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Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

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Adopting PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle for energy optimization in

energy-intensive SMEs
Anupama Prashar
Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Globally, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) constitute a significant industrial segment. How-
Received 12 June 2016 ever, their energy-efficiency potential has remained largely untapped due to several barriers. The pre-
Received in revised form vailing approaches on energy optimization in the energy-intensive SMEs are focused on the
8 January 2017
technological improvements at the operational level and lack a strategic approach. This study developed
Accepted 11 January 2017
an energy management system (EnMS) for SMEs by integrating technical and managerial energy saving
Available online 16 January 2017
activities (ESAs), suggested in energy management literature. The proposed EnMS adopted a PDCA (Plan-
Do-Check-Act) process approach for consistent energy efficiency and cleaner production. For the vali-
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
dation of the proposed EnMS, a case of small-sized Indian paper mill was selected. The case exhibited the
Energy optimization ramp of continuous improvement in the energy efficiency at the mill by illustrating two PDCA cycles.
PDCA cycle Step I (Plan) involved creating energy management roles with management support, energy auditing,
Paper machine identifying energy-saving opportunities and developing action plan; step II (Do) was about creating
Vacuum distribution communication, awareness and motivation before the implementation of the action plan; step III (Check)
Energy-saving activities involved periodic monitoring, analysis and reporting of the energy key performance indicators (KPIs),
and benchmarking enterprise energy performance. The case analysis showed a 35% reduction in specific
energy consumption (SEC) of one of the Paper Machine's (PM) vacuum system by the implementation of
ESAs for vacuum optimization, generating an annual energy-saving of 0.3 GJ/t. In step IV, the subsequent
PDCA cycle was triggered by the biannual management review for exploring the new energy saving
opportunities at the enterprise. The next improvement cycle targeted at steam and condensate system
optimization in another PM resulted in an additional energy cost saving of USD 26,900.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction management systems (EnMS) (Thollander and Ottosson, 2010);

application of energy efficient technologies (Yannopoulos et al.,
Since 770 AD, when the first paper was hand-made and printed, 2015); and implementation of energy policies (Thollander et al.,
papermaking has evolved into a highly mechanized and energy- 2007; Worrell and Price, 2001). For the optimization of energy
intensive industry. Today, not only is the industry characterized usage in paper mills, mostly an ‘energy audit’ is conducted to
by highly energy and water intensive operations, it also confronts monitor mill's energy consumption (Kong et al., 2013). This infor-
the challenges of rising costs and significant environmental impact mation is used for modeling optimization algorithms for efficient
(Laurijssen et al., 2012). Globally, papermaking industry is the energy usage in the paper machines (PMs), the prime energy
fourth largest industrial user of energy (IEA, 2015a). Realizing the consumers in paper mill (Huang and Mujumdar, 1993); integrating
immensity of these environmental and energy challenges, the pa- papermaking processes (Ji et al., 2012); developing cogeneration
per mills, worldwide, have been adopting energy efficient and (combined heat and power) systems (Marshman et al., 2010); and
cleaner production systems for sustainable production (Avşar and evaluating alternative energy sources & technologies (Kong et al.,
Demirer, 2008). 2016; Fleiter et al., 2012). Therefore, improvement of operational
Currently, three approaches to improving energy efficiency are efficiency has, so far, been the aim of prevailing energy optimiza-
prevalent among the paper mills: energy optimization using energy tion approaches, with the exception of a few cases where the
strategic dimension of energy management was addressed (Posch
et al., 2015).
E-mail address: According to the Energy Conservation (Amendment) Act, 2010,
0959-6526/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
278 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

