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Chapter 2 SPED 420

Large Group Instruction

If the teacher uses effective presentation strategies such as demonstration, modeling,

and guided practice and supplements them with cooperative learning, small group
instruction, follow-up direct instruction, or engaging seatwork activities, large group
instruction can be effective for teaching academics and social skills to students with
diverse needs.

Small Group Instruction

 Typically consists of 3-7 students

 Especially recommended for students with learning problems
 Tier 2 instruction in an RTI model
 Attempt to group students who have similar instructional needs in a specific
academic area.

Teacher Instructional Model

Used to help student with learning problems learn a new skill

Student Instructional Model

Peer mentoring

Self-Correcting Material

 Flap-a flap that cover the correct answers

 Windows-small windows that cover the correct response

 Stylus-feedback is provided by using a stylus with certain cards

 Matching cards-cards with a problem on the front and answer on the back

 Answer on Back- answer is placed on the back of them card

 Tab-tab is pulled from a pocket with answers on it

 Pocket-made with stapled envelopes

 Holes-problems on one side of the card answer under the holes

 Clips-clips like paperclips to give feedback

 Strips on Folder-a manila folder is cut to create strips

 Simple Board Game-a board game to help a student learn

 Mystery Detective-a game to help with reading terms

Teaching Students with Learning Problems, 8th Edition,

Cecil D. Mercer; Ann R. Mercer; Paige C. Pullen (2011)

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