Napa Valley Blaze Threatens Santa Rosa: Trump Dodged Income Taxes

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Sonoma County Niners line full
Harvest Fair wine of substitutes
competition runs roughshod
winners over Giants in
announced. A3 36-9 victory. B5




Napa Valley blaze

threatens Santa Rosa
Donald Trump

Report: Businesses said
they were losing money
over past two decades

WASHINGTON — President
Donald Trump paid $750 in fed-
eral income taxes in 2016 and the
same amount in 2017, and paid
no taxes at all in several previous
years, largely because his busi-
ness empire has reported losing
more money than it made, accord-
ing to a new report in The New
York Times.
In a story 18 KEY
posted Sunday INSIGHTS
afternoon, The Important things
Times said it to take away
had obtained from the New
tax-return data York Times
for Trump and report / B3
his businesses
PHOTOS BY KENT PORTER / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT covering much of the last two
A DC-10 air tanker drops retardant on the left flank of the Glass fire, which was moving toward Bell Hill reservoir, spotting over Crystal Springs decades. Trump has refused to
Road and running towards Silverado Trail on Sunday. The blazes forced evacuations to the eastern edge of Santa Rosa on Sunday night. release his tax returns — making
him the only president in recent
Winds prompt history to do so — and he went
to the Supreme Court earlier

orders to leave this year to stop Congress and

the Manhattan District Attorney

up to eastern from accessing them.

The Times story shows what

edge of city Trump would not: that the busi-

ness empire he brags about has
struggled, with keystone proper-
By TYLER SILVY ties such as the president’s Doral
AND BILL SWINDELL resort and his District of Colum-
THE PRESS DEMOCRAT bia hotel steadily losing money.

And that, in the next few years,
ind-driven flames were
burning on both sides TURN TO TRUMP » PAGE A2
of the Napa Valley late
Sunday night, menacing the
nation’s most expensive wine
region and forcing evacuations ELECTION 2020

all the way to the eastern edge
of Santa Rosa as they threat-
ened to burn over the slopes of

may have
Spring Mountain overnight into
Sonoma County.
Flames racing toward Santa

Rosa triggered a rapid succession
of evacuation orders late Sunday
night as emergency officials grew

increasingly nervous the fire
would spread through the hills
along Los Alamos Road all the
way to the eastern edge of the city.
Bumper-to-bumper traffic By JUSTIN SINK
clogged Highway 12 at the eastern A home burns in the Glass fire Sunday near St. Helena. AND TYLER PAGER
gateway to Santa Rosa as people BLOOMBERG NEWS SERVICE
fled, many with memories of the
2017 wildfires that killed 24 peo- Silverado Trail wineries in Napa Valley Democrat Joe Biden takes the

threatened during key part of harvest

ple and destroyed more than 5,300 stage at the first presidential
homes in Sonoma County three debate of 2020 on Tuesday star-
years ago next week. ing at an opponent, in President
People living east of Calistoga Donald Trump, who has unwit-
Road, from Highway 12 to Hoyer By BILL SWINDELL roadway and helicopters mountain ridges toward the tingly done him a big favor —
Drive, and areas east and south THE PRESS DEMOCRAT buzzed overhead. The pesky trail. Glass Mountain Road lowered expectations for Biden’s
of Highway 12 to roughly Pythian fire triggered a large billow of was a sea of orange. Fire- performance.
Road, including the Los Guilicos CALISTOGA — The Silver- smoke over a swath of prime fighters worked feverishly as The president has spent
Juvenile Justice Center campus, ado Trail on the last Sunday vineyard acreage at the most flames approached Duckhorn months painting Biden as
were ordered around 10 p.m. Sun- in September would typically inopportune time. and Boeschen Vineyards. sleepy, doddering and senile,
day to leave immediately. Short- be a place where well-heeled Starting before dawn and During the day, in front of a move that may have lowered
ly before 10:45 p.m., residents of tourists would enjoy late sea- until late Sunday afternoon, the Davis Estate, Doug Grand- the bar for Biden’s performance
Oakmont were ordered to evacu- son wine tastings and harvest firefighters were able to keep bois of Cal Fire was monitor- in the eyes of many voters who
ate. crews would be readying for the blaze at bay along the ing a crew of 50 firefighters will be seeing him on stage in
Firefighters massed in east the picks of Napa Valley’s king hills. They prevented it from along the ridge who were ac- Cleveland for the first time since
Santa Rosa late Sunday to de- fruit, cabernet sauvignon. encroaching notable wineries companied by bulldozers to the Democratic convention.
fend the Skyhawk subdivision as But on this Sunday there along the Silverado Trail, such create fire breaks to protect An even passable perfor-
flames burned toward the city. was none of it along the north as Rombauer Estates, Duck- the winery. Helicopters, which mance by the former vice presi-
The flames were racing through end of the trail, bordering the horn Vineyards and the Davis dangled large buckets from a dent might come off looking like
an area that had not been burned hills of the Vaca Range. By Estate, where the edge of the line, would swoop over near- a win in a debate that has tak-
in 2017, leaving a gap between the nightfall, the Glass fire was fire lingered on a hill about 100 by and douse hot spots. They en on outsize importance after
scars left by the Tubbs and Nuns perilously close to prime vine- yards above the winery. would then fly to nearby ponds covid-19 limited the candidates’
yards. However, by 7:30 p.m. wind
TURN TO FIRE » PAGE A6 Fire trucks sped along the gusts pushed flames down the TURN TO WINERIES » PAGE A7 TURN TO DEBATE » PAGE A2

