Additional UBBL 2012

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Ka. PU. 20, 100 STREET, DRAINAGE AND BUILDING ACT 1974 Unirorm BuiLpinc By-Laws (AmenpMent) 2007 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 133 of the Street, Drainage and Building Act 1974 (Act 133] the State Authority makes the following by-laws: Citation 1. (1) These by-laws may be cited as the Uniforni Building By-Laws (Amendment) 2007. 2) These by-laws shall be deemed to come into operation on 12 April 2007. Amendment of by-laws 1 2, ‘The Uniform Building By-Laws 1986 [Kn. P.U. 9/1986], which are seffered to as the “principal By-laws” in these By-laws, are amended in the marginal note, by substituting for the words “Citation application and date of commencement” the words “Citation and commencement". Amendment of by-law 2 3. By-laws 2 of the principal By-laws is amended— (@ in the definition of “architect”, by substituting for the words “who is registered as an architect” the words “who is registered as a Professional Engineer”; ©) in the definition of “engineer”- (i) by substituting for the words “who is registered as a professional engineer” the words “who is registered as a Professional Engineer’; and Gi) by substituting for the words “the business of a professional engineer” the words “the business of an engineer”; (©) by inserting after the definition of “prestressed concrete” the following defini ‘principal submitting person” means a qualified person who submits building plans to the local authority for approval in accordance with these ~ By-laws and includes any other qualified person who takes over the duties and responsibilities of or acts for the first-mentioned qualified person in accordance with by-law (@ by substituting for the definition of “qualified person” the following definition: * “qualified person” means a Professional Architect, Professional Engineer or building draughtsman registered under any written law relating to the registration thereof,'; 2 101 Kn, P.U. 20. @ @) @ @ a by substituting for the definition of “submitting person” the following, definition: * “submitting petsén” means a qualified person who submits plans, other than building plans, to the local authority or relevant statutory in accordance with these By-laws and includes any other qualified person who takes over the dutics and responsibilities of or acts for the first-mentioned qualified person in accordance with by-laws 7;°5 by inserting after the definition of “building line” the following definition: “building plans” means plans that includes site plans, key plans, floor plans, sections and elevation of buildings, and are as stipulated in by-law 8, 9 and 10’; by substituting for the definition of “registered building draughtsman” the following definition: “building draughtsman” means any building draughtsman who is registered iunder the relevant Act;’; in the definition of “the certificate of completion and compliance”, by substituting for the words “25,” the words “25”; by deleting the definition of “singly built detached house”; and by inserting after the definition of “swimming pool” the following definition: * “technical conditions” means conditions pertaining to health and safety issues relating to the buildings and essential services serving the buildings, Amendment of by-law 3 4, ‘By-law 3 of the principal By-laws is emended— @) (b) in paragraph (1)(c), by substituting for the words “qualified persons” the ‘words “principal submitting persons or submitting persons”; and in paragraph (2), by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “principal submitting person or submitting person”. Amendment of by-law 4 5. By-laws 4 of the principal By-Laws is amended— (@ () by substituting for the words “qualified person” wherever appearing the words “principal submitting person or submitting person”; and in paragraph (2) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “orang berkelayakan itu” the words “orang utama yang mengemukakan atau orang yang mengemukakan itu”, Kn. PU. 20. 102 Amendment of by-law 5 6. By-laws 5 of the principal By-laws is amended— 6 (@ in the English text, by substituting for the words “submitted by qualified person” the words “submitted by a principal submitting person or submitting person”; and (©) by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “the pri submitting person or submitting person”. pal Amendment of by-law 6 7. Paragraph 6(1) of the principal By-laws is amended by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “principal submitting person or submitting person”. Amendment of by-law 7 8. By-law 7 of the principal By-laws is amended— (a) by substituting for the words “qualified person” wherever appearing including in the marginal note the words “principal submitting person or submitting persons”; (®) in paragraph (10) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “Orang berkelayakan” the words “Ordng utama yang mengemukakan atau orang yang