India's papermaking industry is one of most energy-intensive in- et al. (2012) developed a quantitative model for process integration
dustries including aluminum, fertilizer, iron & steel, cement, and to determine optimum operating conditions for lower energy cost.
chemical industries, in the country (Sharma et al., 2016; IEA, They illustrated the modeling approach for analyzing the material
2015b). Interestingly, the industry is dominated (90% share) by and energy balances of the evaporation plant and digester in a
small (installed capacity up to 16,500 tonnes/annum or t/a), and paper mill. In a study of PMs, Afshar et al. (2012) employed
medium scale (16,500 to 33,000 t/a) mills (CPPRI, 2015). These sequential modeling to examine the effects of vacuum in the
small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use agriculture resi- forming section on the thermal energy consumption in the drying
dues (such as wheat straw or bagasse) and/or waste paper as raw section. Many specific cases on paper mills adopted process inte-
material for the production of industrial grade paper (CPPRI, 2015). gration techniques such as pinch analysis, water network analysis,
However, a limited production capacity of these SMEs had made and system closure for improving energy efficiency, reducing ef-
adoption of energy efficient and cleaner production technologies fluents and minimizing waste (Turon et al., 2005; Shafiei et al.,
unfavorable, thus, distancing them from the international stan- 2004). Studies aimed at the design of cogeneration facilities for
dards for environment and energy management (Nagesha and economic improvement in the paper mills utilized both heuristic
Balachandra, 2006). In fact, with obsolete technology, equipment, and non-heuristic energy optimization approaches (Marshman
and management practices, papermaking has been one of the et al., 2010).
highest pollution causing Indian industries (TERI, 2015/16). No Apart from papermaking, energy literature also comprised en-
doubt, the Indian papermaking industry holds great potential for ergy optimization approaches for other energy-intensive industries
the creation of cleaner and energy efficient production systems. such as foundry (Mardan and Klahr, 2012), cement (García-Gusano
Considering their poor energy efficiency and low adoption rates et al., 2015), and steel (Larsson and Dahl, 2003). In a comprehensive
for energy-saving measures, the energy-intensive SMEs urgently review of the surface irrigation simulation models, Valipour et al.
need a pragmatic yet systematic roadmap for continuous (2015) highlighted the application of four different mathematical
improvement in energy efficiency. To date, most energy-related models (full hydrodynamic, zero inertia, kinematic wave and vol-
research in SMEs is concentrated on either exploring the barriers ume balance) for improving the efficiency of water usage in
(Trianni and Cagno, 2012) or drivers (Cagno and Trianni, 2013) to different irrigation methods. In another study on irrigation sys-
energy efficiency; or developing quantitative model-based energy tems, Khasraghi et al. (2015) employed a software package known
optimization approaches (Klugman et al., 2009). A handful of as SIRMOD (surface irrigation simulation, evaluation and design) to
studies (specific cases) have adopted a process approach towards predict the surface irrigation conditions using different irrigation
energy optimization (adopting an ‘Energy Management System’ or methods. Similar studies discussed the application of irrigation
‘EnMS’) in the SMEs (Kannan and Boie, 2003). Although, the in- system design software for appropriate pressure control adjust-
ternational EnMS standards (ISO 50001:2011) (ISO, 2011) serves as ment in a sprinkle and trickle irrigation system (Valipour, 2012).
a good implementation support, the penetration of these standards
in the SMEs had been very limited so far (merely 7345 ISO 50001 2.2. Energy-saving activities (ESAs) for SMEs
certified sites worldwide as of May, 2015) (IEA, 2015b).
In that direction, this study attempts to bridge the research gap This section of the review involved categorization of broad ESA
by conceptualizing a PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) process approach themes recommended in the energy literature into four steps of
(Deming, 2000; Shewhart, 1931, 1939) towards energy optimization PDCA model: Planning (prepare and strategize); Doing (implement
(EnMS) for industrial applications in the energy-intensive SMEs. and operationalize); Checking (monitor and evaluate); and Acting
The proposed EnMS integrates the energy-saving activities (ESAs) (ensure continual improvement.
(Suk et al., 2013) described all across the energy management
literature, at both technological and managerial levels in the PDCA 2.2.1. Planning (prepare and strategize)
(Plan-Do-Check-Act) cyclic model. The dynamic PDCA process From planning perspective, ESAs were similar across the energy
approach was employed because of its proven versatility in driving management literature. Energy guides for SMEs including Energy
incremental changes for continuous improvement of the systems, Star (2013) and CarbonTrust (2011) highlighted the vitality of se-
processes and operational activities in an enterprise (Owens, 2006; nior management commitment, creation of energy management
Johnson, 2002). For validating the proposed system, a case study of roles, and initial review of enterprise's energy performance for
small-size paper mill in India was selected. The study demonstrated initiating the EnMS in the SMEs. Additionally, SEI (2008) recom-
the achievement of continual energy optimization through the mended the definition of energy performance indicators, setting of
implementation of integrated EnMS in the paper mill. improvement targets, benchmarking of energy performance and
development of action plan as the other energy planning practices
2. Literature review for SMEs.
Literature established a strong empirical link between a firm's
The energy management literature comprising energy man- organizational structure and its ability to use energy efficiently
agement guides, EnMS or energy optimization approaches, specific (Martin et al., 2012). Therefore, an energy manager, who develops
cases, and academic articles, has been reviewed from two angles. an action plan, identifies resources for energy-saving programs, and
First, to explore the energy optimization approaches applicable to evaluates & implements energy efficiency measures, is a key
the SMEs operating in papermaking and other similar industries; stakeholder in the process (Ates and Durakbasa, 2012). Although,
and secondly, to derive the predominant themes of ESAs in the SMEs find it difficult to create a dedicated energy manager position
energy-intensive SMEs. (Kannan and Boie, 2003); their problem can be tackled by making
energy manager a part-time role, handled by the ‘production or
2.1. Energy optimization or EnMS approaches facilities manager’ (CarbonTrust, 2011).
Literature also brought to light the importance of energy audits
Majority of the existing energy optimization approaches for by way of specific case illustrations (Klugman et al., 2009) and
papermaking were quantitative models or simulations for empirical surveys on SMEs in both developing and developed
improving energy efficiency of the paper machines (PMs); inte- countries (Cagno and Trianni, 2013). Bunse et al. (2011) highlighted
grating processes; or creating cogeneration systems. For instance, Ji the need for diverse energy-related key performance indicators
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 279

