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University Training Manual

Version 10.1
October 2017

Introduction to

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Table of Contents 3

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4

Where to Find Additional Help ................................................................................................ 4

Launching PRO/II ..................................................................................................................... 5

Setting the Input Units of Measure ........................................................................................15

Defining the Components.......................................................................................................20

Selecting the Thermodynamic Method ..................................................................................24

Building the Process Flow Diagram ......................................................................................28

Supplying Process Stream Data ............................................................................................29

Supplying Process Unit Operations Data..............................................................................37

Using Specification and Define Features ..............................................................................44

Running the Simulation ..........................................................................................................47

PRO/II Files ..............................................................................................................................52

Generating Output ..................................................................................................................53

Lab Exercises
Chiller Plant – Part 1 ...............................................................................................................62

Chiller Plant – Part 2 ...............................................................................................................75

Chiller Plant – Part 3 ...............................................................................................................81

Chiller Plant – Part 4 ...............................................................................................................86

Naphtha Assay – Part 1 ..........................................................................................................95

Naphtha Assay – Part 2 ........................................................................................................102

Introduction to PRO/II
4 Course Introduction

PRO/II is Schneider-Electric Software's process design simulator, a product of four generations
of development. Like its predecessors, PRO/II is a steady-state heat and material balance
simulator - only better. PRO/II delivers rigorous and comprehensive engineering power in an
intuitive user environment. The super-responsive graphical user interface gives PRO/II the
flexibility of a true Windows™ environment. PRO/II helps you solve the widest range of industry
applications with the greatest ease.

Where to Find Additional Help

Online Help
PRO/II comes with online help, a comprehensive online reference tool that accesses
information quickly. In Help, commands, features, and data fields are explained in easy
steps. Answers are available instantly, online, while you work. You can access the
electronic contents for Help by selecting Help | Contents. Context-sensitive help is
accessed by clicking HELP, <F1> key, or the What is Help icon by placing the cursor in the
area in question.

SimSci Training
Launching PRO/II 5

Launching PRO/II
To initiate a PRO/II session, select Start | SimSci PROII 10.1.
PRO/II 10.1 opens, and a Welcome to PRO/II window appears (default), describing
how colors indicate data entry status.

Note: Depending on the version of PRO/II, screens may look different, but the content is
still the same.

Figure 1: Welcome to PRO/II Window

 Click OK.
 Select the File tab or the PRO/II Start icon.

Introduction to PRO/II
6 Launching PRO/II

From the File tab / PRO/II Start icon:

• New to initialize a new simulation
• Open to open an existing simulation
• Delete to delete an existing simulation
• Copy to a copy of an existing simulation
• Import to load a keyword input file into PRO/II
• Run Batch to run an existing keyword input file or
simulation .prz file directly without loading it into PRO/II
• Exit to leave the program

Other File options include: a list of recently used files, selecting from the list opens the file
selected and the ability to import tag data from a text based raw file or from a server.
All File functions can be accessed by key strokes:
Clicking <ALT+FI> selects File, then clicking the underlined letter on the menu item selects
that option.
For example: clicking <ALT+FI, N> selects New from the File tab.

SimSci Training
Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment 7

Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment

The visual engineering of PRO/II makes building a simulation easy. Functional colors, tabs, and
picture icons guide you every step of the way. Online references refresh your memory on
equations and guidelines. And if you encounter trouble, Help is available when you need it.

Default Display
When a PRO/II file is opened, a number of default windows appear. The main window, known
as the Process Flow Diagram (PFD), is your primary workspace. This window forms the
interface between you and the PRO/II program. This is where you will build and run all your
simulations, as well as open files, save the current data, or exit the program.
You will use all the familiar Windows features such as multiple views, toolbar icons, tabs,
menus, windows, drop-down lists and hotkeys.

Title Bar


PFD Palette


Process Flow Diagrams (PFD)

Figure 1: PRO/II PFD

The Default Display consists of the:

• PRO/II Ribbon
• PFD (Process Flow Diagram)
• PFD Palette (if toggled on)
• Messages window (if toggled on)
• Plots window (if toggled on)

Introduction to PRO/II
8 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment

PRO/II Ribbon
Below the title bar of the main PRO/II window is the PRO/II Ribbon. All the commands are
available through the icons on the tab bar. There are twelve tabs described in Table 1.

Table 1: PRO/II Tabs

Tab Main Functions

Express Most commonly used icons. Found in other tabs below.

File File operations: Open, Close Save, Import, etc.

Edit Manipulate objects on the main window. Visually editing.

Input Add input data - all data may be entered from this tab

Run Run operations: Run, Step, Pause, etc.

Output Define, create and view simulation output

Tools Flash streams, Binary VLE curves, Output to spreadsheet

Draw Add text, lines, or objects to the drawing

View Specify what appears on the main window

Options Customize the working environment

Window Create and manage views on the flowsheet diagram

Help Access the on-line help functions and training

SimSci Training
Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment 9

File Tab

Edit Tab

Input Tab

Run Tab

Output Tab

Introduction to PRO/II
10 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment

Tools Tab

Draw Tab

View Tab

Options Tab

Window Tab

Help Tab

For more details on each icon, select the Help tab and use What is Help or the Online Help.

SimSci Training
Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment 11

Data Entry Windows

PRO/II provides windows that allow you to enter data in a logical manner. Throughout this
workbook, you will see examples of data entry windows. Within these windows, there are many
different types of data entry devices including check boxes, radio buttons and drop-down lists.
Grayed buttons indicate that the feature is not currently available.

Table 2: Data Entry Window Buttons

Button Description

OK All data is saved and the current window is closed.

OK to PFD All data is saved and all windows are closed. Available only 2+ level

Cancel All data entered or modified is lost, and the current window is closed.

Cancel to PFD All data entered or modified is lost, and all windows are closed. Available
only 2+ level windows.

Help Displays context sensitive help for the active data entry field, or for the
window itself (if there is no active field).

Overview Displays the main help window for the data entry window.

Status Displays the results of the data consistency checks performed for the main

Notes User may add personal annotations for the selected unit operation or

UOM Selects a units of measure set for the selected data entry field.

Define References one unit parameter value to another stream or unit parameter.

Range Displays the valid range of values for the active data entry field.

Color Cues
PRO/II uses color cues to inform you of the status of your simulation. Colors are used to
• Completeness of data supplied for units, streams and overall simulation parameters
• Real-time execution status of each of the unit operations

The significance of the colors while working with PRO/II are summarized below:

Introduction to PRO/II
12 Exploring the PRO/II Desktop Environment

Figure 2: Example of Various Color Cues

Table 3: Color Significance during Data Entry

Color Significance
Red Required data
Green Default Data
Blue Data you have supplied or modified
Yellow Questionable data; supplied data value is outside the
normal range
Gray Data field is not available
Black Data entry is option

Table 4: Color Significance during Execution

Color Significance
Pale Green Unit operation has not been calculated
Green Unit operation is being calculated
Blue Unit operation has been solved
Yellow ** Unit operation has been solved but with notable warnings
Red Unit operation has failed
Magenta Unit operation is at a breakpoint
** In other terms, heat and material balances have been solved, but there may be warnings for
physical measurements or other situations that the user may need to check out.

Shading is used to indicate which units are selected in a simulation and also if units or streams
have been copied.

PFD Palette
PRO/II provides a PFD palette, which you can add unit operations and streams to the flowsheet.
The PFD Palette is arranged into tabs, grouping icons by type. Default tabs include:
• General • Batch
• Pressure Change • Utilities
• Column • Miscellaneous
• Reactors • User-Added
• Heat Exchangers • Classic
• Solid

SimSci Training
Simulation Made Easy 13

Simulation Made Easy

In this section, you will learn how to set up simulations, run them, and analyze the results with
PRO/II. When setting up a simulation, you can supply data in a number of ways. The color
codes in PRO/II alert you when data is required, marking the pathway towards a completed

A Systematic Approach
Because some options depend on others, you should establish a routine, logical approach for
entering the data. For instance, you cannot enter the stream composition or composition-based
process specifications before declaring the components in the process. You may want to
change the input set of units of measure before entering user-defined components and streams.
All calculations hinge on your choice of thermodynamic methods.
When using PRO/II to develop a simulation, we recommend that you follow the steps below.
However, do note that as it is a good practice to start simple and add complexity, as this
process may be iterative.

1 2 3
Define the
Set the Units of Select the
Measure Components

4 5 6
Specify the Stream Specify the Unit
Build the Flowsheet
Data Operation Data

Run the Simulation and View the Results

1. Set the Units of Measure

Almost every quantity has a unit of measure. The global default for units of measure set is
English. You can change this set for an individual simulation, or modify the global default to
change the set for the current and all future simulations. You may also locally override individual
dimensional units in data entry windows.

Introduction to PRO/II
14 Simulation Made Easy

2. Select the Components

You can directly define your components by typing their library component names, by selecting
from lists of chemicals, or by entering user-defined components such as,:
• solids with associated particle size distributions
• polymer components.
You can also generate pseudocomponents from entered petroleum stream assay data.

3. Define the Thermodynamic Method

Selecting the proper thermodynamic methods is a critically important step in the solution of a
simulation problem. For most problems, a predefined set of thermodynamic methods for
calculating K-values, enthalpies, entropies, and densities may be used. PRO/II offers numerous
categories of method sets. Normally you will want to use one of the thermodynamic systems in
the list of Most Commonly Used methods.

4. Build the PFD

Create your process flow diagram (PFD) by selecting and positioning the unit operations. Next,
draw the feed and product streams for each unit. Often a product stream from one unit is the
feed stream to another unit. Entering such streams connects the flowsheet together and
establishes the transfer of information within the simulation.

Provide the Process Conditions:

5. Supply Process Stream Data

For feed streams, you must supply thermal conditions, flowrates, and compositions for all
external feed streams to the flowsheet. It is usually desirable, although not necessary, to
provide estimated data for recycle streams to speed convergence of recycle calculations.

6. Supply Process Unit Data

Supply process data for each unit in your flowsheet. Unit operation identifiers for which data
entries are needed are marked with red borders. To enter information for a unit operation,
double-click its icon to open the Unit data entry window.

7. Run the Simulation and View the Results

Before you try to execute the simulation, check that there are no red-bordered fields or red
linked text. If all the borders are blue, green, or black on the toolbar icons, unit operation labels,
and stream labels, then you have supplied enough information to run the flowsheet.
The main portion of the output with all details is contained in the output (*.out) file. You can view
your results in a variety of ways ranging from plots and tables to pop-up windows with values for
each stream and unit.

Note: The following chapters will explain each of these steps in extensive detail.

SimSci Training
Setting the Input Units of Measure 15

Setting the Input Units of Measure

Almost every item of data entered in PRO/II will have Units of Measure. For simplicity, the Units
of Measure in PRO/II have been arranged into three standard pre-defined Sets: English, Metric,
and SI. The user selects the set that best represents the majority of what is to be used in the
simulation, and then over-ride individual pre-defined units to match the exact needs. For
example, you may select the Metric Set and override the Celsius temperature unit to Kelvin.
You can set the units of measure on a global, simulation, or field level.

Simulation Defaults
As stated above, the most efficient way to enter data involves setting the input units of
measure for the active single simulation, and then changing the units of measure for a
specific field to match, as necessary.

 To change the default units of measure set for a simulation, select Input | Units of
Measure to open Default Units of Measure for Problem Data Input.

Figure 1: Default UOM for Problem Data Input Window

 To change the default set, click Initialize from UOM Library, select a set, and click
 Make any changes to individual units, as desired.

Introduction to PRO/II
16 Setting the Input Units of Measure

You can also use this window to override the Standard Conditions, True Vapor Pressure (TVP)
Temperature Basis, and Reid Vapor Pressure (RVP) Calculation Method.