mengemukekan”; (©) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “qualified person’s” the words “principal submitting person's or submitting person’s”. (@ in paragraph 7@2) in the English language text, by substituting for the words “qualified person’s” the words “principal submitting person's or Amendment of by-law 10 9, By-law 10 of the principal By-laws is amended— (@ in paragraph (1), by substituting for the words “All plans” the words “All building plans”, and (®) in paragraph 2), by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “principal submitting person”. Amendment of by-law 16 10, Paragraph 16(2) of the principal By-laws is amended— (@) by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “submitting person”; and (6) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “ mengemukakanya” the words “orang yang mengemukakan itu’ ang yang, =) O ce) 103 Amendment of by-law 17 LL. By-law 17 of the principal by-laws is amended by substituting for the words “qualified person” the words “subimitting person”, Amendment of by-law 20 12. Paragraph 20(3) of the principal By-laws is amended— (a) by substituting for the words “person submitting them” the words “submitting person”; and (b) in the English language text, by substituting for the words “be supported” the word “supported”. Deletion of by-law 23 13, ‘The principal By-laws are amended by deleting by-law 23. Deletion of by-law 24 14. ‘The principal By-laws are amended by deleting by-law 24. Substitution of by-law 25 15, ‘The principal By-laws are amended by subistituting for by-law 25 the following by-law: “Certificate of completion and compliance’ 25. (1) A certificate of completion and compliance in Form F as set out in the Second Schedule shall be issued by the principal submitting person— (a) when all the technical conditions as imposed by the local authority have been duly complied with; (®) when Forms G1 to G21 in respect of stage certifications as set out in the Second Schedule have been duly certified and received by him; (©) when all the essential services, including access roads, landscape, car parks, drains, sanitary, water and electricity installations, fire hydrants, sewerage and refuse disposal requirements and, fire lifts where required, have been provided and (@) when he certifies in Form F that he has supervised the erection. and completion of the building and that to the best of his knowledge and belief the building has been constructed and completed in accordance with the Act, these By-laws and the approved plans. Kn. P.U. 20, 104 (2) Upon the issuance of the certificate of completion and compliance, the principal submitting person accepts full responsibility for the issuance of the certificate of completion and compliance and he certifies that the building is safe and fit for occupation. ) The principal submitting person shall within fourteen days from the issuance of the certificate of completion and compliance or partial certificate of completion and compliance, as the case may be, deposit a copy of the said certificate and the Forms Gi to G21 with the local authority and the Board of Architects Malaysia or Board of Engineers Malaysia, as the case may be. (4 Nothing contained in this by-law shall prevent the local authority or any officer authorized by it in writing for the purpose, from inspecting any building works at any stage thereof and calling attention to any failure to the building or non-compliance with these By-laws which he may observe and, giving notice in ‘writing to the principal submitting person ordering such failure or non-gompliance to be rectified (5) Subject to paragraph (4), the local authority may issue a directive in writing to the principal submitting person to withhold the issuance of the certificate of completion and compliance or partial certificate of completion and compliance, as the case may be. © The principal submitting person shall within twenty-one days after the receipt of the notice issued in pursuance of paragraph (4) or such further period as may be approved by the local authority, rectify the failure or non-compliance, (1) Where the principal submitting person has recified the failure or non-compliance, he shall issue a notice to the local authority confirming that such relification works have been satisfactorily completed. (8) Upon receipt of the notice as mentioned in paragraph (7), the local authority shall within fourteen days from the receipt of such notice inspect the building to confirm that the failure or non-compliance has been satisfactorily rectified. (9) Where the local authority is satisfied that the failure or non-compliance as ~ stipulated in paragraph (4) has been satisfactorily rectified, the local authority shall issue a directive in writing to the principal submitting person to issue the certificate of completion and compliance or partial certificate of completion and compliance, as the case may be. (10) Where the local authority does not carry out the inspection of rectification ‘works in pursuance of paragraph (8) within the period as stipulated in that paragraph, it shall be deemed that the local authority is satisfied that the rectification works have been satisfactorily completed. (11) Where the failure or non-compliance is not rectified by the principal submitting person within the period stipulated in paragraph (6), the local authority may itself cause any work to be executed or any measure to be taken if it considers such works or measure is necessary to rectify the non-compliance. 