(KPIs) such as physical, economic, thermodynamic and hybrid KPIs optimization opportunities (Energy Star, 2013). For the regular re-
because of the variety and complexity of different industrial pro- view of energy usage and thus, continuous identification of energy-
cesses. Additionally, the literature presents process-based bench- saving opportunities, application of internal energy audits and
marking (Ke et al., 2013) employing specific energy consumption management reviews is instrumental (Shen et al., 2012). In German
(SEC) and energy intensity index (Stawicki et al., 2010) as an bakery case, Kannan and Boie (2013) demonstrated the energy
effective tool for setting energy performance targets. This was also audit process in the bakery, ensuring a 6.5% reduction in the energy
validated through empirical studies. usage. Furthermore, depending upon the scale of implementation,
For result-orientation, a strategic action plan for achieving the enterprise can choose the appropriate auditing process, which
energy-specific targets is one of the key elements of EnMS imple- either could be a preliminary audit (walk-through audit), a general
mentation (Peterson and Belt, 2009). Additionally, it is also critical audit, or a detailed audit (Abdelaziz et al., 2011).
to economically evaluate the potential ESAs, considering both en- The review indicated that the ESAs differ in terms of their
ergy and non-energy benefits including pollution prevention and completeness and depth across the energy management literature.
waste reduction (Pye and McKane, 2000) using criteria such as pay- Although, most energy guides provide detailed description of the
off for a span of three years or less (Thollander and Ottosson, 2010). energy management practices, specific cases and empirical studies
reveal that SMEs are not conducting the same activities as pre-
2.2.2. Doing (implement and operationalize) scribed in the guides (Table 1). Most importantly, no guide or study
For a successful EnMS implementation in SMEs, it is vital to explored how to imbibe energy management into the everyday
spread energy conservation awareness, train/educate people at all activities of SMEs.
levels, keep the staff motivated, have the internal communication
channels open, and appropriately track and document the process, 3. Methodology
guidelines and progress of ESA implementation (CarbonTrust,
2011). The methodology adopted to conceptualize an EnMS for the
Results of empirical studies on energy-intensive SMEs also energy-intensive SMEs was hypothetical-deductive (Gill and
highlighted top management support, awareness of energy- Johnson, 2002). The hypothesis formulated for this study was -
conservation, and internal trainings as the internal factors influ- “energy management in SMEs can be supported by the proposed
encing enterprise-wide participation in ESAs. For instance, Liu et al. EnMS”. For conceptualizing the EnMS, a systematic review of
(2012), in a study on Chinese SMEs, established that energy effi- literature on the ESAs was employed as the research method
ciency improvement is closely related to the employees' learning (Denyer and Tranfield, 2009). The review explored the predomi-
capacity for practicing ESAs. At the sectorial level, economic in- nant themes of energy management practices in the SMEs oper-
centives, such as financial subsidies, boost the involvement of SMEs ating across developing and developed countries. Later, the themes
in the EnMS implementation (Suk et al., 2013). Addressing the were integrated with the four-step PDCA cycle to create the EnMS
element of internal communication in EnMS, Peterson and Belt (Fig. 1). The proposed EnMS was then validated via a case from an
(2009) emphasized that enterprise culture plays a vital role in the Indian small-scale paper mill (Yin, 1994). Since, only a few docu-
choice of communication tools including memos, monthly news- mented cases exist on systematic energy management in SMEs
letters and meetings, and internal websites. However, it was also (Prosanto et al., 2008; Kannan and Boie, 2003), a single case study
noted that 45% of Danish enterprises communicate the energy- design was found appropriate for describing the EnMS imple-
related information by means of passive channels such as notice mentation process (Yin, 1994). Despite the limitations of the study
boards (Christoffersen et al., 2006). by its design, it is fair to assume that the study is representative of
the papermaking industry. In fact, the case is revelatory of the
2.3. Checking (monitor and evaluate) energy management practices at energy-intensive SMEs.

Energy guides reinforced the need for periodic monitoring, 4. Illustrative case
analysis and reporting of energy KPIs (Energy Star, 2013). A con-
stant analysis of data on energy indicators allows the decision This section describes the deployment of the proposed PDCA
makers to judge the performance of current ESAs and identify new based EnMS in a small-sized Indian paper mill. The case exhibited
energy-saving opportunities (Bunse et al., 2011). However, Dobes the ramp of continuous improvement in the energy efficiency at the
(2013) argued that, quite often, even organizations with advanced mill by illustrating two PDCA cycles. The paper mill was producing
management systems do not monitor energy efficiency at the 11,000e12,000 tpa of paperboard from non-deinked pulp, which, in
process level. Based on the case studies of Czech companies, they turn, was made from recycled fiber (RCF). The mill had four PMs
showed that accurate feedback of energy efficiency performance and it employed 200 employees. The total energy consumption
makes people accountable for implementing the efficiency mea- (including steam and power) of the mill was 69.5 Gigajoule per
sures. On the other hand, inaccurate allocation of energy costs tonne or GJ/t, which was much higher, according to the energy
discourages energy management activities in the SMEs (Thollander consumption norms for RCF based mills in India (CPPRI 2015). The
and Ottosson, 2010). The authors suggested sub-metering at the energy cost at the mill accounted for almost 18% of its total running
facility level for better monitoring and accurate energy cost allo- cost. Driven by the immense cost pressures and inability to comply
cations. Emphasizing the significance of energy performance with environmental norms, the owner of the mill initiated an
reporting, Abdelaziz et al. (2011) highlighted that periodic report- energy-saving program. In order to evaluate the proposed EnMS
ing of energy usage and related energy costs to senior management and, simultaneously, support energy-saving program of the enter-
ensures a performance-related feedback loop. prise, the proposed energy management framework was deployed
at the mill. The results of implementation are discussed in the
2.4. Acting (ensure continual improvement) following sub-sections.

