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At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Identify the different basic strokes and survival float in swimming
b. Appreciate the significance of swimming in their lives
c. Perform the different strokes, kick and floating in swimming
Topic: Swimming (Basic Skills). Physical Education7GS-Id-h-4/PE7GS-Id-5
Values: Learning any of the basic swimming is an essential skills in life.

Reference: Grade 7 P.E &Health Learners Materials, pp. 35 – 37

Materials and Equipment:
 Video of different swimming strokes
 Laptop.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory
Good Morning/afternoon class!
 Prayer Let us pray. Almighty God…..
Let us pray first. May I ask ________ to lead us (students Prayer)
in prayer?

Thank you _______!

 Greetings
Good Morning/afternoon, class! - Good morning sir!

Thank you. Take your seats.

How was your day? - It was great sir!

 Checking of attendance

Class monitor, is there any absentees for today? - There’s no absentees for today sir!

 Review
Before we go to next lesson, let us review first
our lesson yesterday. Class, what was our - Sir, our lesson last meeting was all about
lesson last meeting? sports.
- Individual, Dual and Team sports.
Very good!

 Motivation
(Show a Picture)

What is the picture?

Very good!

What is your idea form the picture?

 Motivation
Show a Picture)

What is the picture? - (Learners will answer…..)

Very good!

What is your idea form the picture?

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