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Ex. 1 Read the news stories and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

The Lost Wallet

14 years ago Spanish tourist Gaspar Sanchez ... /drop/ his wallet into the waters of
Loch Ness in Scotland. His passport, his car keys, his business card and his money /lose/
in 150 m of water. This week the phone ... /ring/ in Senor Sanchez's Barcelona flat and a
Scottish policeman told him, "Sir, your wallet ... /find/! It ... /discover/ last Sunday on the
bed of the loch by some scientists in a submarine looking for the Loch Ness Monster!"
Senor Sanches said, "The whole thing is absolutely amazing. Apparently my wallet
and its contents .../put/ in the post to me already. I should get them tomorrow. I can't
believe it."
Picassos Taken in 40 m Raid.
Swedish police ... just... /announce/ that five paintings by Picasso... /steal/ from the
Stockholm's Modern Museum. The paintings ... /value/ by experts at 500 million kronor
/about 40 million pounds/.
Police believe that they ... /take/ early on Sunday evening, but for some reason the
museums burglar alarm .../not go off/ and the theft ... /not discover/ until Monday
morning. No clues ... /find/ at the scene of the crime so far.

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Ex. 2. Put the verbs into the Passive to complete the text.

Over two billion cans ... every year in Britain alone. /throw away/. But these cans are
destroying the tropical rain forests. How?
The cans .... from aluminum. /make/ Aluminum ... from bauxite. /extract/ Bauxite ...
deep in the ground like other metals, but in the soil. /not find/ Most bauxite ... in the
tropical rain forests of Brazil, Guinea and Jamaica. /find/ Before the bauxite .... , large
areas of forest .,... . /can/remove, have to/ cut down/ Then a power station ... to provide
the electricity so that the aluminum ... from the bauxite. /have to /build, can/ extract/
Then roads ... to transport the aluminum. /need/ So more trees .... ./must/destroy/
However, the forest ... ./needn't/ destroy/ Aluminum ... easily and cheaply. /can/recycle/
But at the moment most cans ... in the ground again./bury/ This waste ... ./should/stop/
And it ... /can/stop/ In Sweden and some states in the USA, 95% of cans ... ./recycle/
Cans ... to supermarkets and ... for money./take back, exchange/

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