Most of the energy management literature reiterated the need 4.1. First PDCA cycle: plan (prepare and strategize)
for management reviews and follow-up audits for periodic identi-
fication (ensuring continuous improvement) of potential energy The EnMS implementation at the mill was set out with the
280 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Table 1
Mapping of ESAs in SMEs (ESAs in practice indicated by empirical studies and cases on SMEs).

Energy-saving activities Minimum requirements for ESAs in practice indicated by empirical

establishing and operating an EnMS studies and cases on SMEs
as per energy guides

SEI, CarbonTrust, Energy Star, Liu et al., Suk et al., Kannan and Boie,
2008 2011 2013 2012 2013 2003

Ensure management commitment C C C C C

Create energy management roles C C C B

Understand current energy use (energy audit) C C C C C C

Establish energy strategy/policy C C C C B

Define energy performance indicators B C C B C

Benchmark energy performance B C B

Create action plan prioritizing ESAs C C C B C

Evaluate technical and economic feasibility of ESAs B C C B B

Effective Internal communication C C C B

Staff motivation (rewards) B C C C C B

Trainings on energy-saving C C B C C B
Documentation and record control C C B B B B
Monitor and analyze key performance indicators B C C B

Periodic reporting of energy performance C C B C

Regular (annual) energy audits and management review for identification of new B C C C
energy-saving opportunities

C considered; partially considered; B not considered.

initiation activities of gaining management commitment and 2012) between August 1, 2015 and October 31, 2015, employing
establishing energy management function. the methodology prescribed by Bureau of energy efficiency (BEE), a
statutory agency for energy conservation operating under Ministry
4.1.1. Ensure top management commitment and create energy of Power, Government of India (GOI) (BEE, 2010). Mill's energy bills,
management roles meter readings (for electricity, steam, compressed air, and water
A firm commitment of the top management was indispensable metering systems) site drawings, discussion with mill operators,
for the success of EnMS implementation at the mill (Blass et al., and field measurements were used as data sources.
2014). At this stage, decision on the location of energy manage- Considering the fact that PMs were the major energy consumers
ment function in the mill's organization structure was critical for its in the paper mill, TAPPI (The Technical Association of the Pulp and
overall integration with mill's processes (Martin et al., 2012). In the Paper Industry) TIP (Technical Information Paper) 0404-63 (TAPPI,
past, energy-saving was treated as a technical activity and the 2011) was used for benchmarking energy performance among
maintenance division at the mill, coordinated it on the need basis. similar PMs (Reese, 2012). Specific Energy Consumption or SEC (the
In order to recognize it as a managerial activity, the mill owner ratio between total energy used and total paper produced) was
agreed to introduce ‘Energy Management’ as a formal function in used as the KPI (Stawicki et al., 2010).
the organization structure (Energy Star, 2013). The responsibility of The audit revealed that energy cost in the mill was USD 104/t of
energy management was brought under Production Manager, to paperboard which was approximately 18% of the cost of production
facilitate communication with management and to help in ESA (USD 585.7/t). The total SEC of the RCF based mill was 30.12 GJ/t of
implementation demanding production system modifications paperboard produced (out of which 7.55 GJ/t was internally
(Fig. 2). Considering the resource constraints, the mill supervisor (a generated and rest was purchased) including thermal energy (fuel
technically qualified person) was assigned an additional charge of and steam) SEC of 24.77 GJ/t, and electricity SEC of 1487 kW-h/
the ‘Energy Coordinator’ for assisting the Production Manager in tonne (kWh/t). The electricity SEC of 4 PM at the mill varied from
identifying energy-saving opportunities, developing action plan 646 to 937 kWh/t, which was much higher than the international
and monitoring progress. The energy coordinator supervised a benchmark from 150 to 500 kWh/t for the paperboard. Further, the
team (designated as ‘Energy Team’) of four part-time members specific steam consumption of these PMs ranged from 6.72 to
from the departments of administration, quality, maintenance, and 7.84 t/t against TAPPI's standard of 3.75 t/t (Reese, 2012). The team
purchase for collection and documentation of energy consumption identified some of the obvious PM energy saving opportunities
data in their respective departments. (low-hanging fruits) for further investigation as a part of the audit
(Table 2).
4.1.2. Energy auditing Regarding the vacuum system opportunities, the audit revealed
To understand the current energy usage patterns and identify that PM4 had high energy consumption of its vacuum system
the potential energy-saving opportunities (energy projects) at the (246 kWh/t), against an internal benchmark of 143 kWh/t (based on
mill, the energy team conducted an ‘Energy Audit’ (Shen et al., the SEC trend for all PMs) (Fig. 3). Therefore, the team selected
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 281

