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Shell Learning Generic LT

LT Team “generic”
Appreciative Inquiry into Generic LT’s core strengths

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Mar09 Shell Learning
Shell Learning Generic LT

Dreaming of the successful team

• An appreciative inquiry into the positive core

strengths of the <generic> LT

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Mar09 Shell Learning
Shell Learning
What is Appreciative Inquiry?
Generic LT

Appreciative inquiry vs the traditional “Problem-centric” approach

The task of organizational

leadership is to create an Problem Solving Appreciative Inquiry
alignment of strengths
in ways that make a
system s weaknesses “Felt Need” Appreciating and Valuing
Identification of Problem The Best of “What Is”
-Peter Drucker
Analysis of Causes
Envisioning “What Might Be”
Analysis and Possible Solutions

Action Planning Dialoguing “What Should Be”


Basic Assumption: Basic Assumption:

An Organization is a An Organization is a Mystery
Problem to be Solved to be Embraced

Source: Cooperrider, D and Whitney, D, “Appreciative Inquiry – A Positive Revolution in Change” Tao Institute Publishing, 2005, p. 14

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Shell Learning Generic LT

Appreciative Inquiry – 4D cycle

The four key phases of an AI process are illustrated in
Figure 1:
Discovery - mobilizing a whole system, multiple stakeholder
inquiry into the positive core;
Focus of this workshop Dream - creating a clear results-oriented vision in relation to
Discovery discovered potential and in relation to questions of higher
“What gives life?” purpose,
(the best of what is) (i.e., “What is the world calling us to become?”)
Appreciating Design - creating possibility propositions of the ideal
organization, articulating an organization design which
people feel is capable
of drawing upon and magnifying the positive core to realize
Destiny AFFIRMATIVE Dream the newly expressed dream;
“How to empower, learn
TOPIC CHOICE “What might be?” Destiny - strengthening the affirmative capability[i] of the
and adjust/improvise?” (What is the world calling for?) whole system enabling it to build hope and sustain
Sustaining Envisioning Results momentum for ongoing
positive change and high performance.

Design At the center of the cycle, is Affirmative Topic Choice.

“What should be--the ideal?” It is the starting point and most strategic aspect of any AI
Co-constructing process.
Selecting Affirmative Topics is an opportunity for members
of an organization to set a strategic course for the future.
AI topics become an organization’s agenda for learning,
knowledge sharing and action.
The topics selected set the stage for the 4- D process that
follows. They get written into questions that are the basis for
Discovery interviews.

Source: Cooperrider, D and Whitney, D, “Appreciative Inquiry – A Positive Revolution in Change” Tao Institute Publishing, 2005, p. 16
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Shell Learning Generic LT

Getting started: A leadership team process

I Personal discovery session pair interviews

II Identifying optimal experiences pair interviews

III In group – brining it all together / next steps…

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Shell Learning Generic LT

Appreciating our strengths – Pair Interviews (I)

There are many challenges, ups and downs to working together on a

Leadership Team:

• Think of a high point, a time when you were working on this LT (or another);
you faced aggressive goals - high staff growth, an ambiguous “sense of
urgency”, challenges in team and organisational “mindset or behavioural
change” - and you delivered; you succeeded:

- Describe the situation, who was involved and the results

- Describe the conditions or contributing factors which allowed you to

work well together

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Shell Learning Generic LT

Appreciating our strengths – Pair Interviews (II)

Take a moment and reflect:

2. What did you value MOST about your contribution to the team?

3. What did you value MOST about your colleague’s contribution to the

4 What are your 3 wishes to work together as an LT to “raise the game”
in [domain] to realise top quartile performance?

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Shell Learning Generic LT

Optimal Experiences – Large group

• What are some common themes which describe conditions and/or

contributing factors which allowed you to work well together?

• What stands out for you about what you valued most about the
contributions of others to this LT?

• What are the 3 Wishes for this leadership team in working together?

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Shell Learning Generic LT

Next steps/defining the roadmap: the LT Development plan

It’s now December 31, 20xx:

Looking back, what will you be most proud of having done

as an LT to fulfill your wishes?

Consequent Actions:
• What do we need to do together to deliver on our wishes as an LT?

• What are our priority actions? Who are Action Owners?

• How do we measure commitment?

• How do we hold ourselves accountable?

• How do we continue to value each other?

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Mar09 Shell Learning

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