Default Flowrate Basis

You can select a default flowrate/composition basis for the flowsheet. The selected basis is
applied to newly added streams and unit operations or those for which input data is not given. If
a rate basis is specified locally for an individual stream or unit operation that is different from the
default basis for the rate or composition, the local option will override this Default Flow Rate
Basis for Problem Data Input option.

UOM Library
You can define and save your own sets by selecting Options | Units of Measure
Lists. You can also create your own set starting from an existing set.

Figure 2: Units of Measure Library

Global Defaults
By default, the standard English set is the global default used to start each simulation. You can
change this global default with your own modified set so that every subsequent simulation starts
with that set.

 Select Options | Simulation Defaults | Units of Measure.

 Select your set from the list.

SimSci Training
Setting the Input Units of Measure 17

Figure 3: Default Sets of Units of Measure

Output Units of Measure

Normally, the output report is in the same units as the input set. However, you may define a
different set of units for the simulation output.

 Select Options | Simulation Defaults | Units of Measure and select from the lists.

If you do want the output to be displayed in a different set of units, it is good practice to change
the input unit set as well, to allow for easier verification of the correctness of your input data.

 Select Same as Input for the First Output and your required output set for the
Second Output.

Changing the UOM for a Single Field

When entering data in a data entry window, you can still enter individual data items in any
appropriate unit.

 Place the cursor in the field for the item whose units you want to change.
 Click UOM on the toolbar to open Convert Units of Measure.

Here you can choose to change the units and retain the value you entered in the field, or to
convert the value to the new units.

Introduction to PRO/II
18 Setting the Input Units of Measure

Figure 4: Convert Units of Measure Window

Notice, however, that the next time you open the data entry window the value will be converted
to the set unit of measure.

Standard Sets
The units of measure in the standard sets are shown below:

Table 1: Standard Units of Measure

English Metric SI

Temperature °F °C K

Pressure psia kg/cm2 kPa

Time hr hr hr

Weight lb kg kg

Liquid Volume ft3 m3 m3

Vapor Volume ft3 m3 m3

Petroleum Density API gravity kg/m3 kg/m3

Velocity ft/sec m/sec m/sec

Energy Btu kcal kJ

Duty 106 Btu/hr 106 kcal/hr 106 kJ/hr

Work hp kW kW

Length ft m m

Fine Length in mm mm

Heat Transfer Coefficient Btu/hr-ft2-°F kcal/hr-m2-°C kW/m2-K

Viscosity cp cp Pa-sec

Kinematic Viscosity centistoke centistoke centistoke

SimSci Training
Setting the Input Units of Measure 19

Kinematic Viscosity centistoke centistoke centistoke

Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-°F kcal/hr-m-°C W/m-K

Surface Tension dyne/cm dyne/cm N/m

Thermal Conductivity Btu/hr-ft-°F kcal/hr-m-°C W/m-K

Surface Tension dyne/cm dyne/cm N/m

The standard vapor conditions for each set are shown below:

Table 2: Standard Vapor Conditions

English Metric SI

Temperature 60 °F 0 °C 237.15 K

Pressure 14.696 psia 1.0332 kg/cm2 101.32 kPa

Volume 379.48 ft3/lb mol 22.414 m3/kmol 22.414 m3/kmol

Introduction to PRO/II
20 Defining the Components

Defining the Components

Types of Components
In PRO/II, you may enter the chemical species, or components, that exist in the flowsheet in
multiple ways:
• As library components
• As petroleum components (or an assay curve)
• As polymer components
• As user-defined components, including:
o As solid components
o As electrolyte components

Library Components
The PRO/II component libraries provide easy automatic access to property data for nearly 2000
pure components. When running a simulation, you can retrieve the thermophysical properties
for a library component from the PRO/II database simply by using an access name or alias.
Many components have more than one alias.
For example, you can retrieve information on methane, using any of the following commonly
used names:
• C1
• CH4
PRO/II contains extensive component databanks as well as comprehensive methods for
component property prediction. In general when PRO/II retrieves component data from one of
its libraries, it also retrieves the necessary component properties to successfully complete your
simulation. If PRO/II has incomplete property information for a particular component, you can
either “fill in the gaps” with established property prediction methods that are based on structural
data or input your own component property data.

To add components to your simulation:

 Select Input | Component Selection.
 Select desired components.

SimSci Training
Defining the Components 21

Figure 1: Component Selection Window

If you do not know the exact name or alias of a desired component, you can click Select from
Lists and search through the available lists. This window lists the components available in a
user databank as well as those in the PRO/II supplied databanks, as shown in Figure 2.

Reordering Component List

Component lists can be re-ordered via the Reorder List buttons on the right-side of
Component Selection.
Reordering can done in 3 ways:
1. Top, Up, Down or Bottom to manually reorder as desired.
2. NBP or MW to automatically reorder by ascending normal boiling point or molecular
3. Internal to automatically reorder based on the internal component order used by

Note: If components are entered for the first time, the user must click OK and reopen
Component Selection to use NBP, MW, and Internal.

Introduction to PRO/II
22 Defining the Components

Figure 2: Component Selection – List/Search Window

The PRO/II component library is actually a composite of several established databanks.

Table 1: Pure Component Databanks

Bank Description

PROCESS The PROCESS pure component databank. Provides for upward

compatibility with PROCESS and versions of PRO/II prior to v. 3.01.

SIMSCI The SIMSCI pure component databank.

BioLib A library of fatty acids and fatty acid esters.

DIPPR The AIChE DIPPR databank. Yearly updates are provided with PRO/II.

OLI The OLI databank, available as an optional PRO/II add-on.

bankid Your own databank, created and maintained through TDM.

 To change the order in which PRO/II searches for your components: In the
Component Selection window, click Databank Hierarchy.

By default, PRO/II searches the SIMSCI databank first and the PROCESS databank second. All
the components in the PROCESS databank are in the SIMSCI databank.

SimSci Training
Defining the Components 23

Petroleum Components
A component breakdown for petroleum based streams, such as crude oil, is difficult to obtain,
because they contain thousands of distinct compounds. Usually these hydrocarbon streams are
characterized in terms of laboratory test data (known as assay data). This typically includes
distillation data, gravity data, and an analysis of the low-boiling pure components (the lightends).
PRO/II derives a set of petroleum components from this assay data by using industry standard
characterization techniques. These derived components are used to model the streams given
by assay data. This technique is discussed later.
PRO/II allows you to enter individual petroleum components. These are represented as cuts or
sections of a hydrocarbon stream with defined average boiling points, specific gravities, and
other thermophysical properties.
You can define individual components as petroleum components by specifying at least two of
the following three properties for each component:
• Normal boiling point
• Gravity
• Molecular weight

Introduction to PRO/II
24 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method

Selecting the Thermodynamic Method

Selecting the appropriate thermodynamic method for your flowsheet is a critically important
decision. If you choose a thermodynamic system that cannot accurately model the phase
behavior of the process, the simulation results will be invalid.
Inappropriate choice of thermodynamic model is the largest single source of error in process
simulation, and it is always a good idea to verify your selection of a thermodynamic system by
comparing simulation results with actual plant operating data.
Since it is not possible to develop a single thermodynamic method to model all chemicals under
all conditions, PRO/II uses several different models. Each works well in some situations and
poorly in others. It is up to you to select the most appropriate methods for your particular
simulation. Polar components at high pressure should not be simulated with a thermodynamic
method that was designed to model low pressure hydrocarbons. Just because a computer
reports convergence to great precision does not mean you should believe that the answers
accurately model your actual process.
Use your experience and engineering judgment to check that results are reasonable.

Properties and Systems

PRO/II offers numerous methods for calculating thermodynamic properties. Generally you must
select methods for calculating these thermodynamic properties:
• Equilibrium K-values
• Enthalpies
• Entropies
• Densities
In PRO/II, thermodynamic methods are arranged into systems. When you choose a
thermodynamic system, PRO/II will provide default methods for each of these thermodynamic
properties. You may override these defaults.
For example, if the Soave-Redlich-Kwong thermodynamic system is selected, the default liquid
density method is API. You may replace this with another method, for example, Lee-Kesler,
should you feel Lee-Kesler will predict the liquid densities more accurately.

 Select Input | Thermo, which is outlined in red to show that data is required.
 Select a Category, then a Primary Method.
 Clicking Add to transfer your choice to the Defined Systems list.

SimSci Training
Selecting the Thermodynamic Method 25

Figure 1: Thermodynamic Data Window

The thermodynamic methods available in PRO/II may be classified into seven categories:
• Ideal methods
• Generalized correlations
• Equations of state
• Liquid activity methods
• Special packages
• Electrolytes
• Polymers

Ideal Methods
Ideal methods calculate the mixture properties as weighted sums of the pure component
properties. Each component’s contribution is proportional to its quantity in the mixture. While
ideal methods often provide good approximations for enthalpies and densities, more
sophisticated methods are almost always required for K-values.

Generalized Correlations
Generalized correlations are empirical or semi-empirical methods, mostly based on the principle
of corresponding states. They generally do not contain any adjustable binary parameters and
are primarily useful for nonpolar hydrocarbon mixtures. Examples of generalized correlations
include the Braun K-10 (BK-10) and Grayson-Streed (GS) methods.

Introduction to PRO/II
26 Selecting the Thermodynamic Method

Equations of State (EOS)

Equations of state are mathematical expressions relating the density, temperature, pressure,
and composition of a fluid. From an equation of state, you can calculate component K-values as
well as the departures of enthalpy and entropy from their ideal gas values. Well-known
examples of equations of state are the ideal gas law and the Van der Waals equation. More
modern equations of state include the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) and Peng-Robinson (PR)
equations. These equations often involve the use of binary interaction parameters (usually
denoted by kij) to account for interactions between different components. These parameters
may be:
• Obtained from PRO/II’s databanks or internal estimation techniques
• Supplied by the user
• Fit to experimental data
• Estimated by one of the following, user selected fill options:
o Gao
o Chueh and Prausnitz Hydrocarbon Fill
o Fill by PPR78
• By group contribution methods with Predictive PR 78 and Predictive SRK

The basic SRK and PR equations are useful for systems of non-polar hydrocarbons; more
sophisticated modifications are available to better represent systems containing polar
components and to calculate rigorous vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium.

Liquid Activity (LACT) Methods

LACT methods calculate K-values by starting with an ideal solution and correcting the result
with activity coefficients. The activity coefficients are calculated from a model for the excess
Gibbs energy of the liquid mixture.
The most commonly used methods are NRTL and UNIQUAC. Binary interaction parameters are
usually necessary. They may be:
• Obtained from PRO/II’s databanks
• Estimated by one of the following, user selected fill options:
o Lyngby temperature dependent UNIFAC
o Dortmund temperature dependent UNIFAC
o Regular Solution Theory
o Flory-Huggins
o Connectivity Index (CI) UNIFAC
• Fit to experimental data

Dissolved gases may be modeled with Henry’s Law, and a heat of mixing option may be used to
correct for non-ideality in the liquid enthalpy. If the necessary parameters are available, LACT
methods can successfully describe a wide variety of non-ideal mixtures (particularly mixtures of
components having similar volatility) including mixtures exhibiting two liquid phases.

SimSci Training
Selecting the Thermodynamic Method 27

Special Packages
PRO/II contains several special packages designed for thermodynamic calculations on specific
• Glycol package – uses the SRKM method to calculate phase equilibria for glycol
dehydration applications
• Sour package & GPA Sour Water package – developed for sour water applications
• Amine package – may be used to model the removal of H2S and CO2 from natural
gas streams using aqueous amine systems
• Alcohol package – uses the NRTL liquid activity method to calculate phase equilibria
for systems containing polar compounds such as alcohols and water

An add-on is available for PRO/II for systems in which aqueous electrolyte chemistry is
important. Consult your Schneider-Electric representative for further details.

