat, Alberta to Iqaluit? 
● What is the weather in Iqaluit?? 
● What to pack when visiting Iqaluit? 
● What is there to do in Iqaluit?? 
● What language is spoken in Iqaluit? 
● How to get around in Iqaluit? 
● What animals can be found in Iqaluit? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

2.1 ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and
resources shape and change Canada’s communities.

2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in Canada

2.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking

● Use a simple map to locate communities studied in Canada
● Determine distance on a map, using relative terms such as near/far. here/there
● Use cardinal directions to locate communities studied in relation to one’s own community
2.S.5 demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict resolution and consensus building:
● Demonstrate the ability to deal constructively with diversity and disagreement
● Work and play in harmony with others to create a safe and caring environment
● Consider the needs and ideas of others
● Share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task
2.S.7 apply the research process:
● Participate in formulating research questions
● Develop questions that reflect a personal information need
● Follow a plan to complete an inquiry
● Access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
● Process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
● Draw conclusions from organized information
● Make predictions based on organized information
2.S.9 develop skills of media literacy:
● Compare information on the same topic or issue from print media, television and photographs

English Language Arts

SLO 3.3​ - Organize, record and evaluate

Organize Information
● Categorize related ideas and information, using a variety of strategies, such as finding significant details and
sequencing events in logical order
Record Information
● Record key facts and ideas in own words; identify titles and authors of sources
Evaluate information
● Examine gathered information to decide what information to share or omit
SLO 3.4​ - Share and Review
Share ideas and information
● Share, with familiar audiences, ideas and information on topics
● Clarify information by responding to questions
Review Research process
● Answer questions, such as “What did i do that worked well?” to reflect on research experiences
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Group work
● Research the geography, weather, jobs and ● Class discussions
hobbies in Iqaluit ● Student Inquiry
● Create Research questions as a group

● Class discussions about the geography of Iqaluit, the weather, clothes and hobbies
● Observation of students researching their questions
● Post it note of something they learned about Iqaluit


Learning Resources

Material and Equipment

● Enough Ipads for each table (4)
● Pencils
● Travel Journals
● Whiteboard
● Whiteboard markers
● Post it notes
Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Remind students of the upcoming trip to Iqaluit and that we need to prepare ourselves to go there.
Discussion: What can we do to help us prepare for the trip?
● Research the place that we are wanting to go
What an excellent idea!
What kinds of things do we need to know about?
● Hoping students will come up with Where is Iqaluit? What is the distance from Medicine Hat, Alberta to Iqaluit?,
What is the weather in Iqaluit? What to pack when visiting Iqaluit? What is there to do in Iqaluit? What Language
is Spoken in Iqaluit? How to get around in Iqaluit? What animals can be found in Iqaluit?
● Write questions on the whiteboard - Give each table 2 questions to research.
Have table groups decide who the researcher, writer, reporter and presenter will be.
Explain that the researcher will use the ipad and type in the question into google
The writer will write down the answer to their question
The reporter and presenter will share the answer to their question with the class.

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Students will work as a group to find the answer to their designated question.

Walk around guiding students and answering questions.

Groups will answer 2 questions. The writer will write down the answer while the researcher has the answer on the ipad.

Students will copy the writer’s answer into their own travel journals so they have the information for their travels.

Count down from 5 to get students attention

Have each table’s reporter and presenter share what they found with the class.

If there is some time left have students

1. Design their suitcase

Closure ​(5 min)

Get students attention with my 5 minute alarm

Have students write on a post it note one thing that they learned about Iqaluit in today’s research class.
Have students clean up when they are done writing on the post it note and be prepared to get ready for the end of the day.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Introduction to Iqaluit Lesson Duration: (60 min)


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 

Lesson Guiding Questions 

● How do we travel to Iqaluit?
● How long does it take to get there?
● What is the season in Iqaluit?
● What would the weather be like?
● What animals might we see in Iqaluit?

Alberta Program of Study​:

Social Studies
GLO: 2.1 ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics and
resources shape and change Canada’s communities.

