An Analysis of Grammatical Errors On Students' Writing: Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah

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2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263

Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549



Banjar Putri Kumala1*), Siti Aimah2), Muhimatul Ifadah3)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

This study was conducted to find out the grammatical errors on students’ writing. Grammatical
errors were analyzed based on surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen. It
consisted of four types, they were omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. There were
27 students that became the subject of this research. The purpose of this research was to identify
and describe the dominant types of grammatical errors on students’ writing and to know to what
extent the factors cause grammatical errors on students’ writing. Qualitative and quantitative were
chosen as the research design. Library research, analysis, documentation, writing test result,
questionnaire, and interview were used as the instruments of the data collection. The result of this
research showed that the number of errors occurred was 810 errors. Omission errors had the
biggest percentage with the percentage of 37%, followed by addition errors with the percentage of
32%. Misformation errors was in the third position with the percentage of 30% while misordering
errors became the lowest errors with the percentage of 1%. The factors causing errors were
carelessness (73%), first language interference (61%), translation (67%), teacher’s explanation and
students’ incomprehension about grammar. Based on the result of the data, the more factors faced
by the students, the more frequency of errors on writing occurred. Therefore, the teacher should
recognize the students’ errors and encourage the students to learn grammar.

Keywords: grammatical errors, students, writing

Introduction after getting inputs from listening and

In Indonesia, students who learn English are reading activities. However, all of the skills
expected to master all language skills, so do are to be improved in the process of teaching
English Education students. They are and learning English.
required to communicate in English well. Among the four skills above, writing
English learning has main concern on the is the most difficult one to be learnt by
mastery of language competences to achieve students. Writing needs broad knowledge
functional level for communication both and deep thinking process to produce words,
spoken and written. Therefore, students are sentences, and paragraphs at the same with
demanded to earn spoken and written good English grammar. As Palmer (1994, p.
products such as short functional texts, 1) cited in Alfiyani (2013, p. 1) states that
transactional texts, essay, etc. writing is difficult to learn because the writer
English subject has four language should involve a process that includes
skills to be mastered by students as the goal planning, organizing, and revising to present
of learning English. Those language skills meaning in words or sentences. It means that
are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. writing requires capability at organizing and
Listening and reading are referred as combining information into cohesive and
receptive skills, it is related with inputs coherent paragraphs and texts in order to be
which are comprehended by students when understandable. Because writing is not
they are learning English. Meanwhile, simple and easy, the students need to practice
speaking and writing are referred as a lot in writing to make a readable and
productive skills, it is related with outputs or meaningful writing.
products which are produced by students


Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

The learners must apply the five sentences formed is different from the
general components of the writing process; English way. So, it is normal when learners
they are content, form, grammar, style and make errors in language in writing.
mechanic. In fact, in writing process students Therefore, when the teachers teach, they will
cannot avoid making mistakes and find their students face some difficulties.
committing errors especially when they are In this research, the researcher would like to
trying to arrange sentences or use tenses. analyze the students’ errors of grammar on
Consequently, they commonly write students’ writing. The researcher wants to
sentences which are grammatically incorrect. know what errors are mostly made by the
In order to compose good writing, students students on grammar under the title “An
should understand grammar well. If their Analysis of Grammatical Error on Students’
writing has incorrect grammar, the readers Writing”. It is very important to know how
cannot understand about the meaning inside. many types of errors in writing to help them
According to Alufohai (2016, p. 62) understand writing skill well. This result of
grammar at the sentence level is fundamental the analysis hopefully gives some
for the writing of compositions in English contribution in attempting to decrease errors
language. There are many rules in grammar, done by the students and help them to
including articles, parts of speech, sentence improve writing skill in learning English.
pattern, and tense, etc (Cook and Ricard,
1980) cited in Muhsin (2016, p. 81). Some Methodology
mistakes and errors occur when the students This research was designed by using
do not understand well about the English descriptive qualitative research because it
grammar. If the teacher does not realize was aimed to describe grammatical errors on
about students’ mistakes and errors, those students’ writing. The data about
mistakes and errors may occur repeatedly grammatical errors in students’ writing were
because they do not have the correction. analyzed based on the results of the data
The statement above is reinforced by collection instruments.
the description of pre-observation in English Descriptive qualitative method is
Education Department of University of called as interpretive method because the
Muhammadiyah Semarang in the academic result of the research is related to interpreting
year 2016-2017. Based on the pre- about data found in the field. (Sugiyono,
observation, the researcher found that there 2013, p. 14). Arikunto (2007, p. 234) states
were grammatical errors in students’ writing. that descriptive research has not purpose to
It should not be ignored because it will give test the certain hypothesis, but just describe
impact on communication in English. some variable and condition naturally. So the
Most of the students stated that researcher described and explained about
grammar is difficult especially in writing. anything related to this analysis.
Then vocabulary mastery becomes the The researcher used writing test
second problem, and organizing ideas is the result, questionnaire, and interview as the
next problem in writing. Consequently, those instruments of data collection. They were
problems give impact on students’ writing analyzed comprehensively. Although this
performance. research more focused on descriptive
Many factors which cause the qualitative method, but serving numerical
learners of English as a foreign language data in order to get valid and countable data
make errors and sometimes first language was needed. So, the quantitative method has
interference also becomes one of the causes. conducted in this research to see the
The different structures in the first language percentage and frequencies for supporting
and the second language potentially generate the research.
error in writing. The way Indonesian


Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

Findings and Discussion This was because the students often added
In this section, the researcher showed the some items which were not needed in the
analysis data of grammatical errors on sentences and made the sentences had
students’ writing which was analyzed based unclear meaning. The example of addition
on surface strategy taxonomy by Dulay, error was “They know how to teaching
Burt, and Krashen. All of the data were students”. From the sentence, the student
presented in Table 1 below. added final “–ing” in the end of “teaching”
in which it should be infinitive verb. So, the
Table. Data Result of Errors on Surface Strategy best correction was “They know how to teach
Taxonomy students”.
Surface Percen Misformation errors became the third
No. Strategy Component -tage rank with the number of errors as many as
Taxonomy (%)
239 errors or 30%. It was because the
1. Omission 300 37%
students used the wrong forms of the
2. Addition Double marking 0 morpheme or word, moreover the students
32% did not give attention to grammatical rules.
Regularization 60 The example of misformation error was “Mr.
Simple addition 200
Total 260 Smith have enjoying lecturing”.From the
3 Misformation Regularization 209 sentence, the student used the wrong form of
30% “have” which should be “has”, because the
Archi-form 6
Alternating 24 subject was singular noun. Moreover, the
Total 239 student wrote “enjoying” instead of
4 Misordering 11 1% “enjoyable”. The student could not change
Total 810 100%
the word “enjoy” into adjective form to make
a phrase. It could be seen that the student
could not perform the right formation
The result of the research showed that process. So, the sentence above should be
omission errors became the most errors made “Mr. Smith has enjoyable lecturing”.
by second and fourth semester students with The other result was misordering
300 errors or 37% from the total 810 errors. errors which became the lowest percentage
The reason was because the students omitted of errors made by students. The students
items that must appear in the sentences. The made errors 11 times or 1 % out of the whole
errors were mostly about the elimination of errors. This happened because actually the
correct linguistic words, morphemes, and students did not put words in the right order.
phrases. From the data of students’ writing, The example of misordering error was
the researcher found the common errors such “Jakarta’s inhabitant almost 85.36% are
as the students omitted “be”, final “–s” or “– moslem”. In that sentence, the student
es” for plural noun, and subject. The wanted to write “Warga Jakarta hampir
example of omission error was “Mr. Smith 85.36% adalah muslim” but the student
always on time.” From the sentence, the failed to arrange the sentence in the right
student omitted be “is” after the subject. The order. Furthermore the student use
sentence above was nominal sentence. To “inhabitant” as diction to translate “warga”
construct nominal sentence, the students instead of another word “citizen”. Therefore,
need be (e.g. is, am, are, was, were, etc.) best correction was “Almost 85.36% citizens
which has function as predicate. So, it should of Jakarta are moslem”.
be “Mr. Smith is always on time”. In addition, the further discussion
Addition errors became the second would be correlated to the factors causing
place or lower than omission with the errors. The data result from questionnaire
number of errors were 260 errors or 32%. and interview revealed the factors causing


Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

errors on students’ writing. Those factors interference and translation which were
were carelessness (73%), first language caused the errors were 61% and 67% which
interference (61%), translation (67%), meant high. Surely, those factors become
teacher’s explanation, and students’ obstacles when the students were learning
incomprehension about grammar. English. Therefore, the errors of
The first factor was carelessness. misformation appeared on students’ writing.
Carelessness referred to students’ motivation In addition, considerable factors
in learning English. It happened because the which caused error were teacher’s
students had lack of attention or slip of the explanation and students’ incomprehension
pen, for instance when the student wrote “On about grammar. Teacher’s explanation would
the other hand, there is Mr. Jones. Although influence students’ incomprehension about
Mr. James is not young anymore, but his grammar. The teacher should make the
spirit of lecturing/teaching beating young students understand and use the rules of
students”. From the sentence, it could be English grammar correctly. If the teacher
seen that the student replaced “Mr. James” could not explain English lesson clearly, it
for “Mr. Jones” in the previous sentence. would harm students’ comprehension. As a
The researcher was sure that actually the result, the students made mistakes and errors.
student would like to write “Mr. Jones” but The students often generalized some rules.
he failed to write “Mr. Jones” in the next They did mistakes and errors at using
sentence because the subject was “Mr. auxiliary, diction, passive form, subject verb
Jones” not “Mr. James”. But it happened agreement, singular and plural nouns, and
because he had lack of attention. It was also basic grammar terminology.
supported by the data from the interview in From the explanation above, it could
which some of the students sometimes wrote be summarized that the factors mentioned
hurriedly and did not check their writing. caused the errors occurred. However, those
Finally, that error could result alternating factors related to students’ characteristics,
error. background knowledge, and experiences in
The second factor was the first learning English would gave impact on the
language interference. It could be seen from students’ writing performance. Therefore, the
the sentence “Different with Jakarta, more factors faced by the students, the more
Semarang is the capital Central Java”. The frequency of errors on writing occurred.
student would like to write “Berbeda dengan
Jakarta, Semarang adalah ibu kota Jawa Conclusions
Tengah”, but “berbeda dengan” was The analysis of grammatical errors on
translated by the student into “different with” students’ writing in English Education
in which in English it should be “different Department of University of Muhammadiyah
from”. It could be said that the sentence Semarang had been conducted by the
made by the student was interfered by the researcher, based on the result of this
first language (Bahasa Indonesia). Another research, it could be concluded that:
example was “The first one is develop 1. Omission errors became the highest
country and the second one is country which errors on students’ writing with the
progressed”. The student would like to write percentage of 37%, the second place was
“Negara maju” and “Negara berkembang” in addition errors with the percentage of
which in English it should be “developed 32%, the third place was misformation
country” and “developing country”. Those errors with the percentage of 30%, and
errors could be categorized as misformation. the last was misordering with the
It was also indicated that the students percentage of 1%.
translated the sentences literally. Based on 2. The factors causing errors were
the data, the percentage of first language carelessness (73%), first language


Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah
2nd English Language and Literature International Conference (ELLiC) Electronic ISSN: 2579-7263
Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

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Proceedings – (ELLiC Proceedings Vol. 2, 2018) CD-ROM ISSN: 2579-7549

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Banjar Putri Kumala, Siti Aimah, Muhimatul Ifadah

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