105 : Kn. PU. 20. (12) The cost for executing such work or taking such measure as referred to {n paragraph (11) shall be borne by the owner of the building, (13) The certificate of completion and compliance or partial certificate of completion and compliance, as the case may be, shall not be issued by the principal submitting person until all the failures or non-compliances in respect of the building has been satisfactorily rectified.”. Deletion of by-law 254 16, ‘The principal By-laws are amended by deleting by-law 25a. Deletion of by-law 26 17. The principal By-laws are amended by deleting by-laws 26. Substitution of by-law 27 18. The principal By-laws are amended by substituting for by-law 27 the following by-law: ae “Partial certificate of completion and compliance 27. (1) The principal submitting person may issue a partial certificate of completion and compliance in Form Fi as set out in the Second Schedule in respect of any part of a building partially completed subject to any condition imposed by the local authority which it deems necessary for reasons of public health and safety: Provided that no such certificate shall be issued unless all the essential services including access roads, lundscape, car parks, drains, sanitary, water and electricity installation, fire hydrant, sewerage and refuse disposal requirements and, fire lifts where required, serving the partially completed portion of the building have been provided. Q) A partial certificate of completion and compliance once issued shall remain effective until the whole of the building is completed and a certificate of completion and compliance is issued in pursuance of by-law 252", ‘Subsection of by-law 28 19. The principal By-laws are amended by substituting for by-law 28 the following by-law: — “Offences 28, (1) Where the principal submitting person fails to deposit a copy of the certificate of completion and compliance or partial certificate of completion and compliance, as the case may be, and the Form Gl to G21 within the period as stipulated in paragraph 25(3) with the local authority and the board of Architects Malaysia or Board of Engineers Malaysia, a8 the case may be, shall be guilty of an offence. Kn. P.U. 20. 106 (2) Where the principal submitting person or submitting person fails to comply with the notice issued by the local authority in respect of the teotification of any failure to the building or non-compliance with these By-laws in accordance with paragraph 25(4), shall be guilty of an offence.”. Amendment of by-law 29 20. By-law 29 of the principal By-laws is amended by substituting for the word “persons” the words “the principal submitting persons or submitting persons”. Amendment of by-law 48 21, Paragraph 48(1) of the principal By-laws is amended by inserting after the words “telephone number of the” the words “prineipal submitting person,”. Amendment of by-law 77 22. Paragraph 77(3) of the principal By-laws is amended by inserting after the words “opinion of the” the words “principal submitting person or”, Amendment of by-law 246 23. By-law 246 of the principal By-laws is amended by substituting for the words “person submitting the plans” the words “submitting person who submits the plans”. Amendment of by-law 258 24. By-law 258 of the principal By-laws is amended— (@) by substituting for the words “qualified person” wherever appearing the words “principal submitting person or submitting person”; ® iin paragraph (2) in the national language text, by substituting for the words “Orang berkelayakan’” the words “Orang utama yang mengemukekan atau orang yang mengemukakan”; (©) in paragraph (5), by substituting for the word “person” the words “principal submitting person or submitting person”; and @ in paragraph (6) in, the national language text, by substituting for the words “Orang yang berkelayakan” the words “Orang utama yang mengemukakan atau orang yang mengemukakan”. Amendment of First Schedule 25. The First Schedule of the principal By-laws is amended by deleting item 14, Amendment of Second Schedule 26, The Second Schedule of the principal By-laws is amended— (@) by deleting Forms C, D and B; (b) by substituting for Form F the following form: 107 Kn. P.U. 20, “UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORME CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND COMPLIANCE [by-law 25] Date: To: Thereby issue the Certificate of Completion and Compliance for the bitilding/s