Polymers thermodynamics are calculated by a variety of empirical methods including three
activity coefficient K-value models using ideal enthalpy and density and two equations of state
which predict all the required thermodynamic properties.

Introduction to PRO/II
28 Building the Process Flow Diagram

Building the Process Flow Diagram

A key step in any simulation, no matter how small or large, is to create a process flow diagram.
While there is a close correspondence between an actual flowsheet and its simulation
flowsheet, there are some notable differences.
These are:
• Time dependencies
• Combined units

Time Dependencies
Because PRO/II is a steady state simulator, process equipment that control time dependent
phenomena are not directly relevant to your simulation. Omit units such as control valves and
instrumentation. However, consider the instrument settings when you are deciding on the
specifications to make in your flowsheet.


simplifies to

All the control valves, pressure, and temperature indicators have been eliminated. You may also
eliminate utility systems such as cooling water (as here), steam and refrigerants from the
simulation if you are only interested in the duties they provide. However, you may use valves to
account for the pressure drop from one unit operation to the next. When the pressure drop is
significant temperatures can be affected.

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Stream Data 29

Supplying Process Stream Data

Streams and unit operations are the building blocks of a flowsheet. For each unit operation you
must define at least one feed stream and at least one product stream. By defining the product
from one unit operation as the feed to another, you establish the connections between the
various units in the flowsheet.

Types of Streams
Even simple flowsheets can contain several different types of streams.


Int ernal


Ext ernal Product


External Feed Streams

External feed streams originate outside the flowsheet. You must provide their thermal condition
(e.g., temperature and pressure), their composition, and their flowrate. The components in your
feed streams can come from PRO/II’s component library, from assay data, or from user-defined
or petroleum components.

Internal Feed Streams

Internal feed streams are the product of one unit operation and the feed to another. Their
properties are calculated by PRO/II, and although you can provide data for their attributes, these
data will be overwritten by PRO/II as soon as the unit operation has solved.

Product Streams
Product streams exit the flowsheet. Their properties are calculated by PRO/II, and although you
can provide data for their attributes, these data will be overwritten by PRO/II as soon as the unit
operation has solved.

Recycle Streams
Recycle streams are special internal feed streams that connect downstream units to upstream
units. PRO/II automatically recognizes recycle loops and adjusts its calculations appropriately.
You can provide estimates for recycle stream properties to help accelerate the solution.

Introduction to PRO/II
30 Supplying Process Stream Data

With a solved simulation, recycle estimates can be updated or provided, based on the solution
value, by selecting Input | Update Initial Estimates | Recycle Streams.

Stream Properties
Before you enter data for a stream, you should have placed the unit operations on your
flowsheet and connected them together with feed, product, and recycle streams. You should
also have declared the components that will be present in your simulation and specified the
thermodynamic methods you want to be used.
To define a stream completely you must specify its:
• Thermal condition
• Composition
• Flowrate

 To open the Stream Data window, double click on the stream, or right-click on the
stream | Data Entry.

Figure 1: Stream Data Window

Thermal Condition
PRO/II requires that you provide the thermal condition for all external feed streams. You must
also supply the stream thermal condition if you choose to enter a recycle estimate. To define the
thermal condition, you must specify two of the following three properties:
• Pressure

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Stream Data 31

• Temperature
• Phase

Temperature and/or Pressure

From the First Specification drop-down list select either Temperature or Pressure. If you
want to supply both, select Temperature as the First Specification and Pressure as the
Second Specification. Enter values in the fields supplied.

Phase data are supplied as the Second Specification after you have supplied temperature or
pressure. When defining the phase, you may specify the stream as one of:
• a saturated liquid at its bubble point
• a saturated vapor at its dew point
• a mixed phase stream at a liquid fraction between 0.0 and 1.0. You may supply
molar, weight or volume fraction data. Enter the value in the field provided.

For example:

If you do not define the phase, PRO/II determines it with a phase equilibrium calculation at the
specified temperature and pressure.

Composition and Flowrate

PRO/II requires you to specify the composition and flowrate of all external feeds and estimated
recycle streams. You can enter the composition of a stream in one of five ways:
• Using defined components
• Using assay or distillation data
• By retrieving data from Spiral, if you have Spiral CrudeSuite or Spiral Assay
• By referencing to another defined stream
• By defining a stream as containing only solids

Composition Defined Stream

Compositional streams are made up of pure components: library, user-defined or petroleum.
You must always provide the composition.

 In the Stream Type list, select Composition Defined.

 Click Flowrate and Composition.

Introduction to PRO/II
32 Supplying Process Stream Data

Figure 2: Flowrate and Composition Window

A compositional stream can be specified on a Total Fluid Flowrate, an Individual Component

Flowrates basis, or Component Concentrations basis.
If Total Fluid Flowrate is selected, then provide a total stream flowrate. The individual
component compositions, where the sum of individual compositions entered, should be 1.0
(fractions) or 100 (percentages). If not, select Normalize Component Flowrates Based on
Specified Fluid Flowrate, and PRO/II adjusts them for you.
If Individual Component Flowrates is selected, then you do not provide a total rate. Rates for
each component are input with PRO/II summing these to get the total rate.
If Component Concentrations is selected, then the total flow is optional. If total flow is
supplied, then enter the solvent composition data. If total flow is not supplied, enter the solvent
flow rate data. You must enter at least one solvent composition/flow. Solute concentrations can
be entered on a mass or molar basis.
If a component does not exist in a particular stream, you do not need to enter 0 for its rate or
composition – an entry is not needed.
Both composition and flowrate may be given on a molar (the default), weight, standard liquid
volume or standard gas volume basis. You may mix bases. For example, you may enter the
total flowrate on a molar basis and enter the component rates on a weight basis.

 To change the basis, click in the relevant field and click UOM at the top of the

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Stream Data 33

Petroleum Assay Stream

Assay streams differ from compositional streams by the way in which their compositions are
entered and referenced. When you input an assay stream, instead of explicitly stating how much
of each species is present, you provide simple experimental data. PRO/II uses that data to
characterize the stream’s composition in terms of “petroleum components.”
Typically, a laboratory-scale batch distillation analysis, such as the ASTM D86 procedure, is
performed to characterize a crude stream.

Generating Assay Curves

The sample chamber is charged with the crude sample and heated. The temperature increases
as the lighter fractions boil out of the mixture. While the liquid is boiling, the temperature (T) and
the total condensed volume (V) are periodically recorded, as are quantities such as gravity.
Gravity data are commonly reported.
The quantities measured in this batch distillation experiment constitute the assay data for the
sample. PRO/II then uses correlations to translate the assay data into physical and
thermodynamic properties.

Thermomet er

T Cond

Burner V

The assay is represented as a plot of the temperature versus the cumulative percent distilled.
PRO/II uses this distillation curve, along with an analysis of both the light pure components
(e.g., propane, butanes, and pentanes) and the gravity data, to develop a set of petroleum
components for the stream. These derived components are then used within the flowsheet
simulation to model streams that are characterized by assay data. PRO/II uses petroleum
components in its internal calculations and can translate the simulation results back to assay
data for output.

Introduction to PRO/II
34 Supplying Process Stream Data

Temperat ure
%Dist illed

Assay Data Entry

 In the Stream Type list, select Petroleum Assay.
 Click Flowrate and Assay.

PRO/II requires the following information for an assay stream:

• Flowrate
• Distillation Data
• Gravity Data
Enter a value in the field. To change the basis, click UOM on the top of the window.

Figure 3: Flowrate and Assay Window

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Stream Data 35

Distillation Data
 To open Assay Definition, click Define/Edit Assay.
 Select a distillation type from the list:
o True Boiling Point (TBP)
o ASTM D86
o ASTM D1160
o ASTM D2887

Note that the D86 and D1160 data are almost always reported on a liquid volume basis while
the D2887 data are always reported on a weight basis. Your flowsheet may include different
types of assay streams (e.g., one stream on a D86 basis and another on a TBP basis).
If your distillation data was collected at a pressure other than standard atmospheric pressure
(i.e. 760 mm Hg), then you must supply that pressure.

 Enter the data in the Percent Distilled vs Temperature table.

Figure 4: Assay Definition Window

Gravity Data
You must supply at least the average gravity for an assay stream, expressed as API gravity,
Specific Gravity or Watson K-factor. If, in addition, you have a gravity versus percent distilled
data curve, you should enter it for greater accuracy.

Introduction to PRO/II
36 Supplying Process Stream Data

 Select the desired Gravity Curve to enter the data.

Optional Data
The following data are optional:
• Light Ends Analysis
• Molecular Weight Data
• Special Properties

Reference Stream
A reference stream is a feed stream whose attributes are defined in terms of another stream
(the referenced stream). The two streams have the same composition and can have the same
rate (molar), temperature, and/or pressure.

 In the Stream Type list, select Referenced to Stream.

 Click Flowrate and Stream.

Figure 5: Reference Stream Window

Typically, when using this option, you transfer the composition of one stream (the source) to
another (the target) while overriding the molar rate, temperature, and/or pressure. You may find
the reference stream feature most useful when the stream rate, temperature, and/or pressure
change, but the composition remains the same.

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data 37

Supplying Process Unit Operations Data

PRO/II is a sequential modular simulator. Each unit is calculated separately with the calculations
proceeding in a stepwise fashion from one unit to another.
PRO/II uses the unit operations concept to construct the flowsheet. You must define the unit
operating conditions, e.g., the outlet temperature of a heat exchanger or the reflux ratio for a

Common Features of all Unit Operations

All unit operations have some common features:
• Unit identifier and a description
o Identifies the unit within the PRO/II calculations and is used in sequencing
and specifications. PRO/II supplies identifiers for you automatically.
• Multiple Feeds
• Thermodynamic Options
• Product Phases

Multiple Feeds
You can supply any number of feeds to a unit. Exceptions to this rule are highlighted when the
unit operation is described.
When you do not provide a unit’s pressure, PRO/II sets it to the lowest feed pressure and
PRO/II mixes all feeds adiabatically at this pressure.

Thermo Options
If you have defined more than one thermodynamic system for your simulation, you can specify
which of the defined thermodynamic systems is to be used for the calculations of a specific unit
operation. Select the thermodynamic system from the list of available choices within the unit
The default system used for the thermodynamic calculations within individual unit operations is
that selected as Default System in Thermodynamic Data.
If the default system is changed, unit operations that have the default choice selected for their
thermodynamic method calculations will automatically use the new default system
For unit operations that have an alternative thermodynamic system selected, changing the
default system in Thermodynamic Data will not change the thermodynamic method used within
that unit operation.

Product Phases
Most unit operations allow you to split the product into one or more streams. You can assign the
following phases to product streams:
• Vapor
• Liquid
• Solid
Introduction to PRO/II
38 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data

• Decanted Water
• Second (heavy) Liquid
• Vapor + Liquid (Mixture)

Exceptions to this rule are:

• FLASH — has to be the Flash with Solids to have a solid phase
• PUMP — only one product allowed
• DEPRESSURE — as many products as there are time intervals
• WIPED FILM EVAPORATOR — bottoms has polymer melt (with less volatiles than
the feed). Overhead is vapor stream containing volatiles that were removed.
• Solid units — one solid and one liquid (with or without solids); or one solid and one
gas (with or without solids)
• Batch units — as many products as required by the process

Flash Calculations
When you perform design calculations or troubleshoot a process, you may need to know a
mixture’s phase behavior at certain process conditions, or you may need to know what
conditions are necessary to recover a certain amount of a component from a mixture. Usually
you must rely on a process simulator to get this type of information.

