Skyblock Lounge Carrier Guide.: Foreword

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SkyBlock Lounge Carrier Guide.


The carrier team is at the forefront of representing and operating SkyBlock

Lounge’s most key feature. We provide the service team a platform where
customer meets carrier, for free. We don’t take any cuts or bene ts from the
service team. Always make sure your actions and behaviour re ect that of
our o cial rulebook. Be respectful, calm and friendly, it’s your behaviour that
people will remember when they think of SkyBlock Lounge. Thanks for
choosing to carry here and being part of a wonderful community. 

Regards from TheEmeraldElytra (SkyBlock Lounge Founder).

Service Team Roles.

At the current time, the service team roles are purely cosmetic and act
to separate the di erent catacombs levels of our carriers.

❖ Certi ed Carrier (Catacombs 30+)

❖ Quali ed Carrier (Catacombs 27-29) 

❖ Junior Carrier (Catacombs 24-26)

If your role needs updating, please make a support ticket in #support-

and-info and request your role change.

Carrier Rules.

➤ Nickname System. All members of the carrier team must be

nicknamed in the format [Catacombs Level] In-Game Name. You have
permissions to change your own nickname.

➤ Claiming Tickets. You are required to claim a ticket if you want to

take it. You may only claim the ticket once the ticket client has joined
your carry party and answered the questions.

➤ Sniping Tickets. You are not allowed to attempt to take a ticket

once claimed rightfully by someone. If the ticket is unclaimed or the
carrier relinquishes the ticket, you are then allowed to take it.
Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.
Carrier Rules - Continued.

➤ Scamming. It’s not worth scamming, the coins you could make by
doing carries could be way more. Scamming clients will result in being
banned, blacklisted and shamed on our server as well as partnered
servers (Dungeon Gang, SkyBlock Stock Brokers).

➤ Follow the Rules and Protocol. You must follow all protocol
mentioned in this guide and in sta information and announcement
channels. You are also required to abide by our o cial rulebook.

➤ Delete tickets not close. When nishing up a ticket, please do not

close the ticket, delete it instead. (Do /delete in the ticket)

➤ You must log carries. You are required to log every carry you
complete. Follow the format and log it in #log-your-carry.

➤ Only complete what you can. Only take tickets you know you can
con dently complete based on how many people you are carrying,
what oor you’re carrying and the score the client ordered.

SkyBlock Lounge Carry Service Policies.

These policies outline your rights as a carrier when dealing with issues
arising in carries and with the customer.

★ If the client is the solely responsible for getting a lower score than
what they ordered, you aren’t obligated to rerun or refund. You have the
option to out of the kindness of your heart but it is not required.

★ If you or a game glitch or people in your party that you invited or

obtained using party nder make the run fail or be below the score of
what the client ordered, you are required to refund or rerun for free.

★ You have the right to refuse service and close the ticket if the client is
excessively rude, demanding or impatient. If their posts violate the
rules, please ping a moderator in the channel. Please note, you must
refund them if you choose to terminate the service.

★ The client must pay in full before the run starts.

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Q) Can I carry more than one person?

A) If you can, then you may carry more than one person at a time.

Q) Am I allowed to charge more or less for carries?

A) You are allowed to charge below our xed prices but charging
customers over our set prices is not permitted.

Q) Do we give discounts for bulk orders?

A) No, we o cially do not support that and the prices are xed. You
may personally o er a discount to the person for bulk orders though.

Q) How do I get a new carrier role or change my nickname?

A) If your carrier role needs updating, please make a support ticket. If

you want to update your catacombs level, you have permission to
change your own nickname.

Q) Where can I nd the carry prices?

A) You can nd the xed carry prices at #prices-and-information.

Q) Where do I customise my ticket ping roles?

A) Customise your ticket ping roles in #protocols-and-info.

Ticket Icons.

⚫ - Unclaimed Floor 7 Ticket.

🔴 - Unclaimed Floor 6 Ticket.
🟠 - Unclaimed Floor 5 Ticket.
🟡 - Unclaimed Floor 4 Ticket.
🟣 - Unclaimed Floor 3 Ticket.
🔵 - Unclaimed Floor 2 Ticket.
🟢 - Unclaimed Floor 1 Ticket.
🔒 - Closed Ticket.
📌 - Claimed Ticket. 

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

Punishment Strike System.

We have low tolerance for failure to follow terms of service, rules and
our protocol guide.

If you are found to have violated the protocol, rules or terms of service
you will be mentioned in #punishment-strikes attached with the reason.

