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Vision Document


Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Group-5


Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

Table of Contents
Table of contents…………………………………………………………………………..2
Revision History…………………………………………………………………………...3
2. Positioning...................................................................................................................................4
2.1Business Opportunity............................................................................................................5
2.2Problem Statement................................................................................................................5
2.3Product Position Statement...................................................................................................5
3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions..............................................................................................6
3.1 Market Demographics..........................................................................................................6
3.2Stakeholder summary............................................................................................................6
3.3 User Summary..............................................................................................................7
3.4User Environment.................................................................................................................7
3.6 User Profiles...............................................................................................................................8
3.6.1 Admin...............................................................................................................................8
3.5 Key Stakeholder or User Needs...........................................................................................9
3.6 Alternatives and Competition............................................................................................10
4. Product Overview......................................................................................................................10
4.1 Product Perspective............................................................................................................10
4.2 Assumptions and Dependencies........................................................................................10
4.3 Cost and Pricing.................................................................................................................11
4.4 Licensing and Installation..................................................................................................11
5. Product Features.........................................................................................................................11
Hardware requirements: ..........................................................................................................11
6. Constraints ................................................................................................................................12
7. Quality Ranges ..........................................................................................................................12
8. Precedence and Priority.............................................................................................................12
9. Other Product Requirements......................................................................................................12
9.1 Applicable Standards.........................................................................................................12
9.2 System Requirements.........................................................................................................12
9.3 Performance Requirements................................................................................................13
9.4 Environmental Requirements.............................................................................................13
10. Documentation Requirements..................................................................................................13
10.1User Manual......................................................................................................................13
10.2 Online Help......................................................................................................................13
10.3Installation Guides, Configuration, and Read Me File.....................................................13
10.4 Labeling and Packaging...................................................................................................14

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

Revision History

Name Date Reason For Changes Version

Online off-center 10/10/201 1) The system does not response fast.
councelling 0
2)The System has less efficiency


1. Introduction

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

The Vision summarizes the "vision" of the project. It serves to tersely communicate the big ideas
regarding why the project was proposed, what the problems are, who the stakeholders are, what
they need, and what the proposed solution looks like.

1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this document is to present a detailed description of the Online off-center
councelling. It will explain the purpose and features of the system, the interfaces of the system,
what the system will do, the constraints under which it must operate and how the system will
react to external stimuli. This document is intended for both the guides and the developers of the

1.2 Scope

Off-centre online Councelling software is software which alleviates the need for the student to go
to the specific allotted nodal centers for councelling and provides a systematic approach for the
students in the allotment procedure for a college. In the current system, the travelling needs of
the student have to be elicited, the software needs to have minimal information requirement from
the student side, and allotment should be according to rank of the student. The current system has
only a single day slot which does not incorporate a delay which can be disastrous for students.


Applicable references are:-

• Roger.S.Pressman, software engineering – A Practitioners Approach.

UML Bible.

• Herbert Schieldt, Java 2 complete reference.

• Khalid Mugal “JAVA”




2. Positioning

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

2.1Business Opportunity

Off-centre online Counceling has great opportunity in the commercial market. The existing
system is less efficiency. The travelling needs of the student have to be elicited, the software
needs to have minimal information requirement from the student side, and allotment should be
according to rank of the student. The current system has only a single day slot which does not
incorporate a delay which can be disastrous for students. This system can also be implemented in
other systems also. So; this system causes great change in the market.

2.2Problem Statement

The problem of The efficiency is low and lack of information

available in the site.

Affects Student

The impact of which is Student not gets collage according to their rank.

A successful solution would This problem can be overcome through a system

be which works on an algorithm which is faster and
provide detail information.

2.3Product Position Statement

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

For Universities who allot the collage manually.

Who To provide efficient system.

The (product name) Online off-center councelling

That Student got college according to their rank; there is no

chance of fraud.
Unlike The existing manual system for concelling.

3. Stakeholder and User Descriptions

There are two users to this system known as Student and Administrator.

3.1 Market Demographics

The demographics in market that are interested in this software are the universities that want
online councelling within their universities. The demographics may be any universities .The
market size is vast for this product because any demographic can use the product easily and it is
very cheap to implement it.

3.2Stakeholder summary
Name Description Responsibilities

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

Project Guide CSE/IT Department Responsible for providing resources,

guidance and monitor the progress of
the product.

Administrator User information Manages the information of users.


user students provides choices of collage.

System Other stakeholders The responsibility of the system

Designers include system designers is to develop a system
designers who design & which is easily maintainable, secure
look the entire system
and error free.

3.3 User Summary

Name Description Responsibilities

admin Acts as administrator Responsible for managing user
and is main user of the information

User Acts as a user and is Responsible for giving its choices of

secondary user collage to the system.

System Other stakeholders The responsibility of the system

Designers include system designers is to develop a system which
designers who design & is easily maintainable, secure and error
look the entire system free.

3.4User Environment

The system needs user that is students can complete the task of giving choices of collages to the system
for their councelling. The other user is admin which allot seats to the students.The system is implemented
using Java which is platform independent, so application can run on all platforms.

3.5) Stakeholder profiles

3.5.1) Project Guide

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

Representative Project Guide and project co-guides

Description They are the part of the S.V.I.T.S organization. They are the faculties of CSE/IT
Type They are well experienced in technical field. They have knowledge of both
software’s and biometric.

Responsibilities They provide resources and guidance to developers. they also monitor the progress
of the software.