Advice B13 Crossword B13 Legal notices B4 Movies B10 TIKTOK REPRIEVE: Judge delays Trump’s ban SANTA ROSA ©2020
Classified A6 Editorial A8 Lotto A2 People B13 on downloading the video app, giving room High 99, Low 55 The Press
Comics B12 Horoscopes B11 Nation-World B1 Sports B5 for company to transfer to US owners / B1 THE WEATHER, B14

Despite a furious assault
from firefighters in the air
and on the ground earlier
in the day, a fire that erupt-
ed on the eastern rim of the
Napa Valley early Sunday
morning chewed through
2,500 acres in a little more
than 15 hours and was burn-
ing out of control Sunday
The Glass fire — the sec-
ond in six weeks to fill the
skies of Napa Valley with
acrid smoke in the middle
of a hellish grape harvest
bedeviled by pandemic and
fire — burned numerous
structures and forced at
least 5,000 people in Napa
County alone to evacuate
their homes or prepare to
leave at a moment’s notice.
The fire broke out at 3:50
a.m. Sunday in the hills on
the eastern side of the valley
between St. Helena and Cal-
istoga, above the Silverado
Trail that carries thousands
of tourists every weekend to
sample wines grown in vine-
yards that sell for as much PHOTOS BY KENT PORTER / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT

as $1 million an acre. A firefighter battles the Glass fire Sunday night near St. Helena. The blaze had spread to 2,500 acres by the evening and threatened rapid expansion.
Late Sunday night, two
fires were burning on the the 200 block of North Fork the hills and prevented it
western side of the Napa Crystal Springs Road, was from encroaching to notable
Valley, on the slopes of not immediately known. wineries along the Silverado
Spring Mountain above St. The flames were con- Trail such as Rombauer Es-
Helena. It was not imme- fronted on the ground by a tates, Duckhorn Vineyards
diately clear whether they force of 865 firefighters and and the Davis Estate, where
were ignited by embers driv- bombed from the air by a the edge of the fire lingered
en over the valley by gusty fleet of aircraft, including on a hill about 100 yards
winds, or entirely new fires. the Cal Fire 747 Global Su- above the winery.
Fearing the fires would pertanker. By nightfall, though, as
push to the west, Sonoma Thompson planned to fly winds increased, and a fresh
County Sheriff’s Office or- back from Washington, D.C., start appeared on the west
dered residents near St. Hel- at 7 a.m. Monday — the first side of the Napa Valley, the
ena and Los Alamos roads to plane he could catch — to unknown lurked.
evacuate shortly before 8:30 begin assessing damage. Of- The fire comes as grow-
p.m. An hour later, Sonoma ficials on the ground said the ers try to wrap up the 2020
County expanded evacua- worst was yet to come. grape harvest, with much
tion orders all the way to the Strong offshore winds of the valley’s most expen-
eastern edge of Santa Rosa, were expected to reach as sive grapes, cabernet sauvi-
ordering people who live in high as 55 mph among the gnon, the last to be crushed.
the hills northeast of High- highest peaks of the Vaca Cal Fire firefighters remove a tree branch that fell on a Schell Vista engine on Crystal Springs And it creates another chal-
way 12 to leave immediately. Range, where the fire was Road Sunday near St. Helena. lenge to attract visitors to
The two fires — dubbed burning along the eastern the region’s critical tour-
the Shady and Boysen fires flank of the Napa Valley. factor alone, without the as the number of people and latest wildland fire North ism sector already hobbled
— burning on the western Even the 20 mph to 30 mph winds, would drive danger- businesses unplugged. Bay leaders have had to by COVID-19-related shut-
side of the Napa Valley, sustained winds should be ous fire behavior,” she said. The Glass fire also con- grapple with during this downs.
west of Highway 128 near enough to drive what fire- The conditions prompted tributed to increased smoke fire season, which featured On Sunday afternoon
Bothe-Napa Valley State fighters called “explosive, a red flag warning that took in the region, prompting the a glut of lightning-sparked along Highway 29, residents
Park, also threatened to dangerous growth” early effect Saturday night, and Bay Area Air Quality Man- fires in Sonoma and Napa parked their cars alongside
push east down toward St. Sunday morning. will stretch to 9 p.m. Monday agement District to extend counties and beyond, the the main Napa County thor-
Helena. Napa County emergen- at least. By 4 a.m. Sunday, its Spare the Air Alert into state’s largest fire — in Men- oughfare to capture photos
On the east side of the cy officials cleared a wide Pacific Gas and Electric had Monday. docino County — and now and videos of the Glass fire.
Napa Valley, the tiny com- berth in early evacuations, already cut power to 11,000 The warning, which bans this. Many stopped in front of the
munities of Deer Park and hopeful to not have to roust customers, and turned out wood burning and encour- The worst of the winds iconic Napa Valley sign that
Angwin were in the path residents from sleep in the the lights on 54,000 more ages residents to avoid un- — and weather — was yet welcomes guests “to this
of the Glass fire, as was the middle of the night, a tactic spanning 16 counties by 8 necessary travel, was first to come, National Weath- world famous wine growing
Adventist St. Helena Hos- that proved deadly when p.m. to ensure the utility’s issued Saturday, and hits an er Service meteorologist region.”
pital, long-since evacuated. the Tubbs fire roared into equipment didn’t spark fires area that has spent most of Brayden Murdock said. By nightfall, the only cars
Guests at the Meadowood Sonoma County from Napa amid the dangerous condi- the past six weeks enveloped Temperatures were expect- left were those fleeing the
Resort, a five-star luxury re- County three years ago. tions. in smoke. ed to remain high, into the flames. Thompson, whose
sort and spa above Silverado The winds this weekend Napa County customers The region was already 70s, overnight Sunday and son is a Napa County Sher-
Trail, were also ordered to weren’t expected to hit the were among those impacted. primed for poor air quality, would combine with winds iff’s deputy, and who has
leave. “hurricane force” mark set Officials in a news confer- according to forecasts post- expected to reach their peak many friends in the area,
“It’s terrible,” said U.S. in October 2017, but bone ence late Sunday said the ed Saturday, which predict- between midnight and 6 a.m. said this most recent blow
Rep. Mike Thompson, D-St. dry vegetation still put Napa utility received a request to ed wildfire smoke from the “It’s not a good time,” to his 5th Congressional Dis-
Helena, whose wife works leaders on high alert. power down some lines in lightning-sparked August Murdock said. “The major trict, is tough to swallow.
at the hospital. “It’s a phone Humidity levels in eleva- Napa County “to help with Complex fire in Mendoci- concern is humidity recov- “From the folks that I’ve
call you never want to re- tions in the fire area were as firefighting.” no County would combine ery, and unfortunately it talked to, I don’t think I’m
ceive. There are many people low as 0% — and kiln-dried PG&E did not respond to with high temperatures and doesn’t look like we’re going the only one who wishes
who are going to be harmed. wood is at 9%, said Janet multiple phone calls seeking weekend vehicle traffic to to see any recovery.” we could get 2020 behind
… It’s just a tragedy.” Upton, spokeswoman for information about the tim- cause unhealthy smog or Firefighters through Sun- us,” Thompson said. “We’ve
The cause of the Glass the Napa County Office of ing and cause of power out- ozone. day afternoon had been able been through a lot. It’s been
fire, which broke out near Emergency Services. “That ages in Napa County, as well The Glass fire is just the to keep the blaze at bay along a terrible, terrible year.”