There are no consequences with your rst strike. But note it’s one
strike, then you’re out. Consider it your only warning. Violate the terms,
rules or protocol again and then you get terminated.

Severe o ences may result in an instant termination.

Before you Start Carrying.

Step One.
Change your nickname using /nick in a text channel to change your
nickname to the format of [CatacombsLevel] Username.

And only this, no [B24], [8.4], or anything that violates the above.

Step Two.
Read the entirety of this guide.

Yes, it’s long. Yes, you must read all of it.

This guide is here to make you informed and educated so you don’t get
terminated for not following something that was written here…

Step Three.
Select the oors you would like to be pinged for.

Head to the #protocols-and-info channel and react to the emotes

corresponding to the oors you want to be pinged when a new ticket is
made. You can nd what the di erent colours represent under the

Ticket Icons sections in this guide. Make sure you only select what you
know you can con dently carry at. Simply unreact to stop the pings.

It is not compulsory to select ping roles but it can be helpful.

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

The O cial Carry Protocol.
Procedure that every carry must follow.

Step One - Finding a Ticket.

Find a ticket that you would like to operate the carry for.

The ticket must not be 🔒 closed or 📌 claimed.

Here is an example of what a ticket you can take looks like:

If there are carriers discussing who gets to take the ticket in the
channel, come to an agreement and negotiate who can take it.
Once they have agreed for you to take it, proceed to step 2.

Step Two - Claiming the Ticket.

To claim the ticket you must ensure two things happen rst.

1. The client has answered the set of questions.

Ask them to answer if they forgot / ignored it.

2. The client is in your party on Hypixel.

If both these requirements have been met, claim the ticket by

doing /claim in the channel or reacting to the 📌 emote at the

Have to go? Can’t do the carry anymore? Don’t want the

ticket? Give up the ticket by doing /unclaim in the ticket.

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

Step Three - Collecting Payment.

Payment must be upfront. The client is required to pay the full

carry price before the carry commences.

Collect this now.

Ask the client if they are okay with being warped, when they
are, warp them to your lobby and collect the full payment.

If the client refuses to pay upfront (such as half-half) direct

them to the upfront payment policy. If they still refuse, you can
terminate service or take their o er.

SkyBlock Lounge is in no way responsible for any scams or
losses occurring from non-following of upfront payment.

Step Four - Organising your party.

It’s time to organise your dungeons party if you haven’t already.

There are multiple ways this could be done and it’s up to you.

✦ Get people from the party nder to help the carry or simply
ll up space in the party to start the dungeons.

✦ Ask a friend or other carriers to join in on the carry. (Split

payment with them is to be discussed with them yourself).

✦ Carry multiple customers at once. You can carry multiple

customers at once if you are absolutely sure you are con dent
and capable. (Other customers must have gone through the
same ticket process as stated above).

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

Step Five - Doing the Carry.

This step is simply performing what the client ordered.

Make sure to get the correct oor and score as wanted.

You might want to be considerate and work with the client

before the run to outline how they can achieve their milestones
and what to do to stay alive during the dungeon and boss.

If the carry fails due to you, glitch or client the service

terms are under the service policies section.

Step Six - Ending the Carry.

Thank the client for using SkyBlock Lounge and disband the
party. You can choose to also send a thank you message and
remind the client to leave you a review in #carry-service-
reviews in the ticket. Do not close / delete the ticket yet.

Step Seven - Logging the Carry.

Head to the channel #log-your-carry.

Send a one-lined message following this exact format.

Floor Number. Ticket (Number). It should look like this:


Step Eight - Deleting the Ticket.

Simply head to your ticket and type /delete.

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.

Extra Carrier Information.

Activity Levels.
At minimum, you should be completing one carry a week. If you do
not meet this minimum you are at a high risk of being purged.

Reporting a Carrier.
If you witness a carrier breaking the rules or protocol, please ping a
moderator in the ticket. If the ticket has been deleted, please ping
a moderator in service team chat and provide as much evidence
and detail as you possibly can.

Questions, Comments, Concerns.

If you have further questions which are not answered in this guide,
you may create a support ticket in #support-centre or ask your
fellow colleagues and sta in #service-team-chat.

Finally done! You can carry now.

I can understand how this was a pain to read but trust me, it was
much more of a pain to write… 😅

This document is subject to be updated at any given time. It is your

responsibility to ensure you have the latest copy which will always
be obtainable in #protocols-and-info.

Edition 2 - 27th December 2020

End of Carrier Protocol.

Written by TheEmeraldElytra for SkyBlock Lounge.


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