2.1.1 appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
2.1.2 investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in Canada

2.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking

● Use a simple map to locate communities studied in Canada
● Determine distance on a map, using relative terms such as near/far. here/there

English Language Arts

SLO 3.3​ - Organize, record and evaluate
Organize Information
● Categorize related ideas and information, using a variety of strategies, such as finding significant details and
sequencing events in logical order
Record Information
● Record key facts and ideas in own words; identify titles and authors of sources
Evaluate information
● Examine gathered information to decide what information to share or omit
SLO 3.4​ - Share and Review
Share ideas and information
● Share, with familiar audiences, ideas and information on topics
● Clarify information by responding to questions
Review Research process
● Answer questions, such as “What did i do that worked well?” to reflect on research experiences
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Class discussion
● Show confidence in knowing how to travel to ● Independent work
● Understand the weather in Iqaluit
● Hypothesize about the animals in Iqaluit
● Identify the cardinal directions
● Explain directions using the cardinal directions

● Conversation - Listening to students in the group conversation and independent conversations talk about Iqaluit
● Travel Journal - coloring Nunavut on the map and labelling Iqaluit, Nunavut

Learning Resources
Book: Canadian Sites and Symbols Nunavut
Book: The Polar Bear Son by Lydia Dabcovich
Google Slides

Material and Equipment

Book: Canadian Sites and Symbols Nunavut
Book: The Polar Bear Son by Lydia Dabcovich
Google Slides
Travel Journal

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Have students get into their table groups and give them the Ipads

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Allow students 10 minutes to finish their research and talk as a group about what they found

Put up the Slide Show and have students stand and tell us what they found about that question.

Discuss the different findings on each slide and what they know about each.

Have students come to the invisible carpet so we can read about Iqaluit
Read pages 4-6 in Canadian Sites and Symbols

Then Read The Polar Bear Son.

Have students Return to their desk and color and label Iqaluit, Nunavut on their map in their travel journal
If there is time left Students can design their suitcases

Closure ​(5 min)

5 minute warning alarm will go off

Instruct students to tidy up their area, put their travel journal in their suitcase and get ready to get ready to work on their Word Poster


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Community ABC’s Lesson Duration: (60 min)


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is a community? 
● What is important in a community? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Social Studies
GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language, heritage, economics
and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
2.S.8 ​demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
● prepare and present information in their own words, using respectful language
● respond appropriately to comments and questions, using respectful language
● interact with others in a socially appropriate manner
● create visual images for particular audiences and purposes
● display data in a problem-solving context
● use technology to support a presentation
English Language Arts
GLO 1 - ​Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

SLO 1.1 ​-Express ideas and develop understanding

● Talk about how new ideas and information have changed previous understanding
● Express or represent ideas and feelings resulting from activities or experiences with oral, print and other media texts

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies

Students will... ● Read aloud
● Identify the key elements of a community ● Class Discussion
● Demonstrate an understanding of important aspects ● Artwork to express creativity
of a community

● Observation and Conversation about what is important to them in their communities.
● Draw or Write important parts of their communities in their Travel Journals

Learning Resources
Book: What is a community from A to Z by Bobbie Kalman

Material and Equipment

Book: What is a community from A to Z by Bobbie Kalman
Travel Journal
Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(25 min.)​:

I was looking in everyone’s travel journals at your map and I noticed that there was a few people who forgot labeled both
Territory Nunavut on their map in their travel journal. So take out your travel journals and check to see if you have both.
We want to have both on there so we don’t forget about our travels and where they are. If you have checked and only have
one please write the other right beside it, and if you have both Iqaluit and Nunavut keep your journal on the table and
come sit at the invisible carpet quietly please.

A community is a group of people sometimes the people in a community live together, work together or learn and play

You belong to a number of communities

● Your family is a community
● Your class is a community
● Your school is a community
● Your neighborhood is a community
● Your town or city is a community too

Read What is a Community? From A to Z by Bobbie Kalman

-Pause throughout to discuss each letter with students. Ask what they have in their communities that is like that letter.
(Family community, Hockey community, Dance community, school community, town community)

Body ​(30 min.)​:

Read What is a Community? From A to Z by Bobbie Kalman

-Pause throughout to discuss each letter with students. Ask what they have in their communities that is like that letter.
(Family community, Hockey community, Dance community, school community, town community)
Tell students that in a little bit they will take their travel journals out and they are going to draw what is important to them
in their communities that they are a part of.
Have students take a minute and think about what is important to them in their community.