Fig. 1. Integrated energy management system for SMEs.

vacuum system optimization of PM4 as the first energy project and some vacuum system modifications.
set a project target of 30% reduction in energy consumption of the
vacuum system of PM4. ESA2: Right connection of application points and pumps.
The connection of the vacuum pumps with vacuum application
4.1.3. Identification of ESAs and development of action plan points was incorrect leading to inappropriate vacuum levels at
In order to explore the potential ESAs in PM4, the team prepared these points (Table 4).
a schematic diagram of the vacuum distribution (Fig. 4). To meet the specified vacuum levels, the team planned to
PM4 used five vacuum pumps for dewatering the paper stock. In optimize the vacuum distribution by working on the combinations
the wire section, these pumps maintained varying vacuum levels of pumps and application points in PM4.
across the wire (vacuum) boxes and couch rolls to remove bulk of
water. Then, the suction press used vacuum to transfer the paper ESA3: Redesign the pre-separator and after-separator system
stock from the wire section to the press section. In the pressing
of the vacuum pumps. In the pre-separator system, the absence of a
section, two Uhle boxes extracted the contaminations accumulated
water level control loop of water extraction pump was leading to a
by the pressed paper stock.
vacuum leakage from the pump delivery. Further, the height of loop
The team brainstormed and categorized the potential causes of
(7 m) was adding to the energy consumption of the vacuum pump
high SEC of the vacuum system in PM4 (Fig. 5).
due to high discharge losses (Fig. 6). Similarly, in the after-separator
Having analyzed the potential causes, the team identified the
system, the vent height (10m) was leading to a high level of back-
following ESAs to optimize the vacuum system.
pressure (Fig. 7).
After identifying the relevant ESAs, a detailed action plan was ESA1: Improve efficiency of vacuum pumps. The average prepared to ensure their systematic implementation. It was pre-
vacuum pump efficiency during the audit period was less than 50% pared by the energy manager based on the opinions of the mill
(Table 3). owner, the managers, and the employees responsible for the
To improve the efficiency of vacuum pumps, the team planned implementation of ESAs. The plan established the energy saving
282 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Fig. 2. Organization structure with energy management function at the mill.

Table 2
Energy saving opportunities.

Energy-saving opportunity/Energy projects Objective

Vacuum system opportunities Optimize vacuum system requirements for dewatering the paper stock.
Steam and condensate system opportunities Improve steam and condensate system efficiency in steam distribution, and condensate removal in the dryer section
Press optimization Optimize water removal in the press section
Water use reduction Reduce the consumption of water in papermaking
Heat recovery opportunities Increase the amount of recovered heat from mill's effluents

Fig. 3. SEC of PMs and their vacuum systems.

targets, performance indicators, appropriate ESAs, implementation (Table 5). This plan acted as a living document that was regularly
timeframes and persons responsible (Peterson and Belt, 2009) updated to reflect the changing priorities of the ESA
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 283

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of vacuum distribution.

implementation (Energy Star, 2013). 4.2.2. Implementation of ESAs

After building enterprise-wide competence, communication,
and awareness, the team implemented the action plan. Except for
4.2. Do (implement and operationalize) ESA 3 (redesign of pre and post separator), the rest of the activities
(ESA 1, 2 & 4) were low cost, and thus, were implemented first.
Before ESA implementation, the energy team worked on Given below are the modifications done by virtue of ESA
building competence, awareness and communication for ensuring implementation:
successful EnMS deployment and its sustainability. Documentation ESA1: PM4 had five vacuum pumps operating at 44% to 60%
of core elements of the EnMS was developed for system mainte- efficiency. To improve the vacuum efficiency, the team made some
nance (SEI, 2008). system modifications:

 Corrected axial play of all vacuum pumps (maximum limit of

4.2.1. Building competence, communication and awareness 2e2.5 mm specified in the PM design)
An internal communication was drafted to inform the em-  Provided orifices at the vacuum pumps and sealing water line to
ployees of the progress in the implementation of ESAs and to control the flow of water.
encourage them to share suggestions on energy improvement. This  Did complete overhauling of all vacuum pumps.
plan drafted by the energy team included a multi-channel
dissemination of energy information among key stakeholders ESA2: As the actual vacuum levels at vacuum application points
(Table 6). in PM4 were not as per the specifications (as per TAPPI guidelines),
It was imperative that employees implementing the action plan actions taken were:
have the right skills and competencies (SEI, 2008). In the mill, the
divisional representatives in the energy team trained people in  Applications requiring same vacuum level were grouped
their respective division. Training scope varied with attendees' job together (flat boxes & uhle boxes both at 250 mm Hg connected
function; for instance, general energy awareness training was with vacuum pump 1).
conducted for all mill employees; and an energy data monitoring  Rotation frequency (rpm) of vacuum pumps increased to bring
and analysis training was conducted for the maintenance and up their capacity (rpm of vacuum pump1 proposed to increase
administrative staff (Table 7). from 400 to 500).
284 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Fig. 5. Cause and effect diagram for higher SEC at PM4 vacuum system.

Table 3
Vacuum pump efficiency.

