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Part 1 The framework created by Professor Sidney Gray in

Part 1 The framework created by Professor Sidney Gray in 1988 to explain the development of
a country's accounting system is presented in the chapter in Exhibit 2.8. Gray theorized that
culture has an impact on a country's accounting system through its influence on accounting
values. Focusing on that part of a country's accounting system comprised of financial reporting
rules and practices, the model can be visualized as follows:Required:Discuss the implications
for the global convergence of financial reporting standards raised by Gray's model.PART
IIAlthough Gray's model relates cultural values to the accounting value of conservatism as it is
embodied in a country's financial reporting rules, it can be argued that the model is equally
applicable to the manner in which a country's accountants apply those rules:Required:Discuss
the implications this argument has for the comparability of financial statements across countries,
even in an environment of substantial international accounting convergence. Identify areas in
which differences in cultural dimensions across countries could lead to differences in the
application of financial reporting rules.PART IIICancan Enterprises Inc. is a Canadian-based
company with subsidiaries located in Brazil, Korea, and Sweden. (Hofstede's cultural dimension
index scores for these countries are presented in Exercise 4.) Cancan Enterprises must apply
Canadian GAAP worldwide in preparing consolidated financial statements. Cancan has based
on Canadian GAAP that are to be applied by all the company's operations. Each year Cancan's
internal auditors have the responsibility of ensuring that the company's accounting policies have
been applied consistently companywide.Required:Discuss the implications that the model
presented in Part II of this case has for the internal auditors of Cancan Enterprises in carrying
out their responsibilities.View Solution:
Part 1 The framework created by Professor Sidney Gray in


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