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Senn High School

2015-2016 Course Syllabus
Sra. Pardo

Contact Information: email: phone: 773-534-2365 x24150

Students will continue the systematic and progressive development of listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills in Spanish language, at an accelerated level. The students will
review and reinforce the skills learned in Spanish 1 and 2 and master more complex
grammatical structures, verb tenses and vocabulary. The class will be conducted in
Spanish entirely. During the course, students will continue researching and expanding
their knowledge of the culture of the Spanish-Speaking world.


1. develop students’ intercultural understanding

2. enable students to understand and use the language they have studied in a range of
contexts and for a variety of purposes

3. encourage, through the study of texts and through social interaction, an awareness
and appreciation of the different perspectives of people from other cultures

4. develop students’ awareness of the role of language in relation to other areas of


5. develop students’ awareness of the relationship between the languages and

cultures with which they are familiar

6. provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use
of an additional language

7. provide the opportunity for enjoyment, creativity and intellectual stimulation

through knowledge of an additional language.

Students in Spanish 3 will:
- Understand and recognize more complex language patterns
- Discuss, orally and in writing current issues and past events affecting Latin
- Discuss, orally and in writing the influence of Hispanics in society
- Comprehend complex written passages related to Hispanic culture and society
- Participate in age-appropriate cultural debates
- Present oral and written reports in the target language on selected topics
- Compare and contrast Spanish and English language and Hispanic and American
cultures in the target language
- Demonstrate an understanding through discussion of concepts learned in other
subject areas in the target language, including environment and geography,
entertainment, social and cultural family events, indigenous societies, traveling,
and the individual
- Comprehend the main themes and significant details on topics presented on TV,
videos, newspapers, magazines, or e-mail

EVALUATION: The percentage breakdown is as follows:

15% Daily Interactions (participation, point sheets, daily classwork)
30% Assessments (Tests, quizzes, projects)
25% Literacy (Reading, writing, AWL)
20% Oral Communication
10% Homework

Grading Scale: 90 and above=A 80-89=B 70-79=C 60-69=D Below 60=F

REQUIRED TEXT/MATERIALS: Buen Viaje 3 textbook, Ana Maria Matute reading

book, spiral 3 subject notebook, folder, 1” binder with dividers, blue or black pen and a
red or colored pen for corrections.

ADDITIONAL COURSE INFORMATION This language course will be conducted

entirely in the target language. Students are required to speak Spanish in class.

Office Hours: I offer tutoring after school from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Tuesday in room 330.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: Per CPS’s attendance policy, “Students who have

unexcused absences in 20% [18 days] of the classes in a particular course during the
period for which a unit of credit is earned shall not pass the course and shall receive no
credit towards promotion.” Therefore, 18 days of such absence will result in failure of the

LATE AND /OR MISSING WORK: Per Senn High School’s late work policy, “Late
work is strongly discouraged. All assignments are important and serve to support
instruction. If an assignment is going to be late, the following applies. For each day
beyond the original due date, the maximum possible grade decreases by 10% with a
maximum grade of 70% on the third day, provided that the assignment would have
warranted a grade higher than 70% had it been turned in on time. After that, any
assignment turned in will be capped at 60% provided it would have earned a passing

ACADEMIC HONESTY: This course follows Senn High School’s policy of academic
honesty posted on Students caught plagiarizing or cheating will be reported,
receive no credit, and face possible further consequences.
-Personal and public identity
-Family and community
-Modern life
-Beauty and esthetics
-Science and technology
-World challenges
-environmental issues
-endangered species
-natural resources
-environmental disasters
-environmental concerns

- -structure (noun-adjectives-verb agreement) ;
-present tense of regular verbs ;
-reflexive verbs;
-verbs tener, ser, estar; stem-changing verbs
- Review preterit tense completely
- Introduce present subjunctive tense formation and uses
- Uses of subjunctive with nominal clauses
- Noun and article agreement (phonetic rules el agua, irregular noun agreement el
- Review imperfect tense completely
- Review uses of preterit and imperfect tense
- Uses of subjunctive with expressions of doubt and disbelief and with special verbs
(decir, escribir, pedir, rogar, mandar, etc.)
- Uses of subjunctive with expressions of emotions
- Uses and conjugations of gustar, faltar, ser, estar in present tense
- Special verbs with indirect object pronouns (asustar, encantar, enojar, enfurecer,
importar, etc.)
- Review the imperative tense completely– giving commands in the Tú and Ud.
- Hace vs. hacía
- Uses of acabar de infinitive
- Imperfect subjunctive
- Uses of subjunctive with relative clauses
- Uses of subjunctive with indefinite expressions
- Imperfect subjunctive
- Uses of subjunctive with relative clauses
- Uses of subjunctive with indefinite expressions
- Reflexive sentences (direct and indirect object pronouns)
-Cohesive devices
- Write a 250-300 word essay emphasizing the topics as stated above, using the
Writing Process
- Read and discuss authentic articles related to culturally relevant material
pertaining to the topics covered
- Converse formally and informally for 3 minutes in Spanish only
- Interpret and narrate a sequence of pictures
- Debate over a previously learned topic for 3 minutes
- Listen to authentic language selection on topics mentioned above and reflect in
the form of a discussion


Students are expected to follow three rules. Be respectful; be responsible; and be a


1. Be Respectful
 Treat all others with respect and dignity
 Follow school rules (dress code each day, wear ID, refrain from using cell
phones, iPods, CD players, and other electronic devices)
 Show respect for our purpose by acting in a manner designed to promote
academic achievement.
 Respect our classroom (refrain from marking, dirtying walls desks and
books, refrain from chewing gum and eating in the classroom).
2. Be Responsible
 Attend classes every day except for illness or family emergency,
 Arrive to class on time with all required materials; please enter quietly, be
seated, write down the bell ringer in notebook and take out your textbook
by the time the bell rings.
 Stay on task at all times, remain seated, and converse only in Spanish
 Accept responsibility for your behavior; and,
 Share responsibility in the action of any group or individuals with whom
you associate and become cooperative.

3. Be a Leader
 Improve your world by designing and completing community based
service learning,
 Develop interest and concern for global issues, as well as awareness of
your own responsibility at a local level
 Use appropriate language ; and,
 Do your own work on all assignments, including tests, projects, papers and
The purpose of these rules is to create a stress-free learning environment (please
keep a copy of these rules in your spiral notebook).


If you choose to break the rules…
 The teacher will give you two warnings (most likely gestures, facial
expressions or brief words and will lower your participation grade after
the second warning,
 If you continue, then the teacher will hand you a “después de clase” card
or slip paper. This card is asking you to please stop the bad behavior and
to speak to me after class. Your participation grade will drop to 50%.
Please do not argue with me during class
 A stress-free learning environment

Dear parent/ guardian,

It gives me great pleasure to welcome your child to my class. If you have any
questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. My contact information is
listed on the front of the syllabus. Please sign this form and have your child return the
bottom portion to me.

I look forward to an exciting year!

Mrs. Martha Pardo


I have read this information and understand the policies, procedures, and objectives of
this Spanish class.

_______________________________ _____________________(___________)
Parent/ guardian Name Please PRINT Parent/ guardian Signature (date)

_______________________________ _____________________(___________)
Student Name Please PRINT Student Signature (date)

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