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Study Skills 12/7/20

Everything we do, we do with HEART and Conqueror Pride!

Finals Schedule (Prioritize the classes that you need to study for)
Tues. Dec. 15th Wed. Dec. 16th Thur. Dec. 17th
Periods 0, 1, 3, 7 Periods 0, 2, 4, 8 Periods 5 and 6
Journalism, English, Math Journalism, APUSH, Ren Anatomy, Gov

Blog: “5 Which study tip are you willing to try and why?
Study Tips for
Rocking Your I’m going to try clearing any distractions and focusing solely on my work.

Khan Academy “Guided Meditation” Activity

I took away the idea of being above your thoughts and in a clear mindset

Session 1 We talked about how meditation is helpful for calming your nerves.

Video Notes:
“Quizlet I took away the idea of using these virtual flashcards to test my knowledge.
Tutorial for

Video Notes:
“How to I took away the idea of singing your content so that it sticks better.
Memorize like
a Boss”

Session 2
We talked about the study skills we are going to implement this week.

“Life comes at us in waves. We can't predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf”
Dan Millman
This quote shows how we need to work with obstacles calmly since we can’t prepare for them.

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