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Key Points
A position paper is an essay that expresses a position on an issue. It gives arguments
that support the opinion of the writer based on the facts collected. Are you ready to express
your opinion? How to organize your position paper? Follow these easy steps to develop your
position paper. This outline helps you organize your paper as easy as 123.

You have to introduce the topic, and then provide history or background of the issue.
You may also describe the issue on-hand so do your research.

You have to state the opposing argument by briefly describing them. You may also
include details that support the opposing claim. Then, after writing the counter argument,
now write your argument and give your point of view. Provide evidence that support your
claim. Now you state your second argument followed by your third argument. Make sure to
provide details that support the argument given.

Now, you can restate both sides of the argument, summarize the three arguments
made in your essay. Lastly, provide a call for action.

is changing things.
Sometimes, we are so
enamored with all the
new gadgets and other
shiny objects; we scrape up a lot of money from our hardearned
savings just to make sure we have them lest we lag behind.
Technology does not only change things; it has transformed the way we lived and the
rate of change is accelerating. Consider the changes that have happened over the years. After
the years following the Civil War, there were a handful of technologies
that reconfigured existence.
Thomas Edison’s light bulb extended the working day and may have created the

The air-conditioner provided cool and comfort for hot and humid days and it pushed
us indoors all day, causing the reduction of our vitamin D levels.
The jet engine has shrunken distance but increased the scope of business as in
Radio and television spread information on massive scales which penetrated homes
and private spaces, and shaped culture.
Appliances sped up our tasks and chores but reduced our physical strength.
Computers reduced outdoor activities but, in its stead, created an industry called
fitness gyms.
Smart phones become the universal device for almost every technology application,
and at the same time have raised our stress and tension levels.
Social media has been able to bridge people from across the world yet has isolated the
people nearest them.
This is strange but it seems like the more social media one uses, the less social he or
she becomes.
Technology has now created new businesses that the world has never seen before.
Suddenly, YouTube stars that would ever have had the slightest opportunity to flash their
faces on the TV or movie screens and become overnight stars, and earn millions to the
consternation of their parents who still believe that they should get a “real job.”
Even the way I go to sleep and the way I wake up from my sleep has been altered by
technology. For the past two to three years, I have not physically set my alarm clock to the
time I need to get up to start the day. I have always said, “Alexa, wake me up tomorrow
morning at 6:15 a.m. to the sound of classical music.” And then, my A.I.-enabled cylinder
that I purchased from Amazon.com will respond: “Alarm set tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock
to classical focus on amazon music.” And it does.
Now, expect more of this to happen. More people will be talking to their devices.
Google home products, Apple’s Home pod, and Amazon’s Echo are all competing in this
field. This might pose as a challenge for people to be reminded that when they talk to
humans, they should still communicate with grace and respect. With machines, one can be
rude, impatient and be ill-mannered wanting to get the information we want but humans are
not machines. I can be awakened by Alexa with its classical music playing and in my still
foggy mind and half-wakefulness say, “Alexa, shut up: and it does stop. But can you imagine
me talking this way to my clients or my family?
Smart technology is now similar to media in its ability to shape our lives in a thousand
ways and in even more pervasive means. We have even witnessed the rise of fake news and
false content, and have seen how many young people have become bashers and bullies,
cussing and cursing in loud voices instead of improving their arguments through intelligent
conversations to the benefit of no one but perhaps, to a handful of marketing people whose
sole mission in life is to create noise, traffic, and click counts to raise up ad revenues for their
sites. Technology can diminish emotional intelligence as those who are immersed in it
become socially and emotionally lazy, thanks to all the screens in our lives.
Geoffrey Fowler already has a sinister name for this fake news and false contents in
social media as he calls it: “counterfeit reality.” I guess what has happened over the years is
that civilization driven by mass media and technology has replaced our preference from a
culture of character to a culture of personality.
Technology will not go away. It is not a passing fad. Businesses will be challenged,
jobs will possibly be replaced, and so we should learn it, know more about it and most
importantly use it for good and not as a means to justify the means and in many case….the

Famous book author and professor, Adam Grant, whom I had the privilege of meeting
and interviewing years ago says this beautifully:
“We could” – refers to the creativity we can employ through smart technology.
“We should” – refers to the ethical and moral decisions we need to consider in its
I am interested in technology developments. I am sure it will improve many people’s
lives, but the same materials can also be used to advance evil and harm. Therefore, we need
to be reminded that technology is moral-neutral. It is still the heart of the person using it that
matters. Use technology for what matters most and that is for the good — for everyone’s

Activity 1. Answer the following

1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology?