Pump Number Designed Shut off vacuum level (mm Hg) Actual Shut off vacuum level (mm Hg) Efficiency (%)

Vacuum pump 1 450 200 44.4

Vacuum pump 2 500 220 44.0
Vacuum pump 3 550 250 45.4
Vacuum pump 4 500 270 54.0
Vacuum pump 5 500 300 60.0

Table 4
Vacuum levels at application points.

Vacuum application points Vacuum level (mm Hg) Connected vacuum pump number

TAPPI guidelines Actual

Wire Boxes 254 180 2

Couch roll 508 270 3
Suction press 508 280 4
Uhle boxes 254 250e320 5

ESA3: A modified pre-separation and after-separation system The team maintained a record of actual cost and time of
was installed (Fig. 8). Modifications involved were: implementation of each of the ESAs, which was later documented
in the energy-saving register (Table 9). A detailed description of
 Removal of high rise loop from pre-separators team learnings during the implementation process was also
 Installation of pre-separator at barometric height to confirm documented.
total water removal without the need of an extraction pump.
 Removal of vent line and common header from the after-sepa-
rator’s discharge. 4.2.3. Documentation
 Increase the size of after-separator's vent and water discharge Documentation of the key elements of an EnMS serves as a
pipe-line. permanent reference to the implementation and maintenance of
the system (CarbonTrust, 2011). In case of the mill, the energy
ESA4: The piping layout was simplified after removing multiple management team set up a system of identification, storage,
connections and matching the pipe-sizes with those of the inlet retrieval and retention of EnMS documents in form of an ‘Energy
and outlet nozzles (Fig. 9). Management Manual’. This manual was a systematic compilation of
the EnMS documents such as energy audit report, organization
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 285

Fig. 6. Pre-separator system.

structure with respect to energy management (current position the production manager, was proposed to assess the current state
holders), energy training schedules, and details of energy projects of EnMS. Its scope included evaluating the progress of ESA imple-
(completed and on-going) (Table 8). To keep the manual up-to- mentation, energy KPIs, and energy-saving targets. Apart from
date, the documents were reviewed, revised and approved on a assessing the current state of EnMS, the review was also expected
regular basis. The current released version of the manual was made to identify new energy-saving projects, thereby (possibly) trig-
available to all divisional managers for reference. gering the next PDCA improvement cycle. Therefore, based on the
review results, the action plan was revised to ensure the effec-
4.3. Check (monitoring and evaluation) tiveness of EnMS in meeting the evolving energy needs of the
Periodic monitoring and evaluation of energy performance in- After the success of first PDCA cycle, the other energy saving
dicators is critical to the success of EnMS (Bunse et al., 2011). For the opportunities (Table 2) were examined during the next biannual
mill, the energy manager maintained an energy-saving register for audit. This triggered the next improvement cycle for the optimi-
recording the performance of implemented ESAs against their zation of steam consumption in the dryer section of the PMs
saving potential (Table 9). A periodic monitoring process was (Fig. 12).
introduced, ensuring a monthly reporting of the facility-wide en- The internal audit indicated that SEC of steam and condensate
ergy consumption, and daily monitoring of energy consumption system in the PMs at the mill was ranging from 6.69 to 7.84 tonne of
and weekly analysis of SEC for major energy consumers (vacuum steam per tonne of paper produced (t/t), which was substantially
pumps and system). higher than the international benchmark (3.15 t/t) (Reese, 2012). At
Review reports indicated improved vacuum levels at various 7.84 t/t, the steam consumption for PM1 was the highest (Fig. 13).
application points of PM4 (Fig. 10). With management's approval, the energy team started identi-
The implementation of ESAs resulted in a 35% reduction in SEC fying ESAs to optimize the steam and condensate system. The next
of vacuum system producing an energy-saving of 3323 GJ/t (USD section briefly describes the next PDCA cycle for energy optimiza-
64,610 @ USD 0.07/kWh) with an investment of USD 7070 (Fig. 11). tion at the mill.

4.4. Act (ensure continuous improvement) 4.4.1. Second PDCA cycle for steam system optimization
Based on the analysis of steam flow in PM1 (Fig. 14), the team
A periodic review of suitability and effectiveness of EnMS by the brainstormed the potential causes of high specific steam con-
senior management is crucial for the continuous improvement of sumption in PM1 (Fig. 15).
energy efficiency (Abdelaziz et al., 2011). In the case of the paper Upon testing the potential causes of high SEC, the ESAs, role &
mill, a biannual management audit, driven by the mill owner and responsibilities, the timeframe, and the estimated costs and savings
286 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Fig. 7. After-separator system.

Table 5
Action plan for vacuum system optimization.