Flash Unit Operation

Figure 1 shows a general schematic of the PRO/II FLASH unit for a vapor-liquid system. PRO/II
allows up to three products for this ufnit and an unlimited number of feeds.

Figure 1: Three-Phase Equilibrium Flash Unit Operation

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data 39

Note: Fj denotes the feed streams, V denotes the vapor product, L denotes the liquid
product, W denotes either the decanted water or the second liquid product, and zji, yi, x1i,
and x2i denote the component mole fractions for the respective streams. Q denotes the duty
added or removed from the flash unit operation.

Defining the Flash Calculation

From the set of equations given above, you can see that Eq. (3) sets the phase equilibrium
behavior for the system. In Eq. (3) the phase equilibrium ratios or Ki’s (also referred to as K-
values) are typically functions of temperature, pressure, and composition, making the problem
fairly complex. Your selection of a thermodynamic system for the process will greatly affect the
As previously discussed, there are N+3 variables to be specified for each calculation. The feed
stream composition and rate comprise N+1 of these variables. This leaves two degrees of
freedom to be set in the flash algorithm. PRO/II requires you to specify either the flash
temperature or pressure. In addition, you must provide one of the following parameters:
• Flash temperature
• Flash pressure or pressure drop
• Duty required
• Product phase (saturated liquid, saturated vapor, or liquid fraction)
• Product stream rate
• Product stream composition
• Product stream property (e.g., TVP or specific gravity)

The first three parameters represent process operating conditions that you can physically
control. The remainder are design or performance objectives that you want to achieve.

Valve, Mixer, and Splitter Unit Operations

The VALVE, MIXER, and SPLITTER units also perform phase equilibrium calculations. They
are each equivalent to an adiabatic flash with zero enthalpy change (duty=0). The temperature
is always computed rather than specified, and PRO/II allows an unlimited number of feeds to
these units. You can set the pressure or pressure drop; otherwise PRO/II assumes a pressure
drop of zero and uses the lowest feed pressure for the product streams. Figures 2 - 4 depict the
schematics for these unit operations.

Introduction to PRO/II
40 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data

Figure 2: Valve Unit Operation

The VALVE unit can have up to three products. Designation and handling of the products for
the VALVE unit is as flexible as for the FLASH unit. MIXER units may only have one product;
however, PRO/II always determines the product phase, regardless of which phase (V, L, W, or
M) you designate.

Figure 3: Mixer Unit Operation

Figure 4: Splitter Unit Operation

The SPLITTER unit combines any number of feed streams and splits the combined feed into
products of identical composition and thermal condition. The same phase designation must be
used for all products (i.e., liquid, vapor, etc.). If you select an incorrect phase designation,
PRO/II will reset it to the correct phase, as with the other equilibrium calculation units.
In addition, you must define the stream rates using generalized stream specifications for all but
one of the desired products. The SPLITTER unit allows only rate dependent stream
specifications. For example, the rate of a component or group of components in a product is a
rate dependent specification. The recovery of a fraction of the total feed to the SPLITTER is also
a rate dependent specification.

The COMPRESSOR simulates a single stage isentropic compression. Outlet conditions and work
requirements may be determined using either an adiabatic or polytropic efficiency. Optional
tabular input may be used to determine performance from supplied curves for outlet pressure or

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data 41

pressure ratio, head, work, and/or efficiency. An optional aftercooler calculation may be
included. Both VLE and VLLE calculations are supported. Multistage compressors may be
modeled by linking single stage compressor units.

Figure 5: Compressor Unit Operation

Feeds and Products

A COMPRESSOR unit may have multiple feed streams, in which case the inlet pressure is
assumed to be the lowest feed stream pressure.
COMPRESSORS may have one or more product streams. The product phase condition for units
with one product stream is automatically set by PRO/II. For COMPRESSORS with two or more
product streams, the product phases must be specified in the Product Phases window which is
opened by clicking Product Phases on the Compressor main data entry window. Note that for
compressors with aftercoolers, the products correspond to outlet conditions from the aftercooler.

Numerous compressor specifications are allowed including outlet pressure, pressure increase
and a variety of compressor curves. In addition, an efficiency or temperature specification can
also be made.

Heat Exchangers
The SIMPLE HEAT EXCHANGER may be used to heat or cool a single process stream,
exchange heat between two process streams, or exchange heat between a process stream and
a utility stream. Rigorous calculations may be performed for VLLE systems. It is also possible to
attach an exchanger to any tray of a distillation column and exchange heat between a process
stream and a column internal stream, either liquid or vapor.

Figure 6: The Heat Exchanger Unit Operation

Introduction to PRO/II
42 Supplying Process Unit Operations Data

Feeds and Products

For reference, streams and products are grouped according to the side of the exchanger as
“hot” or “cold”, where the feed stream(s) on the hot side are cooled and the feed stream(s) on
the cold side are heated. Multiple process feed streams are permitted, with the lowest stream
pressure used as the inlet pressure.
Feed and product streams are accessed via the Heat Exchanger Process Streams window
which is opened by clicking Process Stream on the Heat Exchanger main data entry window.
The product phase condition for units with one product stream is automatically set by PRO/II.
For SIMPLE HEAT EXCHANGERS with two or more product streams from a given side, the
product phases must be specified in the Product Phases window by clicking Product Phases
on the Heat Exchanger Process Streams window.

Utility Streams
For SIMPLE HEAT EXCHANGERS with one process side, a hot or cold utility stream may be
defined. The required utility rate for the specified heat transfer is always computed. Utility
streams may be specified by clicking Utility Stream on the Heat Exchanger main data entry
window to access the appropriate hot or cold utility window.
Cold utility streams are supplied in the Heat Exchanger Cold Side Utility window. Options are:
• Water – Temperature in and out must be supplied. Sensible heat transfer only.
• Air – Temperature in and out must be supplied. Sensible heat transfer only.
• Refrigerant – A designated component is vaporized at its saturation pressure or
temperature. Latent heat transfer only.
Hot utility streams are supplied in the Heat Exchanger Hot Side Utility window. Options are:
• Steam – Steam is condensed at its saturation temperature or pressure. Latent heat
transfer only.
• Heating Medium – A designated component is condensed at its saturation
temperature or pressure. Latent heat transfer only.

The PUMP may be used to compute the energy required to increase the pressure of a process
stream. This quantity of energy is added to the feed enthalpy to determine the outlet
temperature. Only the bulk liquid phase is considered in the calculations.

Figure 7: The Pump Unit Operation

Feeds and Products

A PUMP unit may have multiple feed streams, in which case the inlet pressure is assumed to be
the lowest feed stream pressure. A single liquid product stream is allowed from a PUMP.

SimSci Training
Supplying Process Unit Operations Data 43

The pressure specification for a pump is selected with the appropriate radio button on the Pump
main data entry window as:
• Outlet Pressure
• Pressure Rise (∆P)
• Pressure ratio based on the lowest feed stream pressure

Pump Efficiency
A pumping efficiency in percent may be supplied in the data entry field provided on the Pump
main data entry window. This value is used for the work and outlet temperature calculations. If
not supplied, a default value of 100 percent is used.

Thermodynamic System
The thermodynamic system of methods to be used for pump calculations may be selected by
choosing a method from the Thermodynamic System drop-down list box on the Pump main
data entry window.

Introduction to PRO/II
44 Using Specification and Define Features

Using Specification and Define Features

The Specification and Define features of PRO/II allow you to control your simulation to meet
your modeling requirements. Using Specification and Define you enter target values for
flowsheet parameters. PRO/II meets these targets either directly or by adjusting the values of
other parameters.

Using Specification, you set a target value of a calculated unit operating condition or stream
property. PRO/II meets it by varying other parameters either within the unit operation or
elsewhere in the flowsheet. You can express Specifications either as actual values or as
functions of other parameters.
For example, you can Specify a product stream flowrate as 1000 and a flash drum temperature
as its feed temperature plus 10 degrees.

Using Define you link the value of a variable to that of an upstream variable that has already
been calculated. For example, you can Define a FLASH DRUM pressure as equal to the
pressure of an upstream valve minus 0.1 bars.

Controller and Optimizer Units

If you want to make a specification on a unit or stream and achieve it by varying a parameter of
another unit or stream, use a CONTROLLER.
If you want to meet more than one specification by varying the same number of parameters
simultaneously, use a MULTIVARIABLE CONTROLLER.
If you want to maximize or minimize a parameter by varying other parameters, use an

You can make specifications on parameters within a unit operation or parameters of product
streams from the unit operation. The number of specifications you can make in a unit operation
depends on the number of degrees of freedom that are available to the equations that solve the
unit. For example, in a SPLITTER you can make N-1 specifications where N is the number of
products. The Nth product is calculated from the equation matrix.

Specification Example
In a FLASH DRUM you can make two specifications. The first specification can be pressure,
pressure drop or temperature. The second specification can be either a unit specification or a
stream specification.

SimSci Training
Using Specification and Define Features 45

 Select a unit specification from a drop-down list,

or, formulate a stream specification using linked text.

 Click on Parameter to display the Parameter window where you select a product
 Having selected a stream, click on Parameter to select a parameter from the list
displayed in the Parameter Selection window. The list and the options vary
depending on the unit type.

Absolute Specification
Suppose you want to specify that the selected stream should contain 100 kg moles/hr of butane.

 In Parameter Selection, select Flowrate | Selected Components.

 Select NC4 as Starting Component. Return to the Flash Drum window.
 Click on value and enter 100.

Your absolute stream specification has been set:

Relative Specification
Suppose you want to formulate your specification as a function of another parameter in the
flowsheet. Specify that 95% of the butane in the feed is recovered in the selected product

Introduction to PRO/II
46 Using Specification and Define Features

 Click on = in the linked text on the Flash Drum window and click on / Parameter =.

The linked text changes to

 Select the first parameter as described above.

 For the second parameter, from the Constant/Stream/Unit list, select Total Unit
 Select the parameter as before.

 Return to the Flash Drum window.

 Click on value and enter 0.95. Your relative specification is now complete.

If you want to make more complex specifications involving more than two flowsheet parameters,

Note: Infeasible specifications are the leading cause of non-convergence of flowsheets. The
specifications you provide must be realistic. For example, if a unit’s feed streams contain
100 kg/sec of hexane, it would be infeasible to specify a product recovery rate of 120 kg/sec
of hexane.

The Define feature allows you to dynamically link the value of a variable to that of an upstream
variable that has already been calculated. Whenever the upstream variable changes, perhaps
as a result of being in a recycle loop, the value of the Defined variable also changes according
to the Definition you have made. You can define almost any input parameter. Some examples
are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Examples of Define

Define this parameter... terms of this parameter...

Column product rate estimate component flows in total column feed

compressor work expander work

flash drum temperature flash drum feed temperature

column top tray temperature expander outlet pressure

You know if a parameter is Definable by the state of Define on the toolbar. Click in the
field you want to define. If Define is enabled you can define the parameter.

SimSci Training
Running the Simulation 47

Running the Simulation

You can run a PRO/II simulation in several ways:
• Interactively — available when your PRO/II simulation contains only fully supported
GUI features.
• In Run Batch mode — available when executing either keyword input files or
simulation files batchwise and not through the PFD window.
• In Run-Only mode — available for executing keyword input files with features which
are not supported in the GUI.
• Remotely from a separate application, for example Microsoft Excel, using COM or
using the SIM4ME Portal.

Interactive Run Capabilities

To run your PRO/II simulation interactively, select the appropriate Run options.

To locate Run, select the Express or Run tab. Run icon descriptions are shown in Table 1.
These icons are bordered in red until you have entered the required input data. If you don’t need
to add breakpoints or otherwise step through your simulation, this is your quickest method.
You can pause an ongoing simulation by selecting Pause.