Give an example of what is important to me in my community. (my family that shows me love by listening to me and
talking to me and hanging out with me. My house gives me a roof over my head and keeps me warm when it is cold
outside or raining outside. Going to school because i get to learn a lot of new things and meet a bunch of new people and
have new friends and read books, The trees and being outside, the greenhouses in redcliff because they give me vegetables
to keep me healthy, Healthcare workers especially now who keep everybody safe and healthy, technology so that i can
talk to my aunts and uncles more than i get to see them, and the police officers for keeping everyone safe)

Group discussion - If I were to draw a picture of what is important to me what kinds of things would i draw?

House, School, Friends and family, Trees, Books, Vegetables

Have students once again think about what is important to them in the communities that they are a part of.

I want you to take your time and do your best drawing, first draw in pencil. When you are done drawing your rough draft
bring it to me so I can see if it is your best work before coloring your drawing.

Students can go back to their desks and start to work.

Remainder of Time to work

If students finish their drawing and color

● Community word searches
● Crossword puzzles

Closure ​(5 min)

Give students a 5 minute warning to clean up their area and get ready for the next class

Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Passports ART Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is a Passport? 
● Why do we need a Passport? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

ART - LEVEL ONE (Grades 1 and 2)

REFLECTION -ASSESSMENT​- students will assess the use or function of objects

● Designed objects serve specific purposes
● Designed objects serve people
● Designed objects are made by people or machines
● Designed objects must function well to be valuable

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies

Students will... ● Class discussion
● Recall the importance of a passport ● Independent Work
● Witness how a passport is made ● Craft
● Hands on
● Conversation: Listen for students during group discussion and individual conversations about the use of passports

Learning Resources
Material and Equipment
Powerpoint with Instructions
Video: ​
Passport Exemplar
Passport template

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(15 min.)​:

Does anyone know the documents that are needed at airports when people travel? (Passport, Ticket)
Video about passports ​

Ask who knows what a passport is and why one is needed?

● A ​passport​ is a travel document issued by a country's government to its citizens that verifies the identity and
nationality of the holder for the purpose of international travel

Bring in my passport to show what a real passport looks like. Some of you might have a passport already and your mom
and dad keep them safe because they are very important to have when we travel outside of the country.
Normally when someone travels within their own country they only need an identification from the government like a
birth certificate but when we travel to other countries we need a passport.
Body ​(40 min.)​:

But we are going to create a classroom passport for our travels because we are not “actually” going on a plane and do not want
to lose our very important documents that one day we will need.

Show students the passport that is made and explain that FIRST they will draw a self portrait [point to where they will
draw it] - have it on a powerpoint also

THEN they will need to print their name, their date of birth, where they were born, nationality, the day’s date, and sign
their signature. [Again show where this will happen]

Allow students rest of class time to work on their passports.

Circle throughout the room to make sure everyone is on task and answering any questions

If students finish passport have students

1. Finish getting to know you page and full sentences
2. Suitcase

Closure ​(5 min)

5 Minute alarm will go off.

Instruct students to clean up their area,

Put their passports in their suitcase, and their pencils and pencil crayons away
put their buckets back in their cubbies and get ready for Gym.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Flight to Iqaluit Lesson Duration (60 min):


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is the process of the airport? 
● Why is there security at an airport? 
● What does the city of Iqaluit look like?  
● What does the landscape of Nunavut look like?  

Alberta Program of Study​:

GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language,
heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
SLO 2.1.2​ Investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in
Canada by exploring
and reflecting questions for inquiry
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Group discussion
● Understand the process of an airport ● Interactive
● Identify the geography of Iqaluit ● Videos


● Exit slip of what Iqaluit looked like when flying in.

Learning Resources
Google Maps

Material and Equipment

Boarding passes
Airport Signs
Ruler (metal detector)
Secret Student
Secret Student Award
Youtube video #1 ​​ #2 ​​ ????
Flight to Iqaluit Video Take off Video: ​
Landing Video ​​ Or Funny one ​

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(15 min.)​:

Today is our Flight to Iqaluit!!!!