(State the writer ‘s position)
2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not?
(Helpful Tip : Useful Expression in agreeing or disagreeing with the views of others.
I agree with the writer’s claim that… I don’t agree with the authors ideas/
3. State the first argument of the writer?
The first argument of the writer is

4. What is the conclusion of the writer?

(Helpful Tip : Useful Expression in Drawing Conclusion Using the Work of Others
Based on the writer , a connection can be made between…or As a conclusion…)
5.If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology?
( Helpful Tip : Useful Expression in presenting your own point of view… I strongly
believe that... I think/contend that…)

Activity 2. Stating your Claims. Do you agree or disagree legalizing same sex
marriages in our country? Why? Why not?




Your claim is your position/stand on a particular issue, which is what you are going
to defend in your position paper. You should base your claim on what you can prove on your


The table below shows example of issues and its possible claims/stand or position.

SOCIAL MEDIA - Social media gives negative effect on
students’ academic performance.
- Social media is helpful to students.
LEGALIZATION OF DIVORCE - Divorce should not be legalized in the
- Divorce will help unhappy couples to give
themselves chance to love again.
BULLYING - Bullying affect students’ behaviour in
- Bullying will not affect students’ behaviour
in school.
SMOKING - Smoking should be banned in public places
- Smoking is a choice and people should have
freedom to do whatever makes them happy.
HOMEWORK - Homework should be mandatory to students.
- Homework gives students less time for
recreation and family time.

To be able to defend your own stand on an issue, you have to take note of the following:
 Clearly identify the issue that you believe is affecting you and your
community. You can have 2 or more issues.
 From the issues that you identified, take on a side that you can defend.
 Given the issues that you chose, identify other concepts or ideas that you can
associate with the issues.
 Formulate statements that will express your stand towards the issues. These
statements may convey the message that the issues are having negative effects on
people and the community.
 Gather factual evidences to support your arguments regarding the issue. This evidence
may be taken from official statement of the government agencies, political leaders and
academic authorities.
 Make sure that your statements are strong enough to convince or persuade your
readers into action to address the issue.

Activity 1. What I can Do. From the issues in the chart below, defend your stand by writing
a position paper with the intention of convincing your reader to support your stand.


Activity 2. Know your Stand. On a one whole sheet bondpaper/yellow pad, write a three-
paragraph essay stating your position on the use of social media in education, will you
consider it as a beneficial or not?

(Write your own title)

Introduction: (In the introduction part you should capture the reader’s attention, define the
issue given and state your claim.)

Body: (State three arguments then cite the evidence supporting your arguments)

Conclusion: (This part includes restating your claim, summarizing reasons and explaining
why your stand/ claim is worthy to read)



LESSON 3: The Reports, Survey Questionnaire and Methods of Administering It

The Various Kinds of Reports

Reports are more likely needed for business, scientific and technical subjects, and in
the workplace. They are of different types and they differ in their aims and structures.


1. Survey Report It is written after getting data To collect people’s responses
from the survey. or answers about a particular
issue or topic.
2. Laboratory or Scientific It is commonly called lab To present results or findings
Technical Report report. It is written in a from experiments.
formal and organized
3. Field Report It is sometimes called trip To describe and analyze a
report. systematic observation.

Among these types of reports, survey is the most popularly and widely used as it is
the easiest way to gather information about any topic or issue from a big number of people or

Survey Questionnaire
It is a data gathering tool having set of questions used in a survey and is utilized in
various fields such as politics, research, marketing, media and so on. It is intended to gather
data, views, opinions and others from individuals or a particular group of people.
It is an important method used in order to collect the necessary information that will
benefit the people and the community.

Methods of Administering a Survey

Administering a survey calls for a more systematic way in order to achieve the aims
of a certain survey conducted. The following methods are introduced by Sarah Mae Sincero.

1. Personal Approach
This involves the person himself/ herself conducting the survey.
a. Face-to-face Structured Interview
The interview is set personally and the people involved face each other in order to
gather the necessary information. Questions on the survey are asked directly to the
respondent by the researcher.

b. Telephone Survey
The survey is done using telephone or cellular phones. The calls are made to ask
individuals on particular questions. This method can be used for asking consequential

2. Self- administered Approach

In this type, the survey is administered by the researcher himself/herself.

a. Paper- and - pencil Survey

This is a traditional method wherein the respondents who are usually not computer
literate must be present in the administration of the survey.

b. Online Survey
This is a useful technique that will cater to a big sample size coming from different

c. Mail Survey
This popular tool requires an easy administering of the survey where survey
questionnaires are mailed to individuals who are given enough time to read and ponder on the
information asked.

Activity 1. Let’s Complete It. As you analyze the information above, complete the given
table with what you think of the advantages and disadvantages of each method.


1. Face to Face
Structured Interview
2. Telephone Survey
3. Paper and Pencil Survey
4. Mail Survey
5. Online Survey

Should and Not Should of a Survey Questionnaire

Concise and easy to understand questions lead to a successful survey. Thus, a well
-designed survey questionnaire will ensure an effective data and information gathering.
A survey questionnaire should be well – constructed so that the respondents could
read carefully and understand thoroughly and be motivated to complete it.