Energy-saving opportunity Vacuum system optimization of PM4

Target To reduce the energy consumption for vacuum system of PM4 by 30% in three months (SeptembereNovember, 2015)
Performance indicator Specific Energy Consumption or SEC (energy consumption per tonne of paper produced measured in GJ/t)
Required investment USD 7,070
Value of savings USD 64,610
Energy-saving activities 1. Modifications in the vacuum pump
2. Operational changes in the vacuum distribution
3. Modification in the design of the pre-separator and after-separator system
4. Modification of piping layout and the size of pipeline
Time frame 1. Until September, 2015
2. Until October, 2015
3. Until October, 2015
4. Until November, 2015
Division & person responsible 1. Production & Energy Team
2. Maintenance & Energy Team
3. Maintenance & Energy Team
4. Production & Energy Team
Provision of expenditures - Low-cost ESAs (redesign of pre and after-separator system and removal of the vent line) financed from the maintenance budget, and
- High cost ESAs (installation of modified piping design and layout) funded by the mill owner
Loss of work/production No

were documented into the action plan (Table 10). Thus, the case illustrated continuous improvement cycles of
The selected ESAs were implemented while driving the neces- PDCA based integrated EnMS for reaching closer to the goal of
sary internal communication, awareness and competence ramp-up energy efficiency and cleaner production in the SMEs.
by using the established system. The energy management register
recorded a 15.5% reduction in steam consumption from 7.84 t/t 5. Discussion
(December 2015) to 6.64 t/t (March 2016) for PM1. This resulted in a
cost saving of USD 26,900 @ USD 7.65/t of steam. Review of energy literature (Table 1) revealed that SMEs do not
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 287

Table 6
Internal communication plan.

Purpose Audience(s) Messages Channels Methods

To ensure management commitment Executive Implementation of ESAs is reducing cost pressures due to One-to-one monthly Energy reports,
and financial support management (mill rising energy prices, and facilitating in legal compliance.
meetings, and program summary
owner) presentations
To build support in creating energy- Key managers and EnMS implementation can help divisions in achieving their Bimonthly meetings, Program
saving opportunities for expanding their divisions goals. presentations summary,
EnMS replication plan
To encourage participation by Mill employees Energy efficient practices can enhance productivity and Regular briefings videos, posters,
demonstrating energy-savings improve working conditions. memos, circulars

Table 7
Energy training schedule.

Purpose/Content Instructor (Representative from Energy Team) Target audience Duration (h)

EnMS Awareness Training In-charge (Administration)  All mill personnel 2

 Benefits of energy efficiency for the environment, and the company  Divisional managers
 Impact of individual activities on energy consumption  Energy management team
 Standards and regulations for energy management
 Energy saving targets and objectives
 Tasks, responsibilities and competencies required for energy management
Energy Audit Training: In-charge (Production)  Divisional managers 4
 Energy fundamentals  Energy management team
 Monitoring energy use
 Heating and consumption
ESA identification and implementation training In-charge (Maintenance)  Divisional managers 4
 Measures of energy conservation  Maintenance staff
 Evaluation of energy scorecards of paper machines  Energy management team
 Identification of energy-saving options
 ESA Implementation

Fig. 8. Modified pre-separator and after-separator system.

effectively follow the ESAs prescribed by energy guides and energy proven four-step PDCA cycle of continuous improvement. Such a
management standards owing to the scarcity of resources and system is important to close the energy efficiency gaps in SMEs by
willingness and therefore, witness high energy costs. With the aim linking energy-saving targets to strategy, establishing re-
to help SMEs overcome these barriers, the present study concep- sponsibility and accountability, and setting performance indicators
tualized a comprehensive yet easy to implement EnMS by orga- for periodic reporting of the energy performance of the enterprise.
nizing the ESAs, which are critical to energy intensive SMEs, into a Fig. 1 shows the EnMS conceptualized by integrating technical and
288 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Fig. 9. Modified piping layout.

Table 8
List of EnMS documents compiled in energy management manual.

EnMS Document Necessary records

Energy audit report Audit procedure, energy KPIs, benchmarks, schematic diagrams illustrating energy flows, process maps, audit results, list of
significant energy consumers
Action plan Energy-saving opportunities, corrective or preventive measures, role & responsibilities, timeframe, budget
Energy projects Energy objectives & targets, project boundaries, timeline
ESA Implementation status report Actions taken for ESA implementation, Team learning
Organization structure (with reference Names of current position holders (energy manager, energy coordinator, energy management team), duties of job holders
to EnMS)
Communication plan Purpose, channels and methods of internal communication
Competence/training/awareness Training need identification, training schedule, list of participants, duration
Management review Review procedure, frequency, review report, new energy-saving opportunities

Table 9
Energy-saving register

ESAs Energy Saving (GJ) Investment (USD) Final Impact Timeline

Estimated Actual Estimated Actual Estimated Actual Planned Actual

Piping layout and pipe-line size modification 2117 2115 4430 4500 41,159 41,124 2015-09-25 2015-09-30
Pre and after separator system design modification 1037 1,055 2,310 2,245 20,160 20,516 2015-09-30 2015-10-03
Operational changes in vacuum distribution 82 82 173 175 1,586 1599 2015-10-02 2015-10-05
Vacuum pump modifications 70 70 156 150 1355 1371 2015-10-04 2015-10-05
Total energy saved 3323 GJ/t
USD 64,610 @ USD 0.07/kWh