Run Tab
Under the Run tab, you can perform any of the following tasks:
• Check the consistency of your input data
• Set breakpoints and step through a simulation
• View the flowsheet convergence and simulation results

Introduction to PRO/II
48 Running the Simulation

Table 1: Run Tab Icons

Icon Function

Executes the simulation, either from the beginning or from a

breakpoint. Before execution, the input data is checked for

Executes the simulation as the Run icon, additionally

generates the output report.

Executes the simulation as the Run icon, but without property


Enables you to step through the execution of the simulation by

stopping at each unit operation in the calculation sequence.

Pauses the simulation during execution. PRO/II completes its

current calculation before stopping.

Enables you to view global status messages for the current


Enables you to select the units you want to assign as

breakpoints. When the simulation is executed, it stops at these

Enables you to see which units are assigned as breakpoints,

by displaying these unit icons in magenta. Clicking the icon a
second time causes the flowsheet to revert to normal display.

Enables you to start the execution from any specified unit. You
select a unit by highlighting it and then clicking this icon.

Enables you to view detailed output results of a highlighted

unit operation or stream in the flowsheet of a simulation.

Enables you to view the calculation history and any error

messages that arise.

Deletes all information present in the Messages window.

SimSci Training
Running the Simulation 49

Unit Color Coding

As your simulation progresses, individual unit operations change color (unless you disable from
View | Show Run Colors).
Table 2 details the relationship between the unit status and its color.

Table 2: Unit Color Coding

Color Significance During Simulation Execution

Pale Green Unit operation has not been calculated
Green Unit operation is being calculated
Blue Unit operation has been solved
Yellow Unit operation has been solved but with notable warnings
Red Unit operation has failed
Magenta Unit operation is at a breakpoint

Status Warnings
Status messages represent data inconsistencies and incompleteness as determined by PRO/II.
The status window can be accessed from the Data Entry Window menu bar of any stream or
unit operation (as shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1: Status button in Heat Exchanger Data Entry Window

It can also be displayed by clicking Status from the Run tab. Once the window is
displayed you can view the local or global messages by selecting the desired choice.

Introduction to PRO/II
50 Running the Simulation

There are four types of status messages:

• Local Input Status Messages – These messages display data inconsistency for the
last accessed unit or stream window. Note that it is not possible to obtain the status
message for any previously accessed unit operation or stream by entering their
respective window and pushing the status button. To obtain the status message for a
particular unit operation or stream, enter its main window and push the OK button. At
this time, the local status message for that unit or stream is generated, and replaces
any existing local messages in the status window. The next time the Status window
is displayed (from any unit operation or stream window, or from the Run Toolbar), it
displays the local messages for the desired unit or stream.
• Global Input Status Messages – PRO/II performs a cross-check on all the input
data and determines if there are any data inconsistencies between all the unit
operation and streams. All inconsistencies detected are reported as global messages
and displayed in the Status window.
• Local Runtime Status Messages – PRO/II performs a cross-check on the unit
operation specific calculated data during run and determines if there are any data
inconsistencies inside the unit operation. All unit operation specific inconsistencies
are reported as local runtime messages and displayed in the Status window. Please
note that these runtime messages are from the last iteration of calculations.
• Summary of Runtime Status Messages – PRO/II performs a cross-check on all the
unit operations calculated data during run and determines if there are any data
inconsistencies inside the unit operations. These entire unit operation
inconsistencies summaries are reported as summary of runtime messages and
displayed in the Status window. Please note that these runtime messages are from
the last iteration of calculations.

Note: Local Input Status Messages and Local Runtime Status Messages will be
disabled when the status window is launched from the Run Toolbar.

There are three options available in the Status window to show the color of the units which are
solved with warnings:
• Retain the Color – If any unit operation is solved with warnings then the color turns
to yellow.
• Suppress Color for Now – Selecting this option will turn all the solved unit
operations to blue even if they have warnings. Re-running will enable the warnings
color again.
• Suppress Color till Flowsheet is Closed – Selecting this option will turn all the
solved unit operations to blue even if they have warnings until the flowsheet is
closed, also status window will not pop-up when you click on Run even if there are
cross-check warnings for input data. Re-opening the flowsheet will enable the
warnings color and status window pop-up again.

SimSci Training
Running the Simulation 51

Run Batch Mode

You can execute keyword input (.inp) files and/or existing flowsheet simulation (.prz) files in Run
Batch mode from within PRO/II. Running files in batch mode generates the standard PRO/II
output file for each simulation. While executing batch simulations, you can continue to use other
Windows-based applications.

To run a batch simulation:

 Close any open simulation.
 Select File | Run Batch
 Load a previously saved list of files using Load List, or select the files you want to
simulate using Add Files.
 Click OK twice to run simulation in batch mode

You can terminate the currently executing simulation, or the entire batch execution by clicking
Terminate Currently Executing Problem or Terminate Batch Run Execution, respectively.

Introduction to PRO/II
52 PRO/II Files

PRO/II Files
By default a PRO/II simulation is saved as a .prz file. This is a .zip file and contains a number of
files, the most important of which are:
• *.pr1, *.pr2 and *.pr3 files — these are the PRO/II database files and contain all the
simulation setup data, thermodynamic method, stream and unit data, etc., and if
saved solved, the simulation’s solution data.
• *.sfd file — this is the drawing file and contains all the information on the layout of the
simulation’s process flow diagram.
• *_backup.inp — a keyword input file (see below) created each time the simulation is
saved. If required this can be retrieved from the .prz file and used to regenerate a

Note: The .prz file is a zip file and can be opened, to extract or add files, with a tool such as

The .prz file may also contain additional files, such as *.slb, *.hs2 and *.html, but these are not
required for a simulation to function. In fact, only the *.pr1, *.pr2 and *.pr3 files are required. If
these three files are available the simulation can be used, but as there is no *.sfd file the PFD
layout would be lost.
Output files, such as the *.out (text output file), *.cal, CALCULATOR generated output and *.xls
files generated by SIM4ME Reports or SIM4ME Portal are not held in the .prz file. Excel *.xlsm
files used in the Excel Unit Operation and the Excel Calculator, *.dat files from HTRI, *.apj from
AMSIM are held in the .prz file.

SimSci Training
Generating Output 53

Generating Output
PRO/II helps you generate accurate, professional reports. There are two main reporting options,
the Microsoft Excel based SIM4ME reports or the text based output report, both of which give
you comprehensive information on all unit operations and stream properties. You can enhance
your own reports by including plots, tables, and flowsheet diagrams from PRO/II. You have a
wide variety of options at your fingertips for tailoring your simulation results to meet your specific
needs including: customizing both SIM4ME Reports and the text based output report format,
exporting data to spreadsheet programs (in addition to SIM4ME Reports), creating plots and
tables, and annotating your flowsheet.

Interactive Output
You can interactively view summary results for units and streams. For individual units and
streams, right-click on the unit or stream and there will be three output options on the menu:
• Data Review Window
• View Results (can be on a mass or molar basis for streams and column)
• View Excel Results

The Data Review Window presents stream or unit operation results in a tabular format based
on Stream or Unit Operation property tables. Figure 1 shows the default Data Review Window
for a stream. The list box (located in the bottom left-hand corner) can be used to select from any
of the available Stream or Unit Operation property tables to display in the current Data Review
Window. Clicking on the units of measure allows you to convert the units of measure; and
Copy will copy the table to the clipboard.

Introduction to PRO/II
54 Generating Output

Figure 1: Data Review Window

View Results and View Excel Results are similar in functionality. Both give a stream or unit
results summary. The latter option being presented in Microsoft Excel. By default, View Results
summary is displayed in Notepad++ (default).

Stream Property Tables

PRO/II’s STREAM PROPERTY TABLE feature displays and prints data for flowsheet streams.


 Select Output | Stream Property Table, or click STREAM PROPERTIES on the PFD
 Click on the desired location on the PFD.
 Double-click table to open Stream Property Table.
 Select a table type from Property List to be used.
 Change the table’s appearance using entries in Table Appearance.
 Select desired streams to be displayed.

The simplest property table is the Short Property List which shows the stream attributes

SimSci Training
Generating Output 55

By default the option to Include Stream Property Table in the Report is checked (see Figure
6), echoing the data in the Stream Property Table in the output report. The Stream Property
Table setup data should also be echoed in the keyword file using the OUTPUT and FORMAT

Figure 2: Stream Property Table Window

To define your own Stream Property Table (as shown in Figure 3):
• Select Options | Stream Property Lists.
• Select one of the pre-defined tables to start from.
• Add parameters, change format, select units of measurement.
• When you have defined your table, save it with a new name.
• When you return to the Stream Property Table window, your table appears in
Property List to be used (as shown in Figure 2).

Introduction to PRO/II
56 Generating Output

Figure 3: Define Stream Property List Window

Unit Operation Property Tables

PRO/II’s UNIT OPS PROPERTY TABLES feature is similar to the Stream Property Table, but
displays and prints data for unit operations on the flowsheet.

Output Report
You can examine most of your simulation results through the output report (.OUT file). PRO/II
contains a wide variety of report options for customizing your output format.
To set these options, select Output | Report Format. From the sub-menu select:
• Units of Measure to customize output units of measure and elect to have two
outputs: one in input units and the other in output units
• Miscellaneous Data to customize report size, input reprint, overall mass balance
and various other options
• Stream Properties to customize stream output bases, TBP reports and other
stream-oriented items
• Unit Operations to customize individual unit operation output formats

Units of Measure
In Default Units of Measure for Problem Output Report (Output | Report Format | Units of
Measure), you can choose the units to be used for your output report. By default, the output
units of measure set is identical to the input set. If you choose to use a different set for the

SimSci Training
Generating Output 57

output, you can use either a library set or the input set as a basis and you can modify the units
used for individual properties as desired.
You can also choose to print out two output reports, one in input measurements and a second in
the units of your choice. A single output file will contain both reports.

Miscellaneous Data
In Miscellaneous Report Options (Output | Report Format | Miscellaneous Data), you can
choose, amongst other things, which portions of the input data you would like reported and
whether to include the flowsheet mass balance in your output report. Figure 10 displays the
default report options checked.
The options listed under Database Files will generate an additional text file (.p2i file) at report
generation. The data included in the file depends on the option selected, but includes computed
values as well as input data, but it is exported in a form suitable for inclusion directly in a
keyword input file, or into another program.

Figure 4: Miscellaneous Report Options Window

Introduction to PRO/II
58 Generating Output

Stream Properties
To choose the way in which your stream data are reported, select Output | Report Format |
Stream Properties.

Figure 5: Stream Property Report Options Window

Unit Operations
You can set print options for individual FLASH DRUMS, COLUMNS, and REACTORS by
selecting Output | Report Format | Unit Operations.

Figure 6: Print Options Window

 Highlight the unit of interest, and click Print Options.

The Print Options window for the highlighted unit appears.

SimSci Training
Generating Output 59

 Select which items you want included in your output report.

For FLASH DRUMS, you can choose whether or not to print Component K-values, and for
REACTORS, you can toggle the option of printing the calculation path for the enthalpy balance.
Figure 13 shows the print options for COLUMNS.

Figure 7: Column Print Options Window

Alternatively, you can double-click on the individual unit operation on the PFD, and click Print
Options to get the Print Options window.

Generating a Report
 To generate an output text report, select Output | Generate Text Report.

The default editor appears displaying the contents of your output report. PRO/II appends the
.out extension to your file name and saves the output file in the same directory that you saved
your simulation files. The default directory is \Documents\SIMSCI\PROIIxx.
Once you have created your output report, you can view it at any time by selecting Output |
View Text Results. Your default text editor (Notepad++) displays the output report.