Therefore, a questionnaire…

1. Should use words that have clear meaning.

The questions should not be vague and difficult to comprehend so that the
questionnaire will not be left unanswered.

2. Should cover all possible options.

The respondents should just be given at most five ranking options and should cover
all so that they will not be tired of choosing a lot of options which do not give the choices
they look for. If this will not be observed, this will lead to an abandoned questionnaire.

3. Should not ask two or more questions in one sentence.

The question should focus on one topic or item at a time so that the respondents will
not be confused which to answer and what to choose.

4. Should provide an out- option.

The survey should give the respondents the option to choose “Does not apply “ or
“None” for questions they do not feel answering.

5. Should consider appropriate time reference.


Respondents could not easily recall past long experiences and be doubtful as to the
exact measurement or time they spent.

6. Should have a clear question structure.

Survey questionnaire should follow the three parts: the question stem,
additional instructions and response options so that the respondents will not be confused what
to answer or choose. This will result to unreliable gathered data.

7. Should have open specific response options.

The respondents should be guided on what to choose. So the survey should provide
specific options to choose from so that respondents will not be confused in answering.

8. Should not have any bias or prejudice.

Questions should be objective and lead to an honest answer. The respondents should
not be lead to a biased option that they may fail to give their truthful response.

9. Should not include too personal or too embarrassing questions.

Questions should be gender and culture sensitive so that the respondents may not feel
awkward or embarrassed in giving their responses.

10. Should avoid double negative questions.

Double negatives may occur when respondents are asked of their agreement on a
certain issue. This should be avoided so that the respondents ‘response will be clear and

11. Should outline instructions or directions clearly and understandably.

Clear instructions will lead to positive, appropriate and clear answers. If
respondents are clearly asked and told what to do, they will also foster positive attitude
towards answering the questionnaire.
Activity 2. Let’s Fill It Up. Using the example questions, analyze each using the guidelines
on what should or should not for effective questions. Be able to determine whether the
question is effective or not (mark check). Then provide the reason of your answer.


1. What medium of
communication you
will use to become
updated with the
Magazine or
2. What is your most
usual means you use to
become updated with
the events?
Magazine or

3. “Have you been to
an out of town trip
4. Give your age on 1st
June 2019 _______
5. “ Are you against a
ban on marijuana?”


A Survey is one of the best ways we will know and understand the people’s choices,
attitudes, or feelings on certain issues. We will be able to determine the reactions of the
respondents and based on the survey results, we could design some possible actions to be best
done, or a solution to a problem, or a remedy to a disease or an answer to a question.


There are three steps in conducting a survey.
1. Decide on a four or five option survey question. Then make a tally chart
having its heading and appropriate title.
The question should follow the guidelines of making an effective survey
question. Formulate questions that address to the aim and need of the research. The question
should be clear, concise and efficient. The heading and the title should reflect the focus of the

2. Conduct a survey then tally all the answers.

In conducting a survey, ethics should be observed. You should be polite and show
respect to the respondents. You should maintain a friendly atmosphere so that respondents
may not feel so intimidated. Make sure all answers are noted. Plan for a more systematic way
of tallying.

3. Count the answers marking the item having the least to the greatest tallies.
Then make a graphic representation of the results.
Be careful in tallying so you should observe accuracy and honesty. Results can be
presented using any graphics. Most commonly used are charts and organizers. Choose the
most appropriate graphics that best represent the result of the survey.

NOTE: When you will conduct a survey, you should write a letter of consent. In the letter
you should also emphasize that the information given by the respondents/participants will be
held with utmost confidentiality.

Activity 3. It’s Your Turn.

A. Give five of your family’s favorite past time activities. Rank them according to the
frequency of engaging in it. Number them 1,2,3,4,5.

B. Ask each member of

your family to give
his/her rank of favorite
past time activities you listed in A. Just add rows to include all other members of the family.
(Please follow the given example below.)

C. Then tally or
count how many chose
each activity.

D. Illustrate a bar graph (similar to the given example) to show a graphic representation of
your survey results. Give the appropriate data you gathered from your survey. Make sure to
show the favorite pastime activities and their ranks.

Activity 4. Let’s Get Involved in the Real World. You have experienced doing survey in
the classroom. Now it is the best time to go out and venture in the world of world.

A. Design a survey questionnaire that will gather some of the residents’ values
and opinions on certain important issue in your community.
B. Following the guidelines of constructing a survey questionnaire, make five questions.
C. Conduct a survey in your respective community. Interview SIX residents from each group
category below:
(Parents of)
0 - 5 years old 19 - 39 years old
6 - 11 years old 40-60 years old
12 - 18 years old 61 – and above
D. Then devise your own method in tabulating the gathered answers to your five survey
E. Graph the results and choose your own format. (YOU MAY USE OTHER
F. Write a one - paragraph explanation stating your findings of the survey.

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