I have decided to have a secret student award during our classes. I choose a student in the morning and I watch the secret
student all class long. I am looking for if the student is on task, ready to learn, being kind and respectful. If at the end of
class the student has had a good day I will reveal who the student was and they will get an award!
Has anyone been to an airport? If yes - find previous knowledge about the process of the airport
If no - Explain that the first thing to do is check in and get your boarding pass. Explain that this will happen at the door.
Students will line up against the cubbies.
Next is security - Mrs. B will be security to check to make sure that you do not have anything dangerous and that you are
safe to get on the flight. She will wave the metal detector around your body to make sure that you do not have anything
dangerous on you and then you will put your suitcase through the baggage xray machine (which is under the half moon
table) this machine can see through your bag to check for things that are not allowed on the flight like any kind of liquid
without opening the suitcase.
From security you will go to the gate that the plane will come to and wait patiently until we can move onto the plane and
get ready for the flight.
Can someone please tell me how we would act if we were in an airport? - looking for quiet, still, not swinging suitcase or
running around.
Lets remember this as we go through our classroom airport

Body ​(30 min.)​:

Have students line up along the cubbies.

I will be on the other side of the counter by the door, checking students passport and giving them their boarding pass. I
will then Instruct them to go over to security at Mrs. B.

Mrs. B will tell the students to go sit on the floor by the sink until we are ready to board the plane.

When I call the students and say that it is time to board i will ask the students in row 1 to grab their chairs and put them in
a row in front of the smartboard.

-Repeat the same with rows 2-6 having students bring their chairs and set them in row behind the previous row.

-I will act as the stewardess and tell students to put their suitcase underneath their seats and buckle their seatbelts.

-Put on the video of the stewardess telling the safety precautions ​

Then I will put on the video of the takeoff ​​ and landing in Iqaluit.

Remind students to pay attention to what it looks like out the window when landing in Iqaluit. Are there a lot of trees? Is
there snow? Are there mountains? Are there hills? Is it flat? Does it look like a really big city with tall buildings? What
colors are the buildings and houses?

Tell students that after they leave the plane they will need to show their passport to me to get a stamp in their passport.
They will also get a sticky note and I want them to write one thing that they noticed about Iqaluit when we flew in and
when they are finished writing on the sticky note they can give it to me and Put their bins in their cubbies and get ready
for gym.

Tell students to unbuckle their seatbelts and single file with their passport in their hand come to me to get their stamp and
sticky note.

Closure ​(15 min)

Students will have time to think about what they saw and write what iqaluit looked like.

Students will hand in the sticky note and then put their bins in their cubbies and get ready for gym.

Line up in numbered order and show that we are ready for gym.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Tour of Iqaluit Lesson Duration (30 min):


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● Why is the airport important? 
● What season is Iqaluit in? 
● Why is there so much snow? 
● What do the houses look like? 
● Why are the houses colourful? 
● What do the roads look like? 
● What does the land look like? 
Alberta Program of Study​:
GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language,
heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
SLO 2.1.2​ Investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in
Canada by exploring and reflecting questions for inquiry
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Visual
● Identify differences between our community ● Inquiry
and the Nunavut community ● Discussion
● Understand why the landscape is the way that it

● Conversations with students about the landscape of Nunavut and the arctic.
● Table group contributions at the end of class about the pictures in the book.

Learning Resources

Google Maps:,-68.5208487,3a,75y,282.64h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGdkPS9Fmdobg8whXh1Q6bQ!2
Material and Equipment
Google maps/Street view
Nunavut Books (4)

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(10 min.)​:

Today we will be going for a little tour around Iqaluit.

Keep your eye open for things that may be different than in Redcliff or Medicine Hat.

Google Street View:,-68.5208487,3a,75y,282.64h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sGdkPS9Fmdobg8whXh1Q6bQ!2

Discussion Questions:
● What are some differences that you see in Iqaluit from Redcliff or medicine hat?
● How are the roads different in Iqaluit?
● Why do you think they have such colorful houses?
● Are there any trees?