Introduction to PRO/II
60 Generating Output

SimSci Training

Lab Exercises

Introduction to PRO/II
62 Chiller Plant – Part 1

Chiller Plant – Part 1

You will build a simulation of the process shown below. This is part of a typical chiller plant in
natural gas processing. However, for the purpose of this exercise the actual process is
unimportant, as the goal is to familiarize you with the basic steps required to build a simulation
in PRO/II. In subsequent parts of this example, you will add additional sections of the plant to
this simulation. Use the Peng-Robinson thermodynamic method with the Petroleum Correlations
for the Transport Properties.

Figure 1: PFD of Chiller Plant – Part 1

The process and equipment data are given in Table 1 and 2.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 63

Table 1: Feed Stream Data

Component Alias Name Mole %

Nitrogen N2 1.00

Carbon Dioxide CO2 1.60

Methane C1 72.5

Ethane C2 11.5

Propane C3 6.75

i-Butane iC4 1.25

n-Butane nC4 3.00

i-Pentane iC5 0.55

n-Pentane nC5 1.10

C6+ (Petroleum Component) - 0.75

C6+ Properties English Metric

NBP 210 °F 100 °C

Gravity 73 API 690 kg/m3

Feed Conditions English Metric

Total Flowrate (Vap. Vol.) 40 MM SCFD 1.00e+6 m3/day

Temperature 120 °F 50 °C

Pressure 205 psig 1410 kPag

Table 2: Equipment Data and Operating Conditions

Unit Description Data English Metric

D-1 Scrubber Temperature 85 °F 30 °C

Pressure 203 psig 1400 kPag

C-1 Compressor Outlet Pressure 600 psig 4150 kPag

Adiabatic Efficiency 72% 72%

HX-1 Cooler Hotside: Process Stream

Outlet Temperature 110 °F 45 °C

Pressure Drop 5 psi 35 kPa

Coldside: Utility Air

Inlet Temperature 80 °F 25 °C

Outlet Temperature 100 °F 38 °C

D-2 Knockout Drum Flash drum with no change of -- --

pressure or duty.

* PUMP P-1 data is on the next page.

Introduction to PRO/II
64 Chiller Plant – Part 1

P-1 Pump Outlet Pressure 550 psig 3800 kPag

Pump Efficiency 65% 65%


Step 1 Create a New Simulation

• Under the File tab, select New.

Note that several buttons (i.e. Component Selection, Thermo, Run) have red borders. This
indicates that data is required before the simulation can be run. When you have satisfied
PRO/II’s input requirements, the red borders will disappear.

Step 2 Modify the Input Units of Measure (UOM)

• Under the Input tab (or the Express tab), select green-bordered Units Of Measure
to verify the units of measure used in this simulation.
The default UOM basis in PRO/II is English. To change to another system of units,
click Initialize from UOM Library.

Note: It is important to use a consistent set of units throughout. In this example, choose
your preferred UOM (English or Metric) and check each data entry item to insure that it
matches the input data given in the tables above.

• In this example you will use gauge pressure units. Change the Pressure unit to the
required option by selecting from the drop-down list.
o For English units, select Pound/inch^2 (gauge).
o For Metric units, select Kilopascal (gauge).
• Click OK to save the change.

Notice that the border of Units Of Measure is now blue, indicating that you have
modified the default data.

Step 3 Define the Components

• Select Input | red-bordered Component Selection.
• Type in the component name or alias, and use the <Enter> key or click Add ->.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 65

Note: Alternatively, you can click on Select from Lists to search for desired components.

• Enter data for the petroleum component C6+ by clicking Petroleum.

• Enter its Normal Boiling Point, gravity data, and name, and click OK.
Note that only two of the three parameters are required for petroleum component
definition as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Petroleum Components (English units)

Note that in the main Component Selection window, Petroleum and the list of selected
components now have blue borders, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Component Selection

Introduction to PRO/II
66 Chiller Plant – Part 1

• Click OK.

Step 4 Select the Thermodynamic Method

• Select Input | red-bordered Thermo.
• Under Category, select Most Commonly Used.
• Under Primary Method, select Peng-Robinson.
• To add your method selection to Defined Systems, double-click on Peng-
Robinson, or click Add ->.
• Set the Default System to PR01.
• To specify the transport property methods, click Modify | Transport Properties.
• From the Transport System drop-down list, select Petroleum Correlations as
shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Transport Properties

• Click OK to PFD to save the entered data and return to the PFD.

Step 5 Build the Process Flow Diagram (PFD)

When developing a PFD, it is important to build the flowsheet gradually and check the
results at each stage. In this case, we suggest you add the feed stream, the scrubber
D-1, and its product streams.

If the PFD palette is not already visible, select View | Show or Hide PFD Palette to open it.

• On the PFD palette under the General tab, select the FLASH unit icon. A pointer
with a box and flash drum attached appears.
• Click the area of the flowsheet to set the position of the unit.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 67

• Select the unit operation and move the cursor to the desired position on the PFD.
• To add the streams connected to the FLASH, on the PFD palette, click Streams.
• Click once on the flowsheet to fix the starting point of the stream, move the mouse
to extend the stream line, then click again to fix the end point of the stream.

Note that the pointer now has an S attached to it, denoting stream mode. All
available exit ports appear on each unit once you select Streams.
Required exit ports are red and optional exit ports are green.
After your first click, only the available feed ports are shown in red or green.

Note: Although not critical in this example, it is good practice to connect the FLASH DRUM
hydrocarbon liquid product to the side port and to reserve the bottom port for a decanted
water or second liquid product.

• To exit stream mode, right-click or press the <Esc> key.

Once you have attached the streams the model should look as shown below:

Note: It is also good practice to rename the unit operations and the streams according to
the PFD or P&ID. In this example, please use the names as shown in Figure 1.
Alternatively, you can select Options | Drawing Defaults | General, then check the
Request Unit/Stream Name option.

• Double-click on the FLASH unit and enter the required data.

• The First Specification is Pressure and the Second Specification is

Note: As you return to the PFD after entering the unit operation data, its unit identifier has
changed from red (data missing) to black (data satisfied).

Introduction to PRO/II
68 Chiller Plant – Part 1

Step 6 Define the External Feed Stream

Double-click on the feed stream INLET_GAS and confirm that the Stream Type is
Composition Defined.
• Enter the stream’s Thermal Condition:
o Select Temperature as the first specification, and enter the value depending
on the UOM system chosen.
o Select Pressure as the second specification, and enter the value.
• Click Flowrate and Composition.
• Select Total Fluid Flowrate and enter the value.

Note: You will need to locally override the default flowrate dimensional units (mol/hr). To do
this, click the Total Fluid Flowrate field, click UOM at the top of the window, and change
the basis to Vap. Vol. and the units to those specified in the input data. Click Change Units.
See Figures 5 and 6 below for the case with English UOM.

Figure 5: Convert UOM’s

• Enter the individual component mole percentages into the component grid. You can
move down the list using the <Tab> key. After entering the composition data, check
that the total equals 100 as shown in Figure 6.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 69

Figure 6: Flowrate and Composition (English units)

• Click OK to PFD to save the entered data and return to the PFD.

Note: If compositions are written elsewhere (e.g. Excel), you may use the Copy and Paste
feature by utilizing the Copy and Paste buttons located to the left (as shown in Figure 6).
When using, confirm the first cell is selected.

Once the external feed stream is defined, it is a good idea to check that the data entered
is correct. One way to do this is to select the stream (with a single click), then select Tools
| Flash Stream. This will flash the stream and generate the output as shown in Figure 7.

Introduction to PRO/II
70 Chiller Plant – Part 1

English Units SI Units

Figure 7: Flash Stream Results (Default Browser Format)

If your results differ, check your input data for the stream, particularly the UOM and the phase
basis for the volumetric flowrate.

• Before continuing, save the simulation as CHILL1.prz.

Step 7 Add the Remaining Unit Operations to the PFD

• Using the PFD palette, select and arrange the unit operations as shown in Figure 1:

On the PFD palette, you will find the FLASH DRUM under General, the SIMPLE HEAT
EXCHANGER under Heat Exchangers, and the COMPRESSOR and the PUMP under
Pressure Change.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 71

• Once you have added the additional units, draw the streams on the flowsheet to
connect the units. The completed PFD should now look like Figure 1.

After you finish building the flowsheet, the labels of all the internal streams are black and the
available ports of all the units are green. In addition, the labels of the newly added units have
red borders, because data must be inputted.
On the PFD palette, note that the border of the Streams button is black, indicating that you
have entered all necessary data for this function.
To exit the stream connection mode, right-click or click on the Streams button. Streams will turn
gray, indicating that the mode is no longer active.

Step 8 Enter Operating Conditions for Each Unit Operation

• Double-click on each unit and enter the required data.
• Enter data for FLASH drum D-2:
o The First Specification is Pressure Drop and the Second Specification is
Duty. The duty of an adiabatic flash is zero.
• Enter data for HEAT EXCHANGER HX-1.

Note: By default, the tube side stream is the hot side and the shell side stream is the cold
side. Here this means that the utility stream is the cold side. You can click on Process
Stream to access Heat Exchanger – Process Streams from where you could change the
stream allocations, if the reverse were true.

• Click Specification to open the heat exchanger Specifications window.

• Select Hot Product Temperature from the list and enter the value.

Figure 8: Heat Exchanger Specifications (English units)

• Click OK to return to the Heat Exchanger window.

Introduction to PRO/II
72 Chiller Plant – Part 1

• Click Cold Side Utility Stream and enter the appropriate data.

Figure 9: Cold Side Utility Stream (English units)

• Close the Heat Exchanger windows and return to the PFD.

• For PUMP P-1, enter the Outlet Pressure and Pump Efficiency data.
• For COMPRESSOR C-1, enter the Outlet Pressure and Adiabatic Efficiency.

When you have entered all the data, there should not be any red on the flowsheet. All stream
and unit labels should have black borders. If any of the unit or stream labels has a red border,
check for missing data.

• Save the simulation before continuing.

Step 9 Run the Simulation and View the Results

• Run the simulation by clicking Run.
Observe that HX-1 has a yellow warning. In Step 10, you will be provided instruction
to clear this warning.

You have already checked that your feed stream input data is correct, but let’s also check that
outlet stream 6 is correct.

• Select stream 6. Then Output | Data Review Window (or right-click | Data Review
Window) which will generate a property table for stream 6 (shown in Figure 10).

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 1 73

English Units SI Units

Figure 10: Data Review Window for Stream 6

Note: Before continuing, make sure PUMP P-1 produces a result of 2.44 HP (1.71 kW).

Step 10 Clear the Yellow Warnings

Heat Exchanger HX-1

After running the simulation, HEAT EXCHANGER HX-1 shows a yellow warning (as
shown in Figure 11).

Note: At this point, heat and material balances are solved, but there is a yellow warning
because of physical measurements or other situations that the user may need to check out.

Introduction to PRO/II
74 Chiller Plant – Part 1

Figure 11: Flowsheet Status

Zones analysis is useful for locating temperature pinches and phase changes that occur within
the heat exchanger. Calculation of the average temperature driving force using the conventional
logarithmic mean temperature difference (LMTD), derived from terminal temperature
differences, will not be accurate when phase changes occur. So, including the zones analysis
function in PRO/II is needed for an accurate lmtd calculation.

To clear this warning:

• Open HEAT EXCHANGER HX-1’s Data Entry window.
• Click Zones Analysis.
• Select Include Zones Analysis.
• Click OK to PFD.
Run the simulation again. HX-1 will solve as blue (as shown in Figure 1).

Step 11 Save and Close the Simulation

You will use this simulation as the basis for Chiller Plant – Part 2.
• To save, File | Save.
• To close, File | Close.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 2 75

Chiller Plant – Part 2

Continue to build the chiller plant. Since you have already entered the units of measure,
thermodynamic method, components, and feed stream data in Part 1, you will not need to add
this data again.
Figure 1 shows the completed PFD for Chiller Plant - Part 2.

