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Applications of Focus Group

Depth Interviews
Projective Techniques
Other Qualitative Research Techniques
Analysis of Qualitative Data
Qualitative Research Software
Summary Illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research

Chapter 7 Descriptive Research Design: Survey and Observation

Learning Objectives
Procter & Gamble's New Marketing Platform: Everyday Low Pricing and Brand
Survey Methods
Survey Methods Classified by Made of Administration
Electronic Methods
Criteria for Selecting a Survey Method
Improving Survey Response Rates
Observation Methods
A Comparison of Survey and Observation Methods
Ethnographic Research
Other Methods of Descriptive Research
Summary Illustration Using the Opening
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research
Causal Research Design: Experimentation
Learning Objectives
Muzak: An Uncommon Remedy for the Common Cold
The Concept of Causality
Conditions for Causality
Role of Evidence
What is Experimentation?
Definition of Symbols
Validity in Experimentation
Extraneous Variables
Controlling Extraneous Variables
A Classification of Experimental Designs
Pre-Experimental Designs
True Experimental Designs
Quasi-Experimental Designs
Statistical Designs
Selecting an Experimental Design
Laboratory Versus Field Experiments
Limitations of Experimentation
Application: Test Marketing
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research
Chapter 9 Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling
Learning objectives
Scaling the Olympics
Measurement and Scaling
Scale Characteristics and levels of Measurement
Primary Scales
Selecting a Level of Measurement Nun Sale
A Classification of Scaling Techniques
Comparative Scaling Techniques
Constant Sum Scaling
Relationship of Measurement and Scaling to the Marketing Research
Summary illustration using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research

Chapter 10 Measurement and Scaling: Non comparative Scaling Techniques 302

Learning Objectives
Non comparative Scaling Techniques Result in an Incomparable
Hit Movie
Non comparative Scaling Techniques
Continuous Rating Scale
Itemized Rating Scales
Non comparative Itemized Rating-Scale Decisions
Multi Scales
Scale Evaluation
Choosing a Scaling technique
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research

Chapter 11 Questionnaire and Form Design

Learning Objectives
World Vision Imparts Donors a Vision for Caring
Importance of the Questionnaire
Questionnaire Design Process
Specify the Information Needed
Specify the Type of Interviewing Method
Determine the Content to Individual Questions
Design the Question to overcome the Respondent's Inability to Answer
Design the Questionnaire to Overcome the Respondent's Unwillingness to Answer
Decide on the Question Structure
Determine the Question Wording
Arrange the Questions in Proper Order
Choose the and Layout
Reproduce the Questionnaire the
Pretest the Questionnaire
Observational Form
Software for Design
Summary Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research

Chapter 12 Sampling: Design and Procedures

Learning objectives
Old Spice Red Invisible Solid Spices Growth in the Market
Sample or Census
The Sampling Design Process
A Classification of Sampling Techniques
Nonprobability Sampling Techniques
Probability Sampling Techniques
Choosing Probability versus Probability Sampling
Internet Sampling
Summary Illustrations Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics Media in Marketing Research

Chapter 13 Sampling: Final and Initial Sample-Size Determination

Learning Objectives
Sizing the Sample-Size Problem
Definitions and Symbols
The Sampling Distribution
Statistical Approach to Determining Sample Size
The Confidence Interval Approach
Adjusting the Statistically Determined Sample Size
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research

PART 3 Data Collection Analysis, and Reporting

Chapter 14 Fieldwork: Data Collection

Learning Objectives
Gallup's Galloping Fieldwork
The Nature et Fieldwork
Field work/Data Collection Process
Selection of Field-Workers
Training of Field Worker
Supervision of Held-Workers
Validation of Fieldworker
Evaluation of Filed-Workers
Using the Interest in Fieldwork
Summary illustration thing the Opening
International Marketing Research
Marketing research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research
Chapter 15 Data Preparation and Analysis Strategy
Learning Objectives
Database Awakens a Sleeping Giant
The Data Preparation Process
Questionnaire Checking
Data Cleaning
Constancy Checks
Variable Specification and Recoding
Selecting a Data Analysis Strategy
Summary Illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research
Software Applications

Chapter 16 Data Analysis: Frequency Distribution, Hypothesis Testing. and Cross-Tabulation

Learning Objectives
Consumers Consume Coupons
Frequency Distribution
Statistics Associated with Frequency Distribution
Variance and Standard Deviation
Introduction to Hypothesis Testing
A General Procedure for Hypothesis Testing
Statistics Associated with Cross-Tabulation
General Comments on Cross-Tabulation
Cross-Tabulation in Practice
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette
Marketing Research and Social Media
Software Applications

Chapter 17 Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing Related to Differences

Learning Objective
Loyalty Versus Promiscuity and Convenience Versus Price
Hypothesis Testing Related to Differences
One-sample t-Test
Testing Hypotheses for More Than Two Samples
Mears for More Than Two Samples
Summary Illustration Using the Opening Vignette
Marketing Research and Social Media
Software Application
SPSS Windows

Chapter 18 Data Analysis: Correlation and Regression

Learning Objectives
Regression Models Model the Marketing Strategy of Adidas
Product Moment Correlation
Regression Analysis
Bivariate Regression
Conducting Bivariate Regression Analysis
Multiple Regressions
Conducting Multiple Regression Analysis
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette

Marketing Research and Social Media

Software Applications
SPSS Windows

Chapter 19 Report Preparation and Presentation

Learning Objectives
Research Reports Make United's Friendly Skies Even More Friendly
Importance of the Report and Presentation
The Report Preparation and Presentation Process
Report Preparation
Oral Presentation and Dissemination
Research Follow-Up
Technology and Reporting
Summary illustration Using the Opening Vignette
International Marketing Research
Marketing Research and Social Media
Ethics in Marketing Research
Software Applications

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