managerial ESAs into a four-step PDCA cycle. techniques, the framework offered a strategic approach to energy
The proposed energy management framework intended not management for energy-intensive enterprises, and, thus, ensured
only to encourage the implementation of ESAs in SMEs but also to executive management commitment right from the very
continuously maintain them, unlike in the past when they got beginning.
neglected in the absence of a feedback loop and the resource The effectiveness of the proposed EnMS got validated when the
constraints. Unlike the energy guides (Energy Star, 2013; mill under study recorded a 35% reduction in SEC of vacuum system
CarbonTrust, 2011), which promoted the best energy manage- (Figs. 10 and 11) after ESA implementation, which translated into an
ment practices across small, medium and large enterprises, the annual energy-saving of 3323 GJ/t. Additionally, a follow-up cycle
proposed framework aimed at building the key elements (such as of improvement (Fig. 12) not only demonstrated a ramp of
creation of energy management roles, definition and monitoring of continuous improvement (15.5% reduction in steam consumption,
KPIs and periodic review of energy performance) crucial of the and a cost saving of USD 26,900) but also reinforced the very
success for an energy management program meant for SMEs. premise that a strategic approach of ESA implementation is more
Further, in contrast to the standalone energy efficiency technolo- effective than arbitrarily following standalone energy efficiency
gies or quantitative modeling based energy optimization technologies and techniques. The illustration of substantial energy-
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 289

Fig. 10. Vacuum levels at application points (before and after implementation of ESAs).

savings by way of two cycles is more likely build confidence among

the target audience in adopting the proposed EnMS.
In sum, the study illustrated that in the SMEs for which energy
as the major part of the total cost, energy-saving efforts needed to
be integrated with the strategic management for continuous opti-
mization of energy consumption. Although the framework, in
general, is applicable for the energy management of SMEs oper-
ating in other energy-intensive industries as well (such as
foundries, cement, and textile), the nature of energy-saving op-
portunities and associated ESAs are bound to be different. In fact, as
illustrated in the case, the ESAs could be different for two different
cycles of improvement in the same enterprise. Nonetheless, for
enterprises similar to paper mills, emerging energy-efficient tech-
nologies (Hasanbeigi and Price, 2012) and quantitative modeling
based process and heat integration techniques (Marshman et al.,
2010) also offered significant energy-saving opportunities to be
Fig. 11. Reduction in SEC of vacuum system of PM. integrated into the PDCA process approach for continuous reduc-
tion in energy consumption.

Fig. 12. PDCA ramp of continuous improvement.

290 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

Fig. 13. Steam consumption of paper machines (t/t of paper produced).

Fig. 14. Schematic diagram of steam flow in PM1.

6. Conclusion to energy optimization in the energy-intensive SMEs are prescrip-

tive in nature, and lack a strategic orientation towards energy
The review of literature revealed that the prevailing approaches management (Posch et al., 2015). To fill this gap, this study
A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293 291

Fig. 15. Cause and effect diagram for higher SEC of steam system at PM1.

Table 10
Action plan for steam and condensate system optimization

Energy-saving opportunity Steam and condensate system optimization of PM1

Target To reduce the SEC of the steam system of PM1 by 15% in three months
(JanuaryeMarch, 2016)
Performance indicator Specific Steam Consumption
(measured in t/t)
Required investment USD 6970
Value of savings USD 26,900
Energy-saving activities 1. Replace the stationary siphons in all dryers with high-speed shoe type rotating siphons (for reducing condensate accumulate in the
2. Replace leaking traps (for minimizing steam wastage due to leakages)
3. Regular inspection of rotary joint seal (for minimizing steam wastage due to ineffective insulation)
4. Installation of steam trap based system (for reducing flash steam loss)
Time frame 1. Until January, 2016
2. Until February, 2016
3. Until February, 2016
4. Until March, 2016
Division & person 1. Maintenance & Energy team
responsible 2. Maintenance & Energy team
3. Production & Energy team
4. Maintenance & Energy team
Provision of expenditures Low-cost ESAs financed from the maintenance budget and high cost ESAs funded by the mill owner
Loss of work/production No

conceptualized a cyclic (PDCA) process based EnMS for the SMEs by the energy literature review represented a beneficial knowledge
integrating ESAs recommended in the energy literature. The pro- base for exploring the energy optimization approaches and
posed framework encouraged a continuous investigation of emerging energy efficiency technologies to improve their energy
energy-saving opportunities and associated ESAs, thus, enabling a management. Additionally, the study offered a generic framework
process based approach towards energy optimization. The paper for energy management, applicable to various industries in varied
mill case illustrated the successful deployment of the framework contexts. Although the nature of ESAs would vary for different in-
while building a ramp of successive improvement cycles through dustries, the framework illustrated the linkage of energy issues
energy-saving projects. It was found that the mill achieved signif- with strategic management for continuous reduction of energy
icant reduction in the energy consumption of vacuum distribution, costs. Practitioners in the pulp and paper industry should explore
and steam and condensate system of PMs after the completion of the possibility, and impacts of integrating the emerging energy-
two PDCA cycles. efficient technologies for identifying energy-saving opportunities
In terms of research implications for practitioners in industry, with the proposed framework. Application of some of the emerging
292 A. Prashar / Journal of Cleaner Production 145 (2017) 277e293

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