Yesterday I asked you all to write down one thing that you saw when the flight was landing. I went through the sticky
notes and there were about 12 people that wrote down snow.
What season do you think that flight video happened in? Winter
Iqaluit and Nunavut are located in the North which is the arctic region.
Because Nunavut is in the arctic region it has very long, cold winters and short, cool summers. When the summers are
short and cool the ground doesn’t have the warmth to let trees and plants grow so the ground stays frozen throughout the
whole year.
The way that the earth is there is 6 months of constant sunlight and 6 months of consistent dark. So in the summer you
could look at the clock and it would be midnight but it would still be light out. And in the winter you would look at the
clock at noon and it would still be dark out.
The long periods of darkness can make people feel tired, sad and down so the coloured houses help to boost happiness and
make people happier during the long winter months.

Body ​(15 min.)​:

Hand out 1 book for each table group.
Have students look through the books at the landscape of nunavut. Give students 10 minutes to go through the book
together talking about the different things they see.

After 10 minutes bring students attention back to me and have tables share something that they discovered in the book.
They can show the picture or describe the picture.

Closure ​(5 min)

At 2:30 have students return the books, put their bins in their cubbies, clear off their tables and sit quietly to be able to get
their coats and backpacks to get ready for dismissal.


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Nunavut Flag Lesson Duration (30 min):


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● Why are flags important to a country? 
● Why do provinces have flags? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language,
heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
● Value oral history and stories as ways to learn about the land (LPP, TCC)
● Acknowledge, explore and respect historic sites and monuments (CC, LPP, TCC)
​SLO 2.1.3​ Investigate the cultural and linguistic characteristics of an Inuit, and Acadian and a
prairie community in
Canada by exploring and reflecting on questions

GLO 2.2​ - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how a community emerged, and of
how the various interactions and cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality of the

SLO 2.2.1 ​appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present
(C, I, TCC)
SLO 2.2.2​ appreciate how Aboriginal and Francophone peoples have influenced the development
of the student’s
community (C, CC, I)
SLO 2.2.3​ appreciate the importance of collaboration and living in harmony (C, PADM)
SLO 2.2.4​ appreciate how connections to a community contribute to one’s identity (I)
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Direct instruction
● Recognize the importance of flags for the ● Independent work
country and province or territory ● Group discussion
● Explain the meaning of the symbols on the
Nunavut flag
● Assemble the Nunavut flag from different


● Assembling the nunavut flag from the puzzle pieces and gluing into travel journals when completed

Learning Resources
Google Maps

Material and Equipment

Slide Show of different flags
Flag of Nunavut made into a puzzle (1 for each student)

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(10 min.)​:

Discuss yesterday’s afternoon.

● Tell students that you were quite sad at the end of the day yesterday.
● Ask students why they think I was sad?
○ Talk about how I want the activities that I have planned to be fun but there is a difference between fun
and getting out of hand. I understand that it is the end of the day and everyone just wants to go home. But
i have worked really hard to try and make the activities fun.
○ How would the two look different?
■ Fun: being excited about what we are doing but staying on the task that we are doing.
■ Out of hand: Not listening to simple instructions that I have given, and being all over the class
and trying to talk while I am talking. (being disrespectful)
■ What should the class look and sound like when someone is trying to share information that they
found? Was it like that yesterday when we were sharing? No people were running all over the
room, and talking to each other.
Address the Photo In the Nunavut book of the body that was recovered. Read the excerpt from the book explaining what
happened. And then simplify for the students.
Show Slide show of different flags
Have students guess what each flag represents.
Discuss why Flags are important to a country:
● Flags show that we belong to a community, organization or nation and that we share beliefs, goals, and rules
Why do provinces have flags?
● To give an idea of what is important to that province.

Body ​(15 min.)​:

Iqaluit flag:
● Colors blue and gold symbolize the riches of the land, sea and sky. Red is to represent Canada.
● The Inuksuk in the middle symbolizes the stone monuments that guide people on the land and marks special and
sacred places. The star is for the North Star (traditional guide for travels) and is symbolic of the elders leadership
in the community
Who knows what the North Star is? It is the brightest star in the sky at night time. It is special because the star stays in the
same space and the sky moves around it.
Puzzle of the Iqaluit flag that students need to put together. Have Nunavut Flag on Smartboard for Reference (If students
need better reference they can use the stamp in their passports)
When you think you have it completed. Raise your hand so I can make sure and then you can glue it into your travel

If you finished assembling the puzzle really quick try mixing it up again and assemble without looking at the picture of
the flag.

