Lesson Plan #6: Unit Inquiry Question: Lesson Guiding Questions

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Grade: 2 Lesson Title: Flight to Iqaluit Lesson Duration (60 min):


Critical Questions 
Unit Inquiry Question:  
● What makes Iqaluit a community? 
Lesson Guiding Questions 
● What is the process of the airport? 
● Why is there security at an airport? 
● What does the city of Iqaluit look like?  
● What does the landscape of Nunavut look like?  

Alberta Program of Study​:

GLO 2.1​ - ​Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how geography, culture, language,
heritage, economics and resources shape and change Canada’s communities
SLO 2.1.1​ Appreciate the physical and human geography of the communities studied:
● Appreciate how a community’s physical geography shapes identity (I, LPP)
● Appreciate the diversity and vastness of Canada’s land and peoples (CC, LPP)
SLO 2.1.2​ Investigate the physical geography of an Inuit, an Acadian, and a prairie community in
Canada by exploring
and reflecting questions for inquiry
Learning Objectives Teaching Strategies
Students will... ● Group discussion
● Understand the process of an airport ● Interactive
● Identify the geography of Iqaluit ● Videos


● Exit slip of what Iqaluit looked like when flying in.

Learning Resources
Google Maps

Material and Equipment

Boarding passes
Airport Signs
Ruler (metal detector)
Secret Student
Secret Student Award
Youtube video #1 ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1A5BtqsaPM​ #2 ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwLTSEGlXSo​ ????
Flight to Iqaluit Video Take off Video: ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgylAg3a0xk
Landing Video ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJhc-kSDSyU

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtMzngYdx4s​ Or Funny one ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tf-Ye3Gmu0E

Lesson Procedures

Introduction/warmup ​(15 min.)​:

Today is our Flight to Iqaluit!!!!

Has anyone been to an airport? If yes - find previous knowledge about the process of the airport
If no - Explain that the first thing to do is check in and get your boarding pass. Explain that this will happen at the door.
Students will line up against the cubbies.
Next is security - Mrs. B will be security to check to make sure that you do not have anything dangerous and that you are
safe to get on the flight. She will wave the metal detector around your body to make sure that you do not have anything
dangerous on you and then you will put your suitcase through the baggage xray machine (which is under the half moon
table) this machine can see through your bag to check for things that are not allowed on the flight like any kind of liquid
without opening the suitcase.
From security you will go to the gate that the plane will come to and wait patiently until we can move onto the plane and
get ready for the flight.
Can someone please tell me how we would act if we were in an airport? - looking for quiet, still, not swinging suitcase or
running around.
Lets remember this as we go through our classroom airport

Body ​(30 min.)​:

Have students line up along the cubbies.

I will be on the other side of the counter by the door, checking students passport and giving them their boarding pass. I
will then Instruct them to go over to security at TA.

TA will tell the students to go sit on the floor by the sink until we are ready to board the plane.

When I call the students and say that it is time to board i will ask the students in row 1 to grab their chairs and put them in
a row in front of the smartboard.

-Repeat the same with rows 2-6 having students bring their chairs and set them in row behind the previous row.

-I will act as the stewardess and tell students to put their suitcase underneath their seats and buckle their seatbelts.

-Put on the video of the stewardess telling the safety precautions ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1A5BtqsaPM
Then I will put on the video of the takeoff ​https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgylAg3a0xk​ and landing in Iqaluit.

Remind students to pay attention to what it looks like out the window when landing in Iqaluit. Are there a lot of trees? Is
there snow? Are there mountains? Are there hills? Is it flat? Does it look like a really big city with tall buildings? What
colors are the buildings and houses?

Tell students that after they leave the plane they will need to show their passport to me to get a stamp in their passport.
They will also get a sticky note and I want them to write one thing that they noticed about Iqaluit when we flew in and
when they are finished writing on the sticky note they can give it to me and Put their bins in their cubbies and get ready
for gym.

Tell students to unbuckle their seatbelts and single file with their passport in their hand come to me to get their stamp and
sticky note.

Closure ​(15 min)

Students will have time to think about what they saw and write what iqaluit looked like.

Students will hand in the sticky note and then put their bins in their cubbies and get ready for gym.

Line up in numbered order and show that we are ready for gym.

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