Corporation Code Notes

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the stocks covered by the said subscription

delinquent and subject to sale at public auction.
Remedies to enforce payment of stick subscription. This means that the delinquent shares shall
1. Extra-Judicial sale at public auction – Permitting cover not only the unpaid portion of the
the corporation to put up unpaid stock for sale stockholder's subscription but his entire
and dispose of it for the account of the subscription consistently with the doctrine that
delinquent subscribers. a subscription is one, entire, indivisible, whole
2. Judicial Action – The statutory right to sell the contract, (see Sec. 64.)
subscriber’s stock is merely a remedy in
addition to that which proceeds by action in CALL ASSESSMENT
court. A declaration officially Used with reference to
3. Collection from cash dividends and withholding made by a corporation both paid and unpaid
of stock dividends – Authorized by Section 43. usually expressed in the subscriptions.
form of a resolution of the Paid Subscriptions – Levy
Statutory sanctions on stock delinquency. board of directors made upon the stock of a
1. Rights denied to stockholder. – No delinquent requiring the payment of corporation, generally for
stock shall be voted. all or a certain prescribed the purpose of correcting
2. Right given to corporation. – Corporation has portion of a subscriber’s an impairment of the
the right to first apply cash dividends due on stock subscription. capital and indicates the
delinquent stock to the unpaid balance on the proportionate amount
subscription plus cost and expense, while as to required to be paid by
stock dividends, to withhold the same from the each stockholder.
delinquent stockholder until his unpaid Unpaid Subscriptions – Call
subscription is fully paid. or installment.

Remedies limited to delinquent subscription. – Such VALID CALL requisites:

power of right is limited to delinquent subscription and (To safeguard the rights of stockholders and subject
does not extend to any other debt of stockholders to them only to equality of assessments)
corporations. 1. It must be made in the manner prescribed by
 Corporations may sell shares of stockholders for law;
the satisfaction of the latter's debt to the 2. It must be made by the board of directors;
former. 3. It must operate uniformly upon all the
 A lien upon stock in favor of corporations for shareholders.
debt or liability of stockholders other than
unpaid subscription due and payable would be Power of BOD to make call.
an obstacle to the trading of shares. Before 1. BOD may at any time declare due and payable
accepting a transfer of corporate shares, a unpaid subscriptions.
prospective transferee would have to inquire 2. Power not absolute, limited by the subscription
into unregistered claims against said shares in contract.
favor of the corporation. (Bank of P.I. vs.
Caridad Estates, C.A.-G.R. No. 16, Aug. 22,1939.) Necessity and purpose of call.
1. Depends upon the provisions of the contract of
A provision creating a lien upon shares of stock subscription.
for unpaid debts, liabilities, or assessment of 2. Necessary when required by the subscription
stockholders to the corporation should be agreement.
embodied in the articles of incorporation, and 3. If no time fixed for payment in the agreement,
not merely in the by-laws, because Section 6 the subscription is payable only upon call by the
(par. 1.) prescribes that the shares of stock of a board of directors which may be made “at any
corporation "may have such rights, privileges or time” as the board may decide.
restrictions as may be stated in the articles of 4. Amount that may be called also depends upon
incorporation." (SEC Opinion, April 13,1981.) the terms of the contract.
Section 91, dealing with termination of 5. PURPOSE of CALL is to fix the time of payment
membership in a non-stock corporation, of unpaid subscription and the percentage
specifically states that the manner and causes thereof to be paid when they are not fixed in
for such termination shall be provided in the the subscription contract.
articles of incorporation or the by-laws.
Payment of unpaid subscription or percentage thereof: 1. When insolvency supervenes upon a
1. Date specified in the contract of subscription; corporation, the payment of stock subscription
2. In the absence of any specified date in the may be enforced without the necessity of a
contract of subscription, on the date stated in prior call.
the call made by the board of directors; 2. Same where the subscriber becomes insolvent.
3. Failure to pay on such date shall render the 3. No call is necessary to fix the subscriber's
entire balance due and payable and make all liability when the subscription is payable not
upon call or demand by the directors but (1) irregularity or defect in the notice of sale; and
immediately or on a specified day on or before (2) irregularity or defect in the sale itself of the
a specified day, or when it is payable in delinquent stock.
installments at specified times.
Irregularity or defect in the call for unpaid
Payment without call. - A stockholder can pay his subscription or in the notice of delinquency is no
subscribed shares of stock even if there is no call for longer included among the grounds for questioning
their payment. the sale.

Necessity of notice of call. - Notice must be given to SEC. 69 COURT ACTION TO RECOVER UNPAID
the stock holder concerned. A call without notice to SUBSCRIPTION
the subscriber is practically no call at all.
Judicial remedy to recover unpaid subscription.
SEC. 67 DELINQUENCY SALE 1. Necessity of prior call. GR: A corporation may
not maintain a suit for the enforcement of
Procedure for the sale of delinquent stocks. unpaid subscription without first making a call
1. Resolution declaring unpaid subscriptions as provided by law.
payable. 2. Prescriptive period – The judicial action to
2. Notice to stockholders of resolution. recover unpaid subscription:
3. Resolution ordering sale of delinquent stocks. a. Written subscription - contract must be
4. Notice and publication of delinquent sale. brought within 10 years from the time the
5. Sale of delinquent stocks. action accrues;
b. Verbal Subscription – 6 years.
Highest Bidder - The highest bidder is the person Note: Prescriptive period begins from the date
offering at the sale to pay the full amount of the demand is made of the subscriber by the
balance on the subscription together with accrued corporation to pay the balance of the
interest, if any (see Sees. 66, 67.), cost of subscription.
advertisement32 and expenses of sale, for the 3. Amount recoverable. — The judicial remedy is
smallest number of shares or fraction of a share. limited to "the amount due on any unpaid
(Sec. 68, par. 3.) Thus, the subscriber cannot incur subscription with accrued interest, costs and
any deficiency liability because the highest bid must expenses." Therefore, the corporation cannot
not be less than the full amount due. recover any other claim against the subscriber.
The foregoing is also true in case of the extra-
The corporation has a right to reject the highest judicial sale at public auction of delinquent
bid. - The delinquent stock shall be sold to the shares. (Sec. 68, par. 3.)
highest bidder "unless the board of directors 4. Nature of Controversy – SEC has original and
otherwise orders". exclusive jurisdiction over controversies arising
out of intra-corporate relations between the
In the absence of bidders - the corporation may corporation and the stockholders.
purchase for itself the delinquent stock. The 5.
delinquent subscriber shall also be released from The Relationship Test
liability with regard to his subscription which is Under the relationship test, there is an intra-corporate
deemed fully paid, for the total amount due shall be controversy when the conflict is:
credited as paid in full in the books of the (1) between the corporation, partnership, or association
corporation. and the public;
(2) between the corporation, partnership, or association
Forfeiture of delinquent stock - without the and the State insofar as its franchise, permit, or license
corporation paying for it under Section 68, is not to operate is concerned;
authorized under the Code. (3) between the corporation, partnership, or association
and its stockholders, partners, members, or officers;
Shares to be sold in case of delinquency. - The and (4) among the stockholders, partners, or associates
unpaid subscription must be paid by the subscriber themselves.
pursuant to the terms and conditions of the
subscription contract with the corporation. Where
the subscription contract fails to fix the time and
amount to be paid, the same may be fixed in the
notice of call pursuant to a resolution of the board
of directors.


(refers to unpaid subscription to capital stock)
Recovery of stock unlawfully sold.
The grounds for the recovery of stock unlawfully
sold for delinquency are:

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