Baya 3104.midterm2

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As members of the Academic Community, students are expected to be honest,

responsible, to doing their own work. Taking ideas or words from the others or in the
internet is an act of dishonesty and will result in a failing grade on the paper or
assignment and possibly other disciplinary actions. 

Remnant Kane A. Baya

Signature over Printed Name


1. Write an opening paragraph for the most interesting news that you have recently
read or watched.

 The House of Representatives House Bills 6930 and 6931, requiring

parents and graduating high school and college students to plant trees will
resume its third and final reading on Wednesday.

2. As a promising journalist, how should you write the opening paragraph of your

 As a journalist, in opening my paragraph for articles, I am going to start

with a brief introduction and use a stat or fact to convey importance. And
the I am going to refer to a concern or problem your readers might have.

1. How will you address the tourist’s complaint below?

Customer: Ms. Tour guide, why do we have to wait for so long to be served in this
restaurant? Don’t you have a better option for your tourist? Is there only one
restaurant around here? My gosh! It’s taking us too long!
 Some important things that we should always remember in dealing with
some irate costumers is to listen thoroughly with their concern, show
sympathy and empathy, then give a little bit of assurance. We can
something that could divert their attention like entertaining them while on
the process of waiting. As a tour guide we know that there’s always option
B or another plan if ever the first one didn’t work.


1. Create your Personal SWOT Analysis

Directions: Imagine you are going to apply any position you wish to apply in a corporate

a. Assess yourself first by listing your potentials, capabilities, talents, skills to

improve in a draft.
b. Edit and proofread your work. You may write the items in phrases. Observe
parallelism in writing the items,
c. Use the matrix below to plot your own SWOT.


I am good in Sometimes I forgot I have enough People might take
leadership. I know that I must also experience when it advantage your
how to lead other become a good comes to leadership at times.
people. follower. leadership that
could help in
growing and bring
other people to
I am hard working. I I over work Most of the times I People might
always want to help sometimes that I work hard that right depend on you
others. tend to forget that I after I finish my most of the time
also have my limits. task that was given, because you’ve
I tend to offer help been too helpful to
to others. them.
I am patient. I am Sometimes as I We all know that You might forget
silently and focused on with perseverance, some of your
patiently reaching patiently waiting hard work and priorities.
my goals in life what I want. I tend patience we can
to forget some of somehow gain
my priorities. success and that’s
what I’m good at. I
can patiently wait
for my right
moment to move
and acquire my
own success.
I know how to I’m a stress eater. I I can easily I might get sick
manage stress. eat too much manage stress because of the
sometimes. because I know on improper lifestyle
how to control it. through eating too
much just to avoid


1. Making the Resume

a. Choose one job related to your field and make a print resume for that
b. Create also a scannable version of the print resume.

 See attached file.


1. Write an application letter for the resume you made in the previous topic.

 See attached file.

2. Explain the relevance of this topic to your career.

 This topic is relevant because this will be very useful for us students in our
future carriers. It will help us practice the right way of communication in
every way that it’s supposed to be. From speaking properly to writing our
resumes and application letters correctly. This will help us develop a skill
in communication that will somehow bring us to success someday.

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