Write in pencil underneath the flag that you just glued in what the symbols and colors on the Nunavut flag mean. If you
are not sure. Try 3 before me. Ask yourself first (stop and think about our conversation earlier) Look around… is it written
anywhere? Quietly ask a friend near you to help. Then, if you still are not sure raise your hand and i will come to you.
All done that - Create a flag for you.

Closure ​(5 min)

What is the structure in the middle of the Nunavut flag?

Looking for Inukshuk (check for understanding)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Early Days (Part 1) Lesson Duration (30 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What are some things that came from the past that are in the Inuit’s life now? 
● How is the life of the Inuit similar to yours? 
● How is the life of an Inuit different to yours? 
● Where do the Inuit people live? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

GLO 2.2​ - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how a community emerged, and of
how the various interactions and cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality of the
​ LO 2.2.1 ​appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present
(C, I, TCC)
SLO 2.2.2​ appreciate how Aboriginal and Francophone peoples have influenced the development
of the student’s community (C, CC, I)

Skills and Processes

2.S.1 ​develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
● ​distinguish between a fictional and a factual account about Canadian communities
● choose and justify a course of action
● compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources, such as
information collected on the


SLO 2.2​ - Respond to Text
Construct meaning from texts
● Connect situations portrayed in oral, print and other media texts to personal and classroom
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Read aloud
● Use critical thinking to uncover similarities and ● Group discussion
differences between inuit community and our ● Venn Diagram (visual)
● Use listening ears during the read aloud
● Understand how the past is connected to the
present day

● Venn Diagram - Student’s responses to similarities and differences between present day and early days.
● Group discussion - listening to students responses to discussion questions

Learning Resources
Book: Inuit Still by Jeanne Bushey

Material and Equipment

Whiteboard Markers

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(10 min.)​:

Read Inuit Still By Jeanne Bushey

Body ​(15 min.)​:

Group Discussion:
Discussion questions:
● How is Naomi’s life similar to yours?
● How is Naomi’s life Different to yours?
● What are some things that the Inuit did in the past?
○ Lived in temporary hunting camps
○ Igloos
○ Hunted with bow and arrows
○ Clothes from animal hide
○ Stone stove
● How do things in the past (early days) contribute to Naomi’s life now?
○ Dog sled races
○ Learn about inuit culture and legends/tales
○ Inuit games
○ Camping on the land
○ Fishing and hunting

Venn Diagram:
Talk about how a venn diagram is used to look at similarities and differences between things.
Today we are going to compare Modern/Present Inuit life to Traditional Inuit Life
Have students share and then come up and write it on the whiteboard
● Modern Inuit:
○ Snow mobiles
○ Trucks
○ School bus
○ Tv
○ Towns and cities
○ Houses
○ Grocery store
○ Tshirt and jeans
● Traditional Inuit:
○ Dog sleds
○ Bow and arrows
○ Hunting and fishing
○ Cook over fires
○ Clothes from animal hide
○ Stone stove
● Both
○ Dog sled races
○ Inuit culture and legends
○ Inuit games
○ Camping on the land
○ Hunting and fishing
Closure ​(5 min)

Numbered order have students tell one thing about the Inuit that they learned something different than what has been said


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Early Days Part 2 Lesson Duration (30 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What Do we do for fun? 
● What do you think the Inuit do for fun? 
● Why are these games important? 
● What do these games teach? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

GLO 2.2​ - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how a community emerged, and of
how the various interactions and cooperation among peoples ensure the continued growth and vitality of the
​SLO 2.2.1 ​appreciate how stories of the past connect individuals and communities to the present
(C, I, TCC)
SLO 2.2.2​ appreciate how Aboriginal and Francophone peoples have influenced the development
of the student’s community (C, CC, I)
Skills and Processes
2.S.1 ​develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
● ​distinguish between a fictional and a factual account about Canadian communities
● choose and justify a course of action
● compare and contrast information from similar types of electronic sources, such as
information collected on the
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Kinesthetic Working with hands
● Learn an Inuit String game ● Independent work
● Manipulate string in different string games ● Partner work

● Question: why do the Inuit have string games?

