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Alexander Forbes The Academy

Pyramids of Intervention
A�endance* Behaviour Academic
>Fully developed behaviour support plan – 2 
> Access District Outreach Worker for admin/outreach meeting to identify how Outreach can support >Admin programming with LST
family >Possible ISC referral 
>Access school assigned First Nation Metis Inuit Support Worker for admin/worker meeting to >Middle school outreach  > Referral to Director of Inclusive Education for
identify how worker can support family >YDP review of student program placement.
>YDP Referral with CO consultation
>Alternative schedule 
>Consultation with CO around students with multi-year absenteeism in first 30 days >ICAT Recommendation
>Referral to the District Attendance Officer >Complex Psychology Team
C.O. >Community Conference Meeting? >RCMP Student Resource Officer- Principal initiates
>Possible Ed Psych Assessment
<4 students >Director of Student Supports is informed and advises

>Meeting with student and/or parents with supporting phone call if necessary >EA support
>Further academic accommodations
.>Success plan intiated includes: >Alternate recess > Possible parent permission for Level B testing
4% >Student/Parent identifies with admin days missed and sets three goals for improvement
>Admin monitors attendance and checks in with student, success log entried.
>Sensory Integration
>Suspensions - Out of school/In School
> IPP created to support student needs.
> District resources utilized (IEST, , PCS, Outreach).
Teacher, >In first 30 days students identified as attendance concerns are flagged by admin, meeting >Reinstatement Meeting-GLAD Meeting > Student program Adapted/Modified.
with parents >Recommendation to see Family Doctor/Pediatri > Meeting with parents, teacher, administration and
Administration & >Data pull by admin in May identifies students who were an ongoing concern, log entries cian-SNAP IV Forms support team.
School/District and attendance data may be included in an incident report, students flagged for expedient >IEST/PCS consultation
action in first 30 days of September the following school year >Behaviour support plan (competing pathways) – 6
Supports >Alternate schedule – EA allocation necessary
>Level B Testing
Tier 3 up to19 students >Student Returns to Tier 1

> Admin monitors data and provides to teachers to track parent >Admin-Student-Review Expectations

contact > Over One Block Removal from Class in Office

>Admin Parent Contact-Review Expectations > Teacher meets with Learning Support
> Admin idenitifes students who have continued patterns of >GLAD Meeting involving Admin Teacher.
10% absence and have been called by teachers.
>Admin calls parents as follow up to teachers, relatiionship with
>Admin follow-up with teacher (person-to person, or log entry or
> Develop and implement an APP for the student.
nt &

_______Referral to Office call to Admin Assistant-Teacher phone parent by end of day_____________ > Face to face meeting with parents,
parents is further developed, barriers identified, student given
>One Block Suspension from Class administrator, learning support and classroom
Teacher & opportunity to improve attendance
>Altered Student Programming/Expectations
-alternate seating/workspace

> Concerns still shared to Academy Director for

Administration > If no improvement, School Administration will write a letter to the
-reward system

>Teacher-Student Review of Expectations student-athletes

parent/guardian. Explain parent meeting is necessary. Attendance >GLAD Meeting Teacher
>Teacher-Parent Meeting
Improvement Plan developed, explained to student and implement-
Tier 2 up to 47 students ed.
>Log entry behaviour with parent contact
>Classroom Profile Established and Maintained (Shelley Moore)

> Teacher uses effective instructional strategies

>Inclusive and engaging classroom routines and > Celebrate success
(quality instruction, engaging lessons, student data,
expectations established and consistently re-visited >Establish routines and expectations
cume files and universal strategies.)
> Teacher monitors attendance with data provided by admin >Build relationships with students and parents
> Academic concerns are identified.
85% and through own records. >Quality Instruction
> Teacher differentiates to meet student needs.
> Scheduled calls made in 30 days after start-up, November >Early Parent Contact
> Collaboration with PLC, grade level partners and
and February
other school colleagues to discuss and implement
Teacher >Contact made by phone is documented, early relationship
building with parents, student-specific barriers identifed
> Teacher contacts parents to gain further insight and
> Teachers to share concerns with The Academy for
Tier 1- 400 students the Academy student-athletes
share concerns.
> Concerns are logged in PowerSchool and shared
> Ongoing monitoring of attendance by teachers throughout
with administration.
Loremthe year, calls made to parents around any concerns, log entry
> Concerns shared with Academy for student-athletes.
Revised Dec 2017, Sept 2019, Feb 2020 March 2020 email admin (i.e. consecutive days of absence)

Intervention starts at the lowest level in the pyramid. If it is necessary to move up a level, there is an assumption that a number of strategies in the lower levels may continue to be in place.
A student may need repeated intervention at the lowest level. All intervention is logged in PowerSchool and communicated to Administration at all levels.
Student Success is dependent on open dialogue between the student, school and home.

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