on Lots Section... Jala upon being satisfied that it has been completed in accordance with approved plan No. . dated... : Thave supervised the erection and completion of the building/s and itis to the best of my knowledge and belief that such works is/are in accordance with the Act, Uniform Building By-laws 1984 and approved plans. I hereby certify that the building/s is/are safe and fit for occupation. (Principal submitting person) 1. Particulars of the principal submitting person Name: Address: **BAM/BEM Registration No: (Name of Local Authority) () * Board of Architects Malaysia (BAM)/Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) + The developer, ifitis for development other than individualy bits buildings or, the owner iftis for a invidwaly bute builing. ** Delete whichever i inapplicable. 2"; and (©) by inserting after Form F the following forms: Kn. P.U. 20. 108 “UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM FI PARTIAL CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND COMPLIANCE [by-law 27] Date: To: I hereby issue the Partial Certificate of Completion and Compliance for the building/s on Lov’s Section . Jalan upon being satisfied that it has been completed for the portion as approved by local authority in accordance with approved plan No. i dated : Thave supervised the errection and partiel completion of the building/s and tis to the best of my knowledge and belief that such work/sisfare in accordance with the Act, Uniforin Building By-laws 1984 and approved plans. I hereby certify that the building/s is/are safe and fit for partial occupation. (Principal submitting person) 1, Particulars of the principal submitting person Name: Address: **BAMIBEM Registration No.: 2. Copy to (a) Local Authority: ame of Local Authority) (&) ** Board of Architects Malaysia (BAM)/Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) * The developer, ifitisfor development other than individually but buildings or the owner ifitis for an individually built building. + Delete whichever is inapplicable 109 Kn, P.U, 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG1 STAGE CERTIFICATION : EARTHWORKS: [by-law 25 or 27) Projek Title: ! *1, We cettify that we have supervised and/or carried out the construction i and completion of the earthworks and that to the best of our knowledge end i belief such works are in accordance with the Approved Earthwork Plans Ref. N . and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) Registration No. Signature i (a) Contractor (Construction ndusiry (Dae: > Development Board) (©) Submitting, person Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia) OR *2,Loettify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) # 1C.No. ifthere is no relevant body in respect of registration. * Delete whichever isnot applicable a Kn. P.U. 20. 110 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG2__ STAGE CERTIFICATION : SETTING OUT [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: *1. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the setting out of the building and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. N¢ and that we accept full responsibility fo the same, Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature (@ Contractor pe eee (Construction Industry (Date: ) Developrnent Board) @® Liccosed Land Surveyor (Land Surveyors Board (Date: ) Malaysia) © Principal. esessnr see eases sess erusenentasscsseaer submitting person (Board ofArcitects (Date: ) Mataysia/Board of Engineers Malaysia) OR *2, I certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) # L.C.No. ifthere is no relevant body in respect of registration + Delete whichever isnot applicable Ul Kn. P.U. 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG3 STAGE CERTIFICATION : FOUNDATIONS [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: *1, Wocertify that wehavesupervised and/or carried outthe erection and completion of the foundation works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such ‘works areinaccordance with the Deposited Plans Ref. N and that we accept full responsibility for the same. | | | | | Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. _—_‘Signature @ Conteactor ——____- —_____, ______ (Construction Indusiry (Date: ) Development Board) (® Submitting Person (Gourd of Engineers (Date: > Malaysia) OR *2, certify that this form is not applicable. # LC.No.ifthere is no relevant body in respect of registration. * Delete whichever is uot applicable. ae eee eee Ee ee ee ee ete ee Kn. PU, 20. 2 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G4 STAGE CERTIFICATION : STRUCTURAL [by-law 25 oF 27] Project Title: #1, Wecertify that we havesupervised and/or carried out the erectionand completion ‘of the structural works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the Deposited Structural Plans Ref. No: . and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature i (@) Contractor (Construction Industry (Dat Development Board) ' (6) Submitting ____ Person (Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia) OR, *2, Teertfy that his form is nt applicable, (Principal submitting person) 4 —LC.No, if there isno relevant body in respect of registration. * Delete whichever is not applicable. 113 Kn. P.U, 20, UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG5 STAGE CERTIFICATION : INTERNAL WATER PLUMBING [by-law 25 or 27] Project Tith *L. Wecertify that wchave supervised and/orcarried outtheerection and completion of the internal water plumbing works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the *approved plans/Deposited Plans and that we accept full responsibility for Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature (a) Trade SssESeESsSsSESe a remeeess ——— Contractor # » Date: d (Licensed Pluraber) (Submitting Person. (Board of Architects ‘ate: d Malaysa/Board of Engineers Malaysia) OR *2, Leertify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. 4 LC. No. ifthere ts no relevant body in respect of registration. * Delete whichever is not applicable. Kn. P.U. 20. 14 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G6 STAGE CERTIFICATION : INTERNAL SANITARY PLUMBING [by-law 25 or 27) Project Title: +1, Wecertify that wehave supervised and/orcarried outtheerectionand completion of the internal sanitary plumbing works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the *approved plans/Deposited PlansRef.No. and thatweacceptfullresponsibility for the same. Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. —_Signature (a) ia Ce eS Contractor + ) ate: ) (Licensed plumber) (Submitting. ee eee eee Person (*Board of Architects (Date: > Malaysia/ Board of Engineers Malaysia) oR *2. I certify that this form is not applicable. @ (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. # L.C.No. if there isno relevant body in respect of registration + Delete whichever isnot applicable. 115 Kn. P.U, 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G7 STAGE CERTIFICATION : INTERNAL ELECTRICAL {by-law 25 or 27) Project Title: +1. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion ofthe internal electrical works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the submitting person's Endorsed Plans and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) Registration No. Signature (@ Trade Contractor (Energy Commission) (Date ) ‘(Competent person) (Board of Engineers (Dates ) Malaysia) OR #2. [certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) # LC.No. if there is no relevant body in respect of registration. Delete whichever is not applicable. Kn. P.U. 20. 116 Project Tithe a1, oR 2, UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G8 STAGE CERTIFICATION : FIRE-FIGHTING (PASSIVE) [by-law 25 or 27} Wecertify that we have supervised and/or carried outtheerectionand completion of the fire-fighting (passive) works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the “approved plans/Deposited Plans Ref. No. .- and that we accept full responsibilty fo the same. Name (Individual) #Registration No. ‘Signature (@) Contractor (Construction industry “(Dates ) Development Board) @® **Principal Submitting Person (Board of Architects Malaysia’ Board of Engineers Malaysia) certify that this form is not applicable, (Principal submitting person) LC. No. if there iso relevant body in respect of registration Letter of Clearance from the ire Department Malaysia (except for residential buildings not exceeding 18 metres height) shall be attached. Delete whichever is not applicable. Ci © O 17 Kn. P.U, 20, UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G9 STAGE CERTIFICATION : FIRE-FIGHTING (ACTIVE) [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: “1. Wecertify hat we havesupervised and/or carried out the erectionand completion of the fire-fighting (active) works and thatto the best of our knowledgeand belief such works are in accordance with the *approved plans/Deposited Plans Ref. No. and that we accept full responsibility fo the same. Name (Individual) ‘Registration No. ‘Signature a yietrmaectee ce eee re ee eee eee eee contractor + ) (Date: d () **Submitting Person (Hoard of Engineers (Date ) Malaysia) OR *2. Lcertify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. # £C.No.if there isn relevan body in respect of registration Letter of Clearmnce from the fire Department Malaysia (except for residential buildings not exceeding 18 metres height) shall be attached. Delete whichever is uot applicable. Kon, P.U, 20. 118 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG 10 STAGE CERTIFICATION : MECHANICAL VENTILATION [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: *L. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and ‘completion of the mechanical ventilation works and that to the best of our Knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the submitting person's Endorsed Plans and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. ‘Signature (6). contractor a (Date: ) (®) Submitting Person OR *2, certify that this form is not applicable, (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. # LC. No. f there is no relevant body in respect of registration * Delete whichever is not applicable. al oO O) 9 Name (Individual) (@) Trade contractor © “Submitting Person oR Registration No.” Signature ——_____ H )» — @ates d oant of iginers “oa ) Malaysia *2. Toestfy that this form is not applicable, + Relevant regulatory body, {Principal submitting person) 8 EG No itiereisno relevent boy in respect of registration, "* Centfteate of Fitness from the Peparanent of Occupational Safty ana Health shall be antached. Delete whichever is not appticabe, Kn. P.U, 20, 120 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1994 FORM G 12 STAGE CERTIFICATION ; BUILDING [by-law 25 or 27) Name (dividual) #Registtation No. Signature @ Contractor eee Conitracon adage 7 Development Boardy (®) Principat see a me Submitting Person (*Board of architects“ (Dares ) Mataysial Board of Engineers ng Mataysay J OR “2. Leettfy that this form is not ‘applicable, ‘i (Principal submitting person) # EG No. iftere ts no relevant body in respect ofregisiration, * Delete whichever isnot applicable C ©) Project Title: *1 OR 121 Kn. P.U, 20, UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG 13 STAGE CERTIFICATION : EXTERNAL WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM [by-law 25 or 27] We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the external water supply system and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. Nox and that we accept full responsibility for the same, Name (Individual) Registration No. Signature @)tiade eee EEE EERE eee eeee cere contractor ae ate: d (0) **Submitting Person (Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia I centfy that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) Relevant regulatory body. LC. No. if there is no relevant body in respect of registration. “Letter of Confrmation from the Water Authority tha the water supply is ready for connection shall be attached, Delete whichever isnot applicable. ‘ Kn. P.U. 20.0? 122 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G 14 STAGE CERTIFICATION : SEWERAGE RETICULATION [by-law 25 or 27] Project Titl *1, We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the sewerage reticulation works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. No.: .» and that we accept full responsibility for the same. | Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature (GO) rede sacsece eee ee eee eeeee tee Pee contractor + ) ate: d (®) **Submitting Person (Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia oR +2, Leertify that this form is not applicable. Relevant regulatory body. LC. No. if there isno relevant body in respect of registration. Leter of Clearance from the *Department of Sewerage Servicesfindalt Water Consortiun shall be attached. Delete whichever is not applicable vo”) 123 Kn. P.U. 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G 15 STAGE CERTIFICATION : SEWERAGE TREATMENT PLANT [by-law 25 or 27} Project Title: “1, We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the sewerage treatment plant works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. No: _ and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) ‘#Registration No. Signature (@) Trade contractor « (ate: ) (&) **Submitting, Person, Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia OR *2, I certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulaiory body. # LC.No. if there is no relevant body in respect of registration. * Lener of Clearance from the *Department of Sewerage Services/indah Water Consortium shall be attached. + Delete whichever is not applicable. Kn. P.U. 20. 124 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G 16 STAGE CERTIFICATION : EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEM [by-law 25 or 27} Project Titles. 1, We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the external electrical supply system and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. No: .. ‘and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature (a) Trade. contractor (Energy Commission) (Date ) (Competent Person) () **Submitting person Goard ef Bugineers — ~ Date y Malaysia OR 42. I certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) LC. No. if there is no relevant body in respect of registration. ‘Not applicable ifworks are carried out by Tenaga Nasional Berhad. + Letter of Confirmation from Tenaga Nasional Berhad that the electrical power supply is ready for connection shall be attached. * Delete whichever is not applicable 125 Kn. PU. 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G 17 STAGE CERTIFICATION : ROAD AND DRAIN, [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: *1. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the road and drain works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the *approved plans/Deposited Plans Ref. N . and that we accept full responsibility for the same, Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. ‘Signature (@ Contractor, “Construction Industry)“ Date Development Board) (©) +Submitting —_ person (Board of Engineers (Date: ) Malaysia OR #2. certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) 4 LCN. ifthere is no relevant body in respect of registration + Letter of Confirmation from the *relevantlocal authority/Public Works Department shal be attacled. Ifthe submitting person does not receive dhe Letter of Confirmation within 14 days from the date of ‘application, the Leter of Confirmation shall be deemed ta have been given. % Delete whichever is not applicable. Kn. P.U. 20. 126 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG 18 STAGE CERTIFICATION : STREET LIGHTING [by-law 25 of 27) Project Title: . *1. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and ‘completion of the steeet lighting works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the *approved plans/Deposited Plans Ref. No. for the same. 1 Name (Individual) _#Registeation No. (@) Trade Contractor (Energy Commission) (Competent Person) @) *Submitting person (Board of Engineers Maleysioy OR *2, eettfy that this form is not applicable. and that we accept full responsibility Signature 1 (Date: ) (Date: ) 4 LC.No.ifthere is no relevant body in respect of registration. © Delete whichever is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) 127 Ka. P.U. 20, UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G19 STAGE CERTIFICATION : EXTERNAL MAN DRAIN [by-law 25 or 27) Project Title: . “1, We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the external main drain works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref, No.: ._ and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) Registration No. Signature (@) Contractor. He eee eee (Construction Industry) (Date: ) Development Board) () +Submitting person (Goard of Engineers” (Dat: ) Malaysia OR *2, Lcertify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) # LC.No. if there ts no relevant body in respect of registration. + Delete whichever is not applicable. Kn. P.U; 20. 128 UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORM G20 STAGE CERTIFICATION : TELECOMMUNICATIONS [by-law 25 of 27] Project Title: *L. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the erection and completion of the telecommunication works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the* approved plans/ Deposited Plans Ref. No. . and that we accept full responsibility for the same. Name (Individual) #RegistrationNo. Signature (@) Trade contractor 4 (ate: ) (b) +Submitting, person oard of Engineers (Date ) Malaysia) OR *2. [certify that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. 4 LCNo. if there is no relevant body in respect of resistration. * Delete whichever is uot applicable VY 129 Kn. P.U. 20. UNIFORM BUILDING BY-LAWS 1984 FORMG 21 STAGE CERTIFICATION : LANDSCAPE, [by-law 25 or 27] Project Title: “1. We certify that we have supervised and/or carried out the construction and completion of the landscape works and that to the best of our knowledge and belief such works are in accordance with the approved plans Ref. No.: and that we accept full responsibility for the same, Name (Individual) RegistrationNo. Signature @ Trade Pee eee contractor PT ) Oates ) @ ‘Architect Landscape Architect OR 2. _Leentfy that this form is not applicable. (Principal submitting person) + Relevant regulatory body. # LC.No.ifthere isno relevant bedy in respect of registration. * Delete whichever is nat applicable. eee eee eee cee Creer Made this 9 April 2007 (SUK.(KN,) KT. 67] Eee Minister for the Federal Authority/ State Authority Kn. P.U. 21. 130 Kn, PU. 21, AKTA PENGANGKUTAN JALAN 1987 [Peruvrant PeNGaNkuran Javan (Letax Kereta BERMBTER) (Manus Perpanpara Kora Buat Bana Rava Istav) (Prvpaan) 2007 PEMBETULAN/CORRIGENDUM. Jadual dalam Warta Negeri Kelantan Jilid 60 Bilangan 14 yang disiarkan pada 5 Julai 2007 adalah dipinda dengan menggantikan perkataan “10 sen 6 minit, 20 sen 12 minit, 50 sen 30 minit” di mana-mana jua terdapatnya perkataan “10 sen 5 minit, 20 sen 10 minit, 50 sen 25 minit” pada butiran 76 hingga butiran 82. ‘The Schedule to Kelantan Gazette Jilid 60 No. 14 published on SJuly 2007 is amended by substituting the words “10 sen 6 minit, 20 sen 12 minit, 50 sen 30 minit” wherever appearing the words “10 cent 5 minutes, 20 cent 10 minutes, 50 cent 25 minutes” in item 76 until item 82. (MPKB.UU. 32/88) race rere PERCETAKAN WASTONAL MALAYSIA BERILAD ‘Siu Tere. Td oth pant sea In tete ceria se cee nal 1 sign ddan env yee kop neat Sete balay temps edspa ela dn an Nasional Melysa Bit (PenotkLepcaKerann Malaysia ung el) DICETAK OLEH PERCETAKAN HASIONAL MALAYSIA BERHAD, HAMM, CAWANGAN KUALA TERENGCAND [BAGL PIHAK DAN OBNGAN PERINTAH KERATAAN MALAYSIA

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