Figure 1: PFD of Chiller Plant – Part 2

The new equipment data and operating conditions are provided in Table 1.

Table 1: Equipment Data and Operating Conditions

Unit Description Data English Metric

Hotside Pressure Drop 5 psi 35 kPa

Gas to Gas
HX-2 Coldside Pressure Drop 5 psi 35 kPa
Approach Temp (Hot In - Cold Out) 10 °F 5.5 °C

Hotside Pressure Drop 5 psi 35 kPa

HX-3 Chiller Coldside refrigerant saturated liquid propane Temperature -22 °F -30 °C
Hotside Outlet Temp -13 °F -25 °C

Introduction to PRO/II
76 Chiller Plant – Part 2

D-3 Cold Separator Adiabatic Separation with no pressure change -- --

V-1 Valve Outlet Pressure 245 psig 1690 kPag


Step 1 Open the Existing Simulation

Use the previous example, CHILL1.prz as the basis for this exercise.
• Select the PRO/II icon and select CHILL1.prz from the Most Recently Used (MRU)
list. Or select File | Open and select file CHILL1.prz.
• Select File | Save As and save the file as CHILL2.prz.

Step 2 Add to the Process Flow Diagram

• Using Figure 1 as a guide, add units HX-2, HX-3, D-3, and V-1 to the flowsheet.

• Connect the vapor product stream from D-2 to HX-2.

• Add the remaining streams to the flowsheet and ensure that the unit names and
stream numbers are as illustrated in Figure 1.

Step 3 Enter Operating Conditions for Each New Unit Operation

• Open the new units (HX-2, HX-3, D-3, and V-1) and enter their data.

For HEAT EXCHANGER HX-3 (Chiller), click Utility Stream and choose Refrigerant as the
Utility Type. Select C3 from the Component list, and enter the saturation temperature as
shown in Figure 2.

Note: PRO/II’s refrigerant utility, used in unit HX-3, considers only latent heat effects, so
the refrigerant inlet and outlet conditions are a saturated liquid and a saturated vapor,

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 2 77

Figure 2: Cold Side Utility Stream (English units)

After inputting all needed data, there should not be any red borders on the flowsheet. All stream
and unit labels should have black borders. If any of the unit or stream labels has a red border,
double-click the unit operation and check the data.

• Save the simulation by clicking on Save.

Step 4 Run the Simulation and View the Results

• Run the simulation.
Observe that HX-2 and HX-3 have yellow warnings. In Step 5, you will be provided
instruction to clear these warnings.
• Right-click on the cold separator overhead Stream 10 and select View Results
(Mass Units). The stream is all vapor.

Note: Clicking on View | Recycle and Reference Stream will highlight in green any
recycle or reference streams in the model. In this case Stream 10 will be flagged as
a recycle stream.

• Generate an output report by selecting Output | Generate Text Report

Introduction to PRO/II
78 Chiller Plant – Part 2

Look at Heat Exchanger HX-3 report in Figure 3.

• Find the flowrate of the refrigerant as you will use this rate as an initial estimate in
Part 3 of this exercise:

English Units SI Units

Figure 3: Heat Exchanger HX-3 Results

Note: Some calculations, such as the utility calculations for the heat exchanger, are
performed during output generation and cannot be viewed by clicking View Text

Step 5 Clear the Yellow Warnings

After running the simulation, HEAT EXCHANGER HX-2 and HX-3 show a yellow
warning (as shown in Figure 4).

Note: At this point, heat and material balances are solved, but there is a yellow warning
because of physical measurements or other situations that the user may need to check out.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 2 79

Figure 4: Flowsheet Status

Heat Exchanger HX-2

For HX-2, we notice two warnings:
1) The lmtd correction factor (ft) has been set to 0.0001.
2) The calculated lmtd is not accurate as one of the sides is undergoing phase change and
zones analysis is not specified. Zones analysis is included automatically for accurate
lmtd calculation.
For the first warning, PRO/II resets the lmtd correction factor to 0.0001, because a larger area is
needed to make a temperature change. When the figuration uses the default of 2 tube / 1 shell
pass, an unreasonable amount of area is needed to use this configuration for the heat
Now, if we increase the tube and shell passes to 4 tube / 2 shell or 6 tube / 3 shell, the heat
exchanger area is more reasonable, a temperature change can be attained, and the warning is
For the second warning, we have learned why this warnings occurs and how to clear this
specific warning in Chiller Plant – Part 1. Including the zones analysis allows for an accurate
lmtd calculation, since there is a phase change.

To clear both warnings:

• Open HEAT EXCHANGER HX-2’s Data Entry window.
• Click Configuration.
o Set Tube Passes to 4 and set Shell Passes to 2.
o Click OK.
• Click Zones Analysis.

Introduction to PRO/II
80 Chiller Plant – Part 2

o Select Include Zones Analysis.

o Click OK to PFD.

Heat Exchanger HX-3

To clear this warning:
• Open HEAT EXCHANGER HX-3’s Data Entry window.
• Click Zones Analysis.
o Select Include Zones Analysis.
o Click OK to PFD.
Run the simulation again. HX-2 and HX-3 will solve as blue (as shown in Figure 1).

Step 6 Save and Close the Simulation

You will use this simulation as the basis for Chiller Plant – Part 3.
• To save, File | Save.
• To close, File | Close.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 3 81

Chiller Plant – Part 3

Continue to build the chiller plant. Suppose that the refrigerant for the chiller HX-3 consists of a
mixture rather than pure propane. You want to determine the flowrate of that mixture required to
maintain a fixed process stream (hotside) outlet temperature. Instead of using the Heat
Exchanger refrigerant utility in PRO/II, which is designed for use with single components, you
now must introduce a refrigerant stream, with the correct composition, and use a Controller to
determine the refrigerant flowrate.
Figure 1 shows the completed PFD.

Figure 1: PFD of Chiller Plant – Part 3

The refrigerant stream and equipment data are shown in Tables 1 and 2.

Introduction to PRO/II
82 Chiller Plant – Part 3

Table 1: Refrigerant Stream Composition Data

Component Alias Name Mole%

Ethane C2 2.5

Propane C3 97

i-Butane IC4 0.5

Feed Conditions English Metric

Pressure 11.5 psig 80 kPag

Thermal Condition Bubble Point

Table 2: Equipment Data and Operating Conditions

Unit Description Data English Metric

HX-3 Chiller Cold product liquid fraction 0 0

Hotside Pressure Drop 5 psi 35 kPa

Coldside Pressure Drop 0 psi 0 kPa

CN1 Controller Stream 9 Specification -13 °F -25 °C



Step 1 Open the Existing Simulation

• Use the previous example, CHILL2.prz, as the basis for this exercise.
• Save as CHILL3.prz.

Step 2 Change the Flowsheet Configuration

• Add a Controller unit to the flowsheet (PFD palette | Utilities).
• Remove the utility stream on Heat Exchanger HX-3 by double-clicking on the unit
and deactivating the check box for the utility stream.
• Add inlet and outlet streams to the cold side of HX-3.
• Name the inlet stream 50 and the outlet stream 51, respectively.

Step 3 Enter the Stream Data

• Enter the flowrate, composition, and define the thermal conditions for stream 50.
Even though the flowrate of this stream is going to be calculated by the controller, you must
enter a flowrate here. This not only satisfies the data requirements of the window but also
serves as an initial estimate.
• Use the propane refrigerant rate from the previous example as the initial flowrate for
this stream: 36,790 lb/hr (15,891 kg/hr). Ensure that the UOM is correct.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 3 83

Step 4 Enter the Unit Data


• Change the specification for HEAT EXCHANGER HX-3 so that the new refrigerant
stream exits at its dew point:
o Select the Cold Product Liquid Fraction specification and set the value to
We have already learned that many exchangers will give us a warning to use the Zones
Analysis. Let’s be proactive and request the zones to be calculated.
• Click Zones Analysis.
o Select Include Zones Analysis.
o Click OK to PFD.

• Double-click on the CONTROLLER to open the Feedback Controller window.
You want to vary stream 50 flowrate so that the temperature of stream 9 is as shown
in Table 2.
In the Specification section of the Feedback Controller window:
• Click on Parameter.
• Choose stream 9 (hotside outlet stream for HEAT EXCHANGER HX-3) as the
stream to specify.
• Click on Parameter in the Parameter window (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Controller - Parameter Window

• Select Temperature and click OK to return to the Feedback Controller window.

• Enter the temperature provided as the value of the hotside outlet temperature.
In the Variable section:
• Click on Parameter.
• Choose stream 50 as the stream to vary.
• Click on Parameter and select Flowrate as the variable.

When complete, the Feedback Controller window will look like Figure 3 below.

Introduction to PRO/II
84 Chiller Plant – Part 3

Figure 3: Completed Feedback Controller Window (English units)

• Click OK to save the entries and return to the flowsheet.

• Save the simulation before continuing.

Step 5 Run the Simulation and View the Results

• Run the simulation by clicking Run.
• Create a STREAM PROPERTY TABLE to examine the inlet refrigerant stream 50
and outlet stream 51 conditions using the Property Label List. To do this, select
Output | Stream Property Table.

English Units

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 3 85

SI Units

Figure 5: Refrigerant Stream Results

• Figure 6 below shows the calculated data for stream 13 from a Stream Property
Table using the Comp. Molar Rates Property List.
• Make sure your results match before proceeding.

English Units SI Units

Figure 6: Stream 13 Stream Property Table

Step 6 Save and Close the Simulation

You will use this simulation as the basis for Chiller Plant – Part 4.
• To save, File | Save.
• To close, File | Close.

Introduction to PRO/II
86 Chiller Plant – Part 4

Chiller Plant – Part 4

Continue to build the chiller plant. Add a Column and a Compressor. Use Mixers to combine the
plant liquid and vapor streams each into single product streams.

Figure 1: PFD of Chiller Plant – Part 4

Table 1: Equipment Data

Stabilizer Column T-1

Actual number of trays 22

Overall Tray Efficiency 55%

Feed location Tray 1

English Metric

Top Tray Pressure 200 psig 1380 kPag

Column Pressure Drop 2.5 psi 17 kPa

Bottom Product TVP 235 psig 1620 kPag

Compressor C-2

Outlet Pressure 600 psig 4150 kPag

Adiabatic Efficiency 73 % 73%

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 4 87


Step 1 Open the Existing Simulation

Use the previous example, CHILL3.prz, as the basis for this example.
• Open CHILL3.prz and save as CHILL4.prz.

Step 2 Add to the Process Flow Diagram

• Place a COMPRESSOR, two MIXERS and a COLUMN on the PFD.
• Connect the streams as shown in Figure 1.
• Name the units and streams appropriately.
When you place the COLUMN, you will be asked to give the number of theoretical trays and to
state whether the COLUMN has a condenser and a reboiler.

Note: Table 1 gives actual trays and tray efficiency. From this you must calculate the
number of theoretical trays in the body of the column. To calculate the theoretical number of
trays, multiply the actual number of trays and the overall tray efficiency (22*55% = 12
stages). The kettle Reboiler is simulated as a theoretical stage, and thus is stage 13. This
column has no condenser, so uncheck the Condenser check box.

Step 3 Enter the Unit Data

Mixers require no data. Enter the COMPRESSOR data from the table.

• Double-click on the COLUMN. Check that Number of Stages is correct and that the
default selections for Algorithm and Calculated Phases are appropriate to your
• Click Pressure Profile and enter the Top Tray Pressure and the Pressure Drop for
the entire COLUMN.
• Click Feeds and Products to set the feed tray number. Check that the default entry
for the Phase of each product is correct.

