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Words Sentences
Analyzed Students analyzed the collected data.
Budgeted Budgeted cost of development work was 2.5 million dollar.
Built Strong relationships should be built with customers.
Chaired Annual award ceremony was chaired by Syed Junaid Zaidi.
Coached Our college cricket team was coached by Azeem Ahmed.
Collected Government collected funds for refugees.
Conducted A seminar on international trade was conducted at CIIT.
Coordinated Our project was the result of coordinated effort of our group members
Counseled All of us were counseled by our teacher.
Created More jobs are created with the introduction of new companies.
Demonstrate Professor Arif demonstrated the working of generator to audience.
Designed Shakir Ali Museum was designed by famous architect Nayyer Ali Dada.
Developed We have to struggle hard to make Pakistan a developed nation.
Directed He has directed a number of serials.
Earned The company earned a profit of 1 million dollar.
Edited The movie was professionally edited by one of my friend.
Established New campus of CIIT will be established soon.
Examined The supervisor examined the machinery well before time.
Evaluated Our products have been evaluated by government.
Helped I helped Ali- my friend, to do the task.
Hired The factory administration has hired one thousand labors.
Improved Bilal has efficiently improved his writing skills
Increased The number of terrorism victims has increased.
Interviewed I was interviewed by a panel consisting senior executives.
Introduced Walls has introduced new flavor of ice cream.
Investigated The case was investigated by senior police officers.
Led The mob was led by a patriotic member of the trader’s union.
Managed 4 prisoners managed to escape from the jail.
Motivated My teachers motivated me to do hard work.
Negotiated Ali’s rivals negotiated on the sales dispute.
Observed We should observe the university rules and regulations.
Organized The party was well organized by the students.

Persuaded “Blessed are they that have nothing to say, and who cannot be
persuaded to say it”
Planned They planned to do robbery in the nearby bank.
Presented The students have beautifully presented their ideas.
Produced Bilal shah has produced a number of short films.
Recruited Pakistan army has recruited one hundred soldiers this summer.
Reported The issue was reported to the district police officer.
Researched Scientists have researched for finding ways to reduce global warming.
Reviewed Our work has been reviewed by the company officials.
Revised Government has revised rules for property ownership.
Saved They have saved lives of many innocents.
Scheduled Our test has been scheduled on Monday.
Simplified The simplified version of this software is easy to use.
Sold Two thousand tickets for the concert have been sold.
Solved Poverty problem in Pakistan can never be solved.
Spoke  “If we spoke a different language, we would perceive a somewhat
different world.”
Started “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
Supervised The project was supervised by one of our teacher.
Trained COMSATS is going to recruit trained lecturers.
Translated The boy translated the message into English.
Wrote The boys wrote on the walls of classrooms.

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