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Presentation - Internal social capital and the attraction of early contributions in


Presentation date: 17.11.2017 (Friday)

Time allocated: 20 minutes

Team members: Jakob, Annika, Hussein, Kumar

Sub-team 1: Jakob and Annika

Sub-team 2: Kumar and Hussein

● Everyone reads the complete paper till Sunday and understands it completely
● The whole paper has to be explained to be audience. There are no questions within
the pdf and therefore we will form our own questions whose answers we would
provide in our slides. For example: If the paper discusses crowdsourcing, we would
ask ourselves a question- What is crowdsourcing and therefore the answer to this
would have to be put in our slides. ​Please try to make ​(I´d suggest around 10 so 1
slide 2 minutes. J) 20 slides per team (each team makes this, not necessary to have
20 but if some slides are content rich then lower the number)
● Please read the whole paper and formulate questions. The questions should be put
up here in this document. Both the teams will formulate questions . The advantage
with this would be that there would be two teams proficient in the whole paper.
● Additionally to the question I´d suggest to set up a broad outline how our
presentation could look like and what should be covered
● The format for the presentation is already uploaded and the answers to the above
questions would be put up in the slides (Font size etc. to be decided by a message on
● Sub-team 1 meets on a date and time discussed among them and the final slides
have to be put up before Thursday (the earlier the better). Sub-team 2 meets on
Sunday and makes the slides on Sunday itself. ​(I´m gonna update here at which date
team 2 is meeting)​ ​Note: Please complete the reading by Sunday
● A day to be agreed between Sub-team 1 and 2 for a final meeting on either Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Final meeting day to be decided on Sunday
evening or afternoon (message to be sent out by Kumar or Jakob). ​Out of the total
40 slides made by 2 teams, final 20 slides could be selected. Slides can again be
lesser. An order for the slides has to be followed. Please try to avoid a conflict here
● Presentation day- 5 slides per person for the final day, although this could be more
or less depending on the content.
Please add with a red font if you want to add something or if you think something needs to
be changed. Please feel free to contact me on Whatssap or call me, in case of any questions.

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