Estimate the rate of the overhead product. You can make a good guess from the results of the
previous run using Figure 2 as a guide. You could also use the Define function, assuming that
the overhead stream consists of all the Nitrogen through Methane from the column feed.
To access the Define function, click the data entry field for the overhead rate, and click Define
at the top of this window.
Note that the Define refers to stream 13, which is the column feed (and not the overhead rate).
Also, the Define assumes that the components N2 to C1 were initially selected as Components
in order of increasing volatility.

Introduction to PRO/II
88 Chiller Plant – Part 4

Figure 2: Overhead Flowrate Definition (English units)

• Click Reboiler to check that Kettle (Conventional) has been selected.

• Click Initial Estimates to select the Conventional initial estimate generation
• Click Performance Specifications to enter the true vapor pressure specification.
o If not already checked, check the Add Specifications and Variables box.
o In the Specifications grid, click on Parameter, choose the bottoms stream
15, and select Vapor Pressure from the Parameter list and True Vapor
Pressure from the Vapor Pressure list.
o Click OK to return to the Specifications and Variables window and enter the
appropriate value.
o If not already entered, in the Variables grid, click on Parameter, choose
Column and select Heat Duty of the Reboiler from the lists.
o The completed window is shown in Figure 3.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 4 89

Figure 3: Bottoms True Vapor Pressure Specification (English units)

• Click OK to return to the PFD and save the simulation.

Step 4 Run the Simulation

• Run the simulation and save.
For METRIC users, observe that PUMP P-1 has a yellow warning. In Step 6, you will
be provided instruction to clear this warning.

Note: If at any time a simulation fails (particularly a complex simulation with column(s) or
recycles), it is advised to Restore Input Data if the model has already been run (Input |
Restore Input Data).

Step 5 View the Results

• Select the column. Right click and select the View Excel Results option to generate
the fixed format Excel summary of the column as shown in Figure 4.
• Check the reboiler duty required to meet the liquid product specification.

Introduction to PRO/II
90 Chiller Plant – Part 4

English Units

Metric Units

Figure 4: Column T-1 Profile Summary

• To setup the plot output to Excel, select Options | Plot and select SIMSCI or Excel.
In this example, we will use SIMSCI.

• To generate the plot, select Output | Generate Plot.

• Plot Overview of Temperature and Flowrates for T-1 (Column), shown in Figure 5.
You may view the plot directly on the PFD.
As you make changes to the simulation, this plot will automatically update. You can transfer this
plot to Excel by right-clicking the plot and selecting Export to Excel.

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 4 91

English Units

Metric Units

Figure 5: Column T-1 Plot

Introduction to PRO/II
92 Chiller Plant – Part 4

• Double-click on COLUMN T-1.

• Click Print Options.

Figure 6: Column T-1 Data Entry Window

• In Column Print Options, check Tray Loading Summary and KGTower/FRI Data
in XML File.

Figure 7: Column Print Options Window

SimSci Training
Chiller Plant – Part 4 93

• Run and generate output.

• The additional output requested will now be available in Tools | Spreadsheet |
Distillation under the TrayLoadingReport tab in Excel.

Figure 8: Tray Loading Report from Distillation Report

Step 6 Clear the Yellow Warnings

After running the simulation when using METRIC units, PUMP P-1 shows a yellow
warning (as show in Figure 9).

This warning is due to the feed being very close the bubble point line. In the METRIC edition, it
just moves over into mixed phase region, hence the warning at the pump.
A check (adding a bubble point flash) showed the mixtures bubble point at 1397 kPag to be
30.31 C, and the pump inlet is 30.32 C.
In the ENGLISH edition, the mixture’s bubble point at 202.5 psig is 86.5 F, and the pump inlet is
86.49 F, so just in the liquid region.

Introduction to PRO/II
94 Chiller Plant – Part 4

Figure 9: Flowsheet Status for METRIC units only

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 1 95

Naphtha Assay – Part 1

Enter the assay data for the Naphtha Feed described below and generate a set of petroleum
components. Also create a plot of the calculated TBP curve and component cuts. The light ends
make up 5% of the total liquid volume. Use the Soave-Redlich-Kwong (SRK) thermodynamic
method to model the system.
To represent the boiling curve more closely, increase the number of pseudocomponents by
using twenty-one 18°F (10°C) cuts from 80°F to 460°F (30°C to 240°C).
The feed condition and assay data is given in Tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Naphtha Feed D86 Data

English Metric

LV% °F °C

3 90 32

5 125 52

10 195 90

30 250 121

50 280 138

70 310 154

90 390 199

95 418 214

98 430 221

Average Gravity 54.2 °API 0.762 Sp Gr

Fluid Flowrate 1000 lb/hr 450 kg/hr

Temperature 100 °F 38 °C

Pressure 1 atm 101.3 kPa

Table 2: Naphtha Feed Light Ends

Component Alias Name Molar Composition

i-Butane iC4 0.7

n-Butane nC4 2.15

i-Pentane iC5 0.86

n-Pentane nC5 3.58

Total 5% Liquid Volume

Introduction to PRO/II
96 Naphtha Assay – Part 1

• Create a new simulation by selecting File | New.

Step 1 Modify the Input Units of Measure

• Select Input | green-bordered Units Of Measure
• Change the UOM basis, if needed, by clicking on Initialize from UOM Library
• Once a basis has been selected, make any specific modifications using the individual
drop down lists.
If you have modified UOM, notice that the border of the UOM button is now blue.

Step 2 Define the Components for the Light Ends

• Select Input | red-bordered Component Selection
• Click Select from Lists
• Under Component Family, select Hydrocarbon Lightends
• Select the components from the list displayed in the order shown in Table 2.

Step 3 Select the Thermodynamic Method

• Select Input | red-bordered Thermodynamic Data
• From the Most Commonly Used Category, select Soave-Redlich-Kwong

Step 4 Build the Process Flow Diagram

• On the PFD palette, click on the red-bordered Streams button and add a stream to
the PFD.

Step 5 Modify the Assay Characterization Data

To represent the boiling curve more closely, you must increase the number of
pseudocomponents by using twenty-one 18°F (10°C) cuts from 80°F to 460°F (30°C to 240°C).

• Select Input | Assay Characterization

• Click Modify Primary Set
o Change the Minimum Temperature for First Interval to 80°F (30°C).
o In the first row, enter 460°F (240°C) as the Maximum Temperature for the
Interval and 21 as the Number of Pseudocomponents in Interval.
o Leave the default data for the second and third intervals as they are.
o Click OK.
• Click Characterization Options
o Under Distillation Bounderies, change the Initial Point from its default of
1% to 3%.
o Click OK.

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 1 97

Step 6 Define the Assay Stream

• Double-click on the stream and change the Stream name to NAPHTHA_FEED.
• Under Stream Type, select Petroleum Assay.
• Click Flowrate and Assay.
• Enter the Fluid Flowrate.

To define a new assay:

• In the Stream Data – Flowrate and Assay window, click Define/Edit Assay.
• Select ASTM D86 and enter the distillation data in the grid.
You can use the <Tab> key to move from cell to cell in the grid.
• Select the appropriate Gravity Data option and enter the average value.

Figure 1: Stream Data – Assay Definition (English units)

To enter the lightends composition:

• In the Assay Definition window, under Additional Data, click Lightends.
• Check the Assay lightends information for stream NAPHTHA_FEED box.
• Enter the molar composition of each component in the grid.
• Select Percent of Assay and enter 5 as the Liquid Volume percent.
• Because the lightends compositions do not add up to 1 or 100, you must check the
Normalize Component Flowrates Based on Specified Total Flowrate box.
• Click OK.

Introduction to PRO/II
98 Naphtha Assay – Part 1

Figure 2: Stream Data – Assay Lightends Data

• Back in the Stream Data window, enter the Temperature and Pressure values.
• Click OK.
• When asked whether you want to generate the pseudocomponents now or at a later
time, click No.

Step 7 Generate the Pseudocomponents

• You can generate the pseudocomponents at any time. To do this, select Input |
Generate Assay Components.

• To view the list of pseudocomponents, select Input | Component Selection.

• To look at the petroleum property data generated for the pseudocomponents,

generate an output report (Output | Generate Text Report).

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 1 99

English Units

SI Units

Figure 3: Petroleum Property Data Generated for the Pseudocomponents

Introduction to PRO/II
100 Naphtha Assay – Part 1

Step 8 Generate the Plot

• Double-click stream NAPTHA_FEED.
• Click Flowrate and Assay | Define/Edit Assay | View Curve
• View the results as shown in Figure 3 below.

English Units

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 1 101

SI Units

Figure 4: Assay Processing Plot

Step 9 Save and Close the Simulation

You will use this simulation as the basis for Naphtha Assay – Part 2.
• To save, File | Save.
• To close, File | Close.

Introduction to PRO/II
102 Naphtha Assay – Part 2

Naphtha Assay – Part 2

In this exercise, you will use the assay stream you created in NAPHTH1.prz and manipulate it
using two flash drums. The first flash drum predicts the temperature at which 80 mole % of the
feed is recovered in the vapor. The second flash drum predicts the quantity of liquid that drops
out when a temperature drop is imposed on that vapor.

Figure 1: PFD of Naphtha Assay – Part 2

Table 1: Equipment Data and Operating Conditions

Unit Description Data English Metric

F1 Flash Drum Pressure 0.8 atm 81 kPa

80/20 vapor/liquid (molar basis split)

F2 Flash Drum Temperature Drop 18°F 10°C

Pressure Drop 0.1 atm 10 kPa

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 2 103


Step 1 Open and Save the Simulation

• Open simulation NAPHTH1.prz and save it under a new name: NAPHTH2.prz.

Step 2 Build the Process Flow Diagram

• Add two flash drums to the PFD and connect as shown in Figure 1.
• Connect the stream NAPHTHA_FEED to the first flash drum.
• Add the remaining streams to the flowsheet and ensure that the unit names and
stream numbers are as illustrated in Figure 1.

Step 3 Enter Unit Operating Conditions

• Enter the unit data from Table 1 into both flash drums.

Flash – F1
• Enter the Pressure and Vapor Mole Fraction.
The completed window for Flash F1 is shown in Figure 2 below.

Figure 2: Completed Flash Drum Window for F1 (English units)

Introduction to PRO/II
104 Naphtha Assay – Part 2

Flash – F2
Because a temperature drop is specified, the temperature of Flash F2 is unknown until the first
flash has executed, thus you cannot enter an absolute value at this time.
You can, however, enter a relative value using the Define function as shown in Figure 3. Notice
that when this is set up, the word DEFINED appears in the Temperature field.

Figure 3: Completed Window for F2 (English units)

• To accomplish the above, click the Temperature field, click Define.

• In the Definition window, check the Set Up Definition box.
• To set up a temperature drop specification click on = and select = Parameter –
Parameter from the list.
• For the first Parameter and select the Temperature of Stream F1VAPOR (the feed
stream to the second flash drum).
• For the second Parameter, select Constant and enter the temperature difference
value in the box.

The completed Definition window is shown in Figure 4.

SimSci Training
Naphtha Assay – Part 2 105

Figure 4: Completed Definition Window for F2 (English units)

Step 4 Add a Stream Property Table

• Double-click and choose to display a Short Property List for all the streams in the

Note: Configure the Stream Property Table by selecting Options | Stream Property Lists.

Step 5 Run the Simulation and View the Results

• Run the simulation.
• Observe the temperatures, pressures and flowrates. Verify that they accurately
reflect the specifications you entered.

Figure 4: Short Property Table

Introduction to PRO/II

Step 7 Save and Close the Simulation

You will use this simulation as the basis for Napththa Assay – Part 3.
• To save, File | Save.
• To close, File | Close.

SimSci Training

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