Learning Resources
Video of inuit telling story through string game ​

Individual string game Cup and Saucer - ​

Cats cradle for partners or groups - ​

Material and Equipment

Video and steps about String Games: instructional
Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Video of an Inuit telling stories through string games ​

String games are something that the Inuit people do to pass the time if they are bored, something to do when they play
with someone. And also a way to tell their stories to younger people.

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Start out with students on their own making individual string art with their hands

Solo cats cradle ​

Use this website for step by step instructions and pictures on how to do cup and saucer

Cats cradle with a partner ​

If students have caught on fast they can try cats cradle with a partner.
This is the website for step by step instructions on how to play cat’s cradle

Will have steps printed off so students can try on their own.

Closure ​(5 min)

Have students clean up their bins and put them in their cubby. When they have done that, have bus students come up first and whisper
the answer to Why inuit play string games.

Once they answer, they can go and get their backpacks and boots.
Go through all students until they all have their stuff and are ready to go.

Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Northern Lights Part 1 - Igloo Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What did the Inuit live in in the winter when they were travelling? 
● Is this 2D or 3D art? 

Alberta Program of Study​:


DEPICTION - MAIN FORMS AND PROPORTIONS​ - students will learn the shapes of things as well as
develop decorative styles

● All shapes can be reduced to basic shapes; i.e., circular, triangular, rectangular
● Shapes can be made using different procedures: e.g., cutting, drawing, tearing, stitching
EXPRESSION - PURPOSE 1​ - students will record or document activities, people and discoveries
● Knowledge gained from study or experimentation can be recorded visually
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● I do, you do
● Observe and sketch a 3D igloo ● Visual
● Give and receive feedback ●
● Improve on their skills and think critically about
their work
● Performance task: finished product of the igloo
● Observation: students cooperating & on task

Learning Resources
Art for kids Hub ​

Material and Equipment

Youtube video

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Who remembers from yesterday what the Inuit people used to live in in the winter?
● Igloos!
Today we will be learning how to draw an igloo!

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Everyone get your sketchbook and pencil out. When you have it on your table I want you to sit on your hands.

Today we are going to work on the first step of our northern lights igloo art

A little birdie told me that you really like a certain guy that does art so we are going to watch the video and do a rough
draft of our igloo in our sketchbook. Remember to use your pencil lightly so that you can erase it if you need to.

I will pause the video in spots so that you can keep up.

Do the drawing with the students (make some errors and have students critique my work too)

Play video ​

Start and stop video after each line drawn. Have students do an action to show me that they are finished that part.

When finished first draft have students talk with a table partner and share one thing that they think their partner did really well and one
thing that they think their partner could improve on to make it even better.

Go through the video a second time and do another draft.

Start and stop video

After they are finished the second draft of their igloo the class will do a gallery walk around the room and look at other student’s
drawings and get ideas on how to improve their own.

Students will go back to their second draft and improve their igloo with the ideas that they found during the gallery walk.

After students have finished their improvements:

● Have students use their pencil on the watercolor paper to draw the igloo. Remind students to draw lightly so they can erase if
they need to. Remind students to do their best work we will be hanging these in the hallway so others can admire.

Closure ​(5 min)

Beautiful work everyone. Next week we are going to learn about the Northern Lights and then we will add the Northern lights to our
beautiful Igloos!

Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies

Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Show the Video of the School in Nunavut

Have students pay attention to what the kids wear, what the school looks like, the teachers,

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Raise your hand to tell me something that is similar between our schools.
● Teachers, Subjects, syllables, the stuff on the boards, assemblies, playground, bell times are similar: 8:30-3:15
Could you find anything that was different?
● Learn to speak, inuktitut, english and french

Choose 2 phrases

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of How an Igloo Keeps you warm: ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)


Grade: 2 Lesson Title: School and Language Lesson Duration (60 min):

Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question: 
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is school like in Nunavut? 
● What are the languages in Nunavut? 
● Why is Inuktitut important? 

Alberta Program of Study​:

Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ●
● Compare our school and nunavut school



Learning Resources
Video of a school in Nunavut ​

Glossary of words translated to Inuktitut - ​

Material and Equipment


Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(5 min.)​:

Body ​(20 min.)​:

Closure ​(5 min)

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