Success Criteria They put signature to the project diary.

Involvement They are totally involved in the project. They guide on every topic of RUP.

Deliverables They provide all software needed.

Comments / The algorithm needed is very tough to implement.


3.6 User Profiles

3.6.1 Admin

Representative Administrator(It may be stack holder)

Description Admin is the user of this system.
Type The admin is well qualified because it belongs to technical field.
Responsibilities The admin controls the information of the students. It also checks the proper

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

functioning of the system

Success Criteria It successfully handles all information. It reports higher authorities for its successful
Involvement The admin is the main user of the system because main functions of the system
belongs to admin
Deliverables The admin allot seats of college to the students.
Comments / After some specified date, admin then allot seats to student.


Representative The users are students

Description They are students which is applicable to councelling.
Type The students belongs to technical field.
Responsibilities The students have to fill their choices.
Success Criteria Their choices will be noted in the database
Involvement They are involved for filling choices.
Deliverables The user gives their choices which handles by admin
Comments / The students should fill choices before specific date.

3.5 Key Stakeholder or User Needs

Currently college allotment procedure is a process in which a student has to report at the centre
at a particular time. Also, the whole process of councelling is cumbersome as it is a long
stepwise process. Need of this project is justified by its meaningful information that it provides
to its users and ease that it provides to its users. The need to report at a particular instance has
been removed with our site, also all the information regarding the councelling has been made
available at the same place.

Need Priori Concerns Current Proposed Solutions

ty Solution

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

Efficient way of 1 This Councelling is Councelling is done

councelling. system is handled manually online without going
very time to nodal center.

3.6 Alternatives and Competition

The system is developed in its generalized form for any universities. Other alternatives available
provide manual way of councelling. The alternative method is highly time consuming.

4. Product Overview
This section provides a high level view of the structure of Off-centre online Councelling.

4.1 Product Perspective

Off-centre online Councelling software is software which alleviates the need for the student to go
to the specific allotted nodal centers for councelling and provides a systematic approach for the
students in the allotment procedure for a college.

4.2 Assumptions and Dependencies

The following assumptions and dependencies relate to the capabilities of the Off-centre online
Councelling as outlined in this Vision Document:

• The student must be familiar with internet.

• The student’s id and password given at the time of score card.

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

4.3 Cost and Pricing

Intangible Cost: The intangible cost related to our project comprises of the labor put in, study
hours devoted, in making the project and the advice given to us by our guide in making this
project. The intangible benefits involved in our project are the satisfaction of our guide and
colleagues who will test and use our project.
Indirect Cost: The indirect expenses related to our project are: electricity consumed
depreciation of the computer systems and other equipment that are used in the development of
the project. It also includes the cost of gathering the information regarding the project.
Variable Cost: Variable cost includes the cost of the stationary used for project report and also
the cost of the auxiliary storage media required as a backup of our project. Variable cost also
includes the traveling expense that was done for the project

4.4 Licensing and Installation

5. Product Features
The admin has to sign in to the system for using this system.

Hardware requirements:

 Pentium IV, 750 MHz, 20GB HDD

 RAM: 64MB minimum
 400MB Minimum Free Space on Drive
 A Color Monitor, a Keyboard and a Mouse (optionally).

5.2 Software Requirements:

 Operating System: Windows XP
 Net beans
 DB2

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

 JDK 1.4 or above

6. Constraints

• It is designed specifically for single user that is admin.

• Efficiency of the system depends on the algorithm used for matching and type of

7. Quality Ranges
This section defines the quality ranges for performance, robustness, fault tolerance, usability, and
similar characteristics for the exam scheduling system

Availability: The System shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Usability: The System shall be easy-to-use.

Maintainability: The System shall be designed for ease of maintenance.

8. Precedence and Priority

This section provides some direction on the relative importance of the proposed system features.
The features defined in this Vision Document should be included in the first 3 releases of the
system. As development progresses on this system, the new features may include in the system.
The benefit, effort, and risk attributes are used to determine priority of a feature and target

9. Other Product Requirements

9.1 Applicable Standards
The desktop user-interface shall be Windows XP/Vista compliant
9.2 System Requirements

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

The client component of the system shall not require more than 32 MB RAM and 20 MB Disk
The client component of the system shall run on Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7.
The client component of the system must have installed driver of the scanner.
9.3 Performance Requirements
The system works for 10min. when it is started then it will close.

9.4 Environmental Requirements

The whole should be placed in temperature between 20-25C

10. Documentation Requirements

10.1User Manual
The User Manual shall describe use of the System from the operator’s view point. The User
Manual shall include:
o Minimum System Requirements
o Installation of the system
o Logging On
o Logging Off
o All System Features
o Customer Support Information

10.2 Online Help

Online Help shall be available to the user for each system function. Each topic covered in the
User Manual shall also be available through the online help.
10.3Installation Guides, Configuration, and Read Me File
The installation for exam scheduling includes the following things-
• Minimum Hardware Requirements
• Installation Instructions
• User Specific Parameters
• Customer Support Information
• How to Order Upgrades

The Read Me File shall be available for display following installation. The Read Me File will
also reside on disk and be available for viewing at any time by the user. The Read Me File shall
• New release features
• Known bugs and workarounds.

Online off-center councelling Version: 1.0
Date: 10/10/2010

10.4 Labeling and Packaging

The SVITS College logo shall be prominent on the user documentation and splash screens.


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