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WINERIES “It’s kind of like eating

an elephant; it’s just one
bite at a time,” he said.
pens,” Martin said. “It’s
like what we have done
throughout this whole
CONTINUED FROM A1 The Rombauer winery, thing.”
which is noted for its world- The one place where
to pick up more water and class chardonnay, had not there was a significant
circle back in a loop. sustained any damage on crowd was along Highway
The terrain above Davis the property as of Sunday 29, where residents parked
Estate was so steep bull- at 5 p.m., said Carrie Reed, their cars along the side
dozers could not get to winery spokeswoman. of the main Napa County
certain areas, so Cal Fire Crews could be seen busi- thoroughfare Sunday af-
had to rely on firefighters ly putting out nearby hot ternoon to capture photos
on the ground working in spots. and videos of the Glass
heat that approached 100 Overall, 64 Napa Val- fire. Many stopped in front
degrees. ley wineries are located of the iconic Napa Valley
“I’m just standing here within the evacuation or sign welcoming guests “to
as a lookout, so in case evacuation warning areas, this world famous wine
something stupid happens according to Napa County growing region.”
here that they don’t burn Office of Emergency Ser- Jim Morris, vice presi-
up my crews,” Grandbois vices. dent of estate management
said. The fire comes at a time at Charles Krug Winery in
The big concern was when Napa County winer- St. Helena, noted the irony
wind direction. “I just ies have begun to pick their KENT PORTER / THE PRESS DEMOCRAT of people posing in front of
don’t want them to commit cabernet sauvignon, the A tanker drops above Davis Winery on Silverado Trail during the Glass fire on Sunday near the sign since tourism has
too far in without having priciest grape in the United St. Helena. The fire comes at a critical time in the wine industry’s fall harvest. suffered greatly this year
secured (an escape) behind States. Last year, the aver- as a result of the corona-
them,” he said. “If (the age value of the fruit was Management in Napa told fire in August. Early in the protect multimillion-dollar virus pandemic and wild-
wind) pushes it downhill, about $8,000 per ton. Worth magazine in a Sep- day, at least one vineyard estates from burning. fires.
we will just change tactics And if Glass fire flames tember 2019 article. along the Silverado Trail In nearby St. Helena, “Nothing says Wine
… that’s the last resort at destroy any of these Wine On Sunday night as the had shriveled fruit hang- there appeared to be few Country vacation like a
the moment.” Country vineyards in Napa winds intensified, the big ing from the vine. tourists. Market restau- photo in a conflagration,”
Grandbois was encour- it could cause outlandish concern among Napa vint- The trail was eerily quiet rant on Main Street had a Morris wrote in an Insta-
aged the helicopters were property losses. Consider ners is how much damage outside of fire emergency “fair amount” of cancella- gram post.
able to get out early in the that planted vineyards in will be done to grapevines vehicles and private fire tions for brunch, but so far
morning to start fighting Napa can sell for $350,000 and how smoke taint will crews. The private crews none for dinner, general You can reach Staff Writer
the fire that ignited about to $1 million an acre, while affect the crop, especially have become more ubiqui- manager Michael Martin Bill Swindell at 707-521-
4 a.m., and the fact that such acreage in Sonoma since some vineyards al- tous in the area in recent said. 5223 or bill.swindell@
vineyards usually serve as County goes for $85,000 to ready suffered grape dam- years. They’re hired by in- “We’re just going to roll On
natural firebreaks. $300,000, Atlas Vineyard age from the Hennessey surance companies to help through and see what hap- Twitter @BillSwindell.

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