Dilema Decision de Inversion Stock

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Dilemma: Stock market challenge

Task 1 June
It’s June 30th and it’s 6pm. EU Airlines reports an
It’s March 3lst and it’s 6pm. EU Airlines reports increase in profits over the last three months.
losses over the last three months of 45 million Thanks to a programme of cost cutting, profits for
euros. The company has debts of 3 billion euros the quarter reached 63 million euros. However, the
and ticket sales are falling. This is partly due to a airline’s workforce are planning strikes in protest
downturn in the world economy, and partly due to against job cuts. These strikes will cause problems
competition fforn low cost airlines. Frank Petit, the for passengers which could result in a fall in ticket
airline’s CEO, has announced today that the sales. The share price has risen over the last three
company is planning to cut costs. Four thousand months and reached a peak of two euros at the
people will lose their jobs over the next year. The beginning of June. But news of the planned strikes
share price rose to one euro eighty in January, but has pushed the price down again and today it stands
has since fallen, and stands at one euro per share at one euro sixty per share.
September Task 2. December

It’s September 30th and it’s 6pm. EU Airlines It’s December 31st and it’s 6pm. EU Airlines has
reports a big rise in profits over the last three reported a fall in profits over the last three
months, reaching a total of 125 million euros for the months, from 125 million euros in the third
quarter. Passenger numbers have increased quarter to just 65 million for the fourth quarter.
substantially to Asia and the Pacific, North and The recent rise in oil prices has put pressure on
South America, the Middle East and Africa. Only the airlines to increase fares. As a result,
numbers within Europe remain low because of passenger numbers have fallen. And strikes at
competition from low-cost airlines. The company three major airports during a holiday weekend
has solved its employee relations problems and the in November meant that many passengers were
strikes planned for the summer did not take place. not able to fly. The share price has fallen by more
The share price has increased over the last three than a third in the last quarter and
months and has reached three euros fifty, the currently stands at two euros.
highest level for the year so far.

Brief: You are members of an investment Group. On January 1st you invested €30.000,00 in
sheres in EU Airlines Corporation (EUA), a European Airline.
The share price is €1.50 and you on 20.000 shares. You also have €50,000 which you could use to
buy more shares. Your task is to make as much money as you can from investment over a year.

Guide to making money on the stock challenge:

The key to making money on the stock market is to buy shares when the price is low
and sell again when the price is as high as possible.

But it is hard to know when the price has reached its highest point!!! Look at the company
profitability. When the companies are making big profits. Their shares usually sell at a higher
price. Factors leading to share price rises: growing markets, increasing sales, cost savings.
Factors leading to price falls: increasing competition, decreasing markets / sales, company
debts, employment problems (strikes,etc); rising cost of supplies

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Value of Shares (Number of shares x Shares $0.00 $172000 $602000 $602000
Price) $86.000 $172000 No shares
Decision??? Buy / Sell / No Action Jan sell June